. T / ' PAGE FOUR :V" THE FUTURE OUTLOOK Greensboro Negro Newspaper. DIAL IgiiS . PUBLISHED WEEKLY . 5c Pec Copjr /^" $130 Per Year J. P. Johnson.' Editor A Publisher Gertrude Hrlggs, Social Editor BustneM Of Gee: 505 East Market Address All Communications To : THE FUTURE OUTLOOK. . 505 East Market Street Make All Checks Payable To / THE FUTURE OUTLOOK . SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1942 NOTICE TO READERS. j. ? Our editorial paces are open V1 , to any one who wishes to express Ills or her opinion, on , ' ' topics of social, racial, national * . or International affairs, provld- , ; r*l lag your copy la accompanied by your signature. The right to re* ' fuse to publish gny article la, of course, reserved by the editor. ^ THE FUTURE OUTLOOK. TV} 505 East Market Street , ' Greensboro, N. C. 1 j ^-MSTtONGENDTO. J..'-, ThomasvllU? justice of the peace ? '.. ?the name doesn't' matter?has, It Is .' a reported, been. ijnfrocljed ,by the re-1 i Reorder of* th&Clfbrnmuqity for hav,.*:\i log practiced law without a license In "that" lie fixed, up. ^hat purported v 1 to be "papers of adoption'' for $2 and / offered'',to. undo the Job,for an addltionai "^i'^'payinent of the costs of 3 court Seemsto have closed the inelly'xJS M^the^sameaeaslon,- we learn by thev Lerlngton "plsatch, the ?<'' :^Thoin^|wllle^ court^sentenced 'aJ%15f :.^Su?v ~r';y ;V. ; :v y'the'?treme penalty, to%be ltn| ^..\jl>oeed-on^aiJustice of, the peace ^for }. - 'v practicing law without a license is < revocation of^hls commission as Jua-j ' .r .JPtle^we Vr*l surprised that more Jay^..peea-.do npt get Into this^sort ^of yi ^ trophla^Drawing up of papers.which ; Y.i^he ^wkrf^nc^"; a'uthorlxed to - er?rute. S'^tt-seemes^ to us, conld be stretched ti'tsf Into; false pretensb or something callj. ^ini for more'serious punishment than '< ^^peyinent of costs. ' -1-?* * ^AJ_; V ^INTERNATIONAL ; . ?r SUNDAY SCHOOL : y LESSON ^ , > yCThes'Perils of Favoritism f j*?And Jealousy 1 7.-' V - / ' ' : -f y I not. . -j. tafe?aTavoritisin Breeds: v. ^Jealousy - - >. fcr. fs The ybnnfteet.eon' In the family of V (^jP Jacob was the favorite of hla father. -^Upon hlra he lavished hi* affection. ' V^Natifrally the'lad .responded to this p /<^aitontI?n that singled him nut nronnc V " THEF conceit Is well understood by- those who know udolescent youth. There Is a period when a hoy thinks he knows all that Is worth knowing. He can give the members of his family udI vice oo any subject under discussion. Experience usually takes cure of such Immaturity. The reaction of Joseph's brothers to this situation was that of jealousy. While they were oijt doing the tfork, this young hpstart stole away the affections of their father. A father's love meant much In the family setup of early Hebrew life. One day they plotted to put him out of the way. Their consciences would not let them kill a blood brother,} no* they sold him to merchants traveling to Egypt. Jealousy. Is ' always seeking to eliminate the object of Its dislike In order that It may have the center of the stage. ?V. ? . < v \" Jealousy is a 'most unworthy emotion. Few will cqnfess It "openly, because It Is so marked by Its evil Intentlofa.-To cover.lt up is the first thought of those who fall prey to It. The scheming brothers presented a blood-smeared coat to their father as evidence that Joseph had toeen killed by a lion. As Jacob .was once led to deceive bis own father Isaac, he In turn suffered and was' deceived by his own sons. ' , ~ God, In his Infinite mercy, Bhows ol oo favoritism to the children of men. ol All 81*' memhei* nf Klo' nni-.-.l family. He la no respecter of persona. ^ "We are hla workmanship." There ^ | la no basis whatsoever for Jealousy h( or^prejadlc^- between races. and na- J I tlons under.*. God. '"None i should '.'be ^ I considered Inferior" or lees worthy of ^ the good gifts of life.-'"All men are ^ |created equaL" LetCoif leam/a' les- eon from; Jacob,'Joseph!