t ~ y* fAGE TWO '? ' "ihe rmc SYNOPSIS On a wharf In Patuztown, Mao land. ex-Colonel Donald Colbi lata A.D.C. to Oancral Gonxaf Gutierrez, boats op Tod Fergusoi burly oysterman. for insulting Gc nera Benet, daughter of Capt. Be net of the "Amerika." Fergusoi i was fired by Benet and infers tome one was murdered on the ship Later. Genera confides In Colb; that the had brought two men fron Leonard town to work for her fa ther. They were afraid to staj bat you wouldn't be." sbe says. / new look creeps into Colby's eyes "Young lady," he demanded crisply "shall we talk?" Genera telle Col by that her father is In charge of i fleet of old linera laid op by tin Shipping Board awaiting porches era. It is Impossible to get a watch f man since throe men hare dltap peered. Colby takes the job. Oi - - -the pier, the girl calls to the "Mon tlcello" on which she llres with hoi , father. The ghostlike ships anc ] eery atmosphere fill Colby witl foreboding. Dntton, one of thi watchmen, picks op Genera ant Colby in a rowboat. As they neai the "Monticello," three shots and i . shriek pierce the air. The girl fetn . . v '-iwLer father. .Leaving Genera or the "lfonticeLlo,*' Colby and Dot * >' ton go in search of the captain/ i * -\ K t f - CHAPTER y ' ]' '' It was across a passenger*! gangplank lashed from the rail oc one great liner to the rail of tb -V'-. next that the two groped their waj through a chilly gloom that smal " of rust, rata, rotten wood and biigi . ;"'V> water. Sox^awhare a bittern utterec . ? its grating croak and wben so mi rats, nailing in a lifeboat just orer head,-fell to fighting with shrill am .. i;'. gtoous squeals, a tiny cold impuls " sped the length of the recruit'i ' " "/'spina.' .l '? /, 4 To Donald Colby, rery fsmflis! i '/ with the Kronprinxeun Ceeelis, I V was Indescribably weird to onci /: more tread these decks which hi '>had heard echo to the dainty fee i^T' '.of brides; of countesses, and lo v ' ^ courtesans. - Odd, that ho shoul< ' : K," r have seensJhece same decks raspet /- jL:" *nd ^scarred, by'the hobnails a ' v; American doughboys.* Now thi "l. ^/'planks were warped and weather beaten and lengths of hose laid on .. : t as protection against. fire crawlei . ^ .1 '1 I everywhere like pale serpents' o / ' impossible length. '" ?? V.. . "Th* Kaiarr TVjZA?X? aej />r<rapr*i Cttlia rvcbriatsc.J ir > >. r . Mtamt Varm** u U ? lru:? J - paAa la 1917-1910. * . . That yell eonnded like maybe il came from forrad/* Dnttos whia - . pored, so they cautiously made theii . way op the broad deserted dec! ' . ' t j- towards the Mount Vemon't bow.' , "r .1,100k out!" 'screamed lima Tolcess in' Colby's brain. danger here?* ' Bitterly the ex-soldier curset that muffling fog while scannin] every shadow, every corner of thi palm garden through which the] . passed. A definitely nerve rack ing business, that of stalking an un known menace through the dark It was therefore not the least sur prising that Colby baited as thouel paralyzed when a voice from tL shadows snapped, "Put 'em upl" Grown wiae with the passage o ; turbulent years, Donald Collr y, knew better than to try for a "Smitl ; V* Wesson show-down." He obeyei O immediately. Dutton, however, at : . tereri a nervous little err. , ' r-fyT"l?y off. lite?this guy is tb \ ' v.-r. new watchman. \ ;* "What!": Impressively incredo lous was be among the shadow "Where? 7 How?" *T<b?pat that damn gun away. ""Stand- still." snapped the ma called Ike?"I ain't trusting yo Dutton?you walk too blamed quit *>""to suit-ma." v*. "What* re you doin* on the Vei . - ; ?*f" countered the swarthy ma at Colby*! tide. "You're sup pee* > [ tolnon the America." (' "Heard them shots? Spen U ?.' CopjJar anywheres1*. V " < ' v t" "No- W# **** lookin* for him on *' '? *?' 1- i ; .. . V ' yon?** Colby we* puzsh at the stranger's manifestly <su I " f picious tone.'