THE ALLEGHANY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.00 Per Year Published Every Thursday Entered as second-class mat ter at the Post Office at ' Sparta, N. C. ERWIN D. STEPHENS,.....Editor COY E. MABE, ...Manager THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933. In a heart-to-heart talk to the peo ple Monday night the President made an loquent plea to the nation for whole-hearted and unselfish coopera tion with the administration in mak ing the New Deal an immediate reality. “While we are making this great common effort there should be no discord and dispute,” he said. Mil lions who have looked toward the White House with new hope since March 4 have not been disappointed. Already the pulse of the nation has quickened with new activity, wheels of industry long idle are turning again, thousands of workers are again employed, andever ywhere the clouds of pessimism are breaking to let the light of a new day shine through. Every citizen has a duty to perform. United in a common purpose, let us stand solidly behind our great leader and do our part to bring about national recovery. Calamity howlers are about as popular now as a tom-cat on the back fence at 2 A. M. Pessimists are finding audiences about as scarce as Bibles in a speak easy. Mr. C. A. Miles, Relief Director of Alleghany County, states many com plaints are coming into his office con cerning relief cases from other coun ties who are, at this time of the Year, coming into this county. It is difficult to keep track of relief cases and ascertain that the best service will be obtained, unless each county jects. He asks that the people of the exercises some control over it’s sub county, who have empty houses and who are liable to rent their houses to parties from other counties, inves tigate fully the conditions of the per sons who want to move into this county now. Mr. Miles’ office has been able to give extensive relief to all needy peo ple of this county. This should not, however, encourage the outside relief subjects to come into the county. Mr. Miles would like to consult jirith landowners before any places are rented or leased and will explain to them the rules and regulations of the relief department. Those who have neglected putting out any gardens or crops will not be! allowed relief, neither those who have been living in this county or those who are now moving in. He hopes that the taxpayers will realize what a tremendous burden it is to look after all those who need help. Unless they cooperate fully, it will be impossible to give the best service to the really deserving. Mr. Miles has been making efforts to send those who have recently come into the county back to their original counties. Unless those dependents upon the relief office go back to their original counties, it will be necessary for the landowners from whom they have rented houses to furnish them sufficient work and to support them. STRATFORD NEWS Mrs. Ronsa Richardson, of Bel Air, Md., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Estep, of Ma ryland, who have been visiting rela tives here for the past two weeks, left for home Monday. Mrs. K. S. Bayer and son, Fred, of Galax, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sanders. Herman Williams and Talmadge Petty came in from California last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gortney, of Piney Creek, visited Mrs. C. M. San ders Saturday. Miss Annie Richardson, of Ashe ville, who has been visiting he raunt, Mrs. Justin Womble, of Galax, came up Monday to visit her aunt, Miss Florence Moxley. Mr, and Mrs. Brantly Fender are smiling over the arrival of a new daughter recently. PEDEN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Moxley and little daughter, Loraine, visited at Lee Black’s Sunday. Mrs. Thermond Fitzgerald and children spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Sturgill. Several from here attended the re vival meeting at Chestnut Hill Sat urday night. Mr. Howard Clark and sister, Flora and Miss Helen Vance, of Crossnore, N. C., and Miss Eula Woodie, of Ab erdeen, Md., visited Mozelle and Sa rah Blevins Tuesday night. Mrs. N. A. Pugh, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Newton Clark at Crossnore, returned home Tuesday. Miss Velma Pugh spent Wednesday I evening with her aunt, Mrs. J. N. At wood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor, of North Wilkesboro, spent Friday night with her mother, Mrs. George Perry. Coxs Chapel News (Received Too Late For Publication last Week.) Mrs. Bob Walls, who has been very ill, is slowly improving. Several from this community at tended the Communion meeting at Fox Creek Sunday. Others attended the memorial service at Mount Car mel. