News From The County; Items Written By The Times’ Correspondents LITTLE PINE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Connie McMillan and children, of Nathan’s Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handy Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. Gilbrt Edwards and family, of, Oxford, Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. | Mack Wagoner Thursday. 1 Mrs. Celia Wright and son, J. R., visitd Mrs. Berta Handy Sunday. Mr. Everette Handy made a busi ness trip to Ahe County last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gamette Smith re turned home Friday after spending a week at his father’s at Cherrylane. Mr. J. T. Greene spent Sunday with his son, Mr. Lester Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Handy spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handy. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. TompKins spent Thursday night with their daughter, Mrs .Lester Greene. Miss Ruby Higgins was the guest of Misses Nellie and Emma Lea Wa goner Sunday night. Miss Emma Lea Wagoner is spend ing this week with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Caudill, of Whitehead. Miss Reva Greene returned home Sunday after a three weeks visit with her aunt, Mrs. R. M. Holloway, at Cherrylane. She was accompanied home by Miss Mae Smith. Elder W. H. Handy preached an interesting sermon at Little Pine Sunday. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gar nette Smith Sunday afternoon were: Miss Mae Smith, Misses Reva, Cleta, and Zelma Greene, Miss Zola Cheek, Messrs. Carlie Lowe, Herbert Royal, and Ray Crouse. __ Miss Zola Cheek entertained a number of her friends Saturday night at a pie party. Mrs. Elsie Wagoner won the first prize for the best pie and Mrs. Dora Smith, the second prize. Those present reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Collins spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handy and son, Billy, spent Saturday night at Ever ette Handy’s. Mr. and Mrs. James Wagoner and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wagoner went to New Salem Sunday to attend the service. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wright gave their young friends a very delightful social. Music was furnished by Mrs. James Wagoner and Mr. Lloyd Chappel. All reported a nice time. Miss Zola Cheek spent Friday ev ening with Miss Cleta Greene. Miss Opal Greene is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Lela Wright. Mr. Lawrence Greene, who has been confined to his bed for several years, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Wagoner and son, Robt. Mack, spent Sunday even ing at Fred Handy’s. Miss Reva Greene visited Misses Hallie and Sadie Haris Monday even ing. MOUNT ZION NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Shepherd and daughter, Julia, W. R. Jones, Mrs. W. H. Weaver, Mrs. Sarah Williams, and Rev. Marshall visited at S. E. Smith’s last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pugh, Troy Pugh, and Ethel Pugh, visited at S. E. Smith’s Wednesday night. H. Clay Smith and George Smith were at S. E. Smith’s Thursday mor ning. Mrs. Sarah Williams spent a few days last week at S. E. Smith’s. H. Clay Smith made a business trip to Piney Creek Thursday. Several from here attended the re vival conducted by Rev. O. W. Mar shall at Rocky Ridge last week. Claude J. Smith visited at C. E. Jones’ last Wednesday. A revival meeting will begin at Mt. Zion church the third Sunday night in September. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Carl and Ray Hampton, of Strat ford, were at W. F. Pugh’s Thurs day. Charlie Edwards was in this com munity buying lambs last week. R. Lee Smith, of Dawson, Ala., visited W. R. Jones and W. F. Pugh last Wednesday. W. R. Jones visited his daughter, Mrs. E. D. Jones, at West Jefferson a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Taylor, Robert Ble vins, Blan Sturgill, and Miss Mozelle Blevins were at C. W. Cox’s one night last week. Mrs. Mary Cox, who has been con fined to her bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Taylor, of Grant, Va., is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. Bill Williams, W. H. Weaver, and Rev. O. W. Marshall visited at S. E. Smith’s Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Shepherd and Claude J. Smith were in West Jeffer son Friday. Mr. R. Lee Smith, who has been visiting relatives and friends in the communityy, returned to his home in Dawson, Ala., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Shepherd, R. Lee Smith, and Claude J. Smith vi sited for a few minutes with Mr. and Mrs. Carson Keyes, of Nathans Creek Miss Madge Jones, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jones, of West Jefferson, returned home Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Shepherd, Mrs. E. D. Jones, and Miss Madge Jones went to Blowing Rock Rriday afternoon. Mr. Page Smith, of Nathans Creek, visited relatives in the community Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Miss Ethel Pugh visited Mrs. Mat tie Smith Sunday. Clarence Cox, of Galax, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cox, near Scottville. Misses Olga Lee Caudill and Zenna Crouse spent