For the School children I HAVE A COMPLE LINE OF School Books For All Grades, including the High School. Special efforts have been made to give you the best line of PENCILS, TABLETS, NOTE BOOKS, AND FILLERS that can be had, at very attractive prices. -A COMPLETE LINE OF Ball Brand Rubbers, Star Brand Shoes, Sweaters, Caps, Hosiery All bought on the low market, and you can have the benefit of these early purchases. Buy while this stock lasts and you will save money! I Want Your DRIED APPLES, CHICKENS, BUTTER, EGGS, Etc., And Will Pay The Top Market Price. See Me Before Buying or Selling. Ta“Y~ HARDIN “THE HOME STORE” SPARTA, N. C. LAUREL SPRINGS NEWS Miss Alice Reavis has been the guest of Mrs. Will Warden since Sun day week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perry, of Win gate, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Warden. Mr. and Mrs. Booker Plummer and family, and Mr. Hall, their pastor, of West Virginia, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Pruitt. Mr. Hall gave a very interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sun day morning. The revival meeting at the Bap tist church is going along fine and will continue through the week. Day services are at 1:00 o’clock. Miss Eleanor Edwards is visiting Mrs. R. L. Doughton. Mr. R. L. Doughton was home over the week-end. He and Mrs. Doughton attended the srvices Sun day night. Mrs. Frank Reeves and Mary Reeves, and Mr. Frank Doughto^ at- j tended the Reeves reunion at Tran sou Grove, Sparta, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fender and children, Mr. and Mrs. D H. Fender | and children, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hoppers attended the services at Antioch Sunday Mys. Frank Richardson and son, of Sparta, ar visiting Mrs. Wilmer Fender this week. A large crowd gathered for the Pugh reunion at Blowing Rock Sun day. Those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh and Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pugh and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pugh and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Pugh and family, and Mrs. Sol Up church. Mr. Flake Scott, a member of the road force, killed a large rattlesnake in Mr. U. S. Myer’s meadow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Roberts, of Columbus, O., visited Mr. Roberts’ parents for a few days recently. The rain is holding up the high way work to some extent. Honors House Guest Miss Margaret Chek entertained Thursday evening at her home in honor of her house guest, Miss Ida Vivian Weaver, of Chapel Hill. Contract was enjoyed during the evening and prizes were awarded. Mr. Jimmy Doughton received high score prize. Miss Weaver received a box of powder as honor guest. Miss Mary Ellen Hardin, out-of-town guest, re ceived a beautiful handkerchief. At the conclusion of the game a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. Mrs. Mary Crouse has moved to Boone where her daughters are to enter high school and college. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Boyles and children, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Westmoreland, of King, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moser and children and Miss June Benbow, of East Bend, visited at A. O. Joines" Sunday. Mrs. F. W. Cheek visited in Boon ville last week. 9 Don v postpone getting the tires you need now. Enjoy your last summer holiday on a new set of Goodyears. Prices are still lower than they were last fall. Play safe. Before you start out, drive in and let us look over your tires. j • c • • safety - . value ~ « pl ica r 9 'iood looks . a lifetime guarantee SPECIAL CAKS WASHED— POLISHED— —AND— SIMONIZED, $8.00 CARS REPAINTED, $5.00 To $15.00 The New GOODYEAR PATHFINDER 4.40-21 $5.55 4.50- 20 $6.00 4.50- 21 $6.30 4.75-19 $6.70 4.75-20 $7.00 5.00- 19 $7.20 5.00- 20 $7.45 30-31/2 $4.95 l ALL LULL OVERSUE Otfcw $Um Mind pioporttomW; tow • Prices are marching up. But if you act in time you can still buy Goodyears at prices shown here—and most of them are lower than they were last fall . . . Look at this new 1933 Goodyear Path iinder. With FULL CENTER TRACTION, 20% thicker non skid tread, and stouter Su pertwist Cord body, it turns in more miles, more blowout protection, more safety, than you could get from any tire costing four times as much a few years ago . . . Now is certainly the time to replace worn, dangerous tires with Pathfinders all around. No one can guarantee how long today’s still low prices can last. We have your size. Be sure to get Goodyear quality tubes, too. ALLEGHANY MOTOR SALES Phone 20 Sparta, N. C. LOCAL CITY HAPPENINGS Mrs. Sarah Todd and son, and Tal madge Edwards, of Bel Air, Md., vi sited Mr. and Mrs. John Choate last week. Miss Mary Ellen Hardin, of Roa noke, who has been visiting Miss Doris Hackler, left Monday to at tend the World Fair before return nig hom. Mrs. W. R. Robins has moved to the home of her mother at Piney Creek. Miss Ida Vivian Weaver of Chapel Hill, who has been visiting Miss Mar garet Cheek, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Roe returned from the World Fair at Chicago last week. Mrs. S. J. Thomas and daughter, Susie, left Monday for Bristol where they will visit Mr. Thomas. Mr. Ralph Cheek motored to Cha pel Hill Monday. Miss Jean Hawthorne ana James Hawthorne went to Abingdon and Chilhowie, Va., this week. Judge and Mrs. J. C. Padgett, of Independence, Va., were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs .Henry Spaugh, who has been spending some time here, returned to her home in Winston-Salem Monday, accompanied by Mr. Spaugh, who came up for the week-end. Mrs. George Ed Carson and little daughter, Ann, visited at Laurel Springs last week. Mrs. R. D. Gentry and children and Miss Reba Gambill visited in Mt. Airy and Rockford last week. Miss Ella Caudil of High Point, and Murriel Caudill of Whitehead, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Moxley and family of Maryland, returned home Monday after an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Douglas. It has been nine years since they have been here. Mr. F. M. Joines spent the week end with his son, Mr. Alfred Joines, at Thomasville. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Thompson of Jefferson, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Joines. They attended the Communion services at Antioch Sunday. Miss Ella Caudill of High Point is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Caudill, this week. Mr. Cecil Bumgarner of Waynes ville, was a week-end visitor in town. Mrs. E. F. McNeer, Mrs. R. B. Har rell of Elkin, Mrs. Henry Spaugh, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. C. A. Reeves, Mrs. S. J. Thomas, Mrs. C. W. Hig gins, and Mrs. Ellen Parks were din ner guests of Mrs. R. H. Hackler Thursday. Miss Margaret Stephens of San ford, has returned home after an ex tended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin D. Stephens. Mrs. Mattie Hardin, of Roanoke, Va., visited Mrs. R. H. Hackler, last ; week. Mr. Charlie Gilliam and daughter, Mrs. Luther Stewart, of Elkin, left for California Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Corpening, of Fletcher, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardin. Miss Margaret Jane Cheek left for California Tuesday where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Joe Hayhurst. Mrs. Charlie Gilliam and family are moving to Elkin this week. Mesdames J. E. Joines, Stevie Rob erts and Elder Ed Davis attended the Association at Indian Creek, W. Va., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin D. Stephen and little daughter, Jean, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Yates Millsaps, of Hiddenite, N. C. Miss Ruth McMillan entertained a number of friends at a party aStur day night. Misses Mary Cecil Higins, Florence Warren and Lorraine Reeves gave a farewell dinner in honor of Margaret Jane Cheek at Four Oaks Tavern Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carr Choate and chil dren, of Mocksville, attended the Reeves Reunion here Sunday. Miss Clyde Higgins was a visitor in town Monday. Misses Alice and Hattie Brown and Sam Brown visited in Booneville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardin and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbard and son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardin. Mrs. Ellen Parks and Mrs. Henry Spaugh were joint hostesses at a din ner party in honor of the following: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carson, Mrs. Joe Fields, Mrs. Frank Fields, and Dr. H. T. Smith last week. These who left for school at Boone Monday were: Misses Gussie Long bottom, of Glade Valley; June Crouse of Stratford; Evelyn Caudill, of Whitehead, and Zelma Richardson, of Stratford. Mrs. E. F. McNeer entertained a number of friends from Elkin at Four Oaks Tavern Sunday. The Epworth League left on a camping trip to White Top Tues day. They will return Thursday. Mrs. Aris Perry was the dinner guest of Mrs. F. N. Roup last Friday. Messrs. Page McMillan, Worth Cox, and Caly Cox left last Thursday for Montrose, Colorado, where they have employment. Mr. Carey Estep of Bel Air, Md., has returned home after spending a short time with relatives. THEY’D MOVED AWAY (Mrs. Harry Levick.) He stood alone beside the gate. How long, he wondered, must he wait? A little dog, forlorn and sad Beside the home that once he’d had. They’d moved away and left him here; He’d loved them so, it did seem queer. He’d tried to run and follow them But they had gone too fast for him. He wished he had a bone to chew— That always helps when one is blue. T’was getting cold and very dark— Perhaps they’d hear him if he’d bark! He waited all that livelong day. They never came—they’d—moved— away!—Our Dumb Animals. FARM NEWS BY W. B. COLLINS, County Agent. The beef cattle outlook at present is very discouraging. I would not ad vise farmers to hold back too much and wait for better prices. Any beef cattle you have for sale should be sold as fast as reasonable prices can be had. Grain and feed prices will be comparatively high and there is noth ing in sight that will justify buying feed to carry cattle over another year with the expectation of getting higher prices. Every farmer should read carefully and study the cattle outlook, publish ed in The Alleghany Times this week and next. This Outlook is released by the United States Department of Agriculture and is the most com plete information to be had. We had a very successful farm tour on last Wednesday. About 35 interested farmers made the tour. Visits were made to the following farms: Edd Hawthorne’s, where we looked over his field of certified seed Irish potatoes, which we estimated to yield better than 200 bushels per acre. At this field