. | >,'Ketp Up With the Tim, NT J,TOL.: I. ;'WO. ? - i" - I ?Make America Rally Held mmamm ?Mre. Boltoni Also iC" Shares Program . ;. j' J.'. , .1 ' vVwEJf Importance of Joter-racLal aolhevAmerican people A|?b ilWi in a 'patriotic roily >;? vtinerlt* - fttroof?T day asBM6??$si "V-pot; J-s Melvllla -^B roaj& t ao of; No rib ' C^OoroUiia and^ Representative Frances r",^yfromt?Q>e^22nd "district PrtoMiwl ?akW v,* ri*rr^ 'Aa3erlca Be Strong* rally -'College* summer ' v" t*aOtirtes lo a'-close and at11 the same )^tlmO"'derobostT?tea the solidarity* of Li fo fd cou n ty cttl O- aenfl around the common ideate of our national 'life,"''said'- Dr. ijavid 'D: JoDfa president, of the college in dev serlbjng the pyrpoee of the meeting. GbVernbr Brought on, who' is one of ' the south'*. broade^ minded - cltiien*. '> waa born Id Vorihi,.Carolina. and- has ^ had- varied barter .'He has served "* a^pr^dDs^pf^ju^^scbool, "***" &'7paper reporter? pnwtee of -college anfl V librlrj;' and : Superintendent of, SunL day.BK^boi* kniT teacher kof men's Bl-ei ^Ueves that 'bvelnthe south have to Chang.;- ^u rway of 'living.*'! ?. i*\ \ ' ; ?> An - interesting phase of.'the program was the presentation of :twn original aklts highlighting the areas covered during the six week perlbd of training. The child health institute .' cast! Included: Mrs.- Ellav V.: Griffin, ^-Boxbury, Mass.;'Mrs. Alma McRae, . Hamlet,' N. 0.; Dr. Muriel- Petlonl, "v.KeW'.Tori; clty; Miss Ruth Skelton -and Mr. jethro Ancrun of Greensboro, The Community . Leadership work' (Continued On Page 81x) v - fe : ; ? ? Sang Here;'; f Sunday-;/ ?? / ' - y| I vr;'-' | 1 Ai diw bresk^cvsr the Atlxnt .; / ?d it* survivor*. Part of tU pi POD MWmj from their sinking rm \ " .V-:. ; Rev. Mr. Anderson, Celebrates His' Third Pastorship .' - ~~ ~ I_ * Tuesday?FraternaT "Night I 8 :30 P. Jt: Greetings, from- various frar *.w- ' r * '' : ternal organizations. Mualc?rDalighter Elks Choir.C Sponsors':- Deacons, .-<-* pit 1 1 Trustees, Ushers, Deaconesses Boards... Wednesday?Sermon 8 :30 P.- M.-^Iter. W. If. -Johnson, pastor' New Zlon ^Church,' Music by his choir. Sponsors: PhilHthea Class. Pastor's Aid,'Home Mission Circle. ' ' > ' ff' r 1 jr- ? ? . Thursday?Civic Night 8:80 P. M. ?.Mr. L. R. Russell, master of ceremonies. Greetings from the Business and Professional groups. Music? Bethel A. M. E. Church Cospel Choir. - Sponsors: Sunday School. B. T.'U., Cbolr. ... ' Friday?Sermon.8:30 P. M.?Rev. J. T. Halrston. Pastor Shlloh Bap, tlst Church,-Music by his . Choir. Sponsors: Joy "Club, Ever Ready ; Chorus, Matron's Guild. .'Sunday?11:00 A- M.-^-Sennoo by the Pastor. 3:00 P. Anniversary Sermon. Rev. Vf. F.-Elilott, Pastor First Baptist Chnrch, High Point, N. d, Music by . his Cbolr. 7:45?Evening Worship.. : '*?>V? .' Monday?8:30 P. M. ?Reception. ! Mrs. William P. Hoi . Speaks On "Role o . Mr*. Hobby deliver* address ; r: before Institute on The Hole of ' Vj; Our ^FeAeral,'Government" held ; * under .auspices! of Non-Partisan - . ..Council' of Public Affairs of jr V.AIpha Kappa Sorority,/ Howard | university, Washington,'D. C-. >. -Monday, July . % The_ entire text j 'of the addrcos^fonows -jjgg t 1 nj.tr''JV* "iv lyjjjSSl' -?THE? n I - - - ENSBOBO, Nj-C, SATURDAY, JUL^I Pirn. SpoS Atlai k an sriny bomW patroIliaglki ceaitai u>*'? wing eea ba asan at tba right la a wtL . After summoning aariaaa craft to v it ?a a bout far tba nb tbat sank tha ahi ' - ' ? i v --.'v r ' . ' * . y - Miss Carol Brice i <, Slu^. Is ofV >, *1',' , . Charlotte :H> Brown f- ; Mlw Ctro) Rrlce,_ a native of Sedalla, 7^. C4'; the.