THE ALLEGHANY TIMES Published Every Thursday $1.50 Per Year Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Sparta, N. C. D. C. SHORES, Editor Get the Garden Ready A good garden is half the battle for the average family and when it is properly managed it will almost eliminate the necessity of buying groceries. There are families in the county who do not realize the value of a good garden and since the shortage of labor and money has been preva lent, have been forced to call on the Red Cross fund for support. There is positively no excuse for any family not having a garden and making enough to store away for the winter as well as a summer s supply of vegetables. Every man or woman who knows of a family in their neighborhood who does not have a garden should have enough interest in that family to help them get a place to make a good garden this year. It would not only give the family without the garden an opportunity to make their own support, but would help check the demand on the relief funds and the necessity of the neighbors help ing along this particular line. 11 ueiiuuves uuc jum uu« w use the tactics of the squirrel who lays away his winter supply while it is to be gotten, so that when win ter winds blow, the .cellar will have an abundant supply. Now is the time to get the garden ready and sufficient fertilizer can be gotten for use in that garden. Instead of encouraging a dole fund in the county, we should use every effort to have those who really need help be self-supporting in so far as possible, ttyen add the necessary things when it is impossible for them to get it otherwise. To do this we must help our neighbor to have a chance to make something for him self and making a good garden will prove one of the most essential things we can do. Advise Now Or Never There appears to be quite a good deal of dissension among the people of the county about the use of the old walls of the court house in the construction of the new. This feel ing has been shown since the first advise by the archtect who was hired and paid $450.00, to furnish the plans arid advise as to the strength and durability of the old walls. A petitidh was circulated in Spar ta last Monday and practically ev ery one who- was asked to sign it, against the use of the walls, was ready' and willing. This naturally was brought to the attention of the Board of Commissioners and it is their desireto please the people in this particular respect, however it is a part of the contract with the coun ty and the architect that if any part of the plans are not complied with, then all responsibility ceases so far as the architect is concerned. If the walls from the foundation are built, it will cost the county ap proximately SI,000 more, but the attitude of those who have expressed their feelings is that it probably would pay. .Every interested taxpayer should make a special effort to assist the Commissioners in this matter in do ing the things that would be best and most satisfactory with the least expense and it is suggested that they see the commissioners this week and give their ideas, representing as many of the taxpayers as possible. It is evident that the Board is ready to do the best and the cheap est thing possible and that is all the more reason why everyone should take enough interest to advise them for the best interest of the public. The time for this advice is draw ing to a close and if a change in the plans is to be made it must be done immediately or the original plans will be carried out as set out by the architect. Sparta High School To Stage Music Recital On Friday evening, April 14, at 8:00 o’clock, the music class of the Sparta high school will give their annual recital. A most unique pro gram has been arranged featuring Mother Goose and her universal troupe of players. Mary Cecil Hig gins plays the role of Mother Goose while Charles Dean Choate as Sim ple Simon’, the jolly pieman, serves as announc'er. This unusual program is further enhanced by selections played by the Toy Band which has recently been organized. The public is cordially invited to attend the program. There will be no admission charge. Babe Ruth says he’ll retire before taking a $50,000 salary. Most men do.—Arkansas Gazette. Rules Court for *33 Miss Sybil Stumph of Jacksonville, Fla., was voted Queen of Basket bailers for 1933 at the A.A.TJ. na tional tourney at Wichita, Kaa. . , , 300 girls competed. Bowls 300 In A.B.C __ Jack Kara ten, TT.8. Army, star tinned at Ft. Sheridan, IIL, turned in a perfect * ‘ 300 ’ ’ score in the AJB.C. bowling congress and will receive a gold medal. Karaten’s record haa been equalled only twice in the hia; tory of A.B.C. tourneys. Agricultural Notes By F. H. JACKSON' The following article was written by Swanson Richardson, Senior in Agriculture. Cattle Seth and Method of Control And {Eradication The cattle scab is commonly known as ‘scab,’ ‘mange’, or ‘itch’. Cattle scab is a contagious skin di sease affecting cattle of all classes and ages. The greatest injury oc curs among cattle of weak vitality. The scab causes shrinkage in weight, unthrifty