.DAY, JUNE 17, 19 4 4 ' Bishop Shaw (Continued from page 4) hope tliut the ilu.v is not far distnut wlien the support of trained, qualified and efficient ministers will compare favoraldy with tliut of men in oilier professions. War and l'eare. "We agree with tile prevailing atriiuiiii-ui in me u.uuiuuist cnurcn in our refusal to condone war us u method of solving national and International problems, but we loyally support our government, forced into Ibis present war on account of the treachery at l'earl Harbor. We do this, however, with the hope that 'when this war ends .there shall he established some kind of international co-operation that shall find a more excellent way of settling international difficulties. Permanent peace must come tlirough the substitution of service and co-operation for the present too prevalent emphasis upon domination and control. "1'eace is an inner spiritual quality which can be attained only uuder the process of following the policy ami program ol' the prince of peace. We feel that the *" time is at luintl when all the for-es of righteousness, ^justice and good-will should unite in such a manner that the words of the unciet.it prophet shall lie fulfilled in our day and generation, and 'nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any .more'. Full Citizenship and Economic .Opportunity for Negroes. i, "We deeply regret and are concerned over tile apparently growing sentiment for the luniuteuituce of tin un-American, tm-Christiun, undemocratic, and often wicked system of segregation of Negroes even in public relationships which Cannot be enforced and practiced without manifest injustice and inconvenience below tile standard of civilized communities. Even if the fear of intermarriage of lite races is. tlie alleged excuse, a more courteous nud less wicked method should be" used to adjust such matters. "It is true that the church may not he responsible for much of the race hatred and segregation of Negroes on account of race, hut we contend that the Christian church should not he dominated . by those wlui (Seek and .desire a lower, standard in race relations than is clearly, la'ught in Christianity. The church should, practice and make' operative its idealism or confess itself incapable of autualiy becoming genuinely Christian and close its doors in inevitable defeat by the forces of evil. JSoine of Our Needs. "The rural church: in our jurisdiction about three-fourths of our 'churches are rural or in towns of less than .">,000 inhabitants. One of the g ml test needs of the central jurisdiction Is a more skillful rural ministry. A fjrst class rural minister devoted to the task of helping his people live a better life . here as well as hereafter, may by precept and example transform ' his people economically inj well 1 as spiritually. "Great preuclier-pastors: One of the greatest needs among us is great preacher-pastors who are I able to deliver a helpful message to practically every person in his congreguiio nut least once on Sunday and at the same time be musters of bundling congregations us; - sembled and the people in his purf >. t , . , , m - v . THK FUTU] isli. Ministers must not forget that not nil of tile Christian wisiloin unil training is in t. > pulpit. There is an abundance of wisdom of all kinds in Die pews tiiat can j be used in a co-operative manner. I We need ministers who are \vill-| iug to respect the judgment and i personalities of all the people. "Heller worship services: One of the greatest weaknesses of Negro churches is the worship service. Tile great pastors of the future will lie those who are most gifted in training Die people to worship and to make the church an agency for human uplift and building a better world. "A constructive district sttperintendcncy: I'nder the Intensively organised Methodism of today the nffice of the district suporintemleney was never more iinlispensu hie. ryr too many dint net superintendents major in finances. Tliis is important, hut lm\v much more Useful a district superintendent could lie if, along with his promotion of tlie temporal affairs of ids district, lie combined the training of pastors and officers to do efficient work in many ways and the improvement of the Christian life i f Negro 1 | In Jung /( ^ Litter I fiL was nol \[ but hea 'J Americ; to the / 41 guerrill U been ex I Leffi | Grec iE ()' TI.OOK. ORKKXSROR and conduct of tlie people. How < inurli more helpful to the bishop lie could be if in Ills rounds ho studied the charges in such atonaii- < nor us to lie aide to recommend the type of pastor who would fit host into each pastorate. "Knlurghig our herders: The 1 time is at hand when we must 1 visualize ami utilize (lie opportu- ' nitios given us as a Negro group ip our Methodism, eight million 1 strong, to enlarge our herders hy taking greater advantage of the 1 numerous opportunities given us for establishing new churches, < especially in communities where I white Methodists have moved out ami Negroes moved in. Let us con* i duct ourselves in such a manner I as Id command tiie respect ami > t deserve such recognition and co-1 > operation as to put behind us in our work nol only tin* power ami Influence of our own rare group. . imt tin* great strength ami influence ??l* Metlioilisls of the white ; rare, among whom we live ami work together for our common Methodism. "Christfaulty applies?the need of the world : The secret of the i marvelous material advancement 1 roops Pre [le Warfai >earers take a wounded man t t one-sided in this brush?son lthy, Private First Class Isaia an forces at Bouganville, folio American perimeter. Swift, 1)1 as. Fijian casualties in spor; tremely light. i?> main, following which failure is inevitable. *'11 of the eternal principles iving The re Released by U. S. .War Department lit o a collecting station. But t le 20 Japs were killed. A li , a Fijian guerrilla, serving ws the main body of his nat. oody slabs are the specialty c adic clashes with the Japane Signal Corps.) KING THE i -Cal Winer] SEVEN taught am] lived in Jesus Christ. Il?* wants a generation to take the banner of unselfish service home by our Lord up Calvary's heights anil carry ii on unjfc^ve shall be able to give to the nations tiie kingdom of tioil. the kingdom of peace, the kingdom of love and good-will among men. "'Lead on, O King Kternal. we follow, not with feara; And gladness breaks like morning where'er Thy face appears Thy Cross is lifted o'er, us; we journey in its light; The crown awaits tIi eeonipiesl ; lead on. ( < on! of inighl"." mseives ireau of Public Relation* he score C>1 ttle late n ivilh the w rol back . K if Fijian p> :se have ^ ATTACKI I V Co. I