-daughter, of Re*. . r * V . v ' .. John Brlce, .vice president of Palmer Memorial Institute; and cousin of Charlotte Hawkins Brown, founder and president of.the same Institution,was guest soloist-at the huge patriotic ralyi' "Make-America Strong," at Bennett college Sunday, July 12. -* rMljn Brlce Is a.graduate ofTalladega college where:. she - studied voice under Prank Harrison. Afta-^ graduation she won a fellowship to study. at the Jollllard graduate school of music. While there she became, upon the rtJcommefidation/of Harry T. Burleigh, a member and soloist of the fashionable St George's Kplsco pal church of New York city. Miss Brlce Is a' young singer of great promise,. with a rich, full contralto voice." * #^ v, . She opened the meeting with "The Star.Spangled Banner" and followed Mrs.j Bolton's address - with . "God Bless America.". i" - * The state emblem of Utah la the beehive?adopted as a symbol nf'lndustty by the ?Mrmon'pioneers. '.'s >by> Director WAAC f Our, Government" For the, part; week.jone of -your preat. ]eadera;; and? onejof. my good friends.* haft "beeti 'wrorklnE * at* my side.,!c!ylpR ..ipe^e' b^eflt of'her kind counsel. In.the flhal selection of the 40 outstanding Ij'^ro Women who will go 1o the WAACV Officer candidate-school afFort Dee Molnee, two weeks from today,VJuly "20. I refer, ?fVcours^ leader^ named 05 tie -ad I fcood^work* thanJ hnTo" t ? Ilfa^Bettrooe, /wlWi^aeVirOd aa .ape 1, dal'^ccfwoltant,. ihtf! secretary^-,o t r - .* ' tOqntlnoed Op Page Throej" *" ?. ";'""v"r "eg ^H-'* ,.* ^B . * : ..- -u -r > *" ^^K!^H* :'*i - ^B ? ^B Ifc" IMi y;; ? ' '? *,--:-ft .'.n' ; '}. iWisi f&ii&jmfilQ&gS* ?$?*?%& ngn^..-^ &?*. .- **'?? 13? lifeboet (i*xfax}?Bf iOtriror*; SrajE'. ?mm the jm^rtoTS," the bomber ^VSKiJ - ' mmm&tes& i Audienceof2iS00^ t i v";" ? r> **5? ; ?& ?&& Co-Opera^ioii XJrged . reflect/upoV".^.' vidoally.and'-^collectively < America strong,!t; decla red> Gov?rpor. J A Melting Brobgbtoa,., "Of ^ ; Caroling.'air,he'addressed* tn/audP.'' ence of 2^00 people at a hnge'-paisi otic 4 raily t cilied 1 ^Arhert i K troagV da J* at .Bennett< Ooll ege;* Son- ] | day, .Jilly l^at -whlch' tlm4 JXfra: ! Frances F*-Bolt-on, of ,lbeN -T j | States *House' ^f^BepreeentatiVeSj t 22nd district'of Ohio also shared'the! prpgram/.V '*'< <: ''' ' - v ' > ^ 'The 'America Be Strong* rally brings the Bennett college summer Institute to a close and at' the same time demonstrates the solidarity of Greensboro and Gullford county dtltens around the' common ideals y of our national life,? said Dr. David D. Jones, president of the college' in.describing the purpose of, the. meeting ; uovernor li rough ton, who. Is. on$ _ of the aouth's broader minded j ^ltWj tens, whs borrt ' In Nortti'-"C*r?nnS . and has had .a.varlcd career, gain* ] lug a deep Insight Into human nature' as' evidenced In* bis liberal attitude 1 foWartf 'the Negro. He expressed great admiration/for'^Bennett. VCoUei^ft ' pioneering ' spirit In the-field 4?fedjH , cation, and" thinks !ljer 6i^ijptj^^ha . greatest..'Institutions ln.vthe^jptm^ ? with Ihe 'kjnd'jof j ltfderftV;,f^? makes i>er'a.foreein rarejrela^lons In 'the aoaUt.! 'f c f r ' ' ? ?p-* - M - * <*" ~ * &K'-: Keenly/a ware of his responsibllI ties 0 Ihshre -every citizen regard-' I less -of -* ??, the rights . guaranteed I ^ mmmmw ad the Fufut^ifuilook /~*~] JOK Regular Students ^p5S:^?'^:.lvi|(|il tln> audience '.+', V*. 5 s^r",uip,i*! to * ^gs?w?:^ ?5^?j ?&*&$< SSWiil I aiiy.^prepe'tis themeitf ves becon)^"^^^ socialists Id various ./lelda by anil*?^^'/Sq* * n?erve\ '??*? which /starts' functioning, tin Septero- ?Vv jjyU was'.pointed out .that ?the krmy .:'_"^Tr anlrirted" reserve functions' separately C.*train 'the R. Oi T. C. fordo" the for- '' ,\ '*' pner, i>ne Is Xr'a,lned to become a spe- .'* V-*t'(Continued ;.Oir Pace-Five) . ' , He Lead 100-Voice Choir At Rally ' <'F.--Nathaniel fJatliu directed r tlie lttVvot&Yholr from G miibor^ NV^v'; *ro churches, Sumlny afternoon tl^huge'."ilHke America Jie rail j. ^b?i nett college