Sunday School Lesson (Continued from Page 3) have an instance in which God makes a covenant with his "elect," with the people he has chosen to walk with him through history. This covenant will be renewed in successive generations until and even alter the Sinai covenant. What the Scripture Says to U? Think for a moment of the kind of faith it took for Abra ham to act upon God'a prom ises. Abraham was so sure of God'a leading that he never wavered. Because of Abraham's 1 willing obedience, he is still the j person who best illustrates for | us what we mean by a life of faith. j He accepted God's purpose for his life though he could not see the distant end. What would it require of us to enter into such a covenantal relationship with God? Dare we trust God | enough to follow where he leads us? i ; The Covenantal Relationship | God still speaks to men and I women who keep open the channels of communication be tween themselves and God. , What is he trying to say to us about the conditions in our city? Is it possible that he wants to enter into a covenant with us to further the meaning and practice of brotherhood in our city streets, in business transactions, in all personal re lationships'! Do we hear? How do we respond? If we listen carefully, God may help us find new patterns and new media for expressing his will. I Do you see God at work in the events and happenings of i your life and nation? I None of us would deny that God made a "new covenant" with his people ("the new Is rael" ? that is, the Christian ' church) in his action in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But often we seem to forget that Christians throughout the ages after New Testament times have also un derstood God to be making new covenants with them. For example, John Winthrop ? Christian gentleman and Pur itan magistrate who later be came governor of Massachu setts Bay Colony ? spoke to the people who crossed the Atlantic with him. Those who had un dertaken this voyage to New England, said Winthrop, had en tered into a covenant with God. He said, "We have drawn up indentures with the Almighty, wherefore if we succeed and do not let ourselves get diverted into making money, He will re ward us. Whereas if we fail, il we fall to embrace this present world and prosecute our carnal ! intentions, seeking great thing* | for ourselves and our posterity, the I,ord will surely break out in wrath against us and be re venged of such a perjured people and make us know the price of the breach of such a Covenant." (Continued on Page 5) UVITHI CAREAK BJCTRIC WAY. Homes with # electric heating can pass the comfort tests. See what we mean about the carefree comfort of flameleas electric heating? The temperature's virtually the same throughout the room, even on the floor. Even near the window. With electric heating you can bask in such uniform comfort. Go ahead. live carefree with electric heating ... in any home, old or new. And apartment, too. And consider summer comfort with electric cooling. Call Duke Power for more information. While we neither sell nor install the equipment, we'll show you the way to comfort Electric living is carefree living. That's another reason why flameless electric heating has become so popular. Now about half of the new homes and apartments served by Duke Power are heated electrically. Duke Power