lndepnidrat politically; fair and square to one and all, this news paper is dedicated to progress of Alleghany County The Alleghany Times THE ALLEGHANY TIMES $1.50 A Year Strictly In Advance Volume 9 SPARTA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1933 Number 1 RECORDER’S COURT IS NO MORE; BILL TO ABOLISH PASSED Experiences No Hitch On Trip Through Leg islative Hopper ENDS 3 POSITIONS For a long time a bone'of conten tion among warring factions, in cluding citizens of Wilkes county •who wanted to get front under its jurisdiction and did, and people of Yadkin who also wanted to get front under its jurisdiction and didn’t, the Elkin recorder's court is at last no more. A bill entitled an act to abolish the court was passed by the state legislature during its dying days last week at IialeTgh. The bill was drawn up upon or ders of the newly elected board of town commissioners at their tirst meeting May l and was introduced shortly after bv Representative Cape Haynes. No trouble was experienced in its passage through the legisla tive hopper. The, abolishment of the court, which was established by an act of the state legislature a number of years ago. does away with three court positions, namely that of re corder, which was filled by Harry H. Barker; solicitor, J. N. (Buck) Freeman, and clerk, Robey Bates. State and Nation Up to Congress Washington, May 10.—Chair man Houghton, of flic ways ami .means committee, registered sat isfaction today over the reaction to the White House aiuiomtcr ment that President. Roosevelt would not, adopt the proposals of the committee working with him ! on the public works and industry control hill, but, while suggesting some possible sources of revenue, would leave the ultimate decis ion to Congress, where it belongs under fin* “genesis of our insti tut ions.” Visits Bonus Camp Fort Hunt, Va., May lti.—Mrs. Franklin li. Roosevelt waded through the, mud of the bonus army ramp tonight and brought a message of peace to the 1,500 veterans in ramp here.' Cheers and the ciiingitig of pie ! plates came from the men who were waiting in line for their ev ening meal as Mrs. Roosevelt drove into the camp. She was accompanied by Iantis McHenry Howe, President Roosevelt’s sec retary. They arrived in a road ster with Mrs. Roosevelt at tile wheel. Means Guilty Washington, May HI.—Gaston B. Means, former Department of Justice investigator, and Norman X. Whitaker, attorney and master chess player, were found guilty here tonight on charges of con spiracy to defraud Mrs. Evelyn Walsh McLean of #35,000 in a Lindbergh baby ransom hoax. The jury deliberated two hours and a half. Both men are sub ject to1 a penalty of 810,000 fine and two years in jail. Wages Increase Fayetteville, May 10,—A 5 per cent increase in wages has been made effective by the Puritan Weaving company, rayon manu facturing firm here. The increase in pay will benefit 475 employees as the Puritan company recently added a third eight-hour shift to its working force, and is running at full capacity. Killed In Accident Kings Mountain, May 16.—Two persons, one of them Mrs. W. J. iMcGlothlin, wife of the president of Furman university, Greenville, 8. C., were fatally injured, and several others, including Dr. Mc Glothlin, suffered hurts of a less serious nature when two automo biles collided a mile and a half east of here. Into Brazilian Jungles Sailing the high seas enroll to to Itra/jl arc Mrs. Alice La Varre (top) anil her sifter-in-law. Mrs. Andre La Varre (below), (lie two women inein bers of the La Vane Itra/.ilian (iui iina Expedit ion headed for unex plored jungles. Thi’j will he (lie first women ever to go in(o (his great jungle see tor. ELKIN TO HAVE SUMMER SCHOOL Branch of Catawba Col lege Summer School to Be Held There Elkin will he host to a branch of the regular summer school of Catawba College, located at Salis bury, according to Walter R. Sehaff, local superintendent of schools, who has been in conference with Dr. John C. Hadley, director of Catawba Col lege Summer School. Dr. Hadley has designated Superintendent Sehaff to direct the local division of the summer school, it was also learned. Dr. Hadley’s statement to Super intendent Sehaff reads as follows: "I am authorizing Superintendent Sehaff to announce