^ 1 h, brothers and' avold*- thene ^perils'-of l/ prejudice: ' we?er Important their contrlbutio ethelr day; but of those who ha> ifc "larger ^Virion" "aof human proj as ?n the dayfe ahead. There '{wer lose who. In a day,when autocraC; lied and human* rights were denied ad. drearns.yof human liberty* an eedoro. In deflanc^'of thoee'.wbo & ied rpan these possessions r '-the, ired "to stand, and, to declare^tha l]im was made for freedomj f,r It; Is. true that they died fot' thl ilth, but they !built .the roadway rer ^whlch men after, them came Lot Dasesalon of liberty. V ^ 'Tam thinking of those .who, thong hopeless minoritydared to adn ite religious freedom.,Many of'thei ent to their death, even at th aods of the Church they would aav "hey, too, did not live to see the da f which .they dreamed. But out < tielr dreams they built the roat ays over which we have come In! big better day. And there were m( nd women of the past who spol belr convictions concerning tnon dndltlona In the world of their-do nd gave themselves to' war again Tils that woifld destroy men's live "be!r_ generation would not' hei hem. While the full realization f i heir dreams of a better moral ord? as not come, this world Is a betti rorld because they dreamed. The day for dreaming la not goj nd^wlll not be gone ao long as the ire, wrongs to be righted and go< a uses' to be advanced. Tooth of t lay, as of no other day, ^'baa tti lorious opportunity.to dream drean nd to build'some roadways thattVl nake easier the march of humanli o lands that promise life ^moi bundant for man.- "r'.l'j sit Is a day to dream world .peat en while the darknem of _yvar co rs the earth, the day to dream b nan brotherhood and'to help the ft Ulment of the dream by .service" tit feflow'menof erfey* race, iiatlol liltar; v^d'cwWF.^it^ wflT not' be^Cau SjU be- numhered lnxmg' thoee^pf/S dt'f.DIVniK CERTIFICATE. ' i" . s . o. n. c. ~ 7 7 ' * 300 ACTIVE i : ON SAILOQ, YOU'iZE ^iJi '_ - ' . . >1 V .) . ' * " . , IB - 'S J Powerful X ? Rolling o'er the. seaworthy bow; T 7 o Engine'room Brigade, \ \.? Oiling hot^ grease cups, dowii. below, h Bronie Captain Klaflii^^,|y^-J^ Manning the bridge'where salt spray T a a-bOWfcr './:?*' 5 ? Vetwel'8 name, j Jr H The Abyssinian line *V Freighter A J Adawa; , js>" .) B J .. f ii )f Cargo: Grain, ' ? j_ Ten thousand tons of corn .for S] ?| Ethaopla; V ? j A jh* Weather: Driving rain, . . .;;j ? a furious storm off Berbers^.. 0 S? iv Time. A. D. 21V52,*" T Dt rv.pt nf T^lnff D'w.' U a. Hourly speed. In knot*, - 72^ ^ ir Atmosphere Icy, wljh wintry xhlU J'! ^ of Orercaat skies, Inky blue, J %' } ?$ tr Destination, Merka, port of Industrial T ?r . mills. r ' . J r?William Maler Carpenter.. T IF I HAD A FRIEND LIKE J( * , . . JONATHAN.'E xi ??>? H?? q. IX.I nad, a.friend like Jonathi^ffijfc "jt ls Ufe'a^rlctorj 'would be^a?rareiOi', -i ? ? * " HI Rut hare. fortunat^y^endured,>j ty Tto/many daily/^ WhlchT con front 'sinful nia^' ^ By nejfieetlny^selflah lnteTCBta.v.'t^ R It" And followingr Jesus" plan.7A ?' < V ?^V' F V- v"... V --.i** u. If I had a friend like Jfmatfcan^'>'.'^lj * ;.. .f ... ', >;,f TtXiOAY.SEPTKMBEB I*/ IW N5GROES CO ON DUTY IN U.3. COAST ? Mtmn ir*M ' ..?-? r ' . " ** It ': ?.' ' * ;v - -- '-, - " *(<% ' .? - . > ->*A - .'v ' - < -. .? ? ' 4v v .'- ' . . .^ 5: I ' ' ' i? THE , * >/ rs CORITO -;, f : P MALET CARPENTER: >fe ' o ? discuss the:''international' sltna- !"; *.'?.?" -a' * '' ..s'-- .< : :'. -:1 "V*?William''Malet Carpenter. V. ' . : , . -,r?V JOLLY TOMMY ATKINS. V' V-', here's ra ladvfrom Plcadllly,^,-%>'i "ho's really- rough and tough t 7' e Urea In front-line trenches, ^ \\ nd obligingly stmts his stuff. 1 .* ? la name la Tommy Atkins.- * ow that lad does scrap, preadlng limey military glory, * '' y cross the universal map I '* ' vi-Ji} ur brave friend, Jolly .Tommy, * /-.x as fought In every war, - ^ o the Fall of Singapore. t lien, Fleet Street: needs protection, v ommy" Atkins grabs a gun, 5\ nd before one 'can aay-"Jack Rob-J;v . inson," ' \ f ; he war Is practically won. alk about your gallant Ulhana, nd Russian Cossack calvary men, ally Tommy Atkins' fighting fame, ^ rtends from I>OTer to Afghanistan. ??*?*. v^rpentf. . V . ' I "71?' ' NGLISHv'LYRICt?TO ? HANDEL'S . 8ABABANDk.y, "y. fy, i (Sp?nI*h;"X>an^^,In.''2/rf Time) v * / Indrlfl , In autumn la llke'agarden, ad . rosea, \blos . "starlight, ^ aweet ' jri- - ' j- .. f.-.i ,v roTialc. and romanc? ., \ air s aenorltaa, gay "cabalJeroa, at (y-..mlilnlgbt,',, '?/:<