V /. Jlu future \ ZQVLZ v-x xoa'o'ci *3-J UOoJQ iLxcqyi oxxqnci oaoqsuse^Q )ok Keep Up \With The Times ? Read The Future Oullook! VOL. 28, NO. SO GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1969 PRICE 10 CENTS Police Quell Disorder After Dudley Protest By Kelso tat? highway patrolmen were on Standby Wednesday night. A blanket order barring in terference with the operation oi Greensboro public schools was Issued Wednesday night by Judge Robert M. Gambill of North Wilkesboro. The temporary order names 40 persons and can be made to apply virtually to anyone by the phrasing . . and other persons unknown to the plain tiff to whom this action may become known." Among those named were 12 persons previously arrested in connection with the disturb- 1 ances at Dudley High School. The others were "persons iden tified by school authorities and police as participants in dem onstrations at Dudley," accord ing to Owen Lewis, public in- , formation director for the : school system. i At least 15 persons were re- t ported injured. From police, the Daily News learned that two policemen were struck by rocks or bricks, a truck driver was injured when his wind shield was smashed as he drove down McConneli Road, and a Negro girl suffered a cut hand. L. Richardson Hospital re ported treating five persons for injuries, all minor, received in the Dudley disturbance. Two Dudley High School students were treaty for illness from tear gas, another was treated tor a leg injury, and one Lin coln Junior High student suf fered a knee Injury. One parent who had gone to the school to get her child was injured by tear gas. Moses Cone Hospital reported "at least five" injuries, but spokesmen said they could give no names or details immedi ately. Mayor Elam spoke to the people of Greensboro at 6 p. m In a televised address. "We no longer have good order in our community," he said. The mayor promised atten tion to "the problem of restor ing peace," and assistance to the school board in resolving differences of opinion at Dudley High School. He also noted a problem of determining wheth er any persons ? students, police officers or others ? had com ttamm mmsagmm imXSiXiUMi. milted violations of the law. I This, he said, was a matter for the courts. Scattered disorders through out the eastern part of the City followed the brief 2 p. m. out burst between student* and police. j Pickets were on the front ' walk of the Dudley campus at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday to n?8~ test a recent student govern ment election in which the nqme of one student, Claude Barnes, had been denied a place on the ballot. By late morning the group had grown to 60 to 75 students, witnesses said. w: . w?l; : :y.V>vS t The crowd was urged to dis perse by both police and school officials. The students said they would leave if the police would. Principal Franklin Brown asked police to withdraw, according to Lewis. The police compro mised, withdrawing off the campus all uniformed officers, leaving plain cloth esm en be hind, according to police. At 1:45, police said, Just after uniformed police had with drawn, the crowd converged onto school grounds and began throwing stones at the humani ties building. Most of the win dows were smashed. Police be gan moving back on the campus ana Brown decided to shut down and send the students home. Some students leaving school joined the demonstrators out side swelling their numbers again to several hundred, wit nesses said. Detective H. O. Belvin said his officers moved back onto the campus and or dered the group to dlsperm*. "We told all those not involved to move away, that we were going to use gas," he Baid. Just after 1:45 police moved in with tear gas. Cannistera were thrown and two mobile pepper fog (a combination oi (Continued on Fage 4) T ' < St, Matthews Graduating Class of 1969 Amaker, Kevin Bailey, Cornell* Ethel Clymer, Tyra Carnelia DUworth, Marvin Hester, Cynthia Dtanne Martin, Robin Afatha McAdoo, Inrrid Carwell Mcfarlln, Sheila Kay McCorkle, Michael Todd MUliken, Roderick Edward Morgan, Donald Shoffner, Harvey Jr. POST GRADUATES: Donna Hayes Teresa MUliken JUNIOR USHER: L9 Wanda Huntley MASCOTS: Patricia Whitley Dmrd Barnes Robert Wrlfhtsell Joseph Williams Lynn McKcllar STAFF: Mrs. S. M. McLeod _ Director Mrs. Doris Hayes ? Ins tractor Mr. Wllbar Malloy _ Ins tractor Mr. Kennit Wmddell Adul? r The Graduation will be held at Saint Matthews Methodist C hurch on May 25, 1969 at 5:00 p. m.