Number 50 Local Commencement ' Program to Get Under Way Sunday Morning - ♦ AT 11:00 O’CLOCK Rev. J. R. Johnson To Deliver Baccalaureate Address PLAY ON SATURDAY Sunday morning, April 30th, at 11 o’clock Rev. J. R. Johnson, of the First Baptist church, Galax, Va., will deliver the baccalaureate ser mon. Thursday evening, May 4th, at 8 o’clock class day exercises will be held. The seniors are presenting for this program ‘‘The Graduates’ Seven Guides.” The declamation and recitation contests will be held Friday morn ing, May 5th, at 10 o’clock. In the preliminary contests of this week the following boys and girls were selected to take part in the respec tive contests: Buck Higgins, Walter Pugh, J. T. Inskeep, Pawnee Jor dan, Howard McCann,. Reba Ed wards, Carolyn Maxwell, Mary Cecil Higgins, Mattie Hon Edwards and Myrtle Harris. Dr. N. W. Walker, dean of educa tion at the University of .North Caro lina, Chapel Hill, will deliver the commencement address Friday even ing, May 5th, at 8 o’clock. The senior play, ‘‘Boots and Her Buddies,” will be given Saturday evening. May 6. at 8 o’clock. This ig a splendid farclal comedy pub lished by Eaddy and Taddy, of Chapel Hill. Admission "wilt be 10, -15 and 25 cents. HONOR ROLL The following is the honor roll of the Sparta schools for the seventh month: First Grade: D. R. Gilham, Grace Murray, Anna Rose Reeves, Mary E. Ross, Jessie Gwyn Woodruff, Bil ly Carrol Choate, Theodore Cum mings, James D. McKnight, Ray Smith. Jr., Jack Sexton, Charles Tompkins, Coy Chambers, John Hig gins, Jr. and Charles Doughton. Second Grade: Viola Carpenter, Claudine Edwards, Virginia Gentry, Katherine McMillan, Ottie Mae Mc Coin, Iris Poole, Doris Richardson, Kenley Goodman, Wade Miles, Den zel Russell, Dale Shores, J^phn Un derwood, Lewis Wagoner,'1 Edison Joines, David Easterling, Jr., and Ted.Reed. Third Grade: Jimmy Atwood, Amon Choate, Amon Edwards, How ard Edwards, R. C. Mitchell, Floyd Sexton, Nannie Andrews, Marie Bray, Wanda Choate, Emogene Choate, Francis Gilliam, Lola Hann, Louise Miles, Virginia Robbins, Mar garet Sexton, Freddie Sue Sexton, Mildred Wagoner, Sarah Warren. Fourth Grade: Vila Atwood, Edith Caudill, Rose Irwin, Juanita Ross, Donese Russell, Nellie Good man, Howard Honaker, Guy McCann, Ray Rector, V$rn Smith, Bill Collins. Fifth Grade: Frank Osborne, Charles Dean Choate, Dick Dough ton, Emor^etta Reeves, Mary War ren, Vancine Choate, Annie Mae Truitt, Georgia Anderson, Maxine Poole, Shirley McMillan, Retha Evans and Bernice Andrews. Sixth Grade: Ella Edwards. John Walker Inskeep, Wade McMillan, Al ma York, Virginia Joines, Edna Ed wards. Seventh Grade: Stella Billings, Cleo Jones, Julian Reeves, Jay Sex ton and Ernest Edwards. Eighth Grade: Mary Cecile Hig gins, Maxine Richardson, Lorraine Reeves, Rose Richardson, Grace York and Kathleen Smith. Ninth Grade: Virginia Osborne, Leo Irwin, Claude Sexton, Ruby York, Madeline Smith and Jennie Hines. Teiith Garde: Johnson Sanders, Bower Irwin and Mildren Shores. Eleventh Grade: Carrye Hamm, Ruby Edwards, Cfiarlie Irwin, Ethel Absher, Mildred Wagoner and Jim my Wagoner. TOBACCO GAINS ONLY Cigarettes 'and cigars .accounted for virtualy one-half of the value of mhhuf&etured products in North Carolina in 1931 and the tobacco in dustry was the only one in the state which showed a gain in value of products for the ypar over the 1929 total. Presidential., messages have be come sy brief and pointed they hard ly confuse a Congressman, even.— Detroit News. State and Nation Debate Inflation Washington, April 25.—Presi dent Roosevelt's inflation project was the subject of stormy debate in the senate today with Republi cans denouncing it as unconstitu tional and an “inevitable shock to i confidence” and Democrats de fending it as a “conservative measure with no wild inflation in it." Kills Wife, Self Washington, N. C., April 25.— Claude Sasnett, SO, of this city, died in a hospital here late to day after fatally wounding his wife with two shots from a .88 caliber pistol on a public street and then 'shooting himself through the temple. Schools Threatened Chicago, April 25.—The af fliction of Chicago’s school system for many months threatened to day to develop into a Case of com plete paralysis unless a stimulant in the form of cash, were imme diately provided. Marked Improvement Jiew York, April 25.