Independent politically; fair and square to one and all, this news paper is dedicated to progress of Alleghany County Volume 9 Number 4 John M. Cheek Elected Head of County Schools For the Next Two Years REEVES CHAIRMAN _ Laurel Springs Man Will Also Serve Two Year Term NEW ORGANIZATION The Board of Education met Mon day pursuant to the order of May 1. Mr. M. A. Higgins, who had for a term of years been chairman of the Board of Education, retired from the Board earlier in the year and the vacancy was filled by the Gen eral Assembly by electing G. N. Evans, Barrett, N. C., a member of the Bqard of Education. The Board proceeded to effect a new organiza tion by electing M: E. Reeves, Laurel Springs, chairman of the Board for the ensuing term of two years. After due consideration the Board of education, by vote of all the mem bers, unanimously elected John M. Cheek Superintendent of Schools for a period of two years. At a joint session of the Board of Education and the Board of County Commis sioners, John M. Cheek was elected Superintendent of Public Welfare for the same period of time. After calling the roll of all the districts in the county and giving consideration to the requirements of the new school law about redistrict ing the county, the Board adjourned. MAYOR AND POLICE RESIGN OFFICES Retailers of Beer to Pay Tax of $15.00 In Town The Town Council of Sparta had a call meeting Tuesday night to dis cuss matters of business. The min utes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Council passed ordinances requiring retailers of beer to pay a tax of $15. Penny slot ma chines were taxed $2.50. At this meeting Mayor Burgiss submitted his resignation as Mayor of Sparta. The council requested Mayor Burgiss to remain in office until a later meeting. Wednesday morning Mr. Walter M. Irwin, who has served as chief of police for two years, resigned the office, the resignation to be effective June 8. No action of the Town Council has been taken concerning this resignation. SELECT DATE FOR FARMERS’ MEETING Convention To Bo Held At State College July 24th-29th The thirty-first annual gathering of the North Carolina State Farmers’ convention will be held at State Col lege, Raleigh, during Farm and Home week, July 24 to 29, inclusive, according to an announcement made by Charles A. Sheffield, secretary. The meeting this year will likely be one of the most notable gather ings in the thirty years of the or ganization. Through the efforts of President E. C. Brooks, the Ameri can Institute of Co-operation will bold its short course and public meetings at the college this summer. The meeting will take place during the same time as the farmers’ con vention. Dean I. O. Schaub has said that the annual conference of home and farm demonstration agents will be held during the week, and Di rector T. E. Brown has announced that the vocational teachers of the state will meet for their annual short course during the same period. L. H. McCay, of Henderson coun ty, is president of. the convention this year and Mrs. Dewey Bennett, of Forsyth county is president of the state federation. CONGRESS GETTING NATURAL. A widening breach between Presi dent Roosevelt and Congress over veterans allowances threatened Mon day to tear asunder the administra tion’s legislative program and indef initely prolong the extra session of Congress. On Fourth Lap Jimmie Mattern, above, who hopped off from Omsk, Siberia, early Wednesday morning on the fourth lap of his attempted solo flight aroundjthe world. A broken strut has thrown him approximately 10 hours behind the time of the Post-Gatty record. State and Nation To Dish Out Jobs Washington, June 6.—Follow ing the adjournment of Congress it is understood the administra tion will move promptly to put Democrats in many federal posi tions now held by Republicans. Now that Guy T. Helvering has been confirmed by the senate as commissioner of internal revenue a number of collectors of internal revenue will be named. C. H. Robertson, of Hillsboro, will be appointed collector in the North Carolina division. Award Degrees Chapel Hill, June 6.—The Uni versity of North Carolina awarded approximately 400 degrees at its 138th commencement exercises which were held in Kenan stadium Tuesday evening at an impressive sunset ceremony before a crowd of several thousand people. President Frank P. Graham, presided, and he and Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus delivered farewell ad dresses to the graduates. 10 Hours Behind Omsk, Siberia, June 7.