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Cox and chil dren were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phipps at Bridle Creek. Mrs. N. C. Cox, who has been visit ing friends and relatives at Prathers’ Creek, returned home Sunday. Miss Ethel Ruth Osborne is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Forest Cox, at Baywood, Va. Mrs. Troy Cox, Mrs. Burton Os borne and Mrs. E. P. Osborne called to see Mrs. Bob Walls Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Allen Osborne has been ill for several days, but is able to be out again. Miss Hazel Phipps is waiting upon Mrs. Bob Walls for a few days. Billie Phipps is getting along nice ly with his broken arm. Mrs. T. C. Black visited Mrs. Worth Howard, Mrs. Emma Cox, Mrs. DeEtte Halsey and Mrs. Bob Walls Saturday. FARM NEWS BY W. B. COLLINS, County Agent. A scrub or low-grade ram is an ex pensive animal although he may be bought at a low price. A purebread ram at a relatively high price is a much more economical ram to keep. If we are to get the proper weight and finish on our market lambs we will have to use purebred rams. There will be a purebred ram sale held at Sparta on the first Monday in August to give the farmers of Al leghany County an opportunity to se cure good purebred rams for their flocks. There will be 14 purebred yearling rams offered for sale on that day. Farmers who have good rams and wish to exchange them for rams, which are not related to their ewes, are requested to bring them to Spar ta on the first Monday in August so that exchanges may be made. All sheep should be given three drenchings, a month apart, for stom ach worms. These drenchings should begin at least by the first of August. To drench for stomach worms; dis solve one ounce of Bluestone in three quarts of water and give grown sheep 4 ounces of the solution. Give lambs 2 ounces of the solution. Keep Blue stone solution in glass or earthen ware vessels. In drenching scheep keep all four feet of the sheep on the ground and hold the head so that the nose will be level with the eyes. Drench slowly so as to avoid strang ling. In nearly every flock of sheep there are a few lambs which have failed to get sufficient milk or for other reasons are thin in flesh. All these thin lambs should be taken from the ewes, drenched for stomach worms, j turned in good grass and grained twice a day until they are fat. There is very little excuse for any farmer in this county offering under weight, thin lambs for Sale in September when the last lambs are sold. The cost of fattening a lamb in this way is very small compared to the loss sustained by selling under weight thin lambs. Mrs. Frank Campbell and her at tractive daughters, Janet and Han nah, returned home Saturday after visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Under wood for a week. Miss Mary Underwood is in High Point for several days, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank and family. Those enjoying a fishing and camping trip on New River over the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Rich Burchett, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Chambers, Jean and Howard Hon aker. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qqualified as administrator of the last will and testament of Fan nied Johnston, I hereby notify all persons having claims against her estate to present them to me within * twelve months of this date or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are notified to make payment. This July 14th, 1933. G. C. CAUDILL, Administrator of Fannie Johnston. Smithey’s Store “The place for Bargains” All wool Bathing Suits for men, women and children $1.95 Silk Flat Crepre, all col ors, 39 inches wide, per yard, 45 & 65c. Fast color Dress Ging hams, per yard 7V^c. Children’s Dresses 25c & 48c. 36-inch Sheeting, 4c. Per Yard L. I. Sheeting, while it lasts— 7c. per Yard Men’s Felt Hats, 69c & $1.19 Children’s Oxfords and Straps, 79 & 98c. Men’s Dress Oxfords, $1.69 & $1.95 Men’s Silk Sox, only 10c. Pair Ladies’ Silk Hose 19c. Pair Men’s Summer Suits, light colors, $3.48 Men’s Silk Sox, 35c value now 15c & 19c Pair Men’s Dress Shirts, Only 25c. Groceries Queen of the West Flour, 100 pds.