the ALLEGHANY TIMES Published Every Thursday $1.50 Per Year Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Sparta, N. C. D. C. SHORES, Editor An Old Lady In Laurel Springs Yesterday the Legislature ad journed in honor of an old lady in Laurel Springs. She was 94 years old, which was in itself an achieve ment, but her reason for being proud was more fundamental than that. The lady was Mrs. Rebecca Dough ton. One of her sons, Congressman R. L. Doughton. as head of the pow erful Ways and Means Committee of the United States House of Repre sentatives was in Washington labor ing with the shaping of the fiscal policies of the nation upon, which depend President Roosevelt’s plans for reconstruction. The other, Rep resentative R. A. Doughton. was in Raleigh, where as head of the im portant Finance Committee of the North Carolina House of Represen tatives, he was busy with the fi nancial future of North Carolina. Few ladies live so long as Mrs. Doughton, and fewer still live to see her sons attain such success as Mrs. Doughton’s sons have attained. More remarkable than that, it is unlikely that any mother ever saw her two sons bearing at the same time the responsibilities for shaping the fi nances of their State and their na tion. The adjournment yesterday by the House in honor of Mrs. Doughton was a proper token of respect for the mother of flesh and blood and em phasized the pride which the Statd as a mother shares in the Doughton boys with the old lady in Laurel Springs.—News and Observer. More Confidence, Better Times It was said far and wide during recent weeks that the best sign of the hour was upping public confi dence. Now we find evidences of recovery beginning to appear in the business statistics. TfEe indext of wholesale prices, which has been declining steadily for months, recently made its first sustained rise. Farm products have shown an improved trend. An up turn in car loadings has appeared. There is a substantial increased de mand for many household appli ances. Indications toward the end of March were that commercial fail ures would be the lowest for seven or eight years. Everyone is agreed that recovery will be gradual and most are like wise agreed that it will be steady until things become stabilize^. and that there need be no fear of im portant recessions. New money is appearing due largely to the war on hoarding and it is providing jobs and stimulating production. Personally we cannot understand the attitude of certaili Senators throwing monkey wrenches in the machinery in an effort to retard the gradual reconstruction. It would be our policy to co-oper ate with the movement, even though it was conducted in such a way that we did not approve. We are at a loss to understand the attitude of Senator Long. of Louisiana, who appears to be ready ' to break ranks from practically all Democratic Senators in their whole hearted support of the way President Roosevelt has planned to bring back normal times to the United States. If publicity is what he is after, then he certainly is geting his just deserts. Gardens Being Planted As Relief Measure The planting of gardens by indi viduals and by municipalities and industrial plants, as a relief measure is proceeding at a rapid rate in j Nortli Carolina. Charles A. Shef-; field, assistant extension director at State College, and agricultural di rector for the Governor's relief of fice, states that approximately 130, 000 relief families in the State will grow the subsistence gardens this spring and that more than 50 cities and towns are planting community gardens. “There are families living in towns and cities where the individ ual garden cannot be had and for these folk, community farm gardens cultivated as a unit and ranging in size from 5 to 3 00 acres are being planted,” Sheffield says. “This, type of garden operates as a work relief project and will produce a large sup-, ply of foods that may be conserved for fall and winter distribution to needy families.” , . ■ ; i j, The agricultural extension service of State College is co-op,eating with the Governor’s relief office in the work. Most counties hare welfare officers who are directors of relief and some counties hare both the welfare organization as well as the < relief organization. All these agen- c cies are being used in developing the garden idea. Standard garden seed packages are being distributed to families needing relief and 130,000' copies of a garden calendar have been printed for distribution. Mr. Sheffield says the work is be ing efficiently organized throughout the State and that the relief offi cials are getting excellent co-opera tion. The plan offers a program of self-help for the unemployed and will mean a large financial saving to the tax-payers. It also means escape from the dole s'ysfem and the retain ing of self-respect by those tempor arily out of work. FOURTH CLASS