that Catawba College, of Salisbury, will conduct a branch of its regular summer school at Elkin to serve tilt: needs of teachers and other interested per sons, in Elkin and surrounding ter ritory." “The courses to he offered will he selected to meet professional and cultural needs, and will carry both professional and college credit. Reg istration for the first term will be on Saturday, June 10, from !» to 12 at the high school building.” lti addition to placing Mr. Schaff at the head of the local division, Dr. Hadley will include him as one of the instructors. Mr. Schaff was visiting instructor in phychology during hotli terms of the 1930 Catawba College Summer school. Other instructors will be named by Dr. Hadley at a later time. It is urged that all persons inter cal director or with Dr. Hadley at an early date. It was pointed out that as many as forty students will be necessary to operate the local di division. Dr. Hadley will be present on registration day to confer with all students. Catawba college holds member ship in the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary scholarship in the North Carolina College Confer ence and the Association of Ameri can Colleges. Graduates are admit ted to leading universities of the country. Boys Leave For , Work In Forests Eighteen young men left Monday for Winston-Salem and Fort Bragg for examination for emergency Con servation work. Fourteen of these will be selected by the Army author ities and sent to camps to begin work. The boys will receive $30.00 per month and must agree for at least $25.00 of this to be sent home to some relative. They will also re ceive room and board, medical at tention, and free transportation too and from camp. STATE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS AFTER 4 MONTHS HARD WORK Appropriations Are Re duced More Than 22 Per Cent 8-MONTHS SCHOOLS The 193:1 legislature adjourned Monday afternoon after four and a half months of hard work to preserve the credit of the State, to keep the schools running and to lower taxa tion. Appropriations w e r e reduced more than 22 per cent. The ad valorem tax on land and personal property, heretofore levied for the support of district or special char tered schools, known as the eight months school, was taken off en tirely. The general sales tux on the re tail merchandise was adopted in place of a levy on property. While it will tie paid by the merchants, it will be passed bv them to their cus tomers. The greater volume of this will be paid by merchants with greater sales and the money will come to smaller and agricultural counties to support their schools. •'Comities having schools with one thousand pupils will be allowed to vote a supplement for an additional month if they desire to do so. but no county or taxable unit will he allowed to vote taxes on themselves while they are in default in tl;y pay ment of their matured bonds or in terest thereon. This legislature, when it met, faced a deficit of thirteen and a half million dollars which the state had run behind in its revenue in the last four years. Arrangements wrere made whereby this deficit will be paid, a portion each year until it is all paid and the credit of the state maintained. Provisions were made whereby people will vote this fall for the re tention or abolishment of the 18th amendment, which deals with the prohibition question. .Many bureaus and offices were abolished and salaries of all state officers, state highway employees, school teachers, superintendents and i Continued From. Page One ) ALLEGHANY MARINE WINS RIFLE HONORS Scottsville Man Given Fresh Laurels As Marksman Washington. I), C.. May 1 5.