$3.00 Riee, 6*4lbs. for...; 25c One Gallon Syrup. . 39c V2 Gallon Syrup.. 23c 3-THREE SPECIALS-3 FOR SATURDAY AT SMITHEY’S CALL TO SEE THEM ! We will pay 7 Vic* per gallon for Blackberries. Bring them the day they are picked. Bring us your Green Beans, and all your Produce! We pay the highest cash prices for what you have. —.—: Smithey^f--- : Sparta, Sortii Carolina EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having- qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of Maha la Caudill, I hereby notify all persons having claims against her estate to present them to me within twelve months of this date or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are notified to make payment. This July 3, 1933. MRS. OLLIE EDWARDS, Executrix of Mahala Caudill. SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY—In The Su perior Court. E. H. Smith, Plaintiff, vs R. G. Surratt, Defendant Under and by virtue of authority of writ of execution directed to the un dersigned by the Clerk of the Super ior Court in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction at the Court house door to the high est bidder for cash on August 7th, 1933, at 12 o’clock M., all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described real estate to satisfy said execution: FIRST TRACT: Containing 38 30 100 acres, more or less, being the tract of land conveyed by B. L. Col lins and wife to R. G. Surratt, by deed dated January 20, 1931, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany Coun ty in Book 39 at Page 433. SECOND TRACT: Containing, 116 acres, more or less, being the land conveyed by M. T. Caudill and wife to R. G. Surratt by deed dated Octo ber 28th, 1925, which deed is record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany County in Book 34, Page 419, to both of which deeds and records thereof reference is here by made for a complete and specific description, both of said tracts of land being situated in Glade Creek Township, Alleghany County. This July 5, 1933. R. B. MCMILLAN, Sheriff of Alleghany County. 5t-July 6 EXECUTION SALE , NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. John Choate, Guardian, vs A. Vance Choate. By virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alleghany County upon a judg ment in favor of John Choate, guard ian against A. Vance Choate for the sume of Four thousand four hundred thirteen and 47-100 dollars, ($4413 .47) with interest on $4413.47 from the 16th day of Jan., 1928, subject to a credit of $1475.00 on Jan, 1st, 1930, I will offer for sale for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door at Sparta, on Monday, August 7th, 1933, at 12 o’clock noon, to satis fy said execution, all the right, title, and interest* of the said A, Vance Choate in and to the following lands: FIRST TRACT: All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 336 acres more or less situated in Gap Civil Township, consisting of four tracts, adjoining the lands of J. C. Sparks, Millard Evans, Robert Ed wards, A. A. Woodruff, W. S. Hudson, J. L. Doughton, W. E. Billings, Freel Crouse and others and fully describ ed in a deed made by A. Vance Choate and wife, J. W. Chate and Wife, to the Atlantic Joint Land Bank of'Raleigh, N. C., and recorded • in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county in Book 10, pages 369, 370, 371, 372,. 373,374, 375, 376, etc., and for specific description of said lands reference is made to said deed. SECOND TRACT: Situated in the town of Sparta, adjoining the home stead lands allotted to the said A. Vance Choate and the lands of Sam Brown, W. E. Cox, W. V. Blevins, J. L. Doughton, and the public road leading from Sparta, to C. W. Ed wards’, containing 7 acres more or less, being all the lands of A. Vance Choate adjoining his homestead lands This the 4th day of July, 1933. R. B. McMILLAN, Sheriff. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY—In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk: Zenna Osborne, Plaintiff, vs G. C. Osborne, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as i above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Alleghany County en titled as above, which action is for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years’ separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county on the 10th day of August, 1933, or withjp thirty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in the said action. This the 10th day of July, 1933. A. P. REEVES, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHENY COUNTY—In The Su perior Court, Before The Clerk. R. A. Croucn, Plaintiff, v'S , J- B. Bradley, Defendant. The defendant above named will ! take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the I Superior Court of Alleghany County, I being an action to foreclose a tax sale certificate against a certain tract j of land belonging to tie defendant lying in said county and State ad joining the lands of Sowell Woodruff, T. L. Harris, and others and fuliy des cribed in a certain deed from T. L Harris and wife to J. B. Bradley, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany County in Book 34 page 423. The defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on or before the 10th day of September, 1933 and answer the complaint of the plaintiff or the relief demanded will be grant ed. This the 7th day of July, 1933. A. F. REEVES, 4t-Au. 13 Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ALLEGHANY COUNTY—In The Su perior Court, Before The Clerk. G. D. Brinkley and Wife, Josaphene Brinkley, vs Z. L. Osborne, Cleveland Parsons and wife, Jane Parsons; Sara Salaby, W. H. Johnston, Barbara Ellen Johnston, heirs of Phebe Johnston; Highly Osborne, Vance Osborne, Jennie Osborne, Lula Osborne, Myr tle Osborne Escre Osborne, and Jennie Sexton, Ellen South, Sara1 Holcombe, Nannie Sarat, Zack1 South, Tom South, heirs of Nancy Osborne South; and Clemmie Par sons, Heirs of Cora Parsons, de-i ceased, Wick Parsons, Dell Par sons, May Parsons, Lester Parsons, ■ heirs of Mary Parsons, and any others claiming an interest in the subject matter of this action. j The non-residents of the above de fendants named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alleghany County, North Carolina for the possession of certain tracts of land lying in Alleghany County, being the lands of the late F. M. Os the complaint filed herein; and the borne, deceased, fully described in, defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alleghany County at Spar ta, N. C., on or before the 10th day of September, 1933, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiffs or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 5th day of July, 1933. A. F. REEVES, Clerk of the Superior Court. TWIN OAKS MOTOR COMPANY REPAIRS TO ANY CAR PRICES REASONABLE TWIN OAKS HOTEL AND CAFE Rooms — Lunches — Cold Drinks — Banquets Free Car Storage For Hotel Guests —FREE CAMP GROUND— Service and satisfaction THIN OAKS, : : : : ; NORTH CAROLINA HI(,H SCHOOL STUDENTS—Welnvite Your Attention to the Ad vantage of GLADE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, Glade Valley, North Carolina A Standard High School Plus Training in Public Speaking, Chris tian Leadership, Music and Sewing. Students Receive Individual Attention. Special Training for Culture and Scholarship. Expenses Reasonable—Offering Self-Help Plan. Write for Catalogue. E. B.ELDRIGE, .Superintendent. VISIT THE SPARTA GARAGE — WHEN IN NEED OF REPAIRS — Efficient Mechanics — Prices Reasonable F. M. JOINES, Manager. NOTICE! All delinquent Taxes will be advertised after July 1st. Come in and pay your tax and Save costs. R. b. McMillan, Sheriff and Ta* Goilector A | COOP#YEAW, | I ALL-WEATHER 4.40x21— $6.40 4.50x21— $7.10 4.75x19— $7.60 5.00x19— $8.15 5.25x18— $9.15 5.50xl9x— 10.45 6.00x19— 11.85 6.50x19— 14.60 PATHFINDER I 4.40x21— $5.00 I 4.50x20— $5.40 I 4.50x21— $5.r 4.75x19— $6.05 9 5.00x19— $6.55 I 5.00x20— $6.75 5.25x18— $7.35 I 5.50x19— $8.50 4 STRANGE fact about tha tire business is — ;/i« PRICE of all tires is about alike, You might as well pick the best—in quality, in safety, in mileage, What’s the best in quality? The public says Goodyear— preferred by more people than any THREE other makes, What’s the best in safetyT Accurate tests on wet con crete show Goodyears will stop a car quicker than any other tire. The next best t ire skidded 10% more—other tires skidded up to 77% more under exactly the same conditions. What’s the best in mile age? Bus fleet records show Goodyear Tires give 97% more mileage nan they gave five years ago. Now that all prices are headed UP—it’s more im portant than ever to gee toe most for your money. Bet j. ter look over your th e# and buy new Goodyears now while prices are still low. Phone 20 ALLEGHANY MOTOR SALES, Open: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sparta, N. C. i

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