THE ALLEGHANY TIMES Published Every Thursday $1.50 Per Year Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at j Sparta, N. C. D. C. SHORES, Editor Taxing Municipal Utilities The decline in income from tax ation and the search for new sources of governmental revenue has caused a number of states to turn their ejes towards municipally owned utilities as potential contributors to the pub lic treasury. In Arkansas it is estimated that if the municipal light and water • ;ts were taxed on the same basis irivate concerns, about $220,000 ar would be obtained. In Wash on taxation of the city owned t and power systems iu Tacoma, tie and other Puget Sound cities he same per cent of gross reve as it is now paid by the private •orations, would produce more a SI,000,000 a year, or a great many years there have been efforts to levy taxes against governmental businesses and it may be that the tenseness of the tax problem at present will be the deciding influence. So far as the justice of the proposal is concerned, there can be. little argument. Gov ernments should be and are tax-free when they perform a non-profit making function benefiting the gen eral public. But when the govern ment goes out of this field a^l en ters a profit-making business it should operate on precisely the same terms as does a private business of the same character. To permit a municipal utility to go free amounts to over taxing all taxpayers else where in the State. It is an unfair dis rimination. It would be interesting to watch the progress of the movement. Those who are against it have hard argu ments; If Municipal utilities are un able to compete with private utili ties on an equitable basis anc( hold tth 'ir own, it is time the pubticTound -cut about it. To tax then}' is doing the only fair and reasonabje thing. THE ART OF SOUL WINNING Traphill, N. C,, March 2 2. 1933. Editor Alleghany Times, Sparta, N. C. Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find an article entitled “The Art of Soul-Winning”, which I would like to have* published in your paper. I am not trying to sell anything; I am only-trying to get something of what I consider the truth before the public. There are other ways of preaching'the-!gospel besides preaching it from the pulpit, and I am trying to preach-Lt- in.every way that I can. as well as trying to live it. i-i ■ -1 The article is not “borrowed"., or copied. I admit that the reading of a book suggested the writing of it. but the development and choice of words is my own. You may print this letter along with the article if you wish. There is nothing- secret about it. Thanking you very much for your kindness. I remain, Very respectfully yours, •" RAY BOWMAN. Soul-winning Is a difficult busi ness. That much is apparent at the outset. Soul-winning is a delicate business. That much makes itself manifest also. Talking to a man about the future welfare of his soul is the most serious tiling that hu man life is capable of understanding. John Wesley said on one occasion something like this; “Whenever I meet a man who is' traveling the road which leads to the eternal de struction of his soul, l will stop him if I can.” And John Wesley was one of the greatest soul-winners the world ever saw. Soul-winning is an art that man has never mastered nor understood. Many men have won countless souls to Jesus Christ: men whose names are written high on the pages of human history, emblazoned in flam ing letters that all the world might see: men whose souls today are reaping the rich reward of their la bors; yet these men never under stood just what they wer»' doing, nor how they were doing it. Soul winning, then, remains a mystery. However little understood such an art may be, it is most certainly beautiful. The mystery lies, not in getting a soul saved, but in the! manner in which one should be ap-( proached who needs to be saved.; Many a personal worker has lost his 1 case because his misguided zeal mis took the type of man he was deal ing with. The sinner’s mood at the time of approach should be studied and taken advantage of. Before undertaking the business of personal evangelism, all minds concerned should be clear on two points: the qualifications of the soul-winner, and the personal ex-j ample of Jesus. Concerning the qualifications of , Exciting Welcome \ft*W Lilian Harvey, famed European screen star, arrived in Hollywood just in time to meet the situation of 50% salary cuts of motion picture stars and the earthquake, completely upsetting her social plans. William Phillips William Phillips, new Under Sec retary of State in the Roosevelt cabi net, assistant to Secretary of State, Cordell Hull. Mr. Phillips was in attendance at the first meeting of the cabinet as pertaining to the financial crisis. the personal worker, he must be good. He must live that life to which he is trying to win others. Unless he does this, dismal failure will crown his every effort. The sore of religion that men believe in is the sort that is lived before their very eyes. The hypocrite is a stumbling block in the way of the sinner. The man who professes to know Christ in a spiritual Way must prove it by his actions. I, in spite of liis profession, he steals, lies, fails to pay his de,bts; in short, if he lives like the sinner and then endeavors to lead the sinner to Christ, the inconsistency is so ap parent as to make his' action ridic ulous to the man he is trying to win. His goodness must be a constant and consistent fact. In