THE ALLEGHANY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION R^TES $1.00 Per Year Published Every Thursday Entered as second-class mat ter at the Post Office at Sparta, N. C. ERWIN D. STEPHENS...Editor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933~ E PI TOR I A L For the first time in the history of the County all of the schools opened on the same day. Full attendance from all those reportd indicates that parents are fully cognizant of the opportunity offered their children by the State. There has been some criti cism of State-controlled schools arid centralized authority, but we believe that when people get accustomed to the new order of things, they will see the advantages of consolidation. Some people seem to think that schools are maintained for the sole purpose of giving teachers jobs, and grumble that consolidation cuts down the number of jobs available. That may be true, but the primary func tion of the school system is to train children, and all other phases of the question should be subordinated to this primary function. In spite of sharply curtailed salar ies teachers seem to be entering the year’s work with enthusiasm and a determination to make this one of the best years in the history of the system. By this time all the youth of school age in Alleghany has bean reminded of the glorious opportunity for youth to achieve something worthwhile by making good use of the opportunities provided. Without a didactic motive in mind we would like to pass on a thought from W. H. P. Faunce, Pre sident of Brown University, who says, “He who dedicates his life to truth-seeking, and gives to the world before he dies some new truth to live by, is doing more for civilization than if he built a score of mills or banks or hospitals.” Once again we ask all correspon dents to be very careful in spelling names. We have no way of verifying spelling on copy, and must depend upon the correspondent for accuracy. Piney Creek Route 1 News (By Wilma Crouse.) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phipps and son, John Lee, spent Sunday at J. L. Phipps’. Earl Crouse of Whitehead, was a visitor here last week-end. Mrs. Clayton Fender and Mrs. J. P. Vanhoy spent Monday afternooh at Mrs. A. J. Ward’s. Hobert Crouse, Wilma Crouse, and Ella Phipps attended the Epworth League’s meeting at Sparta Satur day. Edith Jones is sick at this writing. A number of people from this com munity attended the communion meeting at Mt. Carmel last Sunday. John D. Mitchell visited Hobert Crouse Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mitchell and for their home in Maryland after Miss Opal Mitchell left Wednesday having spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Mitchell. Mrs. Willie Sturgill of Piney Creek was a week-end visitor at Mrs. A. J. {Ward’s. Gwynn Musgrove, of Sparta, is spending a few days at his home near Walnut Branch. __ _L_ Columnists (By A. P. E.) What to fill up thns column with this week is a complex—whether to divert more attention to local traffic conditions, Sparta’s Booster Club, or just try and get the folks to do their Xmas Shopping early. Theres three prominent topics that the Booster Club should check up on. Since the boosters are a.w.o.l. we’ll "hiss” up the matter. In most municipalities the business of when to go in your car and when not to go is “zoned” out to you every block with green and red lanterns. Not that you can’t go straight up when you want to, but in the ‘fu ture’ out there in front of you—these lanterns tell you a short story— thoushalt either stop or go—and if you don’t stop in compliance, etc., you may go to jail, or if you don’t go at certain intervals, it all means the same thing. And as loyal American citizens, proud of the land which gave us cornbread and fat-back, and noted for its knaves and knights— right here in the middle of the street, we lose all the liberty we have in this sometimes United States. But up in this ultra-modern coun try of Alleghany County we go in our car just anywhere at any time (in reverse if we like); theres noth ing to impede your progress or going whether ala carte or alamode. That is we can take our car and scale the crest of the highest mountain, or go galavanting along a barb-wire fence;and in _ the business section Saturday nights there are no traffic jams, no double-parkers who wont let you go home, who usually sit in their cars and window-shop, pet, or just plain sight-seers. When you ponder this freelance (note the veins spouting aqua in every little old ravine