— (Wed nesday)—Jimmie Mattern, Ameri can round-the-world flier, took off toward Chita, Siberia, 1,700 miles east of here, at 1:10 a. m. Mos cow time (S;10 p. m. Tuesday, eastern standard time.) The Texas pilot was 10 hours, 41 minutes behind the pace set by Wiley Post and Harold Gatty when they set the world-girdling record of eight days, 15 hours and 51 minutes in 1931. Attempt Assassinaton Athens, Greece, June 6. — An attempt to assassinate Eleutherios Vanizelos, several times premier of Greece and a leading European statesman for many years, failed late tonight. Shots fired by an assailant wounded his wife and chauffeur. Mme. Venizelos suffered four bullet wounds. An assassin fired upon them while they were motoring from Kiphiseia to Athens. Attacks Woodin Washington, June fl.—A de mand for the resignation or, if not tendered, the impeachment of Secretary Woodin, was made in the senate today by Robinson, Republican, Indiana, as a result of the disclosures that several years before Woodin became sec retary of the treasury he received stock from I. P. Morgan and com pany at reduced prices. May Help Miners Washington, June 6.—A pro posal that the government permit gold producers to export gold mined in this country to take ad vantage of higher prices abroad has been presented to the admin istration and is being given care ful consideration. STATEMENT IS MADE BY DOUGHTON AS TO LEGUSATIVE ACTION Explains the Most Im portant Items Which Faced Assembly R. A. Doughton, member of the General Assembly, of this County, being asked to give the Times a statement as to the chief action taken by the Legislature on the most important items of the Legislature, said: 1. That the Legislature found a deficit in the State, treasury accru ing in the last four years of approx imately $13,000,000. which: was funded and provisions made to pay the same at the rate of $1,000,000. a year. 2. School expenses were reduced from $23,000,000. to $16,000,000. and all special districts were abolish ed. 3. All levies of tax on land and personal property for schools both as to the six months and extended term were abolished, thereby reliev ing the tax payers of the 15 per cent levy on each $100.00 of property and those living in Special Tax dis tricts were relieved in addition to the 15 cent levy. The extra levy of an average of 20 cents on the $100. 00 worth of property was taken off. 4. An eight mopths public school was provided for all public schools, provided the $16,000,000 appropria tion will continue them that long. Reductions were made in the sal aries of school teachers, principals, superintendents, as well as all State officers. 5. In lieu of the property tax above referred; to, income, inheri tance, franchise and license taxes were imposed’ on thos« liable for such taxes and also a mail sales tax of 3 per'cent was imposed to be col lected by the ^merchant jtfrom their customers. But sales of meal, flour, lard, salt,'sugar, coffee, fish and molasses were exempted from the payment of sales tax. ' 6. The General Assembly pro vided an election in November next for a vote for and against the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, $t which time delegates will be elected for such a convention. If a major-1 ity vote against repeal, the conven-' tion will not be held. If a majority vote, for repeal, then a convention! will be held. This election will be held under the provisions of the Federal law. 7. The other matters were not of such general importance, except the school machinery bill. All present districts are abolished, and new districts will be fixed by a State School Commission. Dougherty, of Boone, is the Commissioner of this district. RELIEF FUNDS ARE ALLOTTED COUNTY Total of $1,750 Received By Alleghany; Em ployment Better Raleigh, June 2.—County allot ments of Federal relief funds for June were announced today by the Governor’s office of Relief. A total of $651,300 will be available for the State during the month and this amount will be sent to the county .treasurers in four installments be ginning June 5. The total requested for the month was reduced by approximately thir teen per cent in the grant awarded. Reports from all sections of the State indicate considerable improve ment in employment, and it is anti cipated that funds made available will be sufficient to meet necessary relief needs. It is probable that re lief needs for June will be nearly twenty per cent under needs for May. Guilford county received the larg est appropriation for June, a total of $61,300. Camden county re ceived the smallest amount $1,310. Alleghany county received $1,750. Notice All parties interested in Liberty Baptist church cemetery are invited to meet Wednesday, June 14, to set the graves in order. The Decoration service will