— A ti tling to the scores of medals and trophies lie has won in shooting com petitions in the Marine Corps, Con nery Sergeant Thomas .1. Jones, a native of Scottville, North Carofina, has won fresh Tani’els as a marks man in China, according to informa tion received at Marine headquarters here, Sergeant Jones recently won the Marine Corps Cup for the third con secutive year in a rifle competition held at Hongkew, near Shanghai. Famous as a rifle shot in the Marine Corps for many years, Sergeant Jones is now attached to the Fourth Regiment of Marines at Shanghai, but he will probably return to the United States in the near future. The Scottsville Marine began his career as a military marksman in 1916, and since that time has served at many posts and stations and has taken part in scores of rifle matches. His most important feat was in 1921 when he established a new world record while shooting in the Camp bell Match at Wakefield, Mass., scoring 133 consecutive bull’s-eyes at 300 yards. Prior to entering the Marine Corps Sergeant Jones made his home with his mother, Mrs. M. E. Jones, in Scottville. In 1922, one of his brothers, Dr. J. W. Jones, was living in Boone. Another brother, Rufus J. Jones, is said to be a resident of Stratford, Alleghany county. BUSINESS CONTINUES UPWARD New industries added their voices Friday" to better business reports from wide-spread sectors,. Rubber manufacturing, building, construc tion, and department store sales were reported improved in many states. Dosens of individual firms reported better business that brought payroll increases. In Harwichport Kidnapping Drama Here me the principals in Min >$<»<►,004* kidnapping of 1it-year-oh I IVggy MaeJIiilh of Harwirhport, Hums, (right) which slirnil tin- nation, but was brought to sudden end when Kenneth Knelt, iif* (u|>|ier right >. and Cyril Knelt, 41 (low^p right), garagotnen at that plate, wort- arrested in less than Itt hours after the j-ansom money had hern paid and IVggy turned to her parents. ruder tpiestioiiing, Kenneth Buck coir’essed. but tried to absolve his brother, who acted as go-between. Cyril Burk h i~ been charged with extortion through ransom. \n early trial is predict >i. GRAYSTONE INN IS LEASED TO MILLER Roaring Gap Hotel To Open For Summer Season June 15 At a meeting of tl>e directors of Roaring Gap, Inc., at the Robert E. Lee Hotel in Winston-Salem Thurs day night, Graystone Inn at Roaring Gap was leased to Louis D. Miller of Winston-Salem for a period of three years. Mr. Miller was in charge of the resort hotel last year and will have complete operation and management again this year. The iiotel will open on June 15. and will probably close about the middle of Septem ber. Alex limes of Pinehurst, pro for the past several years, will be in charge of the golf interests at Roar ing Gap. According to reports read at the meeting, last year was a very suc cessful one for the famous resort and many ipouiries are being re ceived in regard to the corning sea son. HOLD FUNER AL FOR MRS. JOHN KOONTZ Mother of Mrs. C. B. Kil by Buried at Center Church Monday Mrs. John Koontz. of West Jeffer son, mother of Mrs. B. Kilby, was burled at Center church Monday at pie were there with a floral contribu tion seldom if ever, excelled in these noon. A real large concourse of pen mountains. to attest the high esteem she had in their hearts. Klder F. T. Thompson beautifully pictured her life with the scripture. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches; which name she bore by all who knew her. Her granddaughters were chosen as flower girls and her two sons. P. L. and (1. C. Koontz, and their sons-in-law, Mr. DeBerry, V. V. Mc Connell and C. B. Kilby, and one grand-son Gail Kilby, carried her to the grave from the church, as active pallbearers. A very impressive scene, a picture only faintly drawn of the love and high esteem they all had for mother. Telegram Tells of Death of Daughter Mr. W. V. Blevins received a tele gram Wednesday evening announc ing the death of his daughter. Mrs. Lily Higgins, of Powell, Wyoming. She was 23 years old, married Res pass Higgins about a year ago and went to Wyoming to make their fu ture home. She had a host of friends and rel atives here that will mourn her un timely passing. At this writing there not any definite arrangements made about the funeral and burial, wheth her remains w-ill be sent here or buried there. TO PRESENT VANCE AUDITORIUM MAY 30 Handsome Building Re cently Completed At Lexington Lexington, May 17. Juniors of North Carolina will on Tuesday. May 30, formally present the hand some new Sam F. Vance auditorium high school building and gymnasium recently completed at the Junior Or der National Orphans Home here, to the National Council of the Order ; in what is expected to be one of tin biggest events in Juriiorism in the State in many years. Plans for the presentation and