hereabouts) maybe we think Uncle Sam should move the statue of the Goddess of Liberty from her perch in New York Harbor and set nap here in Alleghany County, or Sparta, maybe. This being one’s attitude, naturally theres some heavy work to be done (either by Congressman Do ugh ton, as a go-between for the Boosters, or vice-versa. Whether the Club has been doing some heavy work and died from the strain, the obsequies were either held informal, or not at all Theres going to be a fair staged here in October, and thats deserving of a booster organization, successful or not. Civic organizations are any com munity’s good-will ambassadors, identifying to a marked degree wide awake citizens who are interested in their town’s welfare. Sparta is in the making anew! However spasmodic this growth, she is building for permanency. Next to God’s heaven we pride the land we live in here; plenty of pure air, good water, an abundance of natur al resources, water power at every door, and the factions of its people accord a friendly atmosphere to all within the portals of Alleghany. Today is September 1st—Fall makes her debue—and that leads us up to another white elephant—hope our red flannels are good for another winter. Listen, theres just 115 more days to Christmas! OBSERVATIONS BY THE “MAN IN THE STREET” Wonder why Alleghany County, with all Its healthy babies, couldn’t foster a Baby Show at the fair to be held iu Sparta during October? Theres certainly some line speci mens to select from that would I stump a set of judges. We are en thusiastic about fairs, with the pa nacea it sets up, in that the very cream of the land is exhibited and we learn more about what the folks of our county is doing . . .Mighty big crowd of folks in town for first Mon day shaking hands with everybody and feeling fine . . . We wonder if the NRA is sponsor of all this better feeling? . . . Reader, have you ever thought of the seriousness of this NRA; we mean just the seriousness if you fail to allign yourself with it? .... You have, no doubt, heard of credit ratings, etc., but your rating with the NRA is worth a great deal more . . .Truck loads of kids greeting you with smiles as Sparta high school opens its 19SS-34 term . . . Uncle Bill Richardson, one of Alleghany coun ty’s leading farmers, in town Mon day . . . incidentally a farmer who prides himself in “living at home”, —a home thats constructed with beautiful chestnut oak panels inside, and designed through with modern technique (miles of steps saved for those who help make the home) and running water, bath, etc. . . . Going on home we pass a very feeble old lady hand-in-hand with a tiny tot, skirmishing along the pavement, only another thought that would lend to an artist’s picture study— The Morn ing and Afternoon of Life* . . . Mer chants enjoying a return of prosperi ty, folks making their Fall purchases . . . Have you ventured into the cor ridors of the new court house? We understand theres to be a fine impos ed if the casual tobacco chewer is too casual about missing the proper ly-placed cuspidors and decorates the white walls with tobacco juice . . . Characteristic of September’s first Monday—Labor Day as we call it— naturally we coincided. SONGS OF LONG AGO Quite a bit of interest has been manifested in the first of a series of songs of long ago which are now ap pearing in The Times. We have al ways believed that songs that grew out of the joys and heartaches of a people had more genuine appeal than songs written for commercial gain. This week we submit for your appro val an old-time classic sent in by Mrs. Gladys Edwards. Many of our older citizens will remember having heard this old song at picnics and frolics when they were young. “OLD BACHELOR” I am a stern old bachelor. My age is forty-four. I do declare I’ll never live With a woman any more. Little rose bud The rose she gave to me . For I’m a stern old bachelor From matrimony free. I live upon a homestead claim, From woman I am hid. I do not have to dress a wife Nor take care of a kid. I have a stove thats worth 10 cents, A table worth fifteen. I cook my grub in oyster cans And always keep things clean. I cook my little dirty bite Three times or less a day. I lick my plates to keep them clean, And just shove things away. I go to bed whene’er I please, I get up just the same. I change my sox three times a year, And no one to complain. On Sunday morn I go to church Without a wife to storm, My latest paper not rolled up To beautify her form. Whene’er I die and go to heaven As all old bachelors