| Keep l/p With the Time FUT 01. I. NO. 43 Scrap Organization City Cross Section All of Greensboro Is Taking Part In Effort A thoroughgoing organisation to aid in the scrap ndhiinri campaign rhicb lupins Oct* titer 1 for the salvaging of waste materials vitally needed In the imfUin's war effort is being formed to serve in llo* OreensboiivRiihiirlnui umi, \vh?'i?* the drive Is Itelng tip by I . E. PempRev, city sanitation hihI garbage superintendent, wlio \v:i? appointed by IV T. Hitics. chairman of the comity salvnce rnmiuittee. Similar organizations ore lieing perfected by .1. I. Wagoner, mini v farm agent, who Ir in charge "f rural Guilford collection*, ami 1.1. Col. J. C. Minhliinette, who i< directlog the drive among hK-nl Industrial plants. Through It. I.. Smith, city mi|torloteodent of scIihoIk, primljails ami teacher* are urging pupils to remind their parents of the campaign and Its importance. ami to gather up all scrap materials for depositing at any fire house or flllnc station, all of which are ??rviii? as collection depots. Sub-chairmen hare been appointed to direct collection activity in various localities?W. K. Vaunt* In the Bessemer community. .1. r. Massey In the McAdoo Heights section. O. W. Isibliliis in the iNuiicu-t community, <5. S. ltoren in the Terra Gotta section. E'des K. lltslrlck in the Karaite Industry, I tick Horen anions oil distributor* and filing stations, Cliurles H. West In (lie Starmuunt Forest and llauiilton Lakes areas. .1. M. Sink at Woman's college. Dr. Jiavid D. Jones at Bennett college. Dr. F. L>. Hluford at A. aud T. college. Clarence Cone in the Cone mill villages. John U. Walters in the Rankin school community, and J. R. Rumbley and V. (Continued On Page Eight) Scrap Campaign Is Nation-Wide Three Weeks Effort Is Made To Collect Metal Mm. wmnen and children hv the million* began the greatest concentrated hunt In American history?a nationwide search for metal scrap In homes, factorial arid farms?by states, cities, towns and counties. For the neat three weeks more than 1,000 newspapers In most states will lead the intensive drive to find junked metal to feed the hungry steel mills turning out weapons against the axis. Everything that Is made of wornout obsolete or unessential metal It needed : Old garbage cans, hammer heads flatlrons, skid chains, refrigerator* radiators, tractors, washing ina , chines, kitchen stoves, bathtubs electric Irons, plows, huyrakes, rails Iron girders, boilers, pipes. Tbla la the appeal recently Issue* ? by Donald Nelson: "Aa chairman of the war production hoard, 1 call upon every clli sen of the United States to luiiki this campaign a success hy gut her log and turning in all the serai 1^."- metal that can possibly tie spared.' ? ' I URE fiKEENS 7 ; ~ YOUNGSTERS IN THE ? nation needs scrap metal and search for the materials need< sections of the city and rural < call for active participation of tor Graham, Adolphus Milling 2 Negro Ministers Assaulted On i] ?-p I rain The Department of Justice Iimk uii- ' , der rimsiilmtiiH) the rases of two Negm ministers who allegedly were sixxniilleil on no lnter-stare carrier on , , Sepleml?er S. 1!H2. while en route to' tlie National Rnprist convention In J Memphis. Tenti.. the Office of War Information revealed today. The two ministers, the Rev. .1. C. Jackson of Hartford. Conn.. hikI the Iter. S. A. Young, of Wushiiiglon, D. C., conferred with Victor Rotnetn. Chief of tlie Civil Rights Section of the Criminal Division of the rM|?nrtntent of Justice on Septemlier 22. This conference whs arranged by Waller White. Executive Secretary of the National Aw??clHtinri for The Advancement of I'wplp. who also utr. The two convention dflttiilcs charged that they were assaulted hy white passengers on 11 Southern ICmI 1way truln while In Inter-state travel from Waahington. I>. C. to Memphis. Tenn. The two alleged Hftncks occurred neitr ^ nitylmiit, Ala., ami (lurley. Ala. According to the two ministers, both of whom had received Ihillnmn accommodation!* at Washington, the Incidents occurred when they attempted to visit other Negro delegate* In a day coach near the front of the train. To reach this coach It wu neewuwry for the two ministers to pass through two day conches or hy white passengers. ' Hev. Mr. Yonng ilelarwl that he wan attacked hy a white iiHas?igor as he entered the coach when he failed to oliey no order to "flo hack !" The minister stated that he was truck in the face and that his gluaeea were broken. (Continued On Page Thr?) ' j?THE? ROKO, N. C- SATI RDAY? OCTOBEJ ICRAP. TOO?These little Neg iron. They're showing the re ?d for war. The Negro commi :ommunities, are rapidly orgai young and old alike. The boys :s and Perry Jordan. Aggies Are Ready For the Rattlers The A. and T. Aggie* ure prituiii;: tlieir gun* In preparation f?r the gigantic intersect ham I rlmwii' lietween themselves unci the Florida A. and M. 1 lilt tier*, of TiillnliHsmv, Fin., which will take place under the are light* of Memorial Stadium. Saturday, October 3. Although transportation facilities hare lieen lluilred hy the rationing id gas and tire*, advanced ticket sale* indicate that a large numlier ?l sports fan* will