1p MMjni . -. l4aflnaMMaZ4ik!i , - v.-; W } w ^ >Bs&i \aft $ ; - . *> ' . r. v *t; ^ ' ' ". \ H ;'-* '& ;V "fa I ! - ' - :'; ^ 4 " * * } i' Tdlae Margaret Lanier, secretary ?C.: ia thcL press division of the office of 'L facta and figures, displays wveo new government posters released through | > . Is Japan Treaing ' . American '_ Prisoners Badly ' \1 Are They Being Used As Laborers? * The office of facts and figures today made the following announce I .t: )? . > r . .Tt, Ls the settled policy of the roternment to announce, as soon as possible, all authenticated evidence con< corning the reatroent and the condllion of living of United States prisoner* of war and interned civilian* In enemy territory. As part of thli policy, the offlde of facta and flgurei Is.making public excerpta from t i'" radio broadcast by a Japanese ad mlral, "who described treatment o *. some of our prisoners of war _ con 1 'Atrary to all International agreemen and all humanity. * i ...V* The Japanese broadcast said t?ta MUGGS AND SKEETE1 \; i '. Itbacher asked rjr, M6TDO?5/WKff1>cKAR r three . rj3 vjeae < a ? 4sz. gave the ; w/^. * C -WR(ONG'ANSWER!y ? r ' " Tins f ^ jfl mk, ,iher bureau. ' I ' The posters emphasize the friend; i ship dountries ? allied against the i axis. They will be widely rtlRtrlhnfed 1 - r .. i United States prisoners of war were t being forced to do manual labor and . were beaten wltb ropes to make them I work harder. The office of facta and figures cautions that this evidence differs from reports of neutral observers who have been permitted to Inspect prisoner conditions in a limited portion of Japanese territory. The office of facta and. figures also cautions that the Japanese broadcast was designed for home listening and might have had a domestic propaganda purpose. Nevertheless, the information is disclosed, in accordince with the policy . of announcing all authenticated evli dence relating to prisoners of war i and Interned civilians. ? The broadcast statement, which i was recorded by a United Nations - radio listening post, was from Rear f Admiral Uitsuo Matsunaga, who was - addressing a gathering of Japanese 1 ??"?? " JIIOIIOCIIUI" trip-by plane from.Mnrdh 3 to March t 30 In which he vlBlted all the "south* OW!!" }| WHV, EVERVBOQV C hOO KNOWS THE TVtR.EE } rt-NMTT! MEAjM REA.DIM-, )' " : :ESS^HI : ImPiS a< Hrfl. } m Ml 1 of I I ** v - 're -. . si - n U.,- st ^ L . 84 I > ; v ' .'l . P< n connection with President Roose c* relt's recent proclamation that Flag O! lay, Juile 14. is to he a day of tri- n Date to all of the united nations. tl rn countries" under control oL the * Japanese. Special visits were made,' It was said* to the Philippines and the Islands of the Netherlands East Judies. Matsunaca Is Identified on the Japanese navy lists aa a former aircraft' carrier commander. - HI* statement follows: ' V ,'?L. "What kind of work are American I prisoners from the Houston engaged In in this sector/ They are engaged In the work of filling the holes of the airfields. They are engaged on comparatively easy jobs. There are many who are suffering from hunger becaus? they are not used to Japanese type food and there are*, gome who, get very lazy because of the extreme heat. "Those who do not do their part are beaten by the Japanese guards, who are placed on watch on a ratio of about one guard for 100 prisoners. Those who are hard to handle are severely beaten with rope which is similar to rope lifted by sailors. Recause of the pain the lazy Americans < C. ' ' )anville's New iabitual Drunk )rdinance Invoked Gibson Farley, Danville, Va., has urned the distinction of being the rst beneficiary under the habitual runkard rehabilitation program. He Parted a 60*lay term on the city irm after pleading guilty lb polled >urt to Intoxication. He had a long st of prior convictions. Farley leaded with the - magistrate not to pply the new ordinance "until the ext time" but Magistrate Carter >mmltted him. The theory is that working In the elds for two months aud spending ost of his time out of doors with 3equate and regular food, he will ?orlente himself aud will be epiritully fortified against what1 the law rids is his. principal falling. . Household Hint ' Straw hats, both men's and wornfs, should be brushed occasional. Use a soft brush for the fine, nooth weave straws. For ordinary ?ugh-weave strawb use an ordinary ean whisk brush. If caught In the iln while wearing a straw hat, unlap the'brim, and see that the hat properly shaped while drying. \r Rattlesnakes may use their rattles i a call during the mating season, wording.to aorae scientists. A favorite drink of underweight uropeans is ginger ale aod milk, Ixed half and half. mtlDue the work with expressions ! suffering on their faces." .- , The navy department has announ d that no communication has been tcelved from.the U. S. S.^ Houston nee the battle of the Java sea^Feblary 27 and February 28. .> The most recent report..- by .the ate department,'released on May 22, lid that on the basis of statements om neutral observers In places here Investigation had been permljtd by the artny, ' our enemies ap?ared to be abiding by the Geneva invention on treatment of prisoners f war. However, the state .departlent report specifically' explained lat It had been impossible, "bedsuse 0R'NK{&3fi Bottled under avttiority Greensboro Coct >n ?-I r i , ..t ' ^;rv . ... . \ -iy soshh djd^t y rr SE COOI.OX ?CK?OV/!!- I f ?&'>*&/?."SiTr'&rrf of the refnnal of Japan* to wot ml observers, to obtain first: band Information concerning the 4> treatment of prisoners of war held < in the Philippines, In parts of occi^ pled China, In llong Kong. Malaya '-c'and the Nethelands East Indies. McADEN'S ', DRY CLEANERS ? j I For Prompt Service Dial 9176 jj 851 South Ajihp Shoot . . R. J. JEFFRIES ' ' Hours 9-12 o'CIoek Every Hay Ire Cream. Candies, Sandwiches, Soft Drinks and Beer | 959 E. Washington St. Phooe 9325 *^ MORROW DRUG STORE Phone 7981 (or) 9312 i? 813 East Market Street . ?... . MACQir_ Beauty College ' Register Now for a1 v" 1 "> COMPLETE BEAUTY COURSE Reasonable'Priee and Convenient Terms For Information Write S\ E. D. LONDON, Pres. . 800 E. Sycamore St Greensboro, N. C. ... r. PHONE 3-3527 When-BETTER SHOE Repairing Is Done. R. H. Fuller Will Do It t.t ..--r- ; FULLER'S SHOE SHOP V a >...>. i: 611 E. Market, Greensboro, N. C I-4' -: ** .H hj.W* .?-:** : ; * jmj...: ~. , 'y ;,y rt ,*->? '' fK Everything for the Home on Easy Terms at . _ i Ti^SSSLtBmto ' \ Phone 4107-8 > . {. : r , r' 121 No. Elm SL " 'X T-v_ ?? ???? 3Hpl IkDI-MAtK' . '** *, v *" of Tho Coca-Cola Company by l-Cola Bottling Co. t . .. i '' By WALLY BISHOP ..REGISTEWNG.... 1 T