the week-end with Mrs. H. Clay Smith. Vern and Billy Shepherd took sup per with Howard Smith Saturday. Mr. Ray Hampton and son, Fred, of Stratford, were at S. E. Smith’s Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Douglas, of Piney Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Pugh ^Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Aileene Perry, of Piney Creek is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry, of Peden. George F. Smith visited his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Smith, Sunday. J. Paul Allen, of Peden, visited at C. W. Cox’s Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Boone visited Mrs. Troy Pugh Sunday. Several from here visited the ball game at Scottville Saturday after noon. Bob Jones, R. A. Jones, and Dan Jones, of Scottville, and Cox Shep herd, of near here, are planning to leave for Twin Falls, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hampton, of Piney Creek, and Rev. Lee A. Hamp ton, of Stratford, left Tuesday to vi sit relatives in the Shenandoah Val ley, Ohio, and Maryland. They expect to be gone about ten days. Logene Pugh is spending a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cox, of Furches. Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Shepherd and daughter and J. F. Shepherd made a business trip to Winston-Salem Mon day. LAUREL SPRINGS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens en tertained guests from Greensboro over the week-end. Miss Blanche Billings, who under went an operation two weeks ago, is doing nicely and expects to have her tonsils removed in another week. Several from here attended the mu sic festival at White Top last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw Meyers, Miss Viola Roberts, who is visiting her parents on a short stay from New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fender enjoyed a camping trip this week-end. A double-header ball game will be played between Scottsville and Lau rel Springs Saturday. A large crowd is expected. STRATFORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Johnson and daughter, Miss Bettie, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartsog and baby, of Clifton, Ashe county, spent a short while at Shiloh and Elk Creek Sunday. Mr. McKinley Stedham who has been in California for the last few years, is visiting relatives. here. Mrs. Florence Billings and son, Dean, of Hanes, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Atwood. Grover Enogier spent last week with Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Duncan at Hooker. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fender and Elder Roberts spent Saturday night wfth Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Richardson. Mrs. H. D. Estep is just alive at this writing, Monday, August 14. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Crouse and family of Maryland, with the other children who live near, are at her bedside. In our news last week when nam ing the musicians who played at G. O. Edwards’ social on the evening of August 5th, we failed to get Mr. Willie Williams’ name. Since Mr. Wil liams is a very talented violinist and his music was so much appreciated ve wish to corect the error. Mrs. Carrie Irwin, who has been n the Elkin hospital for several veeks, returned home near Twin Daks Sunday. Mrs. Irwin is recover ng very slowly and is expecting to 'o back soon for further treatment. Dr. L. C. Cox, of Clovis, New Mexi :o, is visiting his father and mother, Ar. and Mrs. W. E. Cox, at this time. WHITEHEAD NEWS A large crowd attended the com munion services at New Salem Fri day. Miss Nellie Brooks, of Cherrylane, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Rector. Mrs. Ellie Moxley and little daugh ter, Kathleen, of Forest Hill, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bilings and daughter, Ama, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wishon and children, of High Point, visited in this community last week. Those visiting at Luther Joines Saturday night were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Waddell, Rev. Coy Walker, Misses Boyde and Gene Cleary, Messrs. Roy Wagoner, Roy Caudill, and Platt Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cox and son, of Stratford, visited at Clifford Hollo way’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wagoner, of Cherrylane, visited at J. R. Rector’s. FURCHES NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Delp visited at Mrs. Delp’s father’s during the week end. Mrs. Floyd Roupe is reported some what improved. Mrs. Carl Brown, of Turkey Knob, visited relatives here this week-end. A number from this community at tended the ball game at Scottville Saturday. Mr. Bruce Finney has been employ ed with his father at Independence for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Richardson visit ed at R. B. Petty’s Sunday. Farmers in this community are very busy with their hay. Mr. J. A. Irwin is able to be out again. Mr. John M. Tucker, our rural mail carrier, who has been ill for some time, is improving. Miss Sallie Andrews and Mr. Leon ard Faller, of Nathans Creek, were married Saturday, August 12. Many friends and relatives wish them a long and happy life. Those visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose's Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dancy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Major Mabe, of Laurel Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill, Messrs. Willie Nobblet, Cleve Rose, Jack Taylor, Frederick Rosendale, and Roy Richardson. Rev. T. M. Hayes filled his regular appointment at Belview Saturday night and Sunday. j Miss Maxie Jones, of Charlotte, is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson, of Laurel Springs, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. Mr. E. Woodie visited at John Richardson’s Sunday. 