THE ALLEGHANY TIMES Published Every Thursday $1.50 Per Year Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at * Sparta, N. C. DON SHORES, Editor Sparta is justly proud of its Board of Aldermen for the active steps taken recently in its Building Ordi nance. Alleghany is in hearty accord with its noble Board of County Commis sioners in their thoughtful deliber ation of the plans and construction of the new Court House. Let’s all co-operate with them. What Is Wrong With Alleghany Rocks? Almost every day, we see truck loads of crushed rock pass through Sparta on state trucks ehroute to their ultimate destination — the bridges that are being made on the Whitehead-Laurel Springs road. The rock is quarried in and shipped from the state of Virginia, unloaded in West Jefferson and trucked to Alle ghany. We would like to have authentic figures on exactly how much stone costs laid dowrn on the road. We do not understand why it is that we. who live in a county where tons of rock can be gathered up, cannot use our native stone and save all the un necessary expense that is bound to be exhorbitant when compared with the cost of using material closer home.—The Alleghany Edition, The Skyland Post. Three Cheers For Alleghany To our great surprise, we found Alleghany county literally covered with a new paper last week. The Alleghany Edition of The Skyland Post is a dandy looking pa per and the editor and manager are to be commended for taking so much interest in Alleghany. We have struggled hard for the last eight years to give Alleghany the very best paper we could and we trust that those behind the move ment to establish another paper here do not feel that our efforts have been altogether in vain, however, The Alleghany Times welcomes a sister paper in the county for we feel th'at as “Competition is the Life of Trade”, we will be strengthened by its existance. We are positive that those who have • stood by tfieir county paper through all these years will continue to stand by us. And since our re cent loss, we are doubly assured, and we expect to contMue our ef forts until Alleghany county will have one of the best weekly papeis in Western North Carolina. Opportunity Knocks, Will Sparta Accept? A proposition has been submitted to some of the citizens of Sparta by a responsible organization which will be submitted to the Town Council at a future date wherein this organi zation is interested in securing a franchise or option for the construc tion of a water system in Sparta. This will cost the town nothing in the way of money, for the people submitting this proposition, propose to use outside capital for the con struction of the water system. It will be proposed that the Town Council give an absolute option for a period of six months to these peo ple for the purpose of inspecting and going over the sources of supply of water. Also, to determine the cost of construction, the possible number of users of water and the prospec tive cost of supplying water to the town. In the event that this firm decides to develop this water system, then they want an exclusive franchise for a period of fifteen years at which .time they will be requird to offer to sell to the town the system at an arbitrary figure and the same pro position to be made to the town each five years thereafter, in the event the town hits not purchased the sys tem. It is proposed to furnish the town fire hydrants for fire protection at a nominal rate. The cost of water to the citizens will be by a basic rate with a meter attached and so much for water over a certain agreed number of gallons. These rates are to be submitted to the Southeastern Tariff Associa tion and the State Board of Health in order that the citizens will not be overcharged for their water. ' There might come up in the minds of some of the citizens of Sparta the question of the compulsory tak ing of water from this company. It Is to be definitely understood that the taking of water is left solely to the individual citizen to take the water In the same manner as the taking of electricity under our prea ent system of allowing the Electric company to operate here. It Is to be hoped that the Town Council will get behind such a move to give the town this much needed improvement. This paper does not advocate any particular group to make this development but has only heard of this one and until other propositions are submitted, strongly urges the acceptance of this one as a step in the right direction. Why Waste Money Trying to Save It? A question that has been discussed probably more than any other in the last few weeks, is the question of yhat kind of court house are we going to have this time. This question should be a very simple one. We have realized what ;t means to build a cheap court house. In fact in the past forty years, Sparta is beginning to see the fourth court house. The first of the four was a wood en structure which was poorly con structed, then a brick structure which had to be replaced by the one which burned recently and now it appears that a modern fire-proof court house should be the, only thing to be considered. We feel that due to the cheapness of the last court house we have not lost, for in several places that one was beginning to give way and we are reasonably sure that it would have been condemned within a very few years. ■' Now the question arises what kind of material shall we use in the con struction of the new one. This paper is confident that it speaks the sentiment of the majority of the people in