—-A marked improvement in public confidence and In general business conditions "was noted today by newspaper publishers from widespread in dustrial and agricultural areas. Urges Shorter Hours Washington. April 23.—Secre tary of Labor Prances Perkins, the nation’s first woman, cabinet offi cer, today urged upon the house labor committee the administra tion's program for shorter hours and minimum wages in industry. House Passes Bill Washington, April 25.—The ad ministration's mighty program for developing the Tennessee river ba sin today was made ready for early senate consideration by an overpowering house majority. PINEY CREEK COMMENCEMENT Graduating Exercises Are To Be Held On Friday Night . The senior class of Piney Creek ; high school will present three-act comedy, “Step On It. Stan,” on Sat urday evening, April 29th, at 8 o’clock. The cast of characters is as follows: Stan Gray, the town’s leading failure, David Sturgill. Charlie Norris, the town’s leading Romeo, Terry Stone. Sid Pressley, the town’s leading loafer, Carlis Dee MitcBfell. Ray Cryder, the town’s leading citizen, Vance Sturgill. Peggy Brooks, who inspires Stan to "Step on it,” Mary Gambill. Hazel Wilton, the object of Char lie’s affections. Ruby Hash. Prudence Quimby, the town’s lead ing old maid, Blanche Finney. Sibley Shepard, the town’s richest girl. Hazel Sturgill. Sarah Boggs, direct from Willow Springs in search of her fortune, Kathleen Anderson. An admission of 10 and 26 cents will be charged for this play. On Friday night, May 5th will be the graduating exercises. Dr. N. W. Walker, dean of the school of Education, University of North Carolina, will deliver the bac calaureate address on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, May 6th. An operetta by the grades will be given on Saturday night. May 6th. The public is cordially invited to attend these programs. \Hyde Park Favored As The Summer Capitol The summer capitol of the United States this year will likely be at the New York resident of President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, which is shown above. Such is the report from Washington where great uncertainty prevails as to when Congress will end its work on immediate legislation. Reports from the White House also tell of the President’s plan for a week’s cruise on the 45-footer,. ‘ ‘ Amber J ack II ’’, with only his four sons as shipmates. It is thought the cruise will be up the Maine coast for a short stay at the Roosevelt home there. Below, the President and Mrs. Roosevelt off for a short week-end rest. DESTITUTION IN STATE SHOWS SOME DECLINE IN MARCH Much Greater Decrease In Relief Load Ex pected In April FIGURES QUOTED For the first tima-- sttoce federal relief ’funds^ becamp availably last October, destitution in, North Caro lina showed a decline during the month of March, according to figures just released by the Governor’s of fice of relief. A total of 161,000 families Were given aid as com pared with 164,000 in February. Previous to March there had been a continuous increase in the number of families aided, the figures show. It is anticipated that a much greater decrease in the relief load will be experienced for the month of April. The program of gardening and truck farming, which was not far enough advanced to materially affect the situation in March, will be. an important factor in lessening the relief load for April, it is ex pected. ** The number of families actually given aid in Surry, Wilkes, Alle ghany and Yadkin counties during March follows: Surry county, 1,681; Wilkes county, 775;- Alleghany countyf 351, and Yadkin county, 1,250. Total expenditures in the state for March relief work amounted to *1,323,346. The amounts expended in the four counties mentioned above were: Surry county, $9,898; Wilkes county, $10,157; Alleghany county, $2,565, and Yadkin county, *6,959. Union Revival The revival meeting announced some time ago will begin May 7 at 11 A. M., and will continue ten days or two weeks. Rev. J. H. Armbrust of North Wilkesboro Methodist church will do the preaching. The services will be held at the Mission ary Baptist church. ‘ .'»