l?e present lit kickoff time, which in scheduled for No official word Iiiih readied her* eonrerolng the iiotentiality of tie Florid Ian*, hut it in expected lliat they will bring a strong uggreguJini to the <!ate City as has l?een [lie c:is? in the past. (Continued On Page Seuen, ii i iron "mi* w tiiTi fflfllUK 3ULUVA1 FOR INDUS Heralding the "Scrap for Victory" campaign uhirh will Fx launched throughout Guilford county and the remainder of North Carolina today. Mayor W. H. Sullivan issued the following proclamation: "Wherea*. It Is the desire of each of us to render all possible aid to the war effort; and. wbrreaa, the means of direct aid has presented Itself in that our government has called upon us for ever) pound of scrap in this country. In our homes. In our places of business, and in industrial plants, and. whereas, the scrap we make av ailable to our government will be Instrumental hn saving the lives of | mir boys In the armed forces [* ITU R 3, 1942 iiWK/f * >. To boys know how badly the suits of their neighborhood jnities, as well as all other shown are, left to right, Hec- ' Bennett College Students Hear Dr. Thurman | "Men t-umnit live without hope no low than men can live without lirend," I>r. Howard Thurtniin. noted [theologian mid dean of the chapel at Howard University. told the facility. J students and local townsmen, when he '*|N.ke on "The Temptation of J?au*" ut the Hfternt?on vesper service In the ! Annie Memer I'felffer Chapel of jjtenoett fNdlege on Sunday. I "Men ?re losing Increasingly their . 1 confidence III tlielr jaiwer of mind to | unravel the mystery and the tragedy '.of the world." he continued. "Even | the college student today is finding wnrtiiwhllenf-As of leHritinr anything ! nlsHit anything and for anything.'* I (Continued On Page Eight) 1 ASKS AID TRIES OF NATION and in ha*tuning (he day of victory for the alllw. "Now, therefore. I. W. H. Sullivan. mat or of the rity of Oreeroboro. do hereby proclaim the period from October 1 ! through October 21, 1112, as . Strip for Victor)' campaign period and 1 hereby rail upon ecery citizen of (ireensboro to malte this campaign a success by searching through attics, basement* and sb>r&(r rooms. shops, stores, warehouses and industrial plants; by gathering and turning In all scrap metals, rubber and rags that ran possibly be spared. "This the 2Kth day of Seplember. 1942. W. H. SULLIVAN, "Mayor . V. 'ad The Future Outlook! j )0K rKICK: Br Gas Stations Join Salvage Collection Every Filling and Fire Station To Aide Drive Every fire house and every filling station in GrectiKlioro ami suburbs will lie pressed into service as a storage depot in the Guilford county scrap harvest which la-gins October 1 in conjunction with the state-wide drive to collect materials so essential to the war effort, as Iron, steel, rubber, brass, bronze. zinc. copper, aluminum. lend, kitchen crease atel even old rugs. Sponsored hv the conservation division of the war production l-onrd In co-operation with newspapers fhrouphout the state* the Guilford county scrap collection eainputgti will go forward under the general supervision of P. T. Hlnos. chairman of the county salvage committee. Hlnes lias appointed I.. S. IVmpSey, city sanitation ami garage su|-eriiitendent. to head up the cani(uiign in Gret-nslairo. and sulmrhs; J. I. Wagoner, county furm agent, to handle collections In rural Guilford; and LL Col. J. Mtnhinnette. of the city tax depart merit, to direct collections in local industries. Detnpsey, in going over "the Greensboro-suburban collection plan, explained today that in addition to fire houses and filling stations heI nrr ' ?>? - * h rent nil depot will l>e established on the Elm-Gaston corner of the old city hall property. If more convenient, donors may take their contributions of scrap metals to the nearest scrap metal dealer, he said, If their collection is too heavy for convenient handling In their own car. they may. by dialing R181.. the city hall numlter. have a city truck sent to their premises to pick up the loud. If. however. their collection weighs only a few pound* and can be transported In their own on/ without too much Inconvenience, contributors are asked to make nn effort to deliver shelr scrap themselves in the Interest of conserving city truck tires. Mr. Wagoner Gives His Plan for Scrap Collection O_t I nr.'n r? otnuuis in receive Benefit of Drive Tentative piling for the nillertlon nf wrap In rural Oullford wrrp Announced todny liy J. I. Waynnrr, county farm Hjrenf. who will direct the nirnl cainpnijni October 1-17. County tu'hooln linve hn>n desicI tinted n* central jioliitB for depoaltInc wrap. HVwroner School children will he naked to tour their home* from cellar to attic, cnlher nil available scrap motal. rubt**r and rnpi and take the collection to their school house. Proceed* from the *ale of scrap turned In to theee site* will lie r|*M?r for Improvement of the ronnfy schools. It was pointed out. It ?hk also sucKcsieil thnt farmera pool their srmp nnd If they collect N? much ua two tonR they ran uotifj a Junk ilealer who will cnll ^ (ContinuMd On Pace Eighty

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