condition, functional dis turbance, low vitality, and increased death rate, all results in serious fi nancial loss. In the western part ot the U. s. where cattle graze on the open ranges, the losses caused by common scab have been a serious drawback to the industry, but through the co-operative work of the Bureau of Animal Industry and officials of the state concerned, the disease has been greatly reduced and brought under control, where it occurred very fre quently. Causes of Common Scab The psoroptic mites which cause common scab live in groups or col onies on the surface of the skin, and the leisons caused by them spread in all directions from the spot first affected. The mites are small yel low or white colored parasites, known technically as psoroptes equi bovis or more often as psoroptes communis bovis. The female when full grown measures 1-40 of an inch and the male about 1-50 inch in length. They are visible to the na ked eye. The general form of the body is oval or egg shaped and the tapering head is longer than broad. These mites have four pairs of legs all of which extend beyond the mar gin of the body. The entire life cycle is passed on the body of the host animal. Each female may deposit from 15 to 24 eggs, which hatch after 3 or 4 days incubation. The young mites reach maturity, mate and the female de posits eggs in from 10 to 12 days. Symptoms of Common Scab The mites which cause common scab may attack any part of the body covered thick with hair, but first leisons usually occur on the withers, on top of neck just in front of with ers or around root of tail. From these points it spreads over the en tire body unless it is checked. Contagiousness of Common Scab The common cattle scab is not transmissible to other species of an imals. It is contagious to all classes of cattle and is transmitted by di rect contact with animals or objects | that are carriers of the mites. The j disease spreads more rapidly among i closely confined cattle than those on I the open range. Visible lesions of. scab may develop iri from 15 to 45 days exposure, sometimes it may be for a longer period. Treatment of Common Scab Cattle scab can be eradicated by dipping, or spraying, but dipping is the better method of treatment. Lime sulphur dips, nicotine dips and crude petroleum dips are efficient. It is- advisable to clean and dis infect all infected sheds, barns and yards before using them after cat tle have been treated. Some exter nal applications wiiich will kill the parasites without injury to the ani mal. The dipping commonly used and permitted by the Bureau o^Ani mal Industry for use in the official dipping of calle are lime sulphur and nicotin solution. Two dippings from 10 to 14 days apart in one of the dips can usually be depended upon to cure cases of common scab. Internal remedies, such as sulphur and salt. etc,, have not proven successful and should not be depended upon. — The — FAMILY DOCTOR (By John Joseph Gaines, M. D.) Here is a disease of the winter months, Pleurisy, usually resulting i from exposure to violent cold. It should not be mistaken for pneu monia, so, you better have the doc tor and be sure you are right. Pleurisy announces itself by PAIN. Not necessarily much fever, unless it begins with a pronounced chill. Remember—pleurisy is out side of the lung: pneumonia inside, The pleura is a tough, smooth mem brance that lines the chest-wall— and also covers the body of the lung. If the memb.ane is normal, it will glide over its neighboring surfaces without sensation: in flamed. it at once becomes very painful. A cough, if any, is excru ciating—it hurts to take a full breath—hurts at the point inflamed. If the spot remains sore long enough adhesions may form, which starts a very chronic condition, hard to cure. i nave many times taiten out irom three to twelve pints of dropsical fluid from an old case of neglected pleurisy—“pleurisy with effusion.” It should never be permitted to get that far. Your duty when attacked is, to go to bed, or, at least stay in the house where the air is dry and warm. Get up a sweat as quickly as possible. See that the bowel is “open”. Get the blood to the sur face and keep it there—it is possible only in warm atmosphere. Pneu monia may be mistaken for pleurisy —a dangerous mistake. See your doctor, and take no chances. Simple pleurisy is not dangerous if prompt ly attended to; pneumonia may be deadly if neglected. The real name of pleurisy is “pleuritis." But I am inclined to use plain, understandable language for my readers. I hope this short sketch concerning a common com plaint, may do good somewhere. PRECAUTIONS NEEDED In winter weather I see many peo ple, old and yourtg, making hurried little trips without sufficient protec tion against cold. A housewife will drop her kitchen things, and rush down to the bakery for something needed for dinner: she hasn’t time to put on a wrap—and, it’s only a short space—three blocks. So she whizzes out bareheaded, and with short sleeves used for farm house wear. She may have been perspir ing just the least bit—but that’s nothing; she has