HJIu fat an ftutloak* Greensboro Public Keep Up With The Times ? Read The F Ij^brary Greene St. VOK 28, NO. 50 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OC City 27402 PRICE 10 CENTS WELCOME A&T ALUMNI DEATHS AND FUNERALS PROMINENT EDUCATOR DIES CHARLES U. DeBERRT Funeral services for Charles Ulysses DeBerry were conduct ed at Bethel A.M.E. Church, Greensboro, N. C. at 4:00 PJJ., Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1969, with Rev. L. S. Penn, pastor, officiat ing. Rev. Penn brought to at tention the fact that Charles was a wonderful example of a man ? raised son, as his father took over when he lost his mother at the age of two. Burial was in Piedmont Memorial Park. "To keep busy to serve and to contribute" sums up the life of Charles Ulysses DeBerry, edu cator and humanitarian. Dr. DeBerry was born in Greensboro, N. C. April 21, 1910 the son of the late Sim and Vinnie DeBerry. He died on Saturday, Oct. 11 at L. Richard son Hospital, after a brief ill ness. He was graduated from A&T in 1931. He received the Mas ters and Ph.D. Degrees from the New York University. He was a star athlete at A&T where he participated in varsity sports including football, base ball, basketball and track. Later, during two seasons from 1944 to 1946 he was head foot ball coach of the A&T Aggies. Dr. DeBerry was a member MR. CHARLIE H. MAYES Funeral services for Mr. Charlie H. Mayes were conduct ed at Hargett Memorial Chapel, Greensboro, N. C. on Wednes day, Oct. 15, 1969 at 1:00 p.m. with Elder L. G. Rahming, of ficiating. Mr. Mayes, son. of the late Eddie and Fannie Harris Mayes, was born November 18, 1894 in Oxford, N. C. and departed this life October 12, 1969 in Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital,, Greensboro, N. C. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nannie S. Mayes; one (Continued on^ Page 5) of the Phi Beta Sigma Fra ternity, Inc. He was a life mem ber of NEA, and held member ship in many other civic and professional organizations too numerous to list. As an educator he held the following positions: teacher in the public schools of Whileville, N. C.; Principal of the Madison High School, Principal of Bladen Central High School, Elizabeth town, N. C.; Professor of Edu cation at Winston-Salem State University, Maryland State Col lege, St. Paul's College in Laurenceville, Va. and A&T State University where he was serving at the time of his death, i He was a member of the Bethel Church where at various times he served as: Chairman of the Trustee Board, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Teacher of the Men's Bible Class, and president of the Lay men's organization. He is survived by his wife, | Mrs. Nellie T. DeBerry, and son Charles DeBerry II, of the home and his sister Mrs. Beatrice > Fayer of Jersey City, N. J, Smith Funeral Service in charge of arrangements. Brotherly Advice From A Pro Helps Aggie Football Star "Don't ever give up when the chips are down and don't drop your head when they beat you with a pass pattern." Believe it or not, that's the kind of homespun philosophy on which A&T quarterback Doug Westmoreland thrives. Westmoreland is just lucky enough to have a big brother (Dickie of the Miami Dolphins) who can give that kind of ad vice, and he's glad to accept it. "I think that my brother is the reason that I was attracted to defense," said Doug. "I am not trying to imitate him, X am just trying to be me, but I cer tainly respect all of his advice." The elder Westmoreland, also a former Aggie star, is one of the top cornerbacks in the AFL. Young Westmoreland, a junior, i is one reason the Aggies have i one of the best defensive secon darys in the Central Intercol- 1 legiate A t h 1 et i c Association ; (CIAA). | Westmoreland has a lot of football savy and he pops pass receivers real good if they catch the ball in his zone or runners If they come his way i | "I don't think that I am hav ( Continued on Pag* Notable Minister Killed In Wreck REV. ARTHUR HALL The Rove end (Bill) Arthur Ruff Hall, Route 12. Randle man Road was dead on arrival at Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital at 10:15 p.m., Tuesday night from a fatal collision just a block from his home upon his return from a meeting at the First Baptist Church in Trinity, N. C. which he pastored. He was 41 years of age, and entered the ministry twelve years ago. During this time he pastured The Empire Circuit in Seagruve, the Brown Summit Charge, Roidsville District, and the Mad ison District which included St. Stephens, Withers Chapel and the Stoneville Methodist Church es, and Hayes Chapel; he also worked in the Pleasant Hill, Piney Ridge and Stout's Chapel. Other charges included Camp Spring', Garrett's Grove and Jackson. He was employed as a Dis patcher for the Boren Clay Pro drcis located in Pleasant Gar den where he worked for 23 years. Survivors are his wife, the former Lettie Clapp, two daugh ters, Jeanne and Gloria, and one son, Rickey of the home; his pa-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruff Hall of Climax; three sisters, Mes (ipmes Minnie Murphy, Connie T'epster and Hattie Herbin all of Greensboro; brothers, Frank Hall of Greensboro, Thomas and Roosevelt both of Compton, Calif., and Paul of Edenton, N. C., a host of relatives and friends. He attended the Guil ford County Public Schools. Accident Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1980, about 9:15 p.m., another acci dent involving relatives of the deceased occurred in front of his house as friends of the (Continued on Page 6 ' ' REIGNS AT A&T HOMECOMING Attractive Miss Lillian Campbell of Charlotte, N.C. (seated) will reign as "Miss A&T State University" at the University's annual Homecoming this weekend. Her attendants (left to right) are Misses Toni Beale, Phil adelphia; Betty Colson, Wingate, N. ,C. and Pat Thompson, Charlotte, N. C.