THE FUTURE OUTLOOK J. F. JOHNSON Editor & Publisher MISS EMMA P. JOHNSON News Reporter L. A. WISE Staff Photographer Make all checks payable to and mall to: THE FUTURE OUTLOOK P. 0. BOX 20S81? GREENSBORO, N. C. 27420 PHONE BR S-1758 Seconl Class Postage Paid at Greensboro, N. C. 10c Per Copy Published Weekly $6.00 Per Year Irresponsible Youth (continued) By KENNETH A. FREE Director, Windsor Community Center In response to the editorial in last weeks Future Out look, "Irresponsible Youth," by Miss Beatrice Herbin, I would like to indicate the part Recreation at Windsor Center is playing in eliminating this problem. If you drive through South Gate Shopping Center Monday through Saturday, between the hours of 9 :00 a.m. and 10 :00 p.m., you will find that the area is free of teen agers because the Center's attendance report shows that they are here, during our open hours. I feel that if the Recreation Centers were open twenty-four hours, the youngsters would be here twenty-four hours. But since they aren't, I have to agree with Miss Herbin in asking the question : "Who is responsible for these kids after 10 p.m., when the Center is closed?" It seems to me that if two or three staff members at a recreation center can control hundreds of these youth and make them feel a part of something wholesome, par ents should be able to control and provide family pro jects for their child, or two, three and four children. Why do youth prefer to be out of their homes sixteen hours and in just about eight, merely to eat and sleep? You can answer this question when you think of the hours spent at home by their parents. Fathers are away working two or three jobs, mothers are on one or two jobs, and their children see so little of them that they are unaware of the importance of parents. To them, parents are merely providers whose business is to pay the bills, feed, clothe them and keep a roof over their heads. It's true, the cost of living is such that parents often find the necessity of. doing extra jobs, but at the same time, is the neglect of unguided children and youth worth the price? Whose responsibility is it to offer direction and gwdance to them? While the Recreation Centers offer direction of enrichment, the schools and churches in our city, true charity begins in the home. The Bible says : "He that causes these little ones to go astray, 'tis better that a milestone be wrapped about his neck and he be cast in to the bottomless pit of the sea." The influences that tend to cause children to grow branch from the training of a child in the way he should go. And don't forget, that old fashioned activity with the hair brush or a switch still has its place in a worthy society. Children learn to appreciate correction. Even here at the center, often 18 year olds will do something wrong just to get attention. And when they are reprimanded, they beg not to be expelled from the Center. Yet, they go on to do something else for which they are scolded. They want to belong to something, and when there is nothing better offered, they congregate with their friends and belong to their gangs. Basically, youth have good potentials, but they need guidance and proper direction if they are to grow into worthy citizens. The parents can do this better than anyone I know. I would go further to say that the bonds of unity in the home should be strengthened. Parents must take time out to be with their sons and daughters, do activities to gether:, worship, play, picnic and pray together. Invite their friends to their homes and make them proud to be your children. If there is order in the home, there will be order in the streets, on the playgrounds, in the schools and respect for public businesses and places will be an integral part of their growth. They too, will learn to re spect themselves arid their freinds. "These are, indeed, the times that try men's souls" ? and children's too. In these perilous times, they need more love and guidance than ever before. I wonder if the chil dren and youth today are different, or is it the parents? INTERVIEWS: SOUTH GATE SHOPPING CENTER By Beatripe Herbin How the managers and personnel in the South Gate Shopping Center feel about the youth gatherings at night, in the center, echo much of what Mr. Free has said in the foregoing article. They feel that parents hold the respon sibility of the activities of their youngsters, to a large extent. They too, agree, that much of the old-fashioned type of discipline is just as good today as it were in their day. To those who have reached adulthood and some de T his Weed's Sunday School Lesson 10. THE LORDSHIP OF THE CREATOR WHAT IS OUR CONCERN? A few years ago a rather hu morous book appeared: Who's in Charge Here? by Gerald Gard ner. It is a collection of interna tional news pictures with funny captions under each. I have no idea whether or not the author seriously believes no one really is in charge of things, but his book bears profound witness to the fact that sometimes life does seem to be a comedy of errors. Who do you say is "in charge" here? If you wish to see your own attitudes more clearly, ask yourself a question. Have you ever said, "He was down on his luck" or "That's just the way of fate" or "Just have faith and things will be all right"? When we ask ourselves this question, we may be surprised to discover who our real gods are. We would not think of burn ing incense to Marduk, the god of Babylon. However, we fre quently do our duty to the gods of the modern world ? including fate, luck, chance, or progress. One problem is that it is no more virtuous to embrace new ways uncritically, calling them fate or progress, than it is to kick and struggle against all attempts to move us out of the past. Whether our gods be those that command us to freeze so ciety in a pre-Coolidge mold or those that urge us to cast off the past simply because it is the past, the cost of the incense is always the same:' But God has called us to show the world what it means to trust