do I will not have to grieve for fear My wife won’t get there too. LOCAL NEWS IN TABLOID —The Alleghany County Agricul tural Fair will be held here on Fri day and Saturday, October 6 ajid 7. Merchants in the county are coopera ting with the Fair Officials, and the Premium List will be about the same as that of last year. Arrange ments are being made to have a brass band here on Saturday of the Fair. It is hoped that folks will begin now to make preparations for the exhibits —No great amount of business was transacted by the Commissioners at their regular meeting here Mon day. A number of claims for various items were approved. —Mr. J. A. Carpenter, Assistant District Engineer for the State High way Commission, is in town making surveys for the Prison Camp to be located south of the Sparta ball park on the Eugene Transou land. The camp site comprises 30 acres of land on Bledsoe Creek. —Sheriff McMillan and H. D. Gen try have gone to Maryland to bring back a prisoner, according to local reports. However, a check with court house officials, revealed nothing in detail about their mission. No war rant has been issued here for any one in Maryland. Finishing touches are rapidly be nig put on the next court house. The steps for the stairs have a metal base which will be filled with con crete. As yet the concrete has not been poured. One visitor here Monday looked over the building and finally remarked, “I like the building all right, but the stairs are a powerful sight rough.” —Mayor Floyd Crouse and Clerk of Court A. F. Reeves went to Mor ganton on business Tuesday. - Last Saturday Henry Haven and Margaret Gross of Marion, Va., were married at the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. Stevg Pleasants of Winston Salem, .visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cheek Sunday. Mr. Earl Wagoner spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mrs. Horton Doughton and Mrs. Dew left for New York Monday to attend the marriage of their sister, Miss Henry Belk. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carson, of Ra leigh, spent the week-end at their summer home here. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ALLEGHANY COUNTY. Under and by virtue of a judgment and order of the Superior Court in an action entitled R. A. Crouch vs J. B. Bradley, being an action to foreclose certain tax sale certificates held by the plaintiff R. A. Crouch, I, the un dersigned Commissioner, will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door at Sparta, on Mon day, the 9th day of October, 1933 at one o’clock P. M., the following des cribed piece of land, to-wit: Lying and being in said county and State adjoining the lands of Sowell Woodruff, T. L. Harris and others and containing about six acres fully described in a certain deed from T.L. Harris and wife to J. B. Bradley, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany County in Book 34, Page 423, to which record reference is made for a specific description. This Sept. 5th, 1933. SIDNEY GAMBILL, Commissioner WHITEHEAD NEWS / Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hill and Mr. Estel Hill, of Princeton, W. Va., visited at W. M. Cleary’s over the week-end. The many friends of Boyd Caudill gathered at his home Sunday and gave him a surprise birthday din ner. Misses Hazel and Zora Joines spent Sunday with Misses Boyde and Jean, Cleary. Mrs. Will Joines and children, of Stratford, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Crouse and son, ol Bel Air, Md., are spending a few days with home folks. DON’T MISS THE — BEAUTY CONTEST — (Men dressed Like Women) Sparta High School SATURDAY NIGHT SEPT. 9 8:00 P. M. Admission, 10c Box Supper After Contest Every Person That Purchases— TABLETS from Our Store Has A CHANCE OF WIN NING A $1.50 Lunch Kid B. & T. DRUG COMPANY SPARTA, North Carolina Dalton Warren Hdtf. Co “Alleghny County’s Biggest Store” KEEPING Up a Sunny disposition” in times like these de pends a lot on wearing the right shoes . . . When you step out, feeling like you’re traveling on clouds . . . not a foot 111b oi pinch fiom Shoes that Fit Right, Look Right, and Wear even Better . . . Oh, Boy! It s so easy to smile. Our Smartly Styled Fall Oxfords Produce That Effect All Fall Stock of Goods is New and up-to-the-mmute in Style We have a Full Line of Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear and Piece Goods priced right. For Style, Comfort, and long-wearing qualities, pur chase your Fall Apparel from us. We have a Full Line of Hosiery and Shoes for Men, Women, and Children. Also a complete line of ETCHISON Hats for Men. We have a full line of School Supplies for schol children. Our prices are right. Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is stocked with a full line of Groceries—priced right for the Thrifty Buyer. BRING US YOUR PRODUCE—WE PAY TOP PRICES! Dalton Warren Hardware Company Sparta, North Carolina. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR YOUR PRODUCE! EXTRA DOLLARS in your pocket “wont make you made” in times like these, will it? So don’t sell until you’ve learned our attractive quotations. It pays to see us first! TO-DAY'S PRICES ON PRODUCE— - Chickens,..,.1 Oc to 13 Eggs, ... 20c. Potatoes, U. S. No. 1 .$1.00 Dried Fruit . 04c Butter...10c mithey’s ^The Place For Bar gains ” BUY YOUR SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT S M I T H E Y ’ S! SEE OUR LINE OF MEN'S HIGH TOPS FOR WINTER-WOW! HOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON SHOES — ; GOODS — READY-TO-WEAR — GRO CERIES, Etc., AT Sparta, N. C. NoncM^pi "Vi NORTH CAROLINA, XI ALLEGHANY COUNTY. In The Superior Court, Before The Clerk. Frank J. Ball, Plaintiff, vs A. V. Choate, Alex Ball, Kyle Ball, Lucy Ball, and Dan Ball, Defen dants. The non-residents of the defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court ol Alleghany County, North Carolina, being an action to declare the plain tiff the sole owner of certain funds in the hands of A. V. Choate, Guard ian of Frank J. Ball, Alex Bail, Kyle Ball, Lucy Ball and Dan Ball; and the said defendants will further re notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on oi before the 24th day of September, 1933, and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein, or the rellel demanded will be granted. This August 23, 1933. A. F. REEVES, Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE: NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Pauline Wright, Plantifif, vs Charles G. Wright, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alleghany County, to secure form the estate of he de fendant a reasonable subsistence and support for the plaintiff; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 25 day of September or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 21 day of August, 1933. A. F. REEVES, Clerk of Superior Court. notice" NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY. In the Superior Court—Before the Clerk. B. F. Wagoner, Administrator of Fields Wagoner, deceased, plaintiff, vs Flora McMillan and husband, Sam McMillan, Fields Harris, Raymond Harris, Mattie McMillan and Mary McMillan, defendants. Under and by virtue of judgment in the above entitled matter, I will offer for sale at public auction at the Court House door in Sparta on the 11th day of September, 1933, at 11 o’clock, A. M., the following described land: Situate in Piney Creek Township, said county and state, bounded and surrounded by the lands of Lennie Maxwell, Boyden Maxwell, J. M. Miles, Everett Wyatt and Fannie Barr, being the lands owned by Fields McMillan. Terms one-half cash on day of sale and balance on six months time. This August 10th, 1933. B. F. WAGONER, Commissioner and Administrator of Fields McMillan. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA, ALLEGHANY COUNTY Under and by virtue of a judgment and order of the Superior Court of Allghany County in a Special Pro ceeding entitled P. L. Choate, Ad ministrator of J. T. Lynch, vs Cleo patria Lynch et al., I’ the undersigned Commissioner, will on Saturday, Sep tember 23rd, 1933, at one o’clock P. M., sell at public auction at the court house door at Sparta, for cash, all the lands of the said J. T. Lynch, de ceased, except that tract containing about 10% acres allotted to Cleo patria Lynch as her dower. First tract: Known as the Dough ton place, adjoining the lands of Ben Lynch, Alex Gambill, Lon Me Reeves, Anders heirs and others, containing about 16 acres. Second tract: Containing about three acres, lying on the east side of the J. T. Lynch home place, adjoining the lands of John Havner, the dower land, and others. Third tract: Containing about six ncres, being the remainder of the said J. T. Lynch land, lying on the vest side of the place, and adjoining :he lands of Jim Reeves, Bert Shu nate, the dower land, and the Dough :on place. This the 23rd day of August, 1933. P. L. CHOATE, Commissioner Globe BATTERIES 12 MONTHS WRITTEN GUA RANTEE $4.50 to 5.90 Alleghany Motor Sales, Sparta, N. C.

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