LOCAL. HAPPENINGS F. G. Richardson spent last week In Charlotte. Mrs. Clete Choate is the guest of Mrs. B. 0. Choate this week. Reeves Douglas spent last week end with relatives in Galax, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. E- Joines visited Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Edwards Sunday. Fred Hardin, of Mouth-of-Wilson, Va., was a visitor in Sparta Sunday. Sergeant Guy Duncan is spending a few days with his family this week. Miss Ruth Black and Mrs. Charlie Williamson were in town Saturday. Mrs. W. P. Irwin, of Stratford, is visiting relatives in Sparta ths week. J. M. Williams is still confined to his bed from a fall several days ago. Mrs. Dewey Truitt has been right sick with rheumatism several days. Mrs. Caroline Irwin fell last Sun day morning and received painful in jury. F. T. Wagoner, of Shelby, spent the week-end with his family in Sparta. Mrs. F. L. Sanders, of Marion, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John M. Cheek. Jay Hardin will buy wool begin ning immediately. See him for prices. J. R. Hawthorne and son, James, made a business trip to Raleigh this week. Miss Susie Thomas and J. M. Cheek, Jr., spent last week-end with friends in Galax. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Nichols and Bertrice Absher spent last Saturday in Wilkesboro. Mrs. G. R. Douglas and little daughter, Naomi, spent last Sunday at W. M. Irwin’s. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Irwin and little son, Howard, visited at Dan Jones’ last Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Doughton and little son, Bobbie, are spending a few days at their home in Sparta. Mrs. S. J. Thomas, of Hamlin, W. Va., spent the week-end with his family, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Nichols spent last Saturday in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Whitaker, of Springfield, Mo., are spending some time with relatives in this county. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Richardson left Monday for Mars Hill where Dr. Richardson has accepted a position. Mrs. Boyd Higgins and little son, Jackie, spent the week-end1 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blevins. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vaughan, of Loveland, Colorado, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. George Cheek. The Clerk of Superior Court re quests all magistrates who have been reappointed to be qualified before him at once. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Richardson and little daughter, Maybelline visi ted Elder and Mrs. F. E. Thompson last Sunday. Hon. R. A. Doughton returned Tuesday from Raleigh, where he has spent several months in the State Legislature. Mrs. John M. Cheek returned Monday from Winston-Salem where has has undergone an operation. She is recovering nicely. Mr. Erwin D. Stevens, of Lilling ton, is in Sparta getting acquainted preparatory to taking charge of The Alleghany Times on June 1st. His family will follow some time this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbard and little son, Billie, visited Mss. Hub bard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, of West Jefferson, last week-end. Mis#^®fc Reid Landreth returned from a visit to Galax, Va., Sunday. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Paul Wilson, Mrs. Virginia Bour roughs and Miss Walker. All interested persons are reques ted to meet at Shiloh church on Tuesday, May 30th for the purpose of cleaning off the cemetery and making such improvements as may be necessary. Bring sharp scythes and mattocks. Come early and bring dinner prepared to stay all day. It is hoped that there will be preaching services after dinner. OUTSTANDING NEWS EVENTS —of the— PAST WEEK - JAPAN TO FORM STATE Japan plans to form a supervised state of North China to co-operate with Manchukuo, the London Herald quoted a high Japanese official as saying Tuesday. Cessation of hosti lities is impossible as long as the Nanking government rules China, the official said. FARM STRIKE POSTPONED The national farm strike which was to have started at midnight Fri day night was indefinitely post poned late Friday to give President Roosevelt’s administration ‘‘an op portunity to fulfill pre-election pledges to the farmers.” SIGNS FARM RELIEF BILL President Roosevelt signed the farm relief-currency bill Friday, sig nalling the assumption by his ad ministration of the broadest powers ever delegated to an executive and his advisors in peacetime. REVENUE IS HIGHER For the first time in more than 10 months of the 1933 fiscal year the government’s collection from all sources has surpassed those for the same period of the previous year. FRANCE SEEKS BARGAIN The government of France is ready and willing to pay to the United States the $19,000,000 inter est which it failed to remit last De cember if the American government will grant a moratorium on the $40, 000,000 debt installment due next June 15, and has so informed Presi dent Roosevelt. PLEDGES SUPPORT Speaker of the House Rainey Tues day pledged the speediest possible ac tion on President Roosevelt’s busi ness recovery program which was submitted to Congress