Sunday School Lesson (Continued frc_a Page 4) O King of the ageal 4 Who shall not fear and glo- | rify thy name, O Lord? For thou alone art holy. . . . luck, aad K*ppim?? ef *?* ?? Snipe's Beautyrama & Supply House 1700 E. Market St. 274-9375 All nations shall come worship thee, lor thy judgments have been revealed." Revelation 11:15b 15 . . "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom Anderson's Sinclair Service Station 1711 E. Market St. of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign lor ever and ever." Memory Selection: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we (Continued on Page 7) Recreation Dep. Windsor Center J>u?tLi\^ And to r??, ?HT dlr?h? |oyt of ? Wynn's Drug Store 814 Gorrell St. 273-1454 "V^sUgyoo: avey RBRRY TitS Reynold's Barber Shop 1600 K Market St. 272-96S0 Specials WINTER COATS SUITS AND TOPPERS In All Styles, Colon and For Any Occasion Choose From Our Big Selection I Men's and Ladies' Top Coats UnOv ?AST CREDIT teems