Sunday School Lessov (Continued bom Pin I) Yahweh's designation of Cyrus as bis "anointed" one was pri marily for the sake of Israel. Besides Yahweh there was no God. Marduk was a meaningless name. Yahweh ? not Marduk ? gave strength to Cyrus, that men might know that Yahweh was the one ultimately responsible tor all things. Cyrus1 appearance as Yah weh's instrument brought such a change In the world situation that Second Isaiah painted a glowing picture of faithfulness (righteousness) and deliverance from the old corrupt way of life (salvation) raining from heaven and thrusting up from the depths of the earth. Yahweh's reply to those who might be scandalized by his use of a pagan king to accomplish his will was blunt and to the point: "Who are you to question me?" He could use anyone he chose to build his cities and set his exiles tree. The nations would come to the Israelites and admit that only through Israel was God known to men. They would not { become Israelites, but they would worship the God of Israel. God had hidden himself from the nations, but he had spoken through Israel so that all nations might come to him. In him alone were found faithfulness and strength. The weakness of the idols was shown by their failure to per ceive what was happening in the coming of Cyrus. From Yahweh, however, came forth the word that not only proclaimed what was happening but accomplished it as well. Even those Israelites who were angry with Yahweh over the Exile would be made ashamed. They would come and share in his triumph, acknowl edging that his works were works of faithfulness, after all. WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS TO US A few years ago Frank Lau bach wrote a book titled The World la Learning Compassion. Yet anyone who reads a news paper or watches television has good reason to question the op timism of such a judgment. The world continues to be plagued not only by violence but by in difference as well In fact, there probably is more Indifferenca to the needs of people than there is violence. Has God Abandoned DiT Are we to Imply from thla fact that the words spoken by the unknown prophet of the Exile were true in his day but that God no longer works for his people's good? Many persona do believe that God does not deal with us today as he did with men "In Bible times." Biblical faith, however, turns (Continued Pm I) _ Electric hair dryer, of course. Electric tummy tfor those : lines. w* Total girl cooled and wanned electrically. Electric toothbrush; for sure. Need we say more? Without the electricity we make here at Duke Power, a girl might as well live in the dark ages. And what low-priced electric service does ? for what It costs ? makes It Just about the biggest value you can get. Fact is, today the average Piedmont Carolina family gets about twice as much electricity for a dollar as it did thirty years ago. Pretty significant, when you think about how the price of almost everything else 1 has gone way up. Duke Power