ppwrj: .? - 8ATUKPAV. AUia-'CT 1. IMi , | The R)RX;< , SYNOPSIS At the request of Geneva Beast, . - daughter of Captain Benat in of a float of obaolate vaaaala lying at anchor la tha Cbesapcaka, Donald Colby, an axooldlar, take* tha job as watchman, despite tha fact that three predecessors have mysteriously disappeared. Aa ' Colby, Geneva, and Dntton, another watchman, approach the ~lfonticello,a* on which the (irl lives with her father, three shots and a scream rent the air. The captain ! not aboard. Colby and Hears, watchman of the "Mount Vernon." find him in a cabin of that ahip, dying from a bullet wound. Asked who shot him. the captain's eyes turn to the figure of a dead man sprawled on the staircase fiekrby. Suddenly, a sound issues from ths passageway., Mears douses his flashlight. A figure appears and Colby tackles It. A jet of flame spews forth and In its light Colby la stunned to see the features of Genera. Why was she oo the "Mount Vernon" end why had aha fired " the eutometfc? The girl claims she thought be was *^he 'there." Colby snaps "Don't lie I You knew we were going to eearch the'Mount Vernon. *- , > -.CHAPTER vn / ; ' Somewhat unsteadily, the girl Eushed a strand of bobbed chestnut air from across her eyes and got to her feet and stood looking at Donaid Colby's grim figure, "what has bapper -d? ., Calmly enough, she switched on n flashlight of her own. Colby-stepped aside, watching her closely. "I suppose since you have taken soeh pains you may as well see." * Once by him she halted and Colby saw her flashlight beam waver and drop until it encountered the gray waste ittip ox Captain Beset? who, forgotten in the turmoil, itiH lamped, eilently dying in the. oak .. panellod passag?.> ?? V "Ok.srity Genera Beset reaped aa people reap whan a bullet strike* them In a rifesT spot. "Connolly I" _ The tweed clad figure . aped forward and knelt at the aide of -the strieken man.. "Connolly I .-.Hare they hurt you eery hadly? Say that they haeanT." W Connolly, indeed. Colby's features ware leaner than1 over whea ha stepped lightly back into the shadows and, poised somewhat like aa old time gun fighter, studied the y shadow ruled grand staircase be< r yond. Mean, strangely uoeroo; lions!, kept his light fixed on the ,*f vw.. . oddly-assorted couple. -V ^ "Talk, please talkl" The girl \plmded in fearful earnestness, v- ^Don't die, for God's sake, don't diii Who shot you?was it Colby? i-N " -At thfit moment Captain Benet, who apparently had another name j. I as well, most hare-died, for all at once his body.went limp and rolled sidewise, untidy bald bead coming '\\\ uglily to rest oa"*?ha floor beside the horrified girl's knee. /It seemed x-.' impossible that anybody 'could turn ? so pals as Genera Benet aad yat ?/ . . , keeo their senses.i I . "You did this," she flung at Colby . In jerky, metallic accents. "I ought " *?!" to "have known?you'd ba one of ?- vi' them!" "You're crazy " Colby aaid, then li' *?> added with acid bmtality."He's 5* "?V - dead, so quit mctingjand-getrup^-' i .J:. VV ,there's a'lot to be-done." v;.*v ?lbyynight & > hare spoken in Chinees for all .the T< effect. "Yoo-^-you murdered himl" 8h? V- J' - shivered as . though ' suddenly - v. '. stripped bar*. ? - . "You made a neat job of getting me here," rasped the gaunt figure v' in the military tunic, "but now that I are here I'm going to run things. | Getnpl" ' V.rj. Geneva Benet stared emptily at . "him, then her ayaa wandered 0, ,vaguely to Meara just befon she N'M * ' crumpled sidewiaa. i-ii V "She's fainted." Meara grunted, fv " He also said7?