•• •••• We belieirfr&hat God is.goin#*^ give us a g»is«t *»W*(rl. .May it be the prayer of every 'Christian that the lost in our community might be saved. C. W. RUSSELL, J. L. UNDERWOOD, C. W. ERVIN. , Methodist Church News Because of the baccalaureate ser mon Sunday morning, there will be no service at Edwards Cross Roads at 11 A. M., but I will preach there in the afternoon at 3 P. M. THE PASTOR. SENATE PASSES REGULATION BILL With the “legal date” for S.2 per cent beer only six days away, the senate Monday jMlSfKid on third readr ing and sent W* the house a ma chinery act totfegfclate sale of t« beverage. r- * The government has crossed th« gold eagle with the homing pigeon.— Cincinnati Enquirer. 1 Farm Timber Situation j * j I In Alleghany County j — By R. W. GRAEBER , ; Extension Forester N. C. State College Alleghany a striptly rural county, with Sparta its county seat, thirty miles or more from any railroad point, must of necessity depend largely upon its own material^ - 5e_ spirces for its future progregst'Yet few people realize to what extent the future success and standard of living on the farms rests upon the farm woods and the timber they sup ply. Let’s take a look at the situation. On the 1,384 Alleghany farms we Visits Roosevelt Prime Minister Ramsey McDonald, of England, who has been in con ference with President Roosevelt during the past few days looking to ward settlement of world difficulties. Ray’s Lunch Room In New Quarters Ray’s Lunch Room is now located in the show room of the Sparta Gar age. While he has a better location he will be in better shape to •■neiWe his customers not only in better but with a larger variety of sand wiches and meals. He invites you to visit his new lunch room and be convinced that he will treat you right. ' . PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE As Executors of Jennie Reeves deceased, we will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, begin ning at 9:30 A. M., Saturday, April 29th, on the premises, all the per sonal property belonging to the said Jennie Reeves, including household and kitchen furniture, live stock grazing, farming tools, etc. Terms will be made known on daj sale. . W. F, OSBORNE, A. V. CHOATE, , Executors. find 37,143 acres of Woodland, an! ■•average of 26.8 acres per farm. What are you asking this farm wood land to give you each year? Here afe, a few of the things. It takes ajjpually, *74,23* worth of timber or an average of $2,i)O0 from each acre to maintain the farm buildings of Alleghany. The farmers use 18, 684 cords of fire wood each year, also 46,000 fence posts and in addi tion thousands of rails for fences and hay pens. The firewood alone takes an average of one-half cord annually for each acre of woodlands. Can Alleghany farmers afford to buy this material from other sections? To say nothing of a heavy freight bill, then a long truck or wagon haul from the railroad. The only alter native is to grow the timber supplies on the fprm. To do this means: That Alleghany farmers will have to change their ideas to some extent on the management of their woods. In recent months I have made two visits to Alleghany and made a few observations. Numerous stands of young pines are being cut down and destroyed. In the Laurel Springs section a land owner had a 10 to 15 acre field of white pines cut down and burned. Little did he think that in a few days he had destroyed what it had taken God twenty years to make, and something his community will be begging for within the next 20 to 30 years. On the other hand I found H. J. Douglas. Piney Creek; Clarence Thompson, Glade Valley; The Glade Valley school and others making an earnest effort to protect and grow fields of these same pines. In various sections of the county I saw great “sore spots” or gullies on the hillside pastures, which nothing but*'trees can stop. The chestnut timber is all dead with no chance to come back. Here and there I noticed a few white pines, but the larger percentage of tree growth is Scarlet or Spanish Oak, with some white oak, Northern Red Oak and Yellow Poplar on the A consideration of the visible sup ply of farm timber, the timber needs of the county and the observations which I have made leads me to make • the following suggestions: 1. Make no further land clear ings. 2. Keep cattle and other live stock out of all woodland to allow a re production of young trees. 