Sunday School Lesson ( C manned fixes ? t) the doctrines of men that the Individual economic effort la the sole key to the kingdom of material well-being. We worship a Father of all races, and yet we teach the commandments of men ? keep other races In their place and continue Inferior education, housing, and Job opportunities for them. And the tragedy is that we are consciously sincere on these matter*. At Oxford John Wesley Joined a small covenant group of students. So sincere was their religious practice of going to church, praying, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and tutor ' ing the young that. In derision, they were nicknamed the "Holy Club." John Wesley had the cleanest outside of the cup you could ask for. Later he went to Georgia as a missionary to the Indians. Twenty years after student days at Oxford Wesley preached from the university pulpit. He said that day that he had been almost but not altogether a Christian. He Insisted that he had had the form without the Inner power of godliness. Even heathens live by moral rules, he said, with some regard for justice and truth. Being Almost Christian 1 The almost Christian has the form of godliness ? the outside of a Christian in every respect, i He does nothing the gospel for bids. He keeps all the com mandments. He does good at I every opportunity. He is found ; in the house of God on every ' occasion not for show but with the deepest sincerity. He leads his family in daily devotions and sets aside times daily for private prayer to God. In doing good, In abstaining from evil, in attending to wor ship, prayer, Scripture, and the Holy Sacrament he seeks to serve God, to do his will. But with all this he is still not alto gether a Christian. Being Altogether Christian What is implied in being al together a Chrjstian? What does it mean to have the in ward substance as well as the outward shell ? to have the power as well as the form of godliness? Being altogether Christian means that you love God with your whole heart, mind, soul. and strength ? that you find your delight, your goal, your loyalty in the Lord. To be altogether a Christian means that you love your neighbor as yourself. Who is my neighbor? Every man in tha world. We are to love our neighbor as Christ has loved ua ? with patience and Kindness, without envy, never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, nor quick to take of fense. ' Being altogether a Christian Implies the basis of It all, even faith. For In spite of our hypoe < Continued on Paep * More people are finding their new homes a lot more comfortable. That's because about half of the new apartments have it. And more and more pres homes and apartments served by Duke ent homes are getting it. Power are heated electrically. For more information on flameless And electric heating is the most com- electric heating, talk to a Duke Power repre fortable method of heating you can find. It's sentative. Although Duke Power neither economical, too. Because of Duke Power's sells nor installs the equipment, we'll gladly low electric rate. furnish the facts. So if a no wonder more new homes and Electric living is carefree living. Duke Power,