addition to his goodness, he must be tactful. Tact is another name for common sense. The soul winner must use common sense in dealing with the unsaved. Not only that, but he must have faith. He must have faith to be lieve that God will help him in his work. He must have faith to be lieve that the person or persons whom he is approaching need the transforming power of Christianity and the Gospel. He must have faith in himself and in his ability (with God’s help) to win the lost to Christ. He must have faith to be lieve that the Gospel and the Chris tian religion are all that he claims them to be. And finally, he must believe that the unchanging Trinity of God is squarely behind him in all1 that he does which is right. Again, he must have knowledge. He must know men. and he must know the Bible. Finally, the soul-winner must be a man of prayer. Before, during, and after a siege of personal work he must pray. In short, he must heed the exhortation of the Apostle Paul to "Pray without ceasing.” He must pray in accordance with the will of God, and he must pray, be lieving that God will answer. If he is, and does, all of these things, he will receive “souls for his hire.” The second point under consider ation is the personal example of Je sus Christ, the greatest soul-winner of all. Jesus knew men better than they knew themselves; He knew their moods, their peculiarities, their weaknesses, their strength; He knew just which moods to take advantage of, and which to let alone. He. and He alone, has mas tered the art. and understands it. For this reason He is known as the Master soul-winner. Jesus appealed to men through reason and intelligence. He reached them through their respect for knowledge. To the people, then as now, sight was knowledge. On the two occasions in the wilderness when he fed the four and five thousands respectively, they saw what He did. They knew that nothing short of a miraculous power could increase the amount of the loaves and fishes. Consequently, many believed on Hint there. Because He expected every man’s personality, He approached no two men alike. {s'icodemus’ experience vlth the Master differed front, that >f Zacchaeus. The twelve disciples, he harlot taken in the act of adul ery, and the woman at the well— these cases all met with dirterent treatment at His hands. Jesus defied the ultimatum of public opinion in winning disciples for his cause. Public opinion would have looked askance at the tlnle (noon) and the place (out of the way) of His meeting with the wom an at the well. Society would have condemned His act because of her sex and social rank (she was poor and a Samaritan). Her religion was different from His, and her charac ter was not above reprioach. But contrary to the social dictum of the times Jesus treated these seeming obstacles with the contempt of good ness and tactfully asked the despised i Samaritan woman for a drink ofi water. By ignoring her impertinence in answering His simple request He gained the day and won her confi dence and respect by His courteous manner. One word brought on an-, other, and in the end His telling; answers to hei- questions lent wings to her flying feet as she ran back to the city crying out to all she met: 1 “come and see a man who told me all things that I ever did. Is notj this the Christ?” His manner of dealing with this woman was only one of the many j examples of wisdom and tact which Jie exhibited in handling the most difficult cases.' The wise personal worker will do well to study His j methods and appropriate them, to; his own use. I — The — FAMILY DOCTOR (By John Joseph Gaines, M. D.) INFLUENZA I am thinking about “flu” this morning. When one is in a battle he naturally rivets a good deal of attention on the enemy. I am los ing a case of the dreadful disease today, and that always hurts, and makes one think how helpless we are sometimes, when the odds are too great. Mv. case—now- dying— is over SO. And she has been a semi-invalid for years—a neighbor as well. We learn something from each case. This aged lady was eating breakfast; suddenly she sank down, her face on the table, unconscious. She had a “cold” for a few days. I was called immediately after the alarming symptoms set in A straight case of influenza; it came with a rush—it came to over power the' frail old body. We put her to bed, and gave her all the conceiltrated nourishment and stim ulation she would bear. There was little or no fever but a distressing cough: we endeavored to keep down all the distress possible. Then ab sorption of nourishment ceased—it was the end of life, hastened by the advent pf the “flu” poison—one of the most treacherous I have ever met. ' { The object of this report is to urge people to be careful and pay 1 attention to the most trivial-appear ing “cold.” It may hold deadl' poison. We should do our very best' to secure proper ventilation for our aged relatives. No draft that brings sudden changes of temperature, yet plenty of pure air of comfortable heating. Influenza is one of the few di seases that I genuinely fear and - dread in old people. I wish we had an established, reliable form of treatment. I believe in immunizing - vaccines, but they do not always work as we would have them. FUMIGATION Too seldom do people fumigate! their apartments, in these wintry days, when habitations are closed so many hours of the day and night. Air in living-rooms may become1 quickly polluted. A guest may hap pen in for an hour’s chat. He