be held on Sunday fol lowing at 3 p. m. There will be preaching Sunday night also. SEEK ROOSEVELT ATTITUDE President Roosevelt’s stand on Se nate increases in veterans’ outlays is being sought by house Democratic leaders before asking their followers to send the independent offices sup ply bill to conference. The Morgans at Washington j An interesting photographic study of J. Pierpont Morgan, as lie con ferred with his counsel, John \V. Davis, during his days before the Senate. Investigating Committee at Washington. Insert is of Junis S. Morgan, j son of the famous banker, also a member of the firm and at the Wash j ington hearing with his father. COMMISSIONERS IN REGULAR MEET HERE Pay Sum Of $71.63 To Owners Of Sheep Killed By Dogs The Board of County Commis sioners met on Monday to transact such business as might come before the Board. Chairman D. C. Duncan and members H. G. Green and W. F. Halsey were present.. The chairman called the meeting to order and the minutes of last, meeting were read and approved. After due consideration the Board ordered the County-Treasurer to pay the sum of $71.63 to the owners of sheep killed by dogs during last month. Claims were presented for 21 sheep. These sheep are paid for at the rate of value placed" upon them by the owners, on the tax books. After considering a few other mat ters of minor importance, the Board adjourned. RELIEF MEETINGS ARE TO BE HELD To Discuss Relief Farm And Garden Pro gram Beginning next week there will be a series of meetings held in the var ious communities of Alleghany coun ty for the purpose of discussing the relief farm and garden program. It is urged that all people of the com munity attend these meetings, and all people on the relief list are re questd to attend. It will be an nounced each week where these meetings are to be held the follow ing week. Next week's meetings will be held at the following places^ Piney Creek schoolhouse, Monday night, June 12, at 7:30. Wolf Branch schoolhose, Tuesday night, June 13, at 7:30. Rich Hill schoolhouse, Wednesday night, June 14, at 7:30. Little Pine schoolhouse, Thursday night, June 15th, at 7:30. Methodist Church News C. W. BUSSELL, Pastor Rev. P. E. Howard, student at Duke University, will preach at Piney Creek Sunday at 3 p. m. We hope to have a good crowd to hear him. Decoration and Home-coming day will be observed at Potato Creek Sunday, June 11. We hope to have Rev. G. G. Graham preach at 11 a. m. and Rev. Luther Payne ft 1. p. m. There will be no services at Shi loh Sunday. We follow the old cua tom of giving the eleven o’clock be longing to Shiloh to Potato Creek for the Decoration Service. Church Notice Services at the Baptist church in Sparta Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and in the evening at 8 o’clock will be In charge of the pastor, Rev. J. L. Underwood. Sunday school con venes at 10 a. m. with Mr. W. B. Reeves leading. Come to these ser vices. Let the Lord have His way on His Day. Rev. J. L. Underwood, Pastor. Thirteen Chickens Are Killed By Fox In Night Raid Here Before dawn last Thursday a hungry gray fox Came down from Reynolds Knob to prospect for food around town, t'haneing up on Mr. V. M. Reeves' poultry yard he proceeded to kill and eat. Hearing a noise in the yard about daylight Mr. Reeves got np and went out to look around. He saw no marauder, for reynard had se creted himself under the house. Later in the day Mr. Reeves discovered the fox's hiding place and decided that the fox should pay for the thirteen fine young chickens he had killed. It was an opportune time for a fox race. Mr. Dewey Sturdivant brought his dog over, but the race was disappiint ing. After dodging about under a few houses, the fox was easily overtaken and killed and Mr. Reeves gave the remains to the undertaker for disposal. WORK ON NEW ROAD PROGRESSING FAST Grading Is Completed And Surfacing Has Begun All the grading on the new high way from Sparta to Laurel Springs has been completed and the work of surfacing is moving along rapidly according to Mr. R. L. Hickerson. resident engineer in charge of con struction. Over a mile has already been surfaced with creek gravel and crushed rock. From Whitehead to Laurel Springs there is a total of eight and four-tenths miles to be graveled. Later, it is thought, an application of tar will be made on the gravel. This road is being constructed with funds provided by the Federal government to the State for emer gency unemployment relief. Local labor is being used. An average of thirty men work in shifts of thirty hours. In this way more men are given employment. The new road has been graded to a width of 26 feet, and