in him. This lesson, then, is concerned with what it means to be people who proclaim to the world that "God is in charge here." BEFORE YOU READ THE SCRIPTURE By the middle of the sixth century B.C. the Babylonian empire was in trouble. The combined forces of Medes and Persians proved too much for Babylon. By 539 B.C. Babylon had fallen to Cyrus and his Persian forces. Cyrus left behind him a series of inscriptions that reveal the religious overtones he added to his campaigns. He insisted that Marduk, the king of the Baby lonian gods, had searched throughout the lands for a prince he could lead in victory over all the peoples of the Mediterranean world, including Marduk's own people, the Babylonians. His gaze fell upon Cyrus, and side by side he marched with him, giving him victory over all he encountered. Marduk gave his own city into Cyrus' hand. There was no struggle, and the people applauded as Cyrus en tered. Under Marduk's influence Cy rus then rebuilt the ruined areas of the empire, and he permitted the captives in Babylon to re turn home. We can easily understand how Cyrus' propaganda might prove convincing to the captives in Babylon. People in the ancient world generally assumed that the defeat of one nation by an other indicated the weakness of the defeated nation's god. At this point, however, Cyrus added a delicate stroke of genius. He declared that the defeat of Babylon was not a sign of the defeat of Marduk but a sign that Marduk had chosen a new king for his people. Among the captives in Baby lon were the Israelites. How were they to view Cyrus' ar rival? Was it proof that Yahweh, the God of Israel, was indeed dead or defeated? Many persons had suspected this, no doubt, when Judah fell to Babylon in 586 B.C.; and now Cyrus had come proclaiming Marduk's ability to cast off his own king and to make a foreigner the ruler of his people. Was Israel's impending release thi work of Marduk? In the midst of this situation a prophet of Israel arose. We know very little about him, not even his name. We call this prophet Second Isaiah because his message is found in Chap ters 40 through 55 of the Book of Isaiah. (Some fragments of it may be included also in Isaiah 56 through 66.) Israel's exile, he said, was a suffering that God would use to draw all na tions to himself in love and obedience. Cyrus had himself been raised up to serve as Yah weh's chosen instrument in ef fecting Israel's release, now that the appointed time of ser vice was at an end. Whether the inscriptions we have from Cyrus were written before Second Isaiah's prophe cies is difficult to answer. In gree of success, it is obvious the whippings and tongue lashings did not hurt too long, but they left their imprints on their characters. The whelps are gone but the memory lingers still, and these memories have helped them to be come worthy men and women, in society. Fights are reported in the South Gate ; destroying of commodity ? gardening products which one of the stores had stacked outside its window. To some extent, fear assails many of the workers who must leave their busi nesses late at night. We hope these fears are unfounded, but caution should be taken to disperse these crowds so that there will be no need for fear. The liquor store reports little trouble except having to turn down quite a few youth who try to purchase in toxicating beverages. On last Monday, it was said, the Center was so covered with debris that it looked like a hurricane had been through. Even the restaurant owner is displeased with the hanging around of gangs. This busi ness caters to hungry comers at late hours and should not be jeopardized because of recent activities by the youth. However, the manager is in accord with others that some thing must be done to eleviate this problem. Copies of the article have been circulated to all the chains and the citi zens in this neighborhood and throughout are concerned about this, as are our law enforcement officers. Parents, take a little of your precious time, and save a youth. any case the similarities are so striking that Second Isaiah must have been writing a kind of propaganda, refuting Cyrus' claim. He was saying, "Marduk is not your deliverer; Yahweh is." WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS The Scripture for today is Isaiah 45. Selected verses are printed below. See Home Bible Study suggestions in the back of the quarterly. Isaiah 45:1-6, 18, 22-23 1 Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped, to subdue nations before him and ungird the loins Of Irtnggj to open doors before him that gates may not be closed: 2 "I will go before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron, 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in secret places, that you may know that it Is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name. 4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not know me. 5 I am the Lord, and there Is no other, besides me there is no God; I gird you, though you do not know me, 6 that men may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other." 18 For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he la God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it a chaos, he formed it to be inhabi ted!): "I am the Lord, and there is no other. 22 "Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there la no other. 23 By myself I have sworn, from my mouth has gone forth in righteousness a word that shall not return: 'To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear"." Memory Selection: Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. ? Isaiah 46:22 HOW WE UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURE The prophet declared that Yahweh chose Cyrus as his in strument to upset the power structure of the Mediterranean world. The cities would fall to fore him, and their public treasures would be at his dis posal. When this happened, Cy rus should recognize the real source of his triumph. (Con timed en Pa a* S) J