| Keep Up With the Time. FUT VOL. I. NO. 34 Almeta Walker Is Given Sentence In Prison Slayer of Mr. Haley Convicted Manslaughter Charged with murder, Aim eta Waller, of High Point, was convicted 1 of manslaughter in Guilford Superior court Friday in the July 11 Icepick slaying of James Haley. Negro, and Jodge . Frank 31. Armstrong Rentes ced her to serve 10 to 20 years In prison. The one-week criminal term was adjourned shortly after noon, the docket having been cleared except for a few cases which It was neceqpary for ooe reason or another- to continue. ' 4" -V-. . ' Solicitor H. L Koontz had asked for a second ' degree murder" conviction in the case of the Walker woman, while Tom Gold. Jr., her counsel, I hk<^ contended that ahe stabbed the -man-tn"de!f-defense In '< '_j _ ' - '?1 - - a light io which be struck her first with a Are shovel and then drew a knife in the ensuing tussle. ' I ' The slaying took place at the defendant's " borne on Klvett drive, "''' (Continued On Page.Seven) .? / ?^ rr-T? ' Robertson Warns About Car Stamps : Collector of Internal Hevenue Carles H. Robertson made the l^^tal-ment Friday that all persons who v^ire subject to the automobile use stftlnp and have not made pur^;?.aia>eTbA^re August 1 may secure .'stamps from -local pootofflees. After - August 1 they v^li be required to purchase the stamp Vf'xun th$ collec tor's office. Collector Robertson also t. called attention to the faet^that any person operating a motor Vehlcfeun the highway without the use stamp' if subject to a penalty of <20 fine or 3P days imprisonment ? for- failure' to V'icbpiply with federal i law. jt la the, j Intention .*bf>;.tbe . Internal - revenue ! "Service to enforce-this iawT j tey -.v'-i: ^ m "? v "At New. Army Hotel u 'I tgiWH 1 ,J_]?-?-tr?? URE C.KEEX! Torpedo Boat j; 1 : ^1;'^ I Presenting *n impressive sight u ' part of ths way on ber journey b; playing increasingly important rt ? Department, which >ua| rel Directors for l raining War Workers Meet Policies for the Year Discussed Director* of Vocational training of war production workers beard Sidney Marsh, representative of the state employment service; George Suggs, representative of NYA, and Carl W. WUson. representative of the WPB," all of Raleigh, Saturday, in their meeting which began at the King Cottoi^ hotel at 11 o'clock. The two-day session of the group whjch' -consisted.. of local .directors from about 80, cities, opened Friday with a discussion" of policies for the new"fiscal "year, including forma for records"and reports. ...... ' * , {Continued On Fage Three ) '.: New Cottage /#-?Burned To Ground Before Occupancy I Claude Williams, a farmer of the Sumrnerfletdt section, lust week conijpleted a .two-story, six-room bouse and Thursday be aDd Mrs. Williams and. their three children began mov in* into tneir new home. Putting one load of furniture Into the house, Williams made plans on the morrow to go to Greensboro ar?l tube ont insurance on the place, valued at around $4.1*>0. Then, wirh his family, Iip went to lila mother's home, nearby, for lunch. I While they were at lunch, the! houae burned down ? a total loss, along with, all content*. A neighbor, In . Greensboro Saturday to solicit aid for "the family, sat J the Origin of'the fire"* was not known. The house had been wired for electric light*'but the current had not been switched on, and ,np to the time of the fire the.kitchen-stove had not beeen need, he said. Members of. the family, who' had been making their'home with Williams' mother, went back to her j ? . v>'* ?THE? LJji SBORO. N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST s Escort a U.S. A ' ?%& ?* 3>HWw >? l' >* '-? I ad ? - - l bv f?cuii majeracauy eut 10 aea, UlU r two speeding torpedo boats. Carriers, ilea in keeping open oar far-flung, mnnei eased the photograph, did not re-reel the Husband Tries To i Smoke-Wife Out} Lands In Court' . r; . , Joseph Paolillo, of JJew* York, thought his wife had taketi' tbelr two children' and gone home to her mother. So he started a fire at the front and back doors of his mother-inlaw's house when his Insistent summons at both entrances remained unanswered. "I. thought Td smoke them out. 1 wanted to lalk to my wife,** Paolillo told the-court when arraigned on arson charges. He was held without hall for a future hearing. Soldier Dies .... Private James A. Smith died In Ft. Bragg Saturday of Injuries suffered In.'an accident Friday near Monroe while on maneuvers. His next of kin was given as Alxee Clark, of l.a France, S. C.' Rev. Mr. Green Annointpd Tn A r i " l Governor Broughton | Establishes Precedent According to information from Raleigh, received Tueeday, Governor Bronghtfwi e?tabll*hed precedent by appointing two Negri*** to the hoard of trnsteea of A. and T. college. ;The governor said It was the firm time In the hlatory of the Iriatlrutlon thaf^Kegroea had been named to the board,'and added that their api?olntmeat. wan recotnmended . by many prominent cltlxena of North Carolina and aprovod by .virtually the entire board of -dlrectora of the college. -.The governor.appointed Iter..Jobu J. Green, utn Kplacopal minlirter of Greenaboro, who In a graduate of Shaw unlwanUty. In Raleigh, and w?a In (rreraeaa aerrlce during the world j/;' (Continued On Page Six) >./ ' 1?. "* *'

>bs. - It will be 'open . ; i td college seniors, high school {teachers '? and prospective hlgb,~schoolX *y teacher*. Prospective ^teachers of 4 high school mathematics-are especially, urged'to take the course, r r -C?he ' tultUm for the mathematics ' j course and several "other defens? 'if f ' oourse?,;K such as basic alsytlc chemistry, radio cotnmuniratlcfoa and t. it "& ucblMfivp i*jWfJ-'i