Keep Up With the Tim PF01 VOLUME HI. NUMBER 34 I ORD Color Guard H /' Tlie color Kusird proudly marchinjf by with flogH unfurled h&ils from AAF overseas replacement I depot here hi Greensboro of M'hich Col. C. IL Lewi* Ls comI Iliaildilii' nffioiiP ! In co-operation with present I state-wide plans to prevent the possible spread -of polio, Col. Converse It. Lewis, commanding officer, announced yesterday that plans for a July 4 open house and celebration oil the post next Tuesday have keen canceled. The announcement was made after consultation with the i>ost surgeon and the North Carolina | state health authorities. At pres' cut there are reported to he cases of poll oin the state. I Hie spread of the disease, it I was pointed out, has not reached alarming proportions, hut all precautionary measures will also be 1 taken by military authorities to avoidavoid an epidemic. The original July 4 plans called for the j ilisuei'lliui nt 4 " ?. Huiucimig 111 it-resting I pdst installations by the public and the assemblage of large crowds to witness training activities. The commanding officer said the open house had been planned hi a desire for "reciprocating in some measure the cordial and wholesome hospitality which has been so generously extended to the officer, enlisted and civilian per* sonnel of this post by the people of Greensboro and of the state of North Carolina at large." Colonel Lewis expressed his regret at the cancellation but said i there was no latornative' in the interest of the public health. -. I Morale Program At Providence Baptist Church J. A {spiritual morale program was I.- given at the Providence Baptist if /r.r church under the auspices of the Junior Alert club. Soldiers of *?" ORD participated jointly with the ZV/V girls. Each member of the club gfe'V1 dressed In white, carried white EE;: candles and Miss Thompson wus ft&Vcrowned "Miss Junior Alert" for : Jhg largest sum of money brought ito the club for the benefit of-the Speclul numbers on the progrum. itemi.rka by Rev. Iteld, assistant chaplain ot ORD. A group of j wRftniritiiHls by the Junior choir and [^SSJoldlers under the direction of J$jjMral88 Marian Thacker. Solo by ^j^Mpvt. J?bn H. Banks, solo by Pvt. frwra&endt Hedgoinen who played and Bmjukanglsorae soul stirring spirituals. | fT-A delicious repast was served In Htnlnv nViin Offcnr SPTV ieg/ | riiRE GREENSBt =.\" ? " ; ' ' [ ! -;-f:V V :.i- :: ' '' ; ' ' .. : iggtjg '. C. / , 9 wmr m?: ?THE? 01 3RO, N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 1 1 * : ; ?# ? 5 ^'s^-: < * ;*' ' | ? * , ,X? . Aifty A&rigxBKa^^t^aW . ;S~Jfef.|gv. ^DMHRta w!; Sa|w ^^|Bap \ A& . Read ITU , 1944 1 - ? Sf^v. -. . ; 1 i i ;> i,- ' ** > P ** < r . -V^ ?f~ ifff'tfwfi^V-' T ff9. "W " ,, V/te Future Outlook! | c )0K PRICE: 60 Windsor Center To Be Host To Picnic Groups .The playground at Price, Dunned, Lutheran and Nocho are lie villus llie families of all the children Willi are registered with them to bring plcnTr Timclics to the grounds of the Nm'lio park for a Fourth of July outing. A war stump selling contest is also li?ii.g Two reprcsentatives froin each playground will serve in I lie stamp Ihm?i|i at alternate periods during 1l?? iluy and the individual selling the greatest mine her of stamps will lie crowned the "Vlrtory tlirl" of 11)44 In a ceremony at 8 p. in. The Nih'Iiu playground was host to tin* Lutheran group on Friday, June lit i. A soft hall game was played between the two teams. The playground to open Monday thru Friday from 9 a. m. to p p. in. WW3 SCHOLARSHIP TO RED CROSS AQUATIC SCHOOL Curl Evans, senior life saver at. . Windsor Community Center has I teen awarded a scholarship to attend the lied Cross aquatic school front June 19-29. School is bring held at North Carolina college for Negroes, Durham. Tills Is the sixth annual leadership school for Negroes conducted by the American Red Cross. Those schools are short-term trulnlng centers at which selected students are trained as instructors In water safety, first aid and accident prevention. Evans has been selected by the recreation department and the local lted Cross chapter, and will major in the water safety training program. This ? i -r.. .-"tin diving. functional, canoeing, boating, life saving and first aid. The faculty at. the aquatic school Is made up of professional personnel from national, area anil chapter staffs and selected aqua tic ami other experts cluwn from their outstanding knowledge nnu skill in some particular phase of training given in these schools. Since the Negro training schools were inaugurated the Greensboro chapter of the American lted Cross and the recreation department^ the city have worked together in having some person from Greensboro attend the** GOSPEL oivrjEItS Tim Grnco Soul .v-ring f;OH. pel Singers will render a pro*-^,,, at llonae of Prayer Wednesday night, July H at 8 o'clock, assisted by the Sllvertone Quintette. Tbo public is Invited. Bishop ('. M. Grace, founder; Elsie James Dowdy, director, froui WinstonSalem ; Mr. Preston Klttrell, sponsor.