Alleghany county when it advocates building an abso lute fire-proof court house, one that will be a credit to the county and one that will stand the test of time. This can be done at the present time for less money than the other court house cost and even if it should cost a fraction more, it would be poor economy to build from in ferior material and have to rebuild again in just a few years. We suggest that the Board of Commissioners at least investigate the difference in cost of good hard brick and the Mt. Airy granite to veneer the new court house with. It is our impression that due to cheap labor and the slack in opera tions at the Mt. Airy quarries, that granite can be obtained almost as cheap as good brick and would add greatly to the appearance as well, as endurance of the building. We are reasonably sure that all good thinking citizens in the county I will not be satisfied to wraste money I in a cheap court house when it will j only take a little more to build one I that will stand for hundreds of I years. Let’s not be like the man who built his house on the sand and the winds blew and the storms came and destroyed his house, but rather, let’s build on a solid foundation and be proud that we used good judg ment. County Agents Will Aid In Placing Seed Loans — While definite regulations govern ing the placing of seed loans with farmers of North Carolina during 1933 have not yet been released from Washington, *it is a certainty that county farm agents will be called upon again to have an active part in the placing of these loans. Dean I. O. Schaub, director of the agricultural extension service at State College, received a wire last week from W. C. Warburton of the United States Department of Agri culture advising that the county agents should hold themselves in readiness for this tyork. There will be full co-operation between the county agents and the crop produc tion loan organization along lines , similar to previous years, i There will likely be included in the application for a loan, a certi i ficate which the county agent must fill regarding the proposed cropping plan of the, applicant and the ! amount of money which will be needed to carry out this plan. In many cases the field inspectors will request space in the county agents’ office for the execution of applica tions for loans. This indicates, said Mr. Schaub, that the county farm agents will be doubly important to the farming in terests of the state this spring, j Many farmers, unable to get credit I from other sources, will be forced to rely upon the governmental loans, j Last year loans were made to about j 40,000 farmers in 98 counties of ■ the state, amounting to approximate ly 4 million dollars. To date ' about 90 percent of this money has ' been repaid. Mr, Schaub said North Carolina farmers have received much favor able commendation for the way in whichi they have repaid the loans of 1932. NOTICE The Edwards Transportation Bus will leave West Jefferson via Sparta for Bel Air. Md., on February lTth, at 7 o’clock a. m. Fare: $8 one way; $14 round trip. For informa tion write; W. Bert Edwards, Darlington, Md. Raise More Mules Or Prepare to Pay While the horse and mule popu lation of North Carolina steadily de creases and those now on farms grow older, little effort is being made to grow replacements. Ralph H. Rogers of the depart ment of agricultural economics at State College says that if business conditions were to improve the price of mules would jump to the extent that few farmers would be able to buy mules. Yet, Mr. Rogers points out that horse and mule pow er is staging a comeback all over the Nation. The tractor is now most too expensive and farmers can grow the motive fuel on which auto mobiles are propelled. One North Carolina farmer who is wisely planning for the future is J. E. Snider of Linwood, route 1, Davidson County. At the present time, Mr. Snider has four good work horses, two mule colts nearly two years old, two mule colts nearly one year old, one three-year-old horse colt and one registered Jack. “If a man wants horses or mules, he should raise them,” says Mr. Snider. “If he does not, he had just as well prepare to pay a good price for them in the future.” Mr. Snider says it does not cost very much to raise the colts and they are easy to care for. Experiments made some years ago at State College show that a two year old colt which will sell at from $75 to $100 will cost about $60 to raise. Where only home-grown feeds are used, such as are now being pro duced in the State, it is likely that the cost will be lower. Sold Corn To Hogs For 55 Cents A Bushel A group of 490 hogs fed in 14 dif ferent demonstrations in Edgecombe county during the past year paid 55 cents a bushel for the corn consumed after all other costs were deducted. “The results of a group of care fully conducted demonstrations in Edgecombe County during the past year indicate that growing and feeding hogs is still a profitable operaton on North Carolina farms despite the present low price for pork,” says W. W. Shay, swine ex tension specialist at State College. “The demonstrations were conducted by county agent H. W. Taylor and the 490 animals in the 14 demon strations ate 2,710 bushels of corn during the feeding period jp 70 days. Accurate records ware kept «of all expenses and receipts. * After paying all other costs, the hogs re j turned an average of 55 cents a bushel for the corn which they ate.” This shows that home-grown corn fed to home-grown hogs is still a profitable farm