Mr. H. R. Niswonger, Horticultural Specialist, made a talk on seed selection and growing certi fied seed potatoes. While on this farm we saw a herd of well-bred beef cat tle, Lespedeza being successfully grown, a fine yield of soybeans being grown to plow under in preparation for- next year’s potato crop, a part of the flock of over 300 turkeys which were hatched in an incubator and reared in a brooder. Carl Hampton’s Farm, where we looked over fields of Kobe Lespedeza, Korean Lespedeza, and Common ^s pedeza. Every one was impressed with the fine growth of Lespedeza found on Mr. Hampton’s farm. The Common Lespedeza on his farm was affording a large amount of fine graz ing at that time. W. B. Collins’ Farm, where we saw the Trench Silo which had just been completed. Mr. F. R. Farnham made a talk on the value of silage in win tering livestock and the advantages of a Trench Silo. This Silo was con structed at a cost of $15.00 and it is estimated to hold 35 tons of silage. The farmers present at this meeting were impressed with the small cost of this silo and the most of them think that the Trench silo will prove an economical means of wintering beef cattle. On this farm we also saw a good growth of Common Lespedeza which had been sown on an old pasture last March. DeWitt Bryan’s Farm east of Glade Valley, we saw the finest yield of string beans I have ever seen grow in this county. There is 4 acres in the field of beans and they have been averaging yields of 250 bushels of beans per acre. Mr. Bryan had about 40 people in the field picking beans when we arrived and they had picked about 300 bushels of beans that day. High yields of beans are being made on this farm by plowing under a crop of soybeans and cow peas, sowing the land in rye and turning under the rye and beans. About 800 pounds of high grade fer tilizer and 65 pounds of beans are used to seed an acre. We have visited several merchants in regard to making up our premi um list for the Alleghany Agricul tural Fair. At present it looks as though our premium list will be about the same as it was last year. I would like for the farmers and their wives to begin making preparations for an exhibit at the Fair. Dr. and Mrs. Harrell Entertain Bridge Club at Summer Home Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell enter tained the members of the Fort nightly Bridge Club at dinner at their summer home near Sparta Thursday evening. Following a dlightful din ner, bridge was playyed at two ta bles. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Schaff received the club award for making the highest score during the games. Those playing were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Schaff, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Allen, Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, Mrs. C. H. Brewer and Dr. and Mrs. Harrell. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. In The Superior Court, Before The Clerk. Frank J. Ball, Plaintiff, vs A. V. Choate, Alex Ball, Kyle Ball, Lucy Ball, and Dan Ball, Defen dants. The non-residents of the defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alleghany County, North Carolina, being an action to declare the plain tiff the sole owner of certain funds in the hands of A. V. Choate, Guard ian of Frank J. Ball, Alex Ball, Kyle Ball, Lucy Ball and Dan Ball; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the offige of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on or before the 24th day of September, 1933, and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein, or the relief demanded will be granted. This August 23, 1933. A. F. REEVES, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE! IN Urtiri UAKULiiJN A, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Pauline Wright, Plantiff, vs Charles G. Wright, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alleghany County, to secure form the estate of he de fendant a reasonable subsistence and support for the plaintiff; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 25 day of September or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 21 day of August, 1933. A. F. REEVES, Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. In the Superior Court—Before the Clerk. J. T. Cox, Administrator of I. B. Cox, deceased, Plaintiff vs Alice Toliver and others, Defendants Under and by virtue of judgment in th above entitled matter, I will offer for sale to the highest biddei for cash, on the premises, near Ble vins Cross Roads on the 9th day ol September, 1933, at 11 o’clock A. M., the following described real estate: Beginning on a cucumber by River, Thomas Andrews corner, running thence S. 2 W. with Andrews line 101 poles to a chestnut oak, thence E. 28 % poles to a stake, thence N. 52 E. 53 poles to a stake at River, then down and with the River to begin ning. Containing 25 10-16 acres, more or less. This 8th day of August, 1933. J. T. COX, Administrator and Commissioner IN (Jrtiri tJAKULIINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. Under and by virtue of power vest ed in us as Executors in the last will and testament of W. P. Fender, de ceased, we will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in Sparta, North Carolina on September 8th, 1933, at 11 o’clock A. M., the following des cribed real estate, situate in Piney Creek Township, said County and State, adjoining lands of Belle Cox, J. W. Phipps