Sunday School Lessor (CxtttoMd froai t> suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but under that name let him glorify God." To travel under the name of another Is to assume his Iden tity. If we are to assume the name of Christ, If we would be called Christian, then we must assume the Identity and character of our namesake. To be a Christian means to be come like Jesus Christ, to take on his perception of life, his relationships with other people. his employment. Martin Luther put it simply: Each of us is to be a little Christ to our neigh bor. What does this statement mean? It means that Just as the clown helped the water boy shoulder his load, so we are to help others In every possible way. This help may be given through organizational chan nels such as the United Fund, or we may express our kind ness and give assistance In a more direct way. Being a Christ to our neigh bor may also mean that, like the clown in Parable, we will ' step Into the line of fire, identi fying with the neglected and the oppressed. It may mean taking up the causes of the American Indian, the Mexican laborer, the unemployed Ameri can Negro, the innocent victims of war. To be a Christ to our neighbor means we will inter 'ere wherever men make pup pets of other men. Sharing Christ's Suffering Now, whoever tires to live under the name of Christ is sure to get his share of suffer ing. A book entitled Dying We | Live is made up of the final messages of various persons facing death under the Nazis. One example is Paul Schneid er, a Lutheran pastor, who was convinced that he must con tinue to preach the gospel. When he saw the lie being used as a political force, he called it by its name. Though he had already been imprisoned once in 1937, he refused to leave his country. The Nazis tortured and finally killed him. Bernhard Lichtenberg, Rom an Catholic dean of St. Hed wig's Cathedral in Berlin, was taken to prison because h? asked his people to pray for the Jews. "No one ever saw him raise his hand in the Hit ler salute. When he was asked how he felt toward the Fuhrer, he replied to the Gestapo com missioner: 'I have only one Fuhrer, Jesus Christ."* Other Kinds of Saffertnr Fortunately, in this country we have never had to with stand such social, political, and religious adversity. But the sneer at the club or the office is almost harder to meet than (Coatiuet aa Pa*a T) Graduate to a f lameless electric dryer. It's Carolina's favorite. Perfect for permanent press clothes. Why go on lifting, lugging and hanging three tons of wet clothes a j year? Why not graduate to a modern flameless electric clothes dryer? It's Carolina's favorite dryer, purchased by 94 out of every 1 00 dryer buyers. Why? Gentle electric heat is perfect for r srmanent press garments. It "relaxes" synthetic fabrics for proper wrinkle resistance, so clothes come out soft, fresh-tooking and ready to wear. What's more, a flameless electric dryer costs less to buy and has fewer parts. So see your favorite electric appliance dealer or Duke Power about a flameless electric dryer now. mmm Make a clean break with the past . . . and graduate to another appliance tha? adds to the joy of Total Electric Living. Duke Power (?