POSTMASTER EXAMINATION' Receipt of application to close April 21, 1933. The date for assembling of compe titors will be stated in the admission cards which will be mailed to ap plicants after the close of receipt of j applications. The United Stages Civil Service Commission has announced an ex amination. as a result of which it is expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the posi tion of fourth class postmaster at; Glade Valley. N. Car., and other va cancies as they may ofccur at that of fice, unless it shall be decided in the interest of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement. The ex amination will be held at Elkin, N. Car. The compensation of the postmas-1 ter at this office was $7S4 for the, last fiscal year. Applicants must have reached! their twenty-first birthday but not i their sixtv-fifth birthday on the date of the examination. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post offce for which the examination is an nounced. The examination is open to all ; WANTS! - j— - - ■ ! Sewing Prices Reduced. Compare! work and prices before having! your sewing done. Mrs. R. M. | Osborne, Sparta, N. C. Attention Mr. Farmer and Poultry Raiser! Now is the time to get your baby chicks. We are hatch ing 5,000 per week. For the next ten days we are booking orders at $8.00 per 100 for blood-tested State Accredited big healthy liva ble chicks guaranteed to live and grow. We also handle a full line of Purina Poultry feed and have the best display of brooder and i henhouse furniture ever displayed , in this section of the state. We have recently installed a Mam moth All-Electric Buckeye Incu bator for custom hatching. Bring us your eggs and we will hatch them for you at 2c per egg for full tray of 120 eggs. Phillips Building , Tenth street. Wilkes Hatchery, North Wilkesboro, N. C ! .1 ---— -~ I Reins-Sturdivant FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Day or Night. Phone No. 22 SPARTA, N. C. _ _ _i PROGRAM LYRIC THEATRE ELKIN, N. C. Tlie Home of Good Pictures Fri.-Sat.— BUCK JONES in “Forbidden Trail” j Serial-Comedy—Adm 10c-30c Next Week, Mon.-Tues.— Richard Dix Anne Harding in “The Conquerors” News — Cartoon — Comedy Admission 10c-30c Wed.-Thurs.— FAMILY SHOW “Better Tea For General Yen” Also News — Cartoon fr.i Admission Only 10c Coming Specials April 24th-25th “STRANGE INTERLUDE” May lst-2nd “STATE FAIR” --— dtizens of the United States who •an comply with the requirements. Application blanks and full infor nation concerning the requirements >f the examination can be secured from the postmaster at the place of vacancy or from the United States 3ivil Service Commission, Washing ton. D. C. Applications must be properly exe cuted and on file with the Commis sion at Washington. D. C., prior to the hour of closing business on the date specified at the. head of this announcements J. C. Penney Co. Staging 31st Anniversary Event Celebrating the 31st anniversary of the founding of the J. C. Penney Company, the Elkin store is staging three rousing days of big value giv ing, beginning today and continuing through Saturday. A. L. Griffeth, manager, announced Wednesday. Always a store of real bargains, the local Penney store will out-do it self to give even greater bargains during this anniversary event, Mr. Griffeth said. A page ad., located elsewhere in this issue, shows many of the real values to be obtained. “Dern in New Cabinet.”—Head line. But which one? Gosh or Gol, —Chicago Tribune. _ DR. M. A. ROYALL Elkin, N. C. SPECIALIST in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat GLASSES FITTED The executive requirement ‘of Budget Director Douglas was not that he is tender and true, but that he knows how to hew.—Washing ton Post. All the great financiers are in fa vor of restoring confidence, if they can do it without getting confident enough to lend anybody any money. —San Diego Union. NOTICE The Edwards Transportation Bus will leave West Jefferson via Sparta for Bel Air, Md., on April 26th, at 7 o'clock a. m. Fare $8 one way $14 round trip. For informatioi iwrite: W. Bert Edwards, Darling ton, Md. I* NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust, executed by Cleo McMillan to D. C. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE Here is what you get: 1. Work done by trained and experienced repairman. 2. Modern methods and equip ment used. 3. Best quality of replacement parts. 4. Prompt and efficient ser vice. 5. Special attention to out-of town calls. fl. Full line of batteries, tubes and supplies. 