done the same thing a thousand times. But—sue encounters a Keen nortn east wind—just a little damp as she turns the corner back: it produces a shiver up and down the spine. She hurries in with her purchase—does not perspire any more that day. The deed has been done. At bedtime she notices a slight sore throat, with a tickling short, dry cough. Unless she sets in to work to break it up. she may have it hang on for a week! All because of that hasty trip to the bakery, without proper protection. This letter is to tell you some lit tle things worth while. You must throw on a wrap when going out in to sharp cold, no matter how short the trip contemplated. This applies to men as well as to women and children. Keep the surface of the body warm—that’s the law of safe ty. I know we used to “tear around” with imunity, but we can’t do it ADMINTRATOR’S NOTICE Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of J. T. Lynch, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to the under signed within twelve months from this date or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to the estate are notfied to make immediate settlement. This March 7, 1933. P. L. CHOATE, 4-13 Administrator, Joo Big for Her?—Who Said So?; '' c CLEANING ROOM now” We have hotter houses and thinner clothing- than we once pro vided. We are not pioneer settlers any more, and hardened to the cli mate. Careful attention to the sim ple advice here may prevent a ser ious illness; I hope so. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained In a certain Deed of Trust, executed by Cleo McMillan to D. C. Duncan, dated the 18th day of March, 1931, and duly recorded in Book 16, page 165, in the office of WANTS FOR SALE—Pair of heavy mules. Work anywhere. Good condition. Will sell at a bargain. John Choate, Sparta, N. C. Sewing Prices Reduced. Compare work and prices before having your sewing done. Mrs. R. M. Osborne, Sparta, N. C. Attention Mr* Farmer and Poultry Raiser! Now is the time to get your baby chicks. We are hatch ing 5,000 per week. For the next ten days we are booking orders at $8.00 per 100 for blood-tested State Accredited big healthy liva ble chicks guaranteed to live and grow. We also handle a full line of Purina Poultry feed and have the best display of brooder and henhouse furniture ever displayed in this section of the state. We have recently installed a Mam moth All-Electric Buckeye Incu bator for custom hatching. Bring uj$ your eggs and we will hatch them for you at 2c per egg for full tray of 120 eggs. Phillips Building , Tenth street. Wilkes Hatchery, North Wilkesboro, N. C. PROGRAM LYRIC THEATRE ELKIN, N. C. The Home of Good Pictures Fri.-Sat.— REX BELL in «i ‘From Broadway to Cheyenne” Serial-Comedy—Adm 10c-30c NEXT WEEK—Three Days, Mon., Tues., Wed. The big picture of the year— “THE SIGN OF THE CROSS” Also News-Cartoon ADMISSION: Matinee 10c-30c Night 10c-40c Thurs.—One day only— FAMILY SHOW “Madam Butterfly” Also News — Cartoon Admission Only 10c the Register of Deeds of Alleghany | county. North Carolina and there having been a default in the payment on the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust and at the re quest of the holder of the evidence of indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will sell for cash at ■ the Courthouse door in Sparta, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 28th day of April, 1933, the follow ing described property: Bounded by the lands ot Charlie Edwards, Bud Edwards, Mack Jones and others, containing 45 acres more or less. This land is known as the R. A. Doughton land and a part of the Alex McMillan land in Prath ers Creek Township. Reference is hereby made to a deed recorded in Book 38, page 315 in the Register of Deeds office. Alleghany county, North Carolina, for a full and com plete description of this tract of land. This March 27, 1933, D. C. DUNCAN, 4-20 Trustee. NOTICK The Edwards Transportation Bus will leave West Jefferson via Sparta for Bel Air, Md„ on April 5th, at 7 o’clock a. m. Fare $8 one way; $14 round trip. For information write: W. Bert Edwards, Darling ton, Md. Reins-Sturdivant FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Day or Night. Phone No. 22 SPARTA, N. C. DON’T Make your wife stand over a hot cook stove when you can eat as cheap at - RAY’S LUNCH ROOM We will serve 5c and 10c sandwiches from clean, whole some, fresh materials. TRY US! USED CARS 1 1930 Ford Pickup_-— - —-$175.00 1 1931 Ford Pickup............-.$225.00 1 1929 Ford Pickup----— --- $125.00 1 1930 Ford Coupe. .. —— -----——-—- $225.00 1 1929 Ford Touring...—-----$125.00 1 1929 Ford Roadster -——--————$125.00 1 Whippet Coupe ---———-——-—..$30.00 ALLEGHANY MOTOR SALES Sparta, N. C. TO OUR CUSTOMERS We carry a complete line of dry goods, notions, grass seed, plow repairs and feed stuff. We specialize in giving the farmers the highest market price for all produce. Get our prices before buying. Car load of Burnt Lime received this week. See us for lowest prices. THE PEOPLES’ STORE J. A. Osborne, Prop. Sparta, N. C.

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