the gravel surface will be 18 feet wide. It will probably be completed by the first of August. When the link below the mountain in Wilkes is completed, Sparta will be connected with Wilkesboro by a first class road through a beautiful scenic section of the Blue Ridge. NOT DICTATORSHIP Those who will administer the in dustrial control bill repudiate sug gestions that they seek to establish a dictatorship over industry. The administration’s first and chief ob ject in this far reaching legislation, as authoritiyely explained, is to put men and women back to work and revive buying power. HIGHER PAT ENVISIONED Higher wages for millions of workers following close upon enact ment of the industrial recovery act are envisioned by Hugh S. Johnson, selected to administer the legisla tion, as a result of conferences with business leaders the nation over. COUNTY FARMERS SELL MUCH PRODUCE DURING WEEK’S TIME Check-Up Of L deal9 Stores Reveal Much Activity The quantity of farm produce' sold in Spart each week reveals the pro ductivity of Alleghany farms. A can vass was made of all the stores in Sparta, dealing in farm produce and the following facts were found: During the week of Maj 29-Jnne 3 farmers sold over two thousand pounds of butter, two thousand five hundred dozens of eggs and over thirteen hundred pounds of chickens. This was an average week for hut-, ter and eggs, and below the average for chickens. A canvass of all the merchants in the county would reveal, no doubt, i a much larger volume of trade in produce. Smaller amounts of other farm products are being sold in sea son. Later potatoes, sweet corn, berries, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, and other produce will come on the market. Alleghany farms are pro ducing all the time, and although prices are somewhat low. the farm ers receive an income regularly. .-“-1 RURAL CARRIERS IN ANNUAL CONVENTION Hold Meeting May 27th At Home of W. Carl Irwin The rural carriers of Alleghany and their wives again held their an nual county convention at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl Irwin, at Twin Oaks, Saturday night. May 27. The Alleghany unit of the N, C. ' Rural Letter Carriers Association, was organized,in 1928 with 100 per cent membership, and has remained 100 per cent ever since, there being ten carriers in the county. 1 The ladies’ auxiliary to the carrier association was organized last year by Mrs. Irwin with 100 per cent membership, and also remains 100 per cent for the coming year. Nine of the ten carriers were pres ent, and seven of the ladies, at the meeting Saturday night. After all had arrived. they motored to the Independence Thea tre and enjoyed the show. Then they assembled at the river where they had arranged for a fish supper, but were somewhat disappointed in this. Then they returned to Twin Oaks for lunch, after which an ho,ur or two w_as„spent in discussing the various matters pertaining to the rural service, the election of offi cers, etc. Those present reported a very en joyable evening. | The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Lon Me Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Woodie and two children, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Wagoner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pugh. Mr. John Tucker, Mr. Vance Choate , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Irwin, Dr. Leff Choate, Mr. and Mrs. John Gentry of Grayson, and Mr. Harl Lundy, Independence, Va. The majority of both the carriers and the ladies are planning to at tend the State Convention at Cliar ! lotte July 2-3-4. Glade Valley News Miss Nina Shoaf, Miss Evon Eld ! ridge, and Mr. Roscoe Collir.s are off I this week for the Davidson Confer 1 ence, which lusts about ten days. Mr. Richard J. Reynolds, Jr., was a visitor passing through Glade Val ley last week on a fishing trip. The trout were rather shy that day. Bet ter luck next time, Mr. Reynolds; we are glad to have you visit our section. j Mr. Don Shelton, who was strick - j en with paralysis while visiting hi;* I relative, Mr. Andrew Bryan, is stead ily improving. Mr. Marshall was greeted by a good crowd at his appointment at ; Glade Valley Sqnday. Messrs. Ralph Gentry, Page Thompson and Bert Thompson are planning a trip to the Rocky Moun tains in the next few weeks. The trustees o{ the Glade Valley high school had their annual meeting last week. The present faculty was re-elected. The latest application for entrance into the gchool was from Washing ton, D. Q. The triumph of mind over matter is best illustrated by the jobless man who cheers up because things cost mojff.—Publishers Syndicate. A