*Ohl" because he found he waa looking down the bar's V l-- ,V rtl of Colby's AtT^Hey, what's the t'-~AT' idea7" r . - '>ks& v " "Drop that gun. Pronto "Who the devil are you, anyhow?" Mean, towering over the straightIV. backed ez-eoldler. anarUd aad gathpi ssed hhnsalf. , jsj ^ "Drop that gen!- Staccato as (. / Almeta Walker Is '; K- < Given- Sentence V Jt a?'Vf* ?k-P?toter. llfed, a?! 34 k^lll atreet. High Point, home o, . 4 ,tl,e { i'wltmwa, jagf 'v-v, i'""; not^ guilty of j? charge of at- tr un 01 High" Point, who - bad -prevloiialy -* TIU 3TTEN FLEE1 by Van Wyck Masor a machine gun's rsport came Colby's command. The watchman's satomatie clattered to the hardwood floor. "Okav, wise guy, okay," Mean snapped. "This aint over yet-" MYoo gild the lOy of obvionaness," Colby remarked as he retrieved th? other's weapon and then stood dominating the three prostrate figures. More Indian-like than ever, he jerked his head towards the mas on the stair top. "Go over and look at him." The watchman obeyed. "Know him?" "No," came the sullen reply. "Never laid eyes on the guy." "Are yon sure?" , Mears lipa revealed strong and prominent teeth in an nnpleasant smile. "Prove that I hare. Wise ... J&a . M ' - ; \ jgTi ;,' ' : ""ifiV? .' *: ' *';f-l*>' , "Yon did thie," ah* flans at C "How could he have got on board?" "How would I know? Maybe yoa jot a better idea yourself." "You're sure yoa haven't aeen hhn before?" "No." Bat an indefinable instinct warned Colby to doubt the denial. "Pick op Miss Beset and take her to her quarters. . Whhn yoa return yonll set your' sun back, ac don't bother to hunt np knother. All I want is to stay alive. Sea?" Meant relaxed a little. "Okay." "Incidentally, you can tell Dutton I'm holding him reaponsible foi keeping her there," said 'this remarkable yopns man. "If he let* her out of hla sight 111 beat thi eternal trip* out of him." . f Meara silently gathered Geneve Benet's alight, long-legged flgurt inta Me arma' anH rat.V** ?>" with her bright loosened heir swey iagever ems jerseyed arm., > ' Had she really fainted or had ht success! ally thwarted a clever ruse' Uolby had no time to ponder th< question, irreplaceable seconds wert ticking by and a nagging premoni tion of danger wool a not lea re him Out of caotion, be darted into thi barber.ahop which opened onto I deck and watched Mean carry hi 1 burden acroaa the gangplank to th MonMoeJla. Than, and only then did "Colby wheal and, silent aa i leopard on the prowl, dart back t> the landing where Genera Benet* abandoned flashlight atfll attempt* to Jlipnss As gloom. "First ha bnrnedly ransacked Cap tain -BanaVs pockets and in than found a large dagger knife and I watch marked D. Coanolly. Ala on this -intereating old man's pax on. he disoorered a blackjack an a handful of .4S caliber buReta. Od4 tinea his death, the murdered ma: had shrivelled into a creature twic en convicted, of reckless drlvln idge Armstrong Imposed a eu snded sentence of six months, a?Bi [ %2S antf *costa,and ordered Coo rpexvof knOther ?ar involved In3 oagXy entered' the defends: Mjiate Injappeertng was dlscBarg* Jim | payn5eot. of tbs^ capias , ^oat Prayer fpriodgtnent wag eontlnin ?*;tho^ September. 