\ 1 Keep Up With the Times! VOJj|TMK III, MUM BE H 51 ? ? 0 ) ?\ I I )' Is f. ~ /' ? y* ,'V'i ./ / is Youth Held On f Capital Charge j'yj" - Julius Clifford Donnell, 17year-old youth, whose father was one of the two men who died fin the electric chair for the mur.1. . der and rohbery of Postmaster T'' A. B. Andrew of Sedalia on the in v night before Thanksgiving day . foi . in 1931, was held in the city jail , j./ .' Wednesday without bond on the capital charge of criminal assault. . 'f. Police authorities said that Donnell was arrested at 2 a. m. following a reported criminal attack on Lucille Stewart, 18, of 611 South Booker street, about one hour earlier, i. ' S The Stewart girl, a restaurant :worker, was al30 held by police ; as a witness for the state. * Police said their investigation "" " " ? I Indicated that Donnell naa wmnI ft). ed for a short dstanoe with the I ?'> girl before he allegedly seized A..' and dragged her about 12 yards pfj off East Washington street'into 1 a grass field near the lntersec?('. tion of Washington and Booker g streets. The hour was fixed at 1 fe. 1!^* Donnell, who gave his address as 701 Sandstrom street, told , police that his father was Nord Donnell, who with Leroy Lee, was electrocuted for the murt jT? der and robbery of the Sedalla postmaster. Police quoted the Stewart girl as saying that Donnell referred fS? to 1118 'atller'B electrocution anc jLlfc. threatened that if she reportei the alleged attach he could "d ;') ; the same thing." Date for a preliminary heai l'-1 ' lug the case had not been set. m < 1 GRKKNSIJOKO, N. Court Grants In Trial of Fr? On motion of the state, Jud Blackstock allowed continuan in the case of Frank Elliott Ml Ings, charged with the muri in connection with the pis slaying of a ORD soldier, I 1 James L. Griggs, at Millli I apartment, East Market strei 1 Willie Banks Phipps, char 1 with first degree burglary, r o mltthd to a charge of assault female, which was accepted r- the state. Judge Blackstock not pass Judgment lmmedtat HE ?C C\, SATURDAY, NOYKMBUK 4, 1!?44 ? Continuance ank Millings ge Raymond Payne, 18-year-old | ice White Oak youth, charged with J ill- assault with deadly weapon with ler intent to kill, and convicted of tol assault with deadly weapon, in'vt. fllcting serious bodily injury, igs' drew a sentence of two years on st. the roads. ged Payne was convicted of asjub saulting W. A. Davis, elderly t on White Oak man, the night of , by September 25. Payne was recentdld ly captured In Raleigh and re- : ely. turned to this county. t lif cr Vr> 1 VV| Read The Future Outlook! j PRICE: 5c *