Wednesday. CAROLINAS' BUSINESS IMPROV ING A survey of a large number of in dustries located along the Carolina and, Northwestern railway, operating from Chester, S. C. to Edgemont, N. C., 133 miles, Friday showed more' traffic and more business than in many months. WANT CASH, NOT JOBS Comfortably filled with army food and snugly housed in army tents; the new bonus army Friday night found the idea of going to work in Presi dent Roosevelt’s forest camps any thing but a pleasant one. ODD FELLOWS MEET Odd Fellows from throughout North Carolina began arriving in Winston-Salem Tuesday for the an nual sessions of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, which opened a two-day meet ing Wednesday afternoon. WYOMING WET Wyoming Tuesday definitely be came the fourth state to go on record as favoring repeal of the 18th amendment. OPENING NEW Hardware Store George T. Callaway and T. J. Matthews will have charge of our new store on Grayson Street. We expect to, open with a full line of Hardware and Sporting Goods, etc., about June the first. We urge every hardware purchaser to see our brand new stock and compare our prices J. C. Matthews & Co., Inc. Opposite the Peoples State Bank Galax, Va. MUST PASS ON TAX ON SATURDAY The legislature Saturday passed a law to require merchants to pass on the sales tax. Mandatory regula tions of the method of passing it on j are to be promulgated by the com missioner of revenue. ROOSEVEUT SHAPES PEA NS President Roosevelt readied him self Sunday to top off his domestic emergency reconstruction drive this week in a comprehensive proposal ;o Congress for employment and ausiness stimulation through public works and industrial management. CARRIER NEAR TIENTSIN Chinese reports Saturday said a Japanese aircraft carrier had ar rived off Tngku, at the mouth of the Pai river, 35 miles east of Tientsin. Six Japanese fliers were said to have taken off for a scouting expedition over the countryside. ®SOCi ETY.. Mrs. Choate Entertains Mrs. Clete Choate gave her moth er, Mrs. Nora W. Jones, a surprise birthday party last Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. ' Those present were Mrs. Katie Warden, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Warden, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Warden, George Warden, Ralp Warden, Rondon War den, Garnett Wooten and Harry Smith. Mrs. Jones received many beauti ful gifts. Everyone enjoyed the dinner and family gathering. A Delightful Shower At host of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and i Mrs. G. C. Edwards on Saturday evening, March 18th to give Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edwards a shower. The evening was spent playing games and at a late hour refreshments were served. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the bride and groom.—Bel Air, Md., Aegis. Hendrix-Evans Homer Evans and Miss Mae Hen drix surprised a number of their friends Wednesday by motoring up to Sparta and getting married. Mrs. Evans is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hendrix, of Hare. Mr. Evans is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Evans, of Eunice. These are popular and well known young people, and have a host of friends that wish them long and happy lives. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alleghany county, North Carolina made in a special proceeding entitled P. L. Chbate, Administrator, vs. Cleopatra Lynch et al, the undersigned com missioner will sell on the premises on Monday, June 5th, 1933, at one o’clock P. M., at the highest bidder, certain tracts of land lying and being in Alleghany county. Gap Civil township and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Bounded by the lands of Bob Sexton, Jim Reeves, Deal Cox, Ben Lynch, Bert Shumate, Arthur Sexton and others and known as the J. T. Lynch home place. SECOND TRACT: Bounded by the lands of Joe Maxwell, Johnnie Washington, Calloway Cox, Lon Mc Reeves, Ben- Lynch and others and known as the Doughton land. This land will be sold in small tracts. Terms: One-third cash on day of sale and balance secured by good notes. This the 28th day of April, 1933. P. L. CHOATE, 5-18 Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a certain deed of trust executed on the 21st day of May, 1929 by W. F. Burchett and wife, Nettie Burchett, to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebted ness, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby, and at the request of the holder of said notes, I, the under signed trustee, will, on Monday, June 5th, 1933, at one o’clock p. m., at the courthouse door at Sparta, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said indebtedness, interest and costs, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Alleghany county, Gap Civil township, in the town of Sparta, bounded on the north by the lands of Nettie Burchett on the east by the lands of Nettie Burchett, on the southeast by lands of the Edwards sisters, on the south by the lands of C. M. Richardson, on the west by the lands of W. Glenn Fender and Dr. J. L. Doughton. This being the identical land conveyed by deed from R. A. Wagoner dated Jan. 25, 1928, and recorded in Book 38, page 368, to which deed