7. Our prices are in keeping with the times. J. M. CHEEK, Jr. Phone 45 — Sparta, N. C. Duncan, dated the 18th day of March, 1931, and duly recorded in Book 16, page 165, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany county. North Carolina and there having been a default in the payment on the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust and at the re quest of the holder of the evidence of indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Sparta, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 28th day of April, 1933, the follow ing described property: Bounded by the lands of Charlie Edwards, Bud Edwards, Mafck Jones and others, containing 45 acres more or less. This land is known as the R. A. Doughton land and a part of the Alex McMillan land in Prath ers Creek Township. Reference is hereby made to a deed recorded in Book 38, page 315 in the Register of Deeds office, Alleghany county. North Carolina, for a full and com plete description of this tract of land. This March 27, 1933. D. C. DUNCAN, 4-20 Trustee. FINE REPAIRING Two Expert Repairmen In Charge C. W. STEELE Jeweler B. Main St Elkin, N. O. TO OUR CUSTOMERS We carry a complete line of dry goods, notions, grass seed, plow repairs and feed stuff. We specialize in giving the farmers the highest market price for all produce. Get our prices before buying. We have just received a nice line of Ball Band Footwear. THE PEOPLES’ STORE J. A. Osborne, Prop. Sparta, N. C. REXALL ORIGINAL ONE-CENT SALE Hospital aOo Dental Floss, 12-yd. Glass Vial .2 for 21c JOe Firstald Z. O. Aa. Plaster, 1"\1 yard.- -2 for 11c 29c Firstald Z. O. Ad. Plaster, flesh, l”x5......2-for 30 25c Zinc Stearate For chafed tender skin. Close clinging. Waterproof. 2 for 26c Ligrg'ett’s Milk Chocolate A tasty wholesome food. Good for children, too. 2 for 20c Toilet Goods 50c Midnight Perfume, 1-4 ounce. 2 for 51c 35c Midnight Talcum, 2 for 30c $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face Ponder.2 for $1.01 75c Duska Double Compact .2 for 70c 75c Lavender Shaving Lo tion.2 for 70e 25c Lavender Talc.....2 for 20c 50c Harmony Rolling Massage Cream. .2 for 51c 25c Rexall Cold Cream, .2 for 20c $1.00 Harmony Quinine Hair Tonic. 2 for $1.01 35c Olive Shampoo....2 for 30c 50c Petroleum Hail1 rub .2 for*ole 50c Rexall Shaving Lotion, 7 oz...2 for 51c 10c Jasmine Soap.2 for 11c 75c Lilac Vegetal.2 for 70c 25c Tiny Tot Talcum, 2 for 20c 40c Cascade Pound Paper Fine linen finish. Correctly 2 for 41c Firstaid Sanitary Napkins More Absorbent and com fortable. Form fitting. Sani tary. 2 for 26c THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY APRIL 20-21-22 Rexall Remedies 81.00 Agarex, pint....2 for 81.01 25c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup . .2 for 26c 25c Corn Solvent,.2 for 26c 25c Foot Powder.2 for 26c 25c Laxative Cold Tablets, 24's .2 for 26c 25c Little Liver Pills, 2 for 26c 81.00 9.1 Hair vigor, 2 for St.Ol 25c Rex-Mentho < liest Rub .2 for 26c 81.00 Syrup Hypo. Comp., Clear.2 for 81.01 Puretest ASPIRIN Puretest Aspirin relieves pain more quickly—safely. Does not depress the heart or irritate the stomach. You get. more, too! BOTTLE OF 100 2 for 70c Puretest Products 20c Boric Acid, Pdw., 4-oz. . .2 for 21c 81.00 Cod Liver Oil, Mint, fla vor, pt.2 for 81.01 25c Mercurochrome, 2 for 26c 20c Spirit Camphor....2 for 21c 75c Mineral Oil, Russia Type, pint.2 for 76c 50c Mi 31 Shaving Cream A Smooth Easy Sliave 2 for 51c $1.00 PEPTONA Enriches the blood, rebuilds nerve tissues and muscle. Aids digestion. Increases appetite. 2 for $1.01 Stationery ((1.00 Avalon, Box. .2 for $1.01 75c Pierre, Box.2 for 76c 50c Lord Baltimore, box .2 for 51c 25c Silhouette Papeteria, Box .2 for 26c. 50c Klenzo Dental Creme Makes teeth look whiter— feel cleaner in one brushing. / 2 for 51c Candy Liggett’s Bitter Sweets, 1-lb. bbx... . .2 for 76c Fenway ('berries, 1-lb 2 for 51c Milk Chocolate Almond Bar, 1„2 lb.,.2 for 26c 25c Georgia Rose TALCUM Banishes discomfort and id ritation. Silken soft and fragrant. Highly absorbent. 2 for 26c SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE B. & T. Drug Co. SPARTA, N. C. 50c Puretest Rubbing Alcohol Instantly cools and 'soothe* the skin. Drives out muscle stiffness and lameness. In vigorates. Athletes use it. 2 for 51c Puretest Castor Oil Preferred by child r e n . Sweeter taste. Purer. 3 oz. 2 — 8 oz. 2 for 26c for 46c SI.50 Victoria Fountain Sy ringe, Red, 2 tit...2 for $1.51 35c Harmony Cream of Al monds..2 for 36c Reg. 25c Medford Stationery . 2 for 26c 50c Midnight Creams, 2 for 51c 25c Klenzo Facial Tissue .2 for 26c 50c Puretest Milk of Magnesia .. 2 for 51c 10c Pore test fipsom Salts .2 for 11c 25c Puretest Epsom Salts .2 for 26c 25c Medford Stationery Fine linen finish. 24 sheets. 24 envelopes. White—-tints. 2 for 26c Pharmaceutical 35c Cascara Co. No. 3, Hinkle, Pink, lOO’s.....2 for 36c 20c Zinc Oxide Ointment, tube 1 oz. 2 for 21c 25c Puretest IODINE The safe and sure antiseptic for cuts and wounds. Glass applicator included. 2 for 26c 25c Rexall Shaving Cream For a fast smooth shave. 2 for 26c YOUR PENNY WILL BE WORTH A DOLLAR IN THE REX ALL lc SALE AT B. & T.

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