's ffiktxf. Up With the Tim - vot- l NO. ?i pp^iogr^phical * Governor J. M. Bro > 4 '; Frinknh cwbty,' lfllO-l^i?*/ ^^ /'. '; J: B?porter^oo ataf f- pC \\y.l iwtoo-Salem Joura^d.cl urine sprin* ahft wnmmer. of. 1912^ >tv?V *'. . >." i,; S peel ?1^pure* In .-1 h w) at H a rvard 1 jwmmlttee of wa V<-qe*Jtjftiy-ijpi'4-1 tun?, ;y i ^>reBlikao? \ Rai?i^V.<^m$?r jStf s- Rites for Miiy^^ '. Gilmpr Held "At-;.. , [' . ' .Higiir Street Church -' <*^H gft^l K-5 =-;.*, * Sr." v? URE - V>T>. - CBEBfr rA I m i If <: Mi v H v w*\ H * ^ r - > , -fae** , .r'v', V ;/; Greensboro,?That 1b la tbe.resptnvj jalbltltyiof every .American'civilian to i see to It that the. soldiers?-of derooe-' ' ' ? ^ ,*?*..< ./ * - i raqy baye the necessary aqrdbmenL to * carry the war to a ?ucceasial coitelup i* ' ' ' slon was the opinion'expreaed" by J. L paf^ment'at^A.'/sud T.*"" ddll^|teci*^| ! .Wbltteo, of the United .States d? > f-'v.- jT ' ?- '..'A V-vvVT.'11 1 The speaker exhorted members of \Ae^winjmerjjiho^ 1 i or uwlr Immidlitp -^inon)': ~T7^J^~rn~A ?THE? ! 01 ISBORp. N. C, SATTRPAY. JULY 1 "America Be Strong Day^ At Bennett College Governor Broughton To Be There > : aVS>. r1? -. Plans-an; In the makinfe far "America Be ;?tro?ii Day* atB&uctt.-Oo^ lege July 12, with suchdlgnltarfe* as Governor J/ M.. Brou^ton,', Mayor Wj H. SolUyan; and an; Ohio.nwatojjplqa a 50-100. Voice-choir, to'be re* crulted frqn?Vrtte various "church choirs ?uid choral groups of the city, under the direction of Mr. F. M.'Ggtlln,' yt the "Bennett Coliegeftouaic department. " ",-v.?>. 'J t' /"i. > >...r? ..v.wuT > . V - r&r ' - -- ^ ^-Bennett college, | e*er alert, .gears its program to'roeet current problem^ so that'-foc the past toree^ weeks, pe tentlal home-makers, teachers, ao<^al workers and nurses hare been studyIng^'technlqpM 'for ' social action which will' prepare them to better safeguard the home front. This huge rhriy will come as a culminating acr Ifvl'ty of the Bennett!college summer jH^ltute which' emphasized , child >eaith and community leadership. ^t6day^more than"" ever Apetlca' k^;^nsdentlou^ i i^bqrifrwi, Just kk. bSporta^t~ In K^jrTfcft? Mfl tho war/ffopt, niuat i^^^eeryed at all coat, beginning Hth>t?e children, A mpre determine^ : flCTort to''guide' thjem',into the* *lghf hahneis *tojnccms nfcfor If tbejchjltr? hf O^patlon-.ar^ Delected, aq' l^?^m^dly. In dan*** of being, hen w -ljorpthy rMi^aays, the.lUb ! loq.wllf.be saved for a gang of hoodums with no appreciation for the ' worthwhile things oflife. The- wholehearted participation In he. program'of-minlaterR and. their 'origegafjotis, schools, social, clyl^ and toliticU organisations, and eyer^-cltl^ sen of Qrqensboro,' anjl surround!nit ridnlties la being sought as a* means >f maintaining the high'morale neoesisry 'for" a"1 vl ctorj J at., home"', and Ibrom.. '? f _ \ 'S}'u i'-*i Metropolitan Trio Appears At A. and T. CotDege >'*>'. ?- .! . ' Grjetmboro^-rFwculty *" ati^ student body of the A. and T. College summer school Jieanj gn exceptional pualral program when^be.Metropolitan" Trio appeared "at the eolfege"! -Thursday. July12.. - \ V' ; ,'*P , lb?. D)ay'"C of "Allegro cpn Brio/* .by Brahma, which opened the. program. It could be readily aeen that, thorn musicians were masters of theirreBpecfe?ev!t?