and re cord reference is hereby made for a more specific description of said land. This fclay 3rd, 1933. L.E. ED WARDS, 5-25 Trustee. “Will you please insert this obitu-| ary notice?” asked an old gentleman of an editor. “I make bold to ask it because the deceased had a great many friends about here who'd be glad to hear of his death.” Doctor: “You must avoid all forms of excitement.” Male Patient: “But Doctor, can’t; ,1 even look at them on the street?” NOTICE All persons owing me book ae-' counts for last year must come in' immediately and settle either by cash or note. We positively must close the old accounts so we are expecting you to take care of this without fur ther notice. JAY HARDIN. NOTICE OF HALE OF LAND North Carolina, Alleghany County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alleghany county. I, undersigned commissioner, will, on Monday, June 12th, 1933, at ten o’clock a. m., on the premises on the waters of Meadow Fork Creek, in Cranberry township, sell to the; highest bidder, the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: A tract of land adjoining the lands of Geo. Richardson, Dr. Don Long, Frank Brinegar, Will Warden and others, containing approximately 50 acres, this being the old home-place of the late Aaron Osborne. Terms of sale: one-third cash on day of sale: balance on six and twelve months time, with secured notes. This the 3rd day of May, 1933. J. A. OSBORNE, 5-25 Commissioner. FINE REPAIRING I Two Expert Repairmen In Charge VC. W. STEELE Jeweler E. Main St Elkin, N. C. DR. M. A. ROY ALL Elkin, N. C. SPECIALIST in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat GLASSES FITTED Reins-Sturdivant FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Day or Night. Phone No. 22 SPARTA, N. C. PROGRAM LYRIC THEATRE ELKIN, N. C. The Home of Good Pictures Saturday— HOOT GIBSON in “The Boiling Point” Comedy-Serial Adm. 10c-30c Next Week, Mon.-Tues.— Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey in “Hold ’Em Jail” News-Cartoon-Comedv Admission 10c-30c Wednesday Only— FAMILY SHOW “State Trooper” Admission Only 10c Thurs.-Fri.— MAE WEST in She Done Him Wrong Admission 10c-25c ) Gamoca Q/* OP White Ash CA Virginia *7 AA Furnace Lump «Pw*uU Blue Gem ■ <>UU C-O-A-L CAROLINA ICE & FUEL COMPANY Phone 83 r — Elkin, N. C. ?irt$tone prices ARE NO HIGHER Than Standard or Special Brand Tires But Quality is Higher and Construction is Better FlRESTONE control every step in tire making, effect ing tremendous savings in buying raw materials—manufac turing in the world’s most efficient factories and distributing direct to us from factories or warehouses-. These are the reasons why we can equip your car TODAY with tires of higher quality and better construction. at prices that are no higher than standard or special brand tires. DRIVE IN TODAY — see cross-sections cut from Firestone Tires—special brand mail order tires and others. See for yourself the Extra Values we give you. Prices will surely advance again. Buy today and sav» money! 3k GOLD STANDARD of Tire Values the MASTERPIECE of TIRE CONSTRUCTION A TIRE of higher quality greater safety — and longer mileage. It is in a class by itself. Made by master tire builders—holds all world records on road and track—first choice of drivers who risk their lives on their tires. For thirteen consecutive years Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have won the Indianapolis 500-mile Race — the most gruelling tire test known. Don’t risk your life and the lives of others another day on thin, dangerously worn, or inferior tires. Come in today—we will give you a liberal allowance for your old tires. REMEMBER—Your brakes can stop your wheels, but your tires must stop your car. THE NEW Tir«*tone Super Oldfield Type This tire is the equal of all standard brand , first line tires inQual- J ity, Construction Jl and Appearance II Sold at a price that ' affords you real savings. ?ir**ton* OLDFIELD TYPE This tire is superior in quality to first line special brand tires offered for sale by mail order bouses and made without the manu facturer’s name and guar- j antee. This is “The Tire That Taught Thrift to Millions.” Tir**tone SENTINEL TYPE This tire is of better Quality, Construction and Workmanship than second line special brand tires offered for sale by mail order houses and others and made without the manufacturer’s name and guarantee. COURIER TYPE This tire is of good Quality and Workman ship — carries the name “Firestone” and full guar antee — sold as low as many cheap special brand tires manufactured to sell at a price. SIZE 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.00-20 5.25-18 PRICE $5.85 6.30 7*00 7.6« SIZE 4.75-19 5.00-19 5.25-18 PRICE I $5.65 6.10 6.85 SIZE 4.75-19 5.00-19 5.25-18 PRICE $5.10 5.48 6.17 SIZE 30x3%_ 4.50-21_ 4.75-19_ PRICE $3.15 3- 85 4- 20 Compare Construction, Quality, Price Dependable Fire clone Batteries $g4Q 9 aad yoo* old baMary We will test any make of Battery ' FREE MAGNEX BATTERIES old baftary Firestone Spark Plugs Save k Gasoline &58* Each in Sab We «n!I test your Spark Plugs tree MAGNEX X <or SPARK PLUGS ^ ,or * Castevens Motor Co. Sparta, N. C.

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