. ,<-V tST;'v#<- <>* "Ye*. Com'on out?this is Coll ?meet Ike Mears." % J *, f fV ; ; -c From the Bloom beneath a<lsdd r*! stair leading to the boat deck a pe a rod one of the largest men Coll \ , had seen In some time. A aervi ?c was weighting hi* right ha BTO1. ' r ;.'T: 1 /Street KglHHk^JSOl.MOOOOMU Bond " -.v." 8* *(! < ???u* Street ""jfit S JJ-'{ '' * 507 omeeple Street ;> 3V' v ' , TM ioiTEN FLEE by Van Wyck Masoi tax be materialised oat af the u ??7 mist and came swinging ovi r the warped and spotted deck. 0 "Howdy," be ssdd shortly. "Yc , bear them ahota jost now ? ? "Of course," came Colby prompt, reply. That's why weTi a kerc" , . ' 1 rObuyeahT- >; * , "Bell ere It or not.' All I fire damn about is earning forty , month and doing my job." At that moment the moon cam nearer to piercing the clouds at) [ eo revealed to Colby a ahrewd em not unhandsome face- which vt , marred by a broken note. Uauir ' shooldere were outlined in an out I at-elbowa soaman's jersey bearin the words "Mount Vernon" done i broken end stained white flanne "Reckon I'm right glad to has * you here," he suddenly; aaid 't r ?k ' B r i I lAfSjj I , " , *r>*,hitVyour"ncket. Mil1 l ,r - i v . Colby. "Wo BMd somebody wrU nerve on theee her* rallcs." ^ I Here, Colby vu *^1||r>g *u' * positive character;7 Mear r would certainly have to be reckon* , with?whether good or tod. Aloo> be eald, "How about that yeB I Who could have been hurt! r "Dunno, to we might at' well g? > rolling. Has he got a light Hank? r "No," Dutton said, "and he can1 . have mine?I'm going on to tb . Washinffton to locate Norton? . And he thuffled hurriedly away. Mean grunted and twitched hd i light into Colby*! face. t "What's your racket, Mister Ton ain't no oyaterman?" f Tb a man who't just found r cow job, thaf a alL" i "Ton lead the way," Colby drfl i suggested when Mean steppe - aside at the head of a ladder M ing to B deck. e What's the matter?afraid 1 came the big man's sharp qoer; r He gave'the impression at tryir i. to come to a dedal on eoncernk his companion. m "No. Only I don't know tt n tWp'" a Tfou'r* not so -dumb? Wo ,t dont make no soddsn motionthat's all. Well bepin with B d? r. ?ahot aonndod like it wu don q then lomtwhem." id Switching on a powerful flat light the watchmen' trained it on ie doorway, above which remain affixed a amaD bronze plaque rea r- in* *4Sfikr*ibrimm*r.m - Somethii like an electric current net Colb] id finger tips to buzzing when a te %- wood door bound in nadir vert griaed brmaa awung inwards and 37 chill, sour-smelling stream of 1 poured out Colby waited until 1 er biff watchman proceeded aoi p- thirty feet into a east dim room a by only then did he follow with ri| ice hand negligently dropped lflto nd sagging tide pocket. Mount Zloo v ' & 808 Wilmington Street "^liw ZUni '^14oTz??tM^SrBokiirjZ V 1224 K?r?t v A Prtrala , M ?-'K10 Boot 3tr*?, ^SWloh.; &bji& 730 Sooth Aobo Stroot '"catholic - / t : - ; ? <-_v- t. E nmjM OUTLOOK. GKgKNSBORO. T MYSTERY"! J- Bach an Lateral then he wn sr musing served as a doable precaution. It. ought to minimize the ia chance* 'of a single ballet catting down both af them and conversely '? ineraased the advantage of his own re capable marksmanship. Anybody r can kill at point blank range. Like a luminous Anger, Mcars' a flashlight brleflv touched another a plate which said, "Bauehrimmer" and then lit a scries of handsomely le carved and panelled walla, and flitid ted over heavy frescoes and wiivd dowa of stained glass ornate with' a all the deplorable taste of a pre-war ? German decorator. Even now a faint odor of tobacco still persisted, g Hollowly, footsteps of the pair n resounded in the first class lounge L when they tiptoed by e huge fire- , a place above which a lavish rococo / mantel of eolld mahogany, threw ^ I BMWPMRfr. JltfSrfaii^BefweQMgPnarfiniBSir * > - / ttr. "You kin*" ' V " ' - ?nan." ' :\:- ' .' ' h beck gleams of tarnished gold leaf and a series of voluptuous bosomed ; nymphs . smiled woodenly" down. Colby's mttm grew gradually i tauter, though ha ouraad himself for - , ' d en over-imaginative idiot. How my T dark it weal How many comers miylit conceal a crouching marks* it mmn " "Seems like there ain't nothing t is here," Mean called in a hoarse ? whisper. "Heyl What's wrong?" " 1 Colby bad halted beside a long linen covered settee and with head thrown was sniffimr the air. Slowly he sank onto his knees at the 7 rtmo beckoning his <>*^*TvriiTik^7 "Smell Itr he breathedwhen the * other, all ssepidous, knelt down beside blm i ( J "What the devil are you taBdn' about?" Mean tensely demanded, p. "We'd better be oarefuL I'm sore .. I small fresh blood somewhere?