tic eeptanee of the structure will make it tin All-North Carolina day. The building was paid for hv Juniors of North Carolina through small assess moots over a period of three years: it was designed by a North Carolina architect, built by a North Carolina contractor, using Carolina labor and so far as possible, Carolina material. B. (V Sisk, of Warsaw, state vice councilor, will preside at the exer cise. The building will be presented to the National Council by Lewis P. Hamlin, of Brevard, state eounciloi. It will he accepted on behalf of the. National Council by Dr. Chant < K. Brewer, president of Meredith Col lege. Raleigh, who is national coun cilor of the Order. Chief address,of the day Will be made by A. H. Ora ham. of Hillsboro, lieutenant gover nor of North Carolina, who will be presented hy Gurney P. Hood. State commissioner of banks, who is also State treasurer of the Order. Th exerciser will begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. RELIEF LIST SHOWS DECREASE IN APRIL However, Surry And Wilkes Counties Show Increase Raleigh, May 17.—A decrease of 26.000 families who received aid from public relief funds during the month of April as compared with March was revealed in figures re leased today from the Governor's Office of Relief. The total number of families aided was 138,000 as compared with 164.000 during March, a decrease of 16 per cent. Relief officials had anticipated that there would be some decrease during April due to improved busi ness conditions generally and to the return of many destitute families to farms, but the decrease of 16 per cent was even better than had been predicted. The decrease was practically gen eral throughout the State, 78 of the 100 counties showing fewer families dependent upon relief funds than during the previous month. Surry and Wilkes counties showed increases in April over March. Yad kin and Alleghany showed a de crease. J. U. Doughton, of Statesville, spent the week-end in Sparta. ROOSEVELT PLEADS WITH NATIONS TO DO AWAY WITH WAR In Plain Spoken Mes sage President Urges Disarmament DIRECT TO RULERS VC as-hi rig toil, May 16. President Koo.io.velt appealed diroetly to the rulers of tie nations today to reduce armaments, eliminate ' utirciy the weapons of aggression. retrain, troiri sending any armed force whatsoever herond their own borders. forget '.'petty” national aims, am! joui siri cerely to a-sure peace and economic Out p.ree, dent . t be Pp l id- tit asised lor sp< i-ific -tens at once, and <1 claredtyjf nation interpo -ed of) strnrtioiis. tin civilized .world would "1:■ tin : • .-on ce'ted efforts for po! i■ ■ 1 i an.) eco nomic peace, the one at . - a and the other at London, prop: - > .-aii he (ibstrnctf(I and nltimat' v 1,].. ....1." said Mr. Roosevelt. 'In such event tin eivi'■■■•. it world.-’ seeking both forms of peace. \y"l know where tin vemmn -iDi 1 ity tin' failure lies. “I urge that no jiaiietial assume stiC.li a. respons hiliiy ami that mil i i • ■nations .joined in tin s' gr> at u fercnces translate tin is prof s d ' policies into action. This . s the wry to politcal and economic pe.m.. The message, contrary to long standing diplomatic pi n t.i'ei. w- , ad dressed directly to tin kn. p .r tales and presidents ;pf a!!, of .;he fifty-tour nations to be ri-pi ,.nd at London, including 1, i -in. li w i ■ signed just ‘•Franklin !). Rons; wi:s HISTORIC “WILDCA DIVISION TO MEET Will Hold Reunion In Winston-Salem July 2nd to 5th The 81 st “Wildcat” division will , hold a tour-day reunion in Winston Salem July 2 to 5, and from every section of the eountrv the former members of the historic division will 1 gather to renew the comradeships formed during their service during the hectic days of 1917-18. In the personnel of the division were sons of North and South Oaro 1 lina. Alabama, Tennessee, New York, j Florida and every other state of the Union. North Carolina had some 7,200 members. The railroads are granting an ex cursion rate of lc per mile from all points south of New York city and east of the Mississippi. There will be an abundance of rooms at 50 and 76 cents per night, and the commit tees representing the civic, fraternal ! patriotic and veteran bodies of the 1 reunion city are arranging a great i welcome to all who attend.