1 Mr. Tom Church visited at Jack ' Taylor’s Sunday afternoon. | Mrs. Estelle McGrady, after spend 1 ing a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. L. A. Rose, left Sunday morn ing for Durham, where she has been making her home. r \ The Only Paper That j Gives You All the News I ol Alleghany County EVERY GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD KEEP POSTED CONCERN ING COUNTY AFFAIRS. THE BUSINESS OF ALLEGHANY COUNTY IS THE BUSINESS OF EVERY CITIZEN IN IT. Over 2,500 Taxpayers BY INTELLIGENT COOPERATION THE CITIZENS OF ALLEGHANY COUNTY CAN MAKE OF IT AN EVEN BETTER COUNTY IN WHICH TO LIVE.TRUE, IT'S A GOOD COUNTY NOW — BUT ALL OF US WANT TO MAKE IT BETTER—EVEN THE BEST. ARE YOU INTERESTED? . . .. OF COURSE YOU ARE. THEN— Subscribe Now TO YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER—THE PAPER THAT PUBLISHES THE NEWS OF ALLEGHANY COUNTY EVERY THURSDAY FOR THE PRICE OF $1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. With present prices of commodities rising almost daily, prices of paper increasing, printing costs rising, we say this for your con sideration: It may be possible that Subscription Rates to THE ALLEGHANY TIMES will be increased soon. And, if you are not I already a reader of Alleghany’s Home Paper, you will save money by subscribing at the present prices,—$1.00 per Year, Cash In Advance i i rr iiiEtwr rr S “Your County Paper” Sparta, N. C. Piney Creek Route 1 News (By Wilma Crouse.) V/int Ward and Lester Phipps made a business trip to West Jeffer son and North Wilkesboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Vanhoy and daughters, Blanche and Viola, visited at Mrs. A. J. Ward’s Saturday night. Miss Ruth Ward, Wint and Kyle F. Ward, Melvin Crouse, Wilma and Robert Crouse attended the White Top Music Festival Saturday. Wilma Crouse, Kenneth and Bar bara Phipps visited Mrs. L. P. Van hoy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Mitchell and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mitchell attended the Music Festival Sparta Produce Market Quotations furnished as applying on Wednesday of each week, by Smithey’s. Chickens, 2x/2 to 3V2.10c to 12c. Old hens, heavy ....10c. Eggs, .......... 13c. Potatoes, No. 1.90c. bus. Potatoes, No. 2...40c. bus Dried fruit, nice and dry.4c. !b. Dark fruit ..3c. lb. Rye .. 75c. bus. Wheat . 90c. bus. Onions ...1 % c. pd. . Dr. W. B. Reeves EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST of Norfolk, Va. Will Be In Sparta At Office Of Er. C. A, Reeves MONDAY AUG. 21st One day only Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted AUGUST SPECIALS 50-tb special Cotton Mattresses, filled with new cot ton. Varied patterns, $8.50 values for.$6.50 GUITARS— VIOLINS — BANJOS Very best quality at lowest prices PORCELAIN TOP TABLES—A convenience for your kitchen. $6.00 value for.$4.75 Fine Hand-made Bed Spreads. Large Roomy Medicine Cabinets with mirror $5.00 values, ....$2.50 to $3.50 Wool face 27x52 Rugs. $2.50 value for.$1.75 Gold Seal Linoleum Rugs, 3 ftx6 ft. $2.50 value $1.50 Occasional Rockers—American Walnut—auto type, colored tapestry cushions, just the thing for the fire side. $7.00 values. Special at.$5.50 Carthastan Wool-faced Rugs—look well—wear well. Self-cushioning. Beautiful patterns, 9x12 size $20 values, for . $13.50 5-Piece Living Room Suite, 2 rockers, 2straight chairs, 1 settee. $37.50 value, ...$32.50 Furnish your home at these depression prices. The markets are rapidly advancing. Present stock- cannot be. replaced at these prices. See me and save money on your Home Furnishings. Sparta Furniture Co. A. L. Rector, Mgr. Sparta, N. C. Sell Your Livestock Thru The WYTHEVILLE LIVE STOCK MARKET LOCATED IN VVYTHEHVI LLE, VA., Near N.4W. Ry. Depot SALE EVERY TUESDAY, AT 1:00 P. M. We will have a weekly market for all classes of livestock, cat tle, lambs, veal, calves and hogs. We have new stock pens, latest Fairbanks scales, and have plenty of room under shed to handle all classes of live stock. All stock must be in Pens before noon on the sale day in order that it may be weighed, graded and got ready for sale. Bring in your stock we will have buyers for it All stock sold at auction. For further information phone 44 or call and see us. We sell everything Tuesday. WYTHEVILLE LIVE STOCK MARKET, Inc. | L. S. Hamilton, President PHONE 44. TWIN OAKS MOTOR COMPANY REPAIRS TO ANY CAB PRICES REASONABLE TWIN OAKS HOTEL AND CAFE Rooms — Lunches — Cold Drinks — Banquets Free Car Storage For Hotel Guests —FREE CAMP GROUND TWIN OAKS, Service and satisfaction NORTH CAROLINA