V i ,1 | Keep Up With the Tin VOLUME XV, NUMBER 50 Dudle el And Homecoming Festival and Football Game i The big parade begun at the r James B. Dudley high school, i> ThnrcHnv MnvAml>?? 1 ?* 1 ? ?" ...M.UUW|,, ..u.luiuci ?, at liiou p. m. The participants drilled through Lincoln street, McConnell (road, Pearson street, Markef street and Dudley street, to World \Var Memorial stadium, where the Dudley Hi Panthers defeated Washington high school of Reidsville, by a small margin 13-12. , The kick-off was at 2:30 p. in. j The festival was very thrilling to the public. Led by the 35. piece school band, escorted by the student patrol troop', clubs of Dudley high school and the community organizations followed. The Girl Reserves, in a body, were dressed in white, carrying V the Victory Loan Banner, and the Hi-Y club with its patriotic h-float. The Panther's Claw staff, (Dudley's school paper), followed in a group. The Boy Scouts - of America were in uniform, "symbolizing their preparedness, >-"ready to do their part in the ; great Victory Loan drive." The ORD band served as guests of !-- honor. The Junior Red Cross of the school marched adjacent to the ORD Red Cross ambulance, flio Mow T^armuvo imorL ca, wtth tlieir harvest colors, i tj.mule and wagon, exhibited the 'J. fine spirit of food preservation. if The Girl Scouts of America in .^their cheerful regalia, the com' jnercial club with its skill of I business presented in black and ' white, trowel trades, diversified ."' occupations and auto mechanics, ^were groups that called our atfetention to the Victory Loan slo?-gan, with their floats, represent"^.ing the work of hands and J. brains. ^"'Climaxing the parade was "Miss ^Dudley High" and her attendants ^carrying corsages of ChrysantheVmums on the beautiful float with :|.a large sign on the front, with "^Vetterhig and pictures exhibiting all the characteristics of the ^Victory Loan drive. 3$ At the end of the half, scores tyere: Dudley" 7, Reidsville, 0. "< The band followed . the floats nd ''Miss Dudley High" was ^presented to the student body kand spectators. Remarks were vmade by one of ^Dudley's outstanding veterans, James Penn, 'yho served in the battles of iaiy, France and Germany. j^Miss Roberta Favors, teacher Sf.biology ot Dudley, presided jiuring the brief program at the at which time "Miss Dudley .tHRjt'was introduced to principal ^J^Tarpley, who gave welcome ^^tlnued On Page Right) tes! ^ GREENSliORO, N. C.. S ETW^SF " in # ' 'i'iflD| i+ &$ttjF^gFy1**:m\r ^mrnw M^Efe ffirmff' _ SI lown above is u scefie of the Victory Loai Homecoming ganie( which is a gala annual I I I jSgBjk i 3E Jwv jL^9k \ mm w^mm v ^ . .^rf^ '^ A _ ?1 II .jjw.ll. n Tlic above photo shows the charming "Miss thcinuins. Heading from left to ringht, tliey i derson, Vehna Pass, Corina. Puller, Gertrude Reading clockwise in th eback row, iu-e , Evelyn White, lower center, Georgia Waldron HE r ATUliDAY, NOVK.M U lilt 3, 1915 i parade ol' James 15. Dudley hihj? school, in (lie 1: festival) was between the Dudley Panthers and It ^tf i ^|ShB^ W I Dudle.v?High" in licr Blue Mnd Gold, with her ?tt ire Evelyn Jones, Marie Allen, Mary Herbin, Dor* Nash, Florence Siinf son and Ida Woniack, seate Jessie Carney, "Miss Dudley High," Jean Maync and Dorothy Holding. \ Read The Future Outlook! | I I PRIOE): l? aisincss scslioii of East Market street, eidsville liiglv school. (I'lioto liy KlTTl'KK OUTLOOK) - ' ' . )y.; endants carrying corsages of Ohrysan?thy Smoot, Rosa Price, Dorothy Hen>1, holding Victory lx?iui banner, ird, maid of honor, Dolores Brewer, (Photo By FUTURE Ol'TIXKJK)