practice, Mr. Shay says. In fact, he points out, there is no better way for the farmer with a surplus of corn to sell it for the best possible price. Even though it is not desired to fatten hogs for the commercial markets, a supply of meat for the home may be obtained and the expenses of family food cut to that extent. Mr. Shay says that agent Taylor directed the feeding of many other hogs on which no accurate records were obtained. If these were as profitable to the owners as those on which records were kept, it is fair to assume that the county agent earned much more during the 90 day period demoted to work with hogs than the county paid him in salary during the entire year. The method of feeding followed by the men who conducted the 14 demon trations was entirely different from that which had always been fol lowed and was introduced by Mr. Taylor. OBITUARY James Harlow Halsey, son o£ Ira and Zilphia Halsey, born November 7, 1867, died January 23, 1933. Age 65 years, 2 months and 16 days. He was first married to Flora Woodruff of Sparta, North Carolina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Woodruff. She died April, 1896. To this union was born one child which died in infancy. On February 13, 1898 he was married to Leila Mae Pierce, of Ashe County, North Carolina, daughter of John M. and Lydia Pierce. To this union was born six children: Clin ton, Bettie and Wallace of Piney Creek; Eugene of Miami, Florida; Hazel Wilson and Lillian Halsey of Rbanoke, Virginia. He was a Primitive Baptist in faith, however, he supported all branches of the Christian churches. We have faith to believe that some time in his life that he gave God the right of way to his heart as he was heard by his family and friends to engage in earnest prayer during his last days. He was a loving companion and affectionate father and his place can never be filled in the home or the hearts of his family and friends. He was a man four square to his con victions and was ever ready to use his influence for what he considered right. He will be greatly missed in the community as none who came to him foif help were turned from his door. He was energetic, industrious and made progress in the way of means which he used for the bene fit of his family and friends. He leaves to miss his presence and mourn his passing the following rel atives: a wife and six children, one -Why Silas Isn’t Getting Home -By Albert r. Reid brother, three sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. Sleep on, dear husband and fath er and take your rest till Jesus shall descend from Heaven with all his Holy Angels to awake your mortal body and fashion it like unto his glorious body, then the saying will come true, “Oh, death where is thy sting? Oh, gravle where is thy vic tory?” CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our sincere thanks to Drs. Thompson, Duncan and Waddell; also our friends and neighbors, for their many acts of kindness during the illness and death of our dear husband and father. Mrs. Harlow Halsey and Children. NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Alleghany. By virtue of a Deed of Trust, exe cuted to the undersigned on Dec. 4, 19?2, by William Watson and wife Docia Watson to secure the payment of a bond, executed by John Choate, Guardian of Marjorie Choate, in the sum of $350.00, due twelve months after date, with interest thereon, on which note there is a balance due of approximately $375.00, and in de fault of the payment of the same, and upon demand of the said John Choate, Guardian, I will, under the powers contained in said Deed of Trust, offer for sale at public auc- j tion for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door at Sparta, N. C., at one o’clock p. m., on Monday, March 6th, 1933, a certain tract of land described in said Deed of Trust lying on the waters of Little River adjoining the lands of L. C. Caudill, Lester Waddell, E. Left Wagoner, Reeves Watson and others, being the land Conveyed by John F. Wat son and wife to Will Watson, on Feb. 24, 1916, and embracing in two tracts aggregating approximately 27 acres, 22 square rods, more or less, the same being specifically des cribed in the said deed from John F. Watson and wife, recorded in Book 29, page 136 of the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany county to which deed and record reference is hereby made for speci fic calls. This Jan. 31, 1933. C. W. EDWARDS. 2-23 Trustee. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of R. H. Hackler, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to the under signed within twelve months from this date or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to the estate are notified to make immediate settlement. This January 25, 1933. MRS. LURA HACKLER, 3.3 Administratrix. USED CARS 1929 Plymouth Roadster-....-------$150.00 1928 Ford Coupe ------ —- -$135.00 1931 Pickup ____—----------$225.00 1927 T Model Ford Touring -- $35.00 1926 T Model Ford Roadster - -$30.00 1932 Ford Truck -——— -----♦-*■-$500.00 25 USED TUBES 50c UP ALLEGHANY MOTOR SALES Sparta, N. C. We Stand Behind Our Work We employ the best mechanics that money can hire; they have the finest, most modern tools and equipment; and their working’ conditions are as nearly, ideal as we can make them. That’s why we absolutely guarantee our work. Every job must be right before we let it go out—and should it ever prove otherwise, we are here to make it right! Castevens Motor Co. Sparta, N. C.

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