may have a cough, not enough to pro claim, him an invalid—yet he may i be what we call a “flu carrier.” He; may inoculate receptive victims in any house he visits, and do it with out in the least being conscious of the act. One or two fumigations a week does' no harm—it’s well worth the J effort. Not so very long ago, sulphur candles 'were burned in rooms that had held contagious diseases. My; opinion is, that such an agency is wholly ineffectual. I came against; it once in a smallpox epidemic, and it proved utterly worthless. A fumigant must be volatile—-| capable of being dispersed in the air of the room; it must be effectual I against germs. Having these two properties, you have the ideal agent, j I have tested out a solution of! FORMALDEHYDE to my satisfac-j tion. If handled carefully, it is; safe in the hands of the family. Its j pungent, irritating odor warns I against excessive dose. I use a 40 : per cent solution known as “Forma lin.” Sprikled about the linen closets, I particularly in the clothes-hamper ^ containing soiled lined for the launT:| dry; a little here, and there about' ihe .bedding—enough to “bite” the lose, and eyes a little. Keep child •en away from the keen odor. Its tse can be quickly learned. It will V “What do you mean,—bank holiday?” By Albert T. Reid — lMtim 1 it i (I I i .ill - & leave air pure and will destroy bac teria. I have “isolated” cases of sinall-pox and scarlet fever, by hav ing the air constantly formalized about the patient. Try it for fumi gation; use it carefully, and depend on its effect. NOTICE The Edwards Transportation Bus will leave West Jefferson via Sparta for Bel Air, Md.. on March 17th, at 7 o’clock a. m. Fare SS one way SI 4 round trip. For information write: W. Bert Edwards, Darling ton, Md. If WANTS FOR SALE—Pair of heavy mules. Work anywhere. Good condition. Will sell at a bargain. John Choate, Sparta, N. C. Attention Mr. Farmer and Poultry Raiser! Now is the time to get your baby chicks. We are hatch ing 5,000 per week. For the next ten days we are booking orders at $8.00 per 100 for blood-tested State Accredited big healthy liva ble chicks guaranteed to live and grow. We also handle a full line of Purina Poultry feed and have the best display of brooder and henhouse furniture ever displayed in this section of the state. We have recently installed a Mam moth All-Electric Buckeye Incu bator for custom hatching. Bring us your eggs and we will hatch them for you at 2c per egg for full tray of 120 eggs. Phillips Building , Tenth street. Wilkes Hatchery, North Wilkesboro, N. C. PROGRAM LYRIC THEATRE ELKIN, N. C. The Home of Good Pictures Fri.-Sat.— BOB STEEL in “HIDDEN VALLEY” Serial-Comedy—Adm. 10c-30c Next Week—Mon.-Tues.— “Birds of Paradise” Also Paramount News, Car toon and Comedy Admission 10c-30c Wed.-Thurs— “Trouble in Paradise” News-Cartoon — Adm. 10c Fri.-Sat.-*— ‘Little Orphan Anrae’ with MITZI GREEN Serial-Comedy—Adm 10c-30c COMING PICTURES April 3-4 “FLESH” April 10-11-12 . “SIGN OF THE CROSS”' ' THRKK CAROLINIANS DIE Lieutenant James A. Willis, and his two passengers, Major James A. Willis, hjs father, and Major John A. Parker, were killed Sunday when the army transport plane in which they were traveling, crashed near Petersburg, Va. All three are .na tives of North Carolina. ARMINTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. T. Lynch, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to the under signed within twelve months from this date or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Ail persons in debted to the estate are notfied to make immediate settlement. This March 7, 1933. P. L. CHOATE, 1-13 Administrator, DR. M. A. ROYALL Elkin, N. C. SPECIALIST in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat GLASSES FITTED HOBO KILLED An unidentified white man about 45 years old and weighing 150 pounds was fatally injured when at tempting to board a freight train in Charlotte Monday. Reins-Sturdivant FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Day or Night. Phone No. 22 SPARTA, N. C. Radio Service My shop is now located at Al leghany Motor Sales. I am pre pared fully to render any radio service efficiently and a full line of batteries, tubes and oth er radio supplies will be kept on hand by Alleghany Motor Sales. J. M. CHEEK, Jr. Phone 45 — Sparta, N. C. SATURDAY SPECIALS AT Smithey’s Store Ladies’ Wash Dresses 3 for .......$1.00 Rayon Bed Spreads_39c Men’s Work and Dress Shirts -—- 25c Men’s Hats, 69c and $1.95 Bloomers _10c and 25c Ladies’ Silk Dresses, spec ial ..$1.95 and $2.95 Spool Thread, 2 spools 5c Bath Towels——5c and 10c 36 in. Heavy Plaid, per yard ——_..—__ 10c Outing _._— 5c yard Fine Lace, yard , A few Blankets left at only_...98c and $1.39 Work Pants __ $1.19 Men’s Dress Pants ...98c Queen of West Flour, per 100 pounds_...._$2.00 Oatmeal, Loose, lb..—2 Vic Mother’s Oats, China .. 23c 8 lbs. Fluffo Lard-45c 1 gal. Crushed Pineapple ___ ...... .... ... 45c 1 gal. Red Syrup_45c 1 set teacups and saucers _ 49c All Garden Seed, pkt. 5c 2 Vi lb. can Green Beans ___...._.... 10c 2Vi lb. can Tomatoes....lOc Pork and Beans, 6 cans __:... 25c Corn Flakes, 2 for.25c Good Fresh Candy—10c Large Flowered Lamp Globe...10c 10 qt. Enameled Bucket _ 19c Large Dish Pan_19c Domino Sugar, 6 lbs .. 25c Bananas, per lb.. 3*/2C Green Beans .. 5c Tomatoes, pound ——7 Vi c With prices advancing every day you should take ad vantage of these savings before it is too late. Smithey’s Store Sparta, N. C.