^ -6 1 Keep Up With the Tin FBI VOLUME I LI, ISO. 12 BENNETT EDI1 Mfaa Mflrjcu^itP Pope of Ne Chairman of the Bennett Bann< of her Inst "Informal meetings graduation rrom Mennett college, OtlifP members, from left to rig senior, Gary, Went, Va., Lula Tl! Wiirren, senior Severn, N. C. COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE "College students have splendid opportunities for community service," declared Dr. L. C. Ilollldsy, member North Carolina state board of health, Wednesday to the students In a course In public relation A. and T. college. Dr. Holllday stressed the need for unselfish leaders as the true spirit in the American way of living. The courae designed to give Instructions In social relationships and race relations is taught by C. A. Irvln, public relations of the college. ELIMINATE RAID PRACTICES The War Department and the office of Civilian Defense have eliminated practice air raid alerts and blackouts Involving public participation, except In coasta} areas including Vermont. Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. Along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts such alerts and blackouts will be authorised once every three months on Sun days only. The measure was taken to decrease Interference with production of war material. Staff Sgt- D. L. Boger was In the city Sunday on his way back to camp after 21-day lea re. While on leave, he visited his mother, stater and grandmother In New York and aunt In Pittsburgh, Pa. * rtes! ????? ruRi GREENSBO rORIAL BOARD . i I ' . 4 yi v :'*-*y~y? j. ^ wport News, yn., extreme left, *r Editorial Hoard, conducts one M with the board, prior to her , Greensboro, X. C., January 2Btli, ht, are the Misses Helen Horton, Met, Junior, Eden ton; and Vashtl ll.T. HARRY G. SHARP. JR, ADDESSES JUNIOR CITIZENS Lt. ITarry O. Sharp, Jr., son ol general secretary and Mrs. Harry O. Sharp, of the Greensboro Younp Men's Christian Association, ad dressed an enthusiastic crowd ol Junior citizens Friday night, January 28 at 8:30 o'clock at HayesTaylor 'Y'. Lt. Sharp Is on furlough in the city visiting his parents and friends after spending 1.1 months In the Solomon Islands In the South Pacific. He related some of his experiences while In that area of battle. He was Introduced by Thomas B. Hummons, executive secretary of Hayes-Taylor Y. M. C. A. The boys thoroughly enJoyed themselves at this weekly activities night. FOURTH WAR LOAN DRIVE The Fourth War Loan Drive committee presents FREE ticket* to the Invasion Premier showing of Madame Curie, M.Q.M. picture starring Greer Qlraon and Walter Pldgeon at the Carolina theater Tuesday night, February 1, 1044, it 8 p. m. For every extra bond bought during this drive theater tickets may be secured at Brown'* Funeral Home, 018 R. Market treat. Dial 6100. Mrs. Wynn, the wife of Dr. W M. Wynn, of the Rcclea and Wynn Drur store auent the week-end In I the dty. "An DUi\U LAMfAlliIN CARRIED TO HOMES Slier City, N. C.?Miss Delols M. Edwards, .Tonnes Industrial Supervisor for Negro Schools In I Chatham county reports, that the campaign to sell War Homls and Stamps Is being cnrrled Into every home In her section. Miss Edwards also points out that many citizens of Chatham County are raising victory gnr to relieve the strains Imposed by army requirements for foodstuffs, and to secure funds .to purchase! Wnr Bonds nnd Stamps. Miss Edwards Is n graduate of the Agricultural and Technlcnl College of North Carolina, Orecnsboro. HON. ROBT. MHOSELEY DISCUSSES HOMES Legal aspects and the Importance of home ownership were discussed Wednesday In simple terms to the class In housing. A. and T. college,'by Hon. Robert Moseley, distinguished member of the Oreensboro bar, and member of the North Carolina house of representatives. In connection with real propeT, ty, Mr. Moseley discussed deeds, , taxes, mortgages, execution pro. cedures In making wills, building , permits, and ways and means of . financing home ownership. The speaker as member of the legislature baa held many ImporI tant assignments Including post on . the education, appropriations and , Judiciary committees.. "I've gotta get a new wife," moaned Carl Prank when hia | pooae and radio partner, Barbara , Weeks, was knocked out by fin. 1 Rosaline Oreene responded, be I came Carl's "Mra." In CBR "Now and Forerar" drama. ?THE? LQ! RO, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY "Y" Everyday Youth Club Present Au- I niversary Program The Hayes-Taylor Y .M. C. A. Eveready Youth club presented Its first anniversary program on last Thursday night, January 27, at S o'clock at the 'Y\ oulldlng. This procram was also In keeping with the 4th anniversary of nayes-Tnylor *Y\ The program opened with group 8lglng and followed by prayer by the president of the Youth council, J. Walter Poole. Music was furnished by the J. C. Price school glee club directed by Mrs. Oladys Hnramonds and Miss Catherine McCullough. I The purpose nn ' The Future Outlook! | )0K PRICE: So Appear T. February 10th L'XCAN ductlon of "Porgy and Hess" back In 1935. Prior to that he had made, in addition to concert appearances, one excursion Into opera, playing the role of Alflo In "Cnvnllerln Rustlncnna" at Mecca Temple In New York City. After the original "Porgy"?a great artistic but originally not a commercial success?Duncan went back for n few years to Howard University. Once again his nrademlc work wns interrupted by the call of the stage. This time he went to England, accompanied by his * wife and young son, to appear with Leslie Banks and Edna Best in "The Sun Never Seta," the late Edgar Wallace. The play was a hit, lasting 18 months at the Dniry Lane. On his return to America he was engaged for the part of the IiOwdls General In "Cabin In the Sky" with Ethel Waters. When the casting for the motion picture version began the studio asked for him hut by that time he was In Cheryl Crawford's sensational revival of "Porgy and Beets." In oddtlon to his stage work, Todd Duncan has appeared with the New York PhilharmonicSymphony summer after summer at the Lewisohn stadium, featured on the annual Gershwin Night. In Hollywood he has made a number of shorts as well as the picture ".Syncopation" for RKO. On the radio has has been a guest artist with Rudy Valise, Jack Hilton, Ben Bernle, Erno Rapes, Frank Black, and Alfred Wallenstein.