land, C. S. Walls, Mrs. Nan Spencer and others^ being all the land in the homeplace of~the said W. P. Fender, except a part of said land devised to Mrs. Myrtie Fender. Terms: one-third cash on day of sale and balance in six and twelve months. This August 8th, 1933. GROVER C. FENDER, CLAUDE C. KENNEDY, Executors of W. P. Fender, deceased NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. In the Superior Court—Before the Clerk. B. F. Wagoner, Administrator of Fields Wagoner, deceased, plaintiff, vs Flora McMillan and husband, Sam McMillan, Fields Harris, Raymond Harris, Mattie McMillan and Mary McMillan, defendants. Under and by virtue of judgment in the above entitled matter, I will offer for sale at public auction at the Court House door in Sparta on the 11th day of September, 1933, at 11 o’clock, A, M., the following described land: Situate in Piney Creek Township, said county and state, bounded and surrounded by the lands of Bennie Maxwell, Boyden Maxwell, J. M. Miles, Everett Wyatt and Fannie Barr, being the lands owned by Fields McMillan. Terms one-half cash on day of sale and balance on six months time. This August 10th, 1933. B. F. WAGONER, Commissioner and Administrator of Fields McMillan. Miss Ida Poteat, of the faculty of Meridith College, has returned to Raleigh after an extended visit with Mrs. J. F. Fender. She was accom panied to Yanceyville by Mrs. Fen der. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ALLEGHANY. Under and by virtue of the power and authorityr contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by H. M. Brooks and wife, Ennice M. Brooks to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, which said deed of trust is dated August 1, 1927, and recorded in Book 15, page 155, of the Alleghany County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and in the conditions therein secured, the undersigned substituted trustee by instrument recorded in Book 6, Page 331, Alleghany County Registry, will on Tuesday, September 5, 1933, at or about twelve o’clock noon, at the court house door at Sparta, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described pro perty: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, containing two hun dred and fifty (250) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being op the Waters of Little River about three miles East of the town of Sparta, in Gap Civil Township, Alleghany Coun ty, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by L. E. Edwards, Surveyor, on the 6th day of July, 1927, and attached to the abstract now on file with the At lantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Ra leigh, the same being bounded on the North by the lands of Monroe Wolfe, on the East by Little River and the lands of Charley Rector, on the South by the lands of S. L. Berry, on the West by the lands of R. E. Brooks, and being the identical tract of land conveyed by deed from C. J. Ed wards, Administrator, De bonus non of Richard Choate, deceased, to H. M. Brooks, of date, May 8, 1878, said deed being recorded in Deed Book “D”, at pages 385 and 386, in the of fice of Register of Deeds for Alle ghany County, State of North Caro lina, and by deed from S.' A. Choate and wife, Laura A. Choate, to Hugh M. Brooks, of date, September 12, 1910, said deed being duly recorded in Deed Book No. “Y”, atpag es 332 and 333, in the office of Register of Deeds for Alleghany County, State of North Carolina, and by a certain bond, contract or paper writing exe cuted by Calvin Wolfe, Commission er, to H. M. Brooks, of date, Septem ber 7, 1882, and recorded in Deed Book “J”, at page 311, in the office >f Register of Deeds for Alleghany County, State of North Carolina, to which deeds and paper writing refer ence is made for more complete des cription of the same. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good •faith. This the 5th day of August, 1933. JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM, Substituted Trustee. Robert Weinstein and Victor W. Thompson, Attorneys, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE OF • SALE OF LAND~ NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY Under and by virtue of a judgment and order of the Superior Court of Allghany County in a Special Pro ceeding entitled P. L. Choate, Ad ministrator of J. T. Lynch, vs Cleo patria Lynch et al., I’ the undersigned Commissioner, will on Saturday, j$|p| tember 23rd, 1933, at one o’clocfc 3?.^ M., sell at public auction at the dpHEi£| house door at Sparta, for cash* aUi the lands of the said J. T. Lynch, ceased, except that tract containing:' about 10% acres allotted to Cf#^ patria Lynch as her dower. First tract: Known as the Dovjgfe*>l ton place, adjoining the lands of Lynch, Alex Gambill, Lon Me Reeves, Anders heirs and others, containing about 16 acres. Second tract: Containing about three acres, lying on the east side of the J. T. Lynch home place, adjoining the lands of John Havner, the dower and, and others. Third tract: Containing about six acres, being the remainder of the ?aid J. T. Lynch land, lying on the vest side of the place, and adjoining ;he lands of Jim Reeves, Bert Shu nate, the dower land, and the Dough ion place. This the 23rd day of August, 1933. Globe BATTERIES 12 MONTHS WRITTEN GUA ' $4.50 to 5.90 Alleghany Motor Sales, P. L. CHOATE, Commissioner RANTEE Sparta, N. C,

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