3. Leave seed trees, especially w*hite pine, yellow poplar. Northern red oak (water oak) and white oak. 4. Salvage all dead chestnut for lumber, shingles, rails, etc. 5. Cut fire wood, by thinning, from cull, dead, diseased and over crowded trees. * 6. Plant washed or otherwise abandoned fields and pastures with white pine, yellow poplar or black locust, either singly or in mixed stands. 7. Plant clusters of White pines and yellow poplar on or near the hilltops to serve as future seed trees. 8. Then to insure the success ol your effort—Keep" Fires Out. OUTSTANDING NEWS EVENTS —of the— PAST WEEK G. O. P. PLANS FIGHT A biting denunciation of the Roosevelt pte.n for controlled infla tion was issued Friday night over the signatures of’ four prominent congressional Republicans, while Democrat leaders stood their ground confident of more than enough votes for approval of the program in both, senate and house. SPENDS 13 HOURS ALOFT The world’s newest and largest dirigible airship—the Macon, sister of the ill-fated U. S. S. Akron cruised nearly 13 hours Friday on her maiden flight and then, landed gracefully at her air dock at Akron, O., just before the sunset. $2,000,000 EACH An agreement whereby the infant son of Libby Holman Reynolds and his half-sister, Anne Cannon Rey nolds, second, would each receive $2,000,000 of the estate of Smith Reynolds, their father, was dis closed in Concord Friday. The agreement is still subject to approv al by a court of proper jurisdiction •IMPORTANT PARLEY BEGINS • In a capital seething with war against depression, President Roose velt and Prime Minister MacDon ald, of Great Britain, put their heads together Friday night to find ways for better days. The tall British prime minister stood behind the' desk of Mr. Roosevelt shortly after his arrival and told newspa permen of his purpose to seek with the’president and the other nations a- solution fpr the economic crisis. ASK FOREST JOBS ■Agencies in Charlotte had about J, •600 applications for federal forest •camp work Monday from which to pick 263, the Mecklenburg county quota. / FIRE LOSS LESS The division of forestry reports North Carolina Suffered less damage from forest fires In the three months of this year than for a similar per iod in many years past. TEACHERS ON RAMPAGE Rebellious forces of Chicago's un paid school teachers, emboldened .by a riotlous march upon five ma jor banks, Tuesday planned a great er demonstration in the financial district. TWO DROWN IN LAKE William M. Lhtaker and MelWn Grass, both about ll, of Kannapolis, drowned Sunday in High Rock Lake ! near Stokes Ferry, when their boats overturned. Clyde Grass and John Roberts, also of Kannapolis, and i members of the party, escaped. BICYCLE SEIZED Prohibition agents thought there was something queer about Walter Gause, 15, of Wilmington, riding his bicycle with a package, so they investigated. Gause, seeing the of ficers, threw his package down and ran. The agents said the package broke, spilling a gallon of liquor. They arrested Gause and confis cated his bicycle. FRANCE (JOED FORTRESS France is a golden fortress de fending the few yellow-backed cur rency systems remaining in the world. * Gold is being carried to Paris by air, land and sea to w'hat ] the newspapers call the world's “gold refuge,” adding to the vast hoard in the Bank of France. I BANKER KILLS SELF Memphis, Tenn., April 24.—Less I than an hour before he w-as to go on ; trial in criminal court, William E, ) Stansbury, financier and former i president of the Fidelity Bank and | Trust company here, shot himself j today. HER RIOT ARRIVES j Buoyant and smiling, former Pre ! mier Edouard Herriot of France : showed no resentment of America’s abandonment of the gold standard | as he stepped into the midst of an official welcome at Washington Sun day, and then Immediately took up with his economic advisers the task of preparation for his world-restora tion conversations with President Roosevelt. POLISH JEWS BOYCOTT -> GERMANS A boycott of German goods “as the best means of protesting against the persecution of Jews in Germany” was decided upon Sunday by a con vention of Polish Jews attended by 852 delegates representing Jewish political parties, business organisa tions and rabbis.

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