~ Colby explained. "Comas from r- there?" With hie pistol he tediacted a doorway leading into a * passage. . . > . " Thtm " The Ug watchman *? grew rigid and his eyas sought ? Colby' narrowed ones. Q- "Kill that light?" T Holding his breath Colby heard * e faint merabblinar sound ma of some I ^ stealthily uSrudnc?fainter still wsj ha noise of sometklnf h- breathiny stw! nlfflinf a little. While th?r listened Donald Colby < d discovered he had new things to . " learn' abcmt fear. Normally ha . o* wouldn't hare minded aneh a lihia r? tion but hefe in the confined Interior ak of this Tast moulding hulk! ? . 41- ' "What la it?" came Mears' ghost * of a whisper. Tan bo but that fallow if* was cool! Too eooL Why?, Colby be rerr much wanted to know. , i" a? "Dont know?oemam; en. . Keep your flash ready." rht . (To Be Continued) d| oeixia .**. St Mary'o, f i 1414 Oorrell Street V T jfe . MMHWEMBBBraaa :?*' '.St. Slej.h? > ? , , a,'- a BOS Hi?h street ex x- ?.- - - - '. * g| fcs'.CHUHCTI or GOD . < Ohnrch of Ood In Christ ^5/207,Oant Street - V . Mount .-Calvary Church, of . ? , -IS , & t' " S4#? K?t,Street,.. >, iiy UkCONGREGATIONAL s i., rir* Oonjp^r?t1on.?" 401 llljrh Street Cain and Abel HIGHLIGHTS ON TUB BUT* By NEWMAN CAMPBELL > (The International. Uniform * Lesuon on the above' topic for "t July 1?. la Genesis 4, the Golden f Text being Hebrews 11:4. "By ? faith Abel offered unto God - a 1 ' more excellent aacriflce than Cain, through which he hod witness * borne to him that be was right- * eous.") s ? ADAM AND" EVE. banlebed J - ^ from the Garden of Eden, had a * on whom they called Cain. The name means acquisition or pos- jj session. Can you imagine Eve's * joy when she saw her finftb'ttn. * even though he was hrt. In * agony? , Another aon was bom to lanes. .'. whom they -'called AM. Abil J means vanity, which Is sir. odd * ,5 name for a child. When these ' v children grew up Cain was a UUer * of the soli, but Abel chose to be a A shepherd, tending his sheep vn the " hillsides around his home. " v\" ? When harvest time came ? arourid. Cain, the: elder, brought fti an offering of hia products to'th* HltAr of the Lord. Abel/Sid * s-wise. sacrificing, the "firstling of * his flock and of the fat thereof." r . For some reason Cain's' offer- -* lng. was not acceptable., to the J Lord.-., Possibly the offering !wos P acceptable but = Cain's sacrificial ^ ./"'attitude was" wrong;/"At any/rate, the author of -Exodus'saya<*Vunto ** Cain and to hia offering He (the -m Lord) had not respect" Abel's u . offering was received with (favor. t< however. ' and that made' Cain n - very angry. ? <>' ' z Lord Sees Cuin's Anger ' | v The Lord saw at once that Cnja/ 0 /-was furious.*?. and- said td-nlAt-i "Why art thou wroth? and why -J Is thy. 1 countenance . fallen T^i-lfthou .doest well, shall thou not be - Accepted7-and If thou not v well, sin lleth at the door And J" unto thee shall be his'desire, and*' thou shalt rule over hi ny" till ^ : Meaning that If he allowed hl|> passion to get the best of hiAv he would sin. but that he should g, seek to rule his anger , and ' so a . overcome the sin. : Cain talked to Abel when they' n were tn the field, and he did not rule hla anger and he killed 'Abel. ^ . "And the Lord said unto Cain, g Where Is Abel, thy brother? And ? he said, 1 know not: .Am 1 not Q brother's "keeper?" '-r.* The Lord said, vwhat hast'.thou v done? the voice of thy brother's r . blood crleth * unto me from the c ground." / t.#^'.i ? f,\ Cain then heard these terrible ? words. "And now art thou cursed a from the earth, which hath opened s Distributed by King Feat episcopal Church of the Redeemer 909V4 East Market Street , v ' holiness Christian Alliance *1 ?