V H f Jh t fatur ^lutlpok 3tmnj oaoqsMeeay Keep Up With The Times I XCuu * ? .w ! Outlook! VOL. 26, NO. 18 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1967 PRICE 10 CENTS N. C. Mutual Honors N. L. Gregg And W. H. Headen At Trinity A. M. E. Zion Church The North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company is sponsoring a public program Sunday 4 P. M. at Trinity A.M. E. Zion Church February 19, 1967 honoring N. L. Grepg, a retired officer of the company. Mr. Gregg retired from active service December 31, 1966. Be fore assuming a position as As ~ *? *? N. L Gregg sistant Agency Director o f the company, Mr. Gregg was Dis trict Manager in charge of the Greensboro Office for more than 32 years, building one of the largest districts in the compa ny's system. This public program is de signed to give Mr. Gregg, along with Mr. W. H_ Headen who re tired a few months ago, an op portunity to say thanks to their many friends and policyholders who cooperated with them over the years in their successful career-expanding approximately 40 years. Mr. Gregg was born in Sum ter, S. C., graduated from John son. C. Smith University, Char lotte, N. C., the Agency Man agement School of the Life In surance Agency Management Association and also an LUTC graduate. "Newt* Gregg has moved up the ladder of success "round by round" serving as Assistant Manager from March 1929 to November 1929 when he was promoted Manager of the Greensboro District. He served in that capacity until January 2, 1961, when he was named Assistant Agency Director and an Officer of the Company. Dur ing those 32 years as Manager "Newt" received top ratings on his operations and personal qualities. He was the Manager of the Year? 1954, 1956. 1958 and 1960. This Is a record that has not been repeated. A mem ber of the Managers Advisory Council 1953, 1954. 1955. 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1960. He has been a winner to many com panv snonsored conventions. "Newt," as he Is affectionately known, Is a leader In his com munity where he served as the first Treasurer of the N. C. Branch of the NAACP for a period of approximately 30 years. He was Treasurer and a Member of the Board of Greensboro Community Council. He held membership in the Greensboro Men's Club, the Mayor's Committee for the Handicapped. He served as President of the Alumni Associ ation of Johnson C. Smith Uni versity and a member of its Board of Trustees. He is an El der and serves as Chairman of the Finance Committee and member of the General Council of the Yadkin Presbr*try, In charge of pensions. He Is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Now that Mr. Headen has been retired for quite sometime, he has more time to devote to community and civic organiza tions. He is most active in his church as chairman of the Trus tee Board, a Class Leader, mem ber of the North Carolina Coun. cil on Human Relations, Greens boro Community Council, Greensboro Community Fellow ship, "Emcees" Men's Club and member of St. John's F. & A. M. Lodge No. 12. Final Rites HeliPFor Edward R. Merrick Edward Richard Merrick Edward Richard Merrick, 79. 2008 Fayetteville St., former vice president and treasurer o.' North Carolina Mutual Life In surance Co., died at 11:30 a. m Wednesday, February 8, 1967 at Lincoln Hospital, where he had been a patient for several weeks. He was born in Durham on June 12, 1888, the oldest son of five children of the late Martha and John Merrick. His father was one of the two founders and first president of the insur ance company. He was educated In Durham (Continued on Page 5) Final Ser.ices Held For Mrs. Lunett Erwin j Mrs. Lunette Wheeler Erwin I Funeral services for Mrs. 1 Lunette Wheeler Erwin were conducted Saturday, February 11, 1967, at 2:00 P.M. at Mt. Tabor Methodist Church. Rev. G. M. Phelps, pastor, officiated. Mrs. Erwin, widow of the late Rev. A. M. Erwin, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Wheeler, was born in Buncombe County, N. C. Nov. 1885, and departed this life Feb. 6, 1987 at the Anne Arundel General Hospital in Annapolis, Maryland. She attended school in Hen dersonville, N. C. and Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. She taught school for a number of years in North Carolina and Virginia. She was first united in mar- , 'Pnntlnnptf r>?c?? i A & T Gets $28,000 Contract By USDA To Continue Research Project A&T College has been award ed a contract of $28,000, by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, to continue a research project concerned with the utilization ct wheat by the adult male. The project, which begins this month, is being operated under the direction of Dr. Cecile H. Ed wards, professor of nutrition and research. Dr. Seetha N. Ganapa thy, associate professor of nutri tion and research, will serve as co-director of the study. Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy, president of the college, announced receipt of the award this week. He said the new contract, the second in the series, brings to a total of SI 13,353, committed within three years to the project spon sored by the Human Nutrition Research Division, Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. A previous grant of $85,288, was awarded in February, 1965. The objective of the research is to study the utilization ot wheat by adult man. During a scientifically controlled diet period lasting 74 days, 12 college men were fed diets in which the major source of protein was pro vided by wheat bread. The men continued their usual college activities, receiving adequate calories, minerals and vitamins. The major difference to them was that all of their food was previously weighed and had to be eaten in the Human Research Metabolism Unit located in Hine.-; I HaU of the A&T College campus. Even snacks, prepared by the research staff, were made fur them from wheat starch. | Samples collected during the research study are being analy zed for 5 vitamins, 4 minerals, cholesterol, phospholipids, gly cerides and total lipids, as well as many nitrogen containing compounds. During some of the 4 controlled dietary periods, the men received in addition to the wheat bread either pinto beans, rice or peanut butter permitting the research team to determine the effect of these foods on im proving the utilization of whoat. The new phase of the research grant will measure the effect of the wheat diets on urinary amino acids and pantothenic acid, 9 additional minerals, (selenium, molybdenum, copper, zinc and iron) and plasma proteins. The staff of the project also includes Mrs. Lovie Booker, re search chemist, Richard Craven, research technician, and three students who will gain research training and experience while assisting with the project. - Wilmington , N. C., Chapter of Links, Inc. STANDING: Left to right, Mesdames Juphenla Roane, Thelma Bryant, Jeanne Keith. Margaret Bond, Gertrude Evans, Iris Davis, Evelyn Carnes, Helen Ballard, Alma I^ennon, Gwen dolyn Gray, SEATED: Left to right, Mes dames Adriena Carter, Jeffrie Swain, Constance O'Dell, Bertha Todd, Martha Boone, Allene Drain, Callie Upperman, Jane Adkins, MISSNIG: Mabel Spaulding, Seleste Eaton, Juanita Corbln, Will be host to the 29 chapteig composing the Southern Area ol Links, Inc., which include: Ala bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisi ana, Mississipp, North Carolina and South Carolina, at Wrights ville Beach, on March 3rd, 4th and 5th. Hostess Chapter presi dent Bertha Todd, joins South ern Area Chairman, Maude K. Reid in extending the Invitation to National Officers and Links from other areas to attend.