Sunday School Lesson ' (Continued tram Pact S) 1 praise but also the duty of praise to God, (3) affirmed the posi tive value of the Law, (4) af firmed the positive value and importance of ordinary people, and (5) affirmed and dramati cally demonstrated that a his torian can be and sometimes must be more than a historian in the strict sense of the word;j he must be a propagandist or a preacher. As Anderson has pointed out, to affirm that God is Lord of history suggest at least three implications. First, it means that "God's wise Purpose and In tention for history cannot be defeated or vanquished even by the maddest folly of the men whom He Himself has created." (Page 78) Second, it means that we can not escape from God. Since evil has no permanent place in God's plan for the created order, and since one cannot escape God, then to do wickedness, to be unfaithful, is to invite disaster both now and in the future Judgment Finally, to affirm that God is Lord of history is to affirm that the real source of power and security, of justice and good ness, is, for both individuals and for peoples, to be on God's side. A coiollary of this statement is that no matter how weak and insignificant a person or event may appear, if God has chosen to work through that weakness, even that weakness becomes -a great strength which confounds the strength of all who oppose it. Nehemiah, the Layman One might rightly ask at this point, What has all of this to do with the career of Nehemiah? The Chronicler used the story of Nehemiah for the purpose of glorifying God. He did this by confronting his readers with a man whose life dramatically il lustrated and spoke of service and obedience to God. And the purpose of this confrontation was to convert others to prompt them to imitate Nehemiah. This is propaganda history in the best possible sense; it is preaching in the best pousible sense. The life of Nehemiah is par ticularly interesting because it shows what a lay person can do when he commits himself to God and church, v Hearing that conditions In Jerusalem were desperate, Nehe miah secured leave from the court of Artaxences and, at con siderable sacrifice of personal comfort and security, set about rebuilding the broken commun ity. It is a tribute to the faith and determination of Nehemiah that, in spite of opposition, he saw the project to completion. Nehaaxlik*! Greatness Hugh Anderson lists three marks of Nehemiah's greatness. 1. "Nehemlah was a man of vision and better still a man of action." "Nehemlah had his dream and his vision," says An derson. "But as a man of rest less energy and decisive action, he took at once the necessary practical steps to try to make his dream come true." 2. "Nehemlah was a man of perseverance." He would not be deterred by taunts or plots. With singlsness of purpose ha kept working. (Continued from Page 4) Food To Give Thanks For GIBLET GRAVY INGREDIENTS: 4 Oz. Turkey Drippings 4 Oz. Flour 2 t. Salt % t. Pepper % Gal. Turkey Broth V4 Quart of cooked Giblets, PROCEDURE Stir until smooth flour and fat; add salt and pepper. Add gradually, stirring constantly turkey stock. Cook until thick and smooth. Add cooked chopped giblets. Yield 35-40 servings. WALNUT-APPLE STUFFING INGREDIENTS: 8 cups dry bread crumbs 2 cups walnuts, coarsely chopped 1 cup Chopped celery % cup chopped parsley broth or cider 1 cup butter or duck fat, rendered 1 cup chopped onions 4 cups peeled and diced tart apples salt, black pepper, and poultry seasoning to taste PROCEDURES For crumbs, use very stale bread or toast, well crushed with rolling pin or crumbled in a blender. Heat butter in a heavy skillet t d saute walnuts, onion and celery 4 to 5 min utes. Add crumbs, apples, parsley and seasoning and mix well. Moisten as necessary. Bake in 2-inch deep bread pan at mod erate temperature for 15-20 minutes. Yield 24-30 servings. ROAST TURKEY To Roast 14-16 Lb. Turkey: Rub thoroughly cleaned 15 lb. turkey with salad oil, season with Lowry salt and black pepper. Place inside the bird sliced fresh apples, sliced fresh onions and largely chop ped celery. Place turkey, breast up, in the center of oiled wide heavy foil; then bring the ends of the foil up over breast; over lap foil and press up against ends of turkey. Place bird In shallow pan. Open foil last 20 minutes to brown turkey. Cook 14-16 pound turkey at 450F for 3-1/3-3-1/2 hour*. Serve as desired. Yield 40-50 servings. ITS HERE Buick-s 70 OPEL HMD THE FABULOUS DIVISION OF GALLOWAY BUICK 811 S. Elm St. u?. 1093