* "' : 706 Beat Street / v. Lindsay Street J - ' 001 Lindsay Street y' lfount .Vernon ! . >' [ 615 South Street * ,*"' Skenes' Chapel 1024 East Market Street Gorrell Street True Holiness *' 028 Sam peon Street ' " t Mount Zlon . % J519 McCosnell Road s ' Mount Iptsgah ' ' ? 1107 Retreat Street \f < St. James *./ i White Oak, ^ / +. . -v LUTHERAN . *{Py' Grace Lutheran ' Memorial r Church . " ' Washington Street, Comer ' . Benhow Road METHODIRT Bethel A. M. R. - . {<\' f 138 North Regan Street i East White Oak A. M. E.',^ >,./Ill Wat?t^tri?-,t>?k7^^$ Monet OUrit A. M. a'-zlonn? ,.1?1 Beeie^; 8 treaty! i i.xrtMtriii^iiiziiavriSjMB :,'?T Kaatr.Waaklnktoo'StrirffSS . Iprownln^Chaiiel 1T10 'East Market Street , RKh.8tiwt;if.' lOU Kaaf Lee Street ?}H3}i 3.? i CI2 tfaat Market Street A Contract DAY SCHOOL LESSON % '$ ' . ' w S-if/, ler mouth to receive thy brother^ra&tifr viood from thy hand; When thou v>Sfc?? ill est the ground. > it, shell: hot IjSa , V tenceforth yield unto thee her .^tj trength; e fugitive and a vage. ond shall thou .be in the earth.*' j;uCain did not cxpreai any eor. ; W. fbr his awful deed, but'was ??; : K>rror stricken at his punishment, '$- *! \ md walled. "My punishment Is greater than I can bear. Behold.> \\'t Pbou hast driven me out this day . rom the face of the. earth: and r ! rom Thy face shall I be hid; and _ Vshall be a fugitive and a vagaicnd In the earth:' and It' shall wne to pass that everyone that * x Indeth me shall slay me." ^"-T- '* <*>;. vr But the .Lord said to him,..*.Thereforo,-.whoeoever. :alayethr Jain, vengeance' shall be takai oo"/ Vi\" dm sevenfold. And the Lord eet- J;. i mark upon Cain, lest any flnd-'i'V v.', ng hlm should kill him." There is no record of the mark vV . et upon Cain, and no one known >. r-* rhat it was, but to this day we*H?' ay of murderers, that they have the mark of Cain" on them,: OMa to Land at No? i'. iji'j-,. JCaln vtfent to liveln the lasid'o*7j7*^',t lod, on .the east of Eden. He" msr- - , '- . Ied,1'lhls-wtf e-probablybelnga': Ister.Vas there were iv>. olker :?V7 '< . omen.'- and, a child .who .wu amed .Enoch was "born. Cain ullt a city" and named U for his. V hild,;' Enoch. Enoch's,, son ?fas<w -,l. a:ned Irad; Irad'a son, ydetuijael::yM? nd Meh'ujael's eon-'was Metho-^P^' net and Methusaet' 'was the .fa-jr.r tier of Liamcch. The last >njuned. >ok two wives?the first polvga? y list. Their names wtra' Adsli and a**- ii. # ' "Adah bare 1 wso \va? v,' -y ^ ie father o the tant-?vrv*tere and '; ' attle ownen. JabaVs brother** -" tmc wm Job?.!. ano'he "wk th* >Jh - ther'of, c'i aaeh ? handle ^IhoyW-.-; . arp andonw." *" .Zillah had,a son. Tubek^*!n, **an-rf j.* irtructor ' i-tlficar in .Vs*" ' ^ raai and lrc.i:".^! ti*c ?Uter,of ' "ubalcain w?i Jiaotwpth:'^ .-> ''?>$ f v\ Lamc-ch 'aeems~ n'iaTt' w8v d Cain ? evil iruiti, ftr kf ?rtK :j-. ided to hit wives it.it 1 Ian ? . Lain a man to *:; vTSKdbeg. asrf< . young 'man to say hxt. Jf Oil '-X ? avenged sevenfold, vsto aech. seventy and artm&Mm*S/^ ,? "s/ v Eve was again a wotbwr. 'aaG(f?v ; ' are a son whose name sat ^ilu -vv eth. -for Cod, said she, hath ap*' \ZY~~~ olnted me another seed tnslsad J-tJ if Abel, whom Cain "stew." r* - ' "And to Beth, to him also there'.'-*' . vas born a imn; and he relisil to ^Y'.y. Lame Enoi: then began men to; hh"if ' all upon the name of the Lord." Cain's descendants seem sot to lave known God.- with all tbetz? j kill, but the descendants of Setlfc' vere godly men. . . lures Syndicate, Inc. 1120 Morris Street ;y St. Phillip A. M. B. Zlon' ijj; , 1211- South Aahe Struct i. PRESBYTERIAN 1 St. James \. ' V? , .21Q Porbls Street . . . UNDENOM {NATIONAL W.f; Antlocb \ - j,2 v 739 Glbeon Street People's Tabernacle . ^ , 1200 East Market Street . I . The House of Prayer for All People . Mufth rooms and " toadstools which Tow In the rich loamy aolf'offor-. ?t8 arefortwt saprophyte*^ Aeep * nem v lynying, Vv? | Rolling, ** WM^eWeldir^U ? *. SYCAMORE V f> WflliSS&M*

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