Sunday School Lesson (Continued tram P*n S) the pieces of the plot work to gether like a jigsaw puzzle. Mordecai foiled a plot against the king. Later this would be of advantage to the Jews. This deed of Mordecai showed that he was faithful to the king, but he would not bow down to Hainan. One was to show such respect to God alone. The reason for Haman's re luctance to deal with Mordecai alone is not clear. Did he know of Mordecal's deed of faithful ness? Chapters 3.7 through 4:3: The king was informed of the Jews in dark terms. They were por trayed as a threat to the stabil ity of the empire, people who ig nored the law of the land. The king was quick to agree to their elimination. , Chapter 4:4-17: When Esther learned of the program against her people, she was not ready at once to help. Only when she was reminded that even her place as queen would not save her did she agree to act. God's i way In history is Indicated by Mordecai's words, "Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this," Chapters 5 through 7: Haman held a position of security and prestige. His confidence was fur ther bolstered by his invitation to the queen's dinner, and he planned for the public execution of Mordecai. Esther, however, had laid her plans carefully. The combination of Esther's clever ness, Mordecai's faithfulness to the king, and Haman's overcon fidence worked together to de stroy the enemy of the Jews. Cuapter 8: Not even the king could reverse an order given in his name, but he did authorize a second decree allowing the Jews to kill, all those who had plotted against them. This atti tude toward their enemies is consistent with certain other Old Testament passages. The vengeance of God was seen to be visited upon the enemies of his people. What The Scripture Says to Us The punch line to a famous vaudeville joke is, "Everybody's gotta be somewhere." Obviously, this statement is true. Some times we have no difficulty in plaining how we got there. We planned to get there, and we planned when we would be there. On the other hand, all of us have had the experience of find ing ourselves in situations we did not plan. Indeed, how we had our way, we would have been elsewhere. Sometimes we can show how we got there, but at other times we are uncertain even about this. Esther was queen because she had managed to lay her plans wisely. Furthermore, she had (Continued on Page 7) clactric hair dryer, of cource. Electric suntan? > Electric tummy slimmer 1 tfor those ?lectric line*. Tota! girl cooled and warmed electrically. f Electric toothbrush, for sure. Electric nail buffer (and dishwasher, too). Need we say more? electric woman Without the electricity we make here at Duke Power, a girl might as well live in the dark ages. And what low-priced electric service does ? for what it costs ? makes it just about the biggest value you can get. Fact is, today the average Piedmont Carolina family gets about twice as much electricity for a dollar as it did thirty years ago. Pretty significant, when you think about how the price of almost everything else k has gone way up. Duke Power Jill* -