14'.term in' tv tber.. cases, - those of Rolaod .Sai fla. High Point white man, and B lford.. High Point Negro. , ; >.. SmhuelJi. charred ' with' hurglet S FUTURE OUTLOOK. GREENSBOI [ MYSTERY' as old a* he had previously aeoMid. Next he ringerly opened the r'-irt - front and narrowly inspected the two wound*, and aa be did *o hi* i breath entered with a sharp his* of ' surprise. One was raned, much ' larger and different in shape from i Ita precise little fellow. Having completed a harried inI spection. Colby transferred his ati tention to the eorpee of the unknown i man. He was middle- aged, tall and i thin with stiff iron gray hair and lay clutching a small Lager automatic pistol. A foot or eo away a spent cartridge ease winked like a tiny evil eye The dead man wure a neat, gray serge salt which bed recently gotten eery dusty end marked with occasional streaks of rust. A bullet, planted squarely between the stranger's eloee set blue eyes did net by eny mean# bnp^gve lolby in jerky metallic accents. his looks. A email, red-blue bole in the forehead seldom does. "And now let's sen what's on yon, my led," Colby mutteryd and, after sweeping the snrroundings with his flashlight, rolled over the sawing corpse. , . , So Mean didn't know who this was," he mused, "or said he didn't." ' - Maintaining a sharp study of the landing and its surroundings, he , rummaged hurriedly through the 1 pockets, pocketed the contents and then gazed down into the dead 1 man's shsrp, strongly modelled fea' tares. It was neither a stupid nor . - an ngly face, but somehow vaguely l sinister just the same. Two old scars, parallel to each other, and a nick off the top of the left ear i afforded ideal items for identiftca> tion. dj , - "Urn?must have been a univse aity man," Colby reflected. C Boarding an interesting train of | thought, ba want quietl yback into [ the dim and tpaeious smoking room > to briefly cut hia flashlight about. > Hal Tfae gleam of metal eanght his eya... Ita origin proved to be a abort crowbar?better known an a | jfanmy?and beside H lay a wood : 5 chlseL Had they been brought here 1 to ateal aooa lovely old panel or 1 aome handsomely carved mantel; er w for what otter pnrpoee? It waa i thai other purpose that bothered him. ? Thoagh he played his flashlight quickly on the ma Rial piece and the panelling, he found nothing nag. - and a row of eorpulsnft nymphs 1 grinned down at him ahnoat da-' ? riahraly. What the devil had been ? going on? What, for instance, bad T Wears bee. doing just prior t* tta i """'.-(T.B.O-O?> g, I pleaded guilty to forcible treapa I while Alford pleaded guilty of re i I le drlTln*. . . < ' *1 ? 1?. Soldiers Report Stickups I? ' : V, 'V. a' !af ^OPrlTate Iaodore . Becker told lice fit- Charlotte, that two Ne, at men held him up at 2 a. m. Snturr sd and "robbed him.. of- 18. ^ Prir *T, Brondloun Pletrzykawskl repor that mlmut 2:30 a m: he Van h po up In the aame neighborhood by 1 n- Negroes, who robbed him. ,11 . V. Botne jelly f\ah weigh as much yr "S ho'rW. ' tO. N. c. Mr. Matthews Stricken Robert Matthews, 80, died at bis home at 706 Macon street here at 2:90 a. m. Saturday following IIIneee of about six weeks. Fiineral was held Monday at 4 p. m. at Hargett's chapel with Iter. G. W. Hargett la charge. Burial was In i Pay 19 COU ta: Bef AUGIJ! I and avoid j . iand r ' ^ | Your Pur i : WAR I ST/ ~ || Buy Bullets 1 S GATE = 1 vROpEIl , |j' : eis Railroad sfr'eet\ 7 ' * PACK SEVKN Maplewood cemetery. Surviving Are two sons uod four daughters. ICE COLD 1 WATERMELONS Colonial Ice Co. } Comer W. Lee ond Tale Sta. Aleo 401 E. Market SL l_ BBk. Your 41 NTY KES ore ;t ka J M. VI VI , 5ALE > SALE COSTS N ' - ; " - t' ' I.DONNKU. iagJS Si B flMffBHilllllVnl ' * KSufflBflHl fl : %