VOL; 23; NO. 42 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1964 PRICE 5 CENTS BENNETT COLLEGE ADDS ELEVEN NEW FACULTY MEMBERS THIS YEAR J Announcement of the addition of 11 persons to the faculty and staff of Bennett College were announced this week by Presi dent Wllla B. Player. Traveling the greatest distance will be Dr. Frank H. Hand, who will be coming from the University of New England in Australia, where he served as head of the English department. Coming as exchange professor from India will be Dr. Anna Chandapillai, from Isabella Tho bura College, at Lucknow. She is no stranger to this country, however, having earned her Ph.D degree in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Hand, a native of Lon don, holds the M.A. degree from McGill University of Canada, and earned his doctorate at the University of Paris. He has con tributed widely to professional journals. Miss Marilyn Fardig, of Har brr^ ' m. presently working to wuiu ir - ,toJ. . . history at Urrton 'ineoi Seminary in New York / City, will be the college's second Wood row Wilson ? Intern. She holds degrees from Oberlin Col lege and Columbia University. Mrs. Sudie D. Sides, of Fair born, Ohio, has been named to the history faculty. A graduate of Woman's College in Greens boro, she received her MA. do gree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hlli, where she has also completed all course work for her doctorate In history. Also from Chape Hill comes Marvin C. Mood, of Vineland, j N. J., who received his M.A. .degree there after graduation i from Virginia Polytechnic In stitute at Blacksburg, Va. He will teach political science. Joining the English faculty will be Mrs. Virginia A. Tucker, of Greensboro, formerly of San Antonio, Texas, who received her M_A. degree from the Uni versity of North Carolina at Greensboro, following gradua tion from Southwest Texas State College, and Miss Mildred Jackson, of Spearsville, La., a graduate of WUey College. Returning In the areas of hu manities and speech will be Fred A. Eady, a graduate of I Howard University who receiv ed his "M.A. degree from New York University. Mrs. Necla | Boyers, of Greensboro, a grad uate of Central State College l-?t' WiTberforce, Ohio, will be Rimming instr?' tor and direct health and pi?yslcal education building which will be dedicat ed in October. The "Rev. A. Knighton Stan ley, of Greensboro, a graduate of Talladega College"' and of the Yale University Divinity School, joins the religion and philoso phy faculty. Mrs. Libble Lof ton, of Greensboro, a Bennett graduate, will be in charge of the materials of learning labora tory for -teacher education. Tar Heel Youth Wins Scholarship Li i mmmm Arrustns Robert Chavls, Jr. A 17-year-old North. Carolina youth has won a specall $500 regional scholarship for Negro 4-H Club members. He Is Argustus Robert Chavls Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 'R. Chavls of Wlnton. . Young. Chavls was selected for the acholnrshlp In competl-" tlon . with 20 other cutatendltlg 4-ITen Iran 11 southern ^stat**, according .to Dr. T. . C. BlnlocJc, state 4-H Club leader. . r. A veterans of seven years In club work, Chavis has carried a total of 34 projects in pea nuts, corn, soybeans, hogs, to bacco, cotton and gardening. These projects have resulted in products With a gross value of $40,113. * In fact, Chavis has assumed full responsibility for running a GS-acre farm since both par ents work away from home. Profits from the farm have been applied toward home improve ments and as savings for* a col lege education. Chavis has been a county medal winner in field crops, tractor safety and soil and water management projects. He placed first in the district 4-H tobacco demonstration on two occasions, and has placed second and third in* the' state contest. ? - ,ln ? 1962,,- -he was awarded a scholarship to attend the New Farmers of , America Convention In Atlanta,- Ga. ?ln addition to his 4-H Club .work, young Chavis is assistant superintendent of his Sunday