*rtruinenta, the Violin. the piano addf.the 'eella .The program' '-r? ITU x, m? ~ Asa Sims, Gar^pjv'l Club Specialist, Speaks At A. & T. J ?rfsopst>pr?s N. C^~T^e fplflt pt and oocf one starts Ratifying Jils garden, hf W? ..home school andjotber object* around him.* declared A*a Sims,-garden;club sp<*clallet, Hampton Institute, Hamptop, Val^who spoke in the.lnltla} meeting of the Garden club lnsUti|te^#t 'A. and T. College laat I* ' - 3 > ". >'?" ,f- '/i-i ,Tpe Institute. field Its meetings from Jape 29 t(^uly J, purine w^lch timp it LeltT1 iiicct'lnjfB .nt A. and T. College, Joc?borQ ^cb^:i^l Shlloji Baptist church, r y4th v Jj^BlinaC and Harold ^llliam^ ^the departxwM^ of ! fcoi^idtui^ ^Hampton Jnatltpta, conducting, ,, ' 'W' - J fevSJP The. Institute was' welcomed to.X. and T- Collegeby Dr. 'fi1. p. Blp^pnjy vital. f^ik^ViXK^atlon jof flowers^ 4tlie i^'lhenrrauge-, FpwJ landnciipln, he enumerated fjve eaaeiiUal obi?ery^|loiis*: the tram big of'..tb? laDdMcap^^vdth tr^e^j^e pj^c^ of jwfes and drlv?'1 leading, VtO^jthe b&j^^be arrangement 'ab^f" variety fieloeqr? of the flower bed, add. the ^penlawn. *" . "--' Y1:>. Mr. wnflama * enumerated some steps In a ,'flve yeiar ' beaurtfharton plan .t&lcfc,' were aa foljowa: ^ ..The. making ?of a ,blueprint aTtthe-.yard. tbg propagation) of woody ' plants eHTljr, the necessity of starting on the lawn In the faD; and. the maintenance of lber"project after Jf_ has .nearly 'matured. r$ *h\vr > '2b-.*. '- 'V -vu**".. IvThe hJghllght.'of the Institute vraq <"*' (Continued''On ?'Fage Eight) ... * Rebecca CranptoQ*. Injured When Cut With Knife . P ' , ' r' v ' : v : Condition Regarded As SeriqusSatiirday' ... Rebecca : Compton,Kfegro woman Gpjvi oijmer street, was In, a serious condition today ?t .L.' Rldhardson Memorial- hospital with ^ a knife-wound near her heart, and Ida Mae Ryrd. 205% North 'Gilmer, la he lng held In tlty Jail for Investigation In connection /with the cutting which allegedly took place ilt,207%" North Gilmer. ' v -C 1 '^Police reported .that th? Coiuptor wirmian ~su?/ered 'a*^ cut 'about foin I qche^ Jong under the heAxt^apa ho* y>ltal ?ttche?^al-,^||IWM1 froiia ?. Richardson Memorial after.reC^Vlm etoet^eocy .'-tr^iitTOent for abdominal wounds, allegedly Inflicted Vlth, a knife.1 ... ., . % Cegrf The Future Outlook! | IBK y * rfV",: flUCE; 5t Mr. Mitchell Speaks At A. & X. Coliege P1 7 Green*bora.?Student? and faculty of A. and J. Oojlfge hf?rd three In- \ foresting programs which were prewWk.", John W. Mitchell. Negro state farm J., i.:..yv.'-.>? * ^ -X I nfl I m I I' BHBi BIHh : hall I solved when the leased Is taught Vrefefc^ that malnutrition exists. TaVe action,t^vi^ ddnj^ septed at the oojfep* this tt^nrow-i^^Sgv The; prot^^odad songm, work1 aunga^ aenti' > ' ?->< ?t Nocho Pobi Features Classes in Sjvimmmg W. S". C/S: C?Jnference>L /fjaR Convenes At'Bennett It 'Was ?uoobn<^llil^.,b;^l^^^ i- K.Parker," Assistant". director reatlqn^ln. .charge of. INegro, jIlylgJob'^Kv. > of the Recreation commission, vth^^A*4 an intense program of learn-t??inKiM^' activities tflli he. featured at 'tMM I Nocho Park , fool at .the Wlnd?wl9x. Community center for the remaliMjS^yfifif of the summer. It was stated.: thafiMBe many members of- tlie -*-conyamni i have, >olced the need for Negro