fBtg Trade-In TIRE SALE ^re$lone GUM-DIPPED TIRES TROUBLE SAVINGS for Car Owners who buy now! Prices are going up—Don’t Delay—Equip your car TODAY and SAVE. thi MASTERPIECE or Tin CONSTRUCTION Firestone Tires are built with high stretch Gum-Dipped Cords. Every cotton fiber in every cord in every ply is saturated and coated with pure rubber. This extra Firestone process gives you 58% greater pro tection against blowouts. HIOH SKID rot tours met 4.75-19... 5.00- 19.» 5^5-18^. 5.50-19 Jir't r ■" ■ 6.00- 18 . 6.00- 19 H-D. 6^0-19 H.D. 7.00- 18 H.D. Other Sixes Proportionately Low Here is how you maKe a DOUBLE SAVING! First— you will get a liberal allow ance for your old tires—and second, you will save the amount of the next price increase which must come soon. It will be a long time in our opinion before you will be able to make such a tire saving again. Don’t risk your life and the lives of others on dangerously worn, smooth-tread tires, when we will give you a liberal trade-in allowance to apply on new Firestone High Speed Tires — the Safest Tires in the World. The NEW SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE Built to equal all first line standard brand tires in quality, construction and appearance, but lower in price—another Firestone achievement In saving money for car owners. I Ford Chevr 4.50 -21 S .10 Ford_\ Chen_l Ply m’h— | 4.75-19 / Nash_ Foes. 5.00-80 Buick Chevr Ford Nash Plym Bockne 5.25-18 7.55 :( 8.35 ) => 9.00 ’h( Other Size»Prop«tio«eW» Low 3 LINES of / T,RES m wi.h m TSre*fone y, NAME and * GUARANTEE ' 7» restone OLDFIELD TYPE Ford-. Chevrolet 4.50-81 ($0.30 Ford.. Chevrolet_ Plymo ’th... 4.75-19 6.70 Nash___ Essex 5.00-20 7.4S Buick... Chevrolet-f Ford Kockne_ 5.25-18 8.10 Auburn— Studeb’r.. 5.50-18 9.00 Other Sizes Proportionately Lew firestone SENTINEL TYPE Ford Chevrolet 4.50-81 $1.68 d..1 irrolet_V mo’th-1 4.75-19 1 Ford Chevrolet Ply mo 6.05 Nash_ Eseez_ 5.00-80 ; 0.70 Buick_ Chevrolet Ford_ Nash_ Plymouth — Rockne_ 5.85-1* 7.30 Other Sizes Proportionately Low Tirestone COURIER TYPE Ford -- 30x3V4 {Si-45 ford--"i . Chevrolet_— / JiWV 4.40-SI ; Ford.. Chevrolet_ 4.50-21 42S Ford_ Chevrolet_[ Ply mo 'th-1 4.75-19 4.65 Tire$ton* SPARK PLUGS We will teat your Spark Plugs FREE Tire$(ont BATTERIES and your old battwy We teit any make of Battery FREE. See Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires made in the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building at **A Century of ProgressChicago. Castevens Motor Co. Sparta North Carolina THE SPARTA GARAGE If ever a man had CONFIDENCE in himself that man was Columbus. Hedream ed of a new world beyond the horizon. And his fortitude plus self-confidence soon led to America’s discovery. CONFIDENCE! What a wonderful word? It’s a quality this Gar age seeks to merit from everybody in the County. —GILLETTE AND ATLAS TIRES— GENERAL REPAIRS POPULAR PRICES F. M. JOINES, Manager. SPARTA, NORTH CAROLINA l - Sell Your Livestock Thru The WYTHEVILLE LIVE STOCK MARKET LOCATED IN WYTHEHVII.LE, VA., Noar NAW. B.v. Depot SALE EVERY TUESDAY, AT 1:00 P. M. We will have a weekly market for all classes of livestock, cat tle, lambs, veal, calves and hogs. We have new stock pens, latest Fairbanks scales, and have plenty of room tinder shed to handle all classes of live stock. All stock must be in Pens before noon on the sale day in order that it may be weighed, graded and got ready for sale. Bring in '’your stock—we will have buyers for it All stock sold at auction. For further information phone 44 or call and see us. We sell everything Tuesday. WYTHEVILLE LIVE STOCK MARKET, Inc. PHONE 44. L. S. Hamilton, President TWIN OAKS Mack and Robert Joines of West Virginia, were visitors here last Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Herwig, of Ak ron, O., spent Saturday night at Ir win hotel. Mack Atwood and family were visiting in Fries Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gambill were visiting here Sunday. Twin Oaks and Sparta high school • teams crossed bats on Sparta dia-1 mond last Tueslday. The score was 15-4 in favor of Twin Oaks. Twin Oaks and Cherrylane will play on Sparta diamond Saturday i September 23rd at 3 o’clock. Every jody invited. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA ALLEGHANY COUNTY. Under and by virtue of an execu .ion issued out of the Superior Court of said County and State in favor of The Bank of Sparta as plaintiff and gainst A. Vance Choate as defen dant I will sell at public auction for jasli at the Courthouse door at Spar .a, to satisfy said execution, costs, and interests on Monday, Oct. 2nd, •:933, at one o’clock P. M. the follow .ig described rea estate to-wit: Lying and being in the town of Sparta, adjoining the lands of W. V. Blevins, W. E. Cox and others and known as the A. Vance Choate home stead land fully described in the aomestead returns which are duly recorded in the Office of the Registe. of Deeds of said County and State in Book-, Page-. This Sept. 2, 1933. r. b. mcmillan, Sheriff. SALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEES NORTH CAROLINA ALLEGHANY COUNTY By virtue of the authority contain ed in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned as trustees foi Edwin Duncan by Muncey E. FunV and wife Ruth E. Funk on Septem br 30, 1932, to secure the payment o five notes or bonds executed Sept. 30 1932 aggregating $16000.00 payable as follows: $1000.00 in 30 days; $2 000.00 in six months; $2,000.00 ir twelve months; $5,000.00 in two year; and $6000.00 in three years; said deec’ of trust conditioned that if said note. * were not paid, as when due, all o< them were to become due and pay able, which deed of trust is recordee in the office of the Register of Deed1 of Alleghany County in Mortgage Deed Book 17, pages 211, 212, and 213; the payment of the said note? according to maturity being in de fault, and demand having been made by the said Edwin Duncan, Trustee | for the sale of the lands conveyed in said deed of trust to the undersigned Trustees, we will offer for sale a< public auction, for cash, at the Court ! House door in Sparta, at one o’clock j P. M., on Monday, October 9th, 1933 the following tracts of land situate in said county: j FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a ( white oak on top of the ridge by an old path, running south 5 east on to] Louisa Crouse’s corner fence; ther of said ridge 106 poles to a stake ir north 81 east 19 poles to a stake at | said fence; south 36 east 7 poles t( la stake at said fence; then east with Louisa Crouse’s line 80 poles to a chestnut that was formerly Louist Crouse's land; thence north 11 pole; to a dog wood; thence north 68 east to a fence at an old field, J. P. Mox ley’s line; thence near north with said Moxley’s line from an ash, north 65 west 60 poles to a Sarvice; then north 10 east 18 poles to an old ap ple tree at the road; thence rather southeast with said old road or pass way to the beginning. SECOND TRACT: Lying on the waters of New River adjoining the lands of R. E. Hawthorne, J. P. Reeves, Emory Edwards, Chas. Pol lard, James Merian Edwards, Elmore Maines, J. P. Moxley, J. M. Dough ton and New River and known as the “Jesse Toliver land.” This August 28, 1933. T. C. Bowie and R. A. Doughton, Trustees. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ALLEGHANY COUNTY. Under and by virtue of a judgment and order of the Superior Court in an action entitled R. A.' Crouch vs J. B. Bradley, being an action to foreclose certain tax sale certificates held by the plaintiff R. A. Crouch, I, the un dersigned Commissioner, will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door at Sparta, on Mon day, the 9th day of October, 1933 at one o’clock P. M., the following des cribed piece of land, to-wit: Lying and being in said county and State adjoining the lands of Sowell Woodruff, T. L. Harris and others and containing about six acres fully described in a certain deed from T.L. Harris and wife to J. B. Bradley, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alleghany County in Book 34, Page 423, to which record reference is made for a specific description. This Sept. 5th, 1933. SIDNEY GAMBILL, Commissioner BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Rev. J. L. Underwood, Pastor Regular services will be held at Laurel Springs Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock by the pastor. A baptismal service will be conducted at the creek near the church at ten o’clock, preceding the preaching hour. The 135th annual session of the Mountain District Primitive Baptist Association will be held with the church at Piney Creek beginning Friday, September 22, 1933. METHODIST CHURC H C. W. Russell, Pastor There will be service Sunday at Cox’s Chapel at 11 A. M. Regular service Sunday afternoon at Potato Creek, 2:30 P. M. The fourth Quarterly Conference for the year will be held at Piney Creek next Thursday, Sept. 28th, at 11:00 A. M. We hope, especially, to see all the officers present at the; Conference, as we realize the impor- j tance of the fourth Conference. It is! hoped that not only the officials will be present, but let’s have a good crowd to hear Rev. Taylor, who has been selected to preside over the Conference. This Conference will be a rather -:ad one, as the face that always car ried a smile, will not be present to ireside. God had a greater work for him to do. The pastor and family wish to thank the splendid League workers at Potato Creek church for the nice contribution last week in provisions and money to be applied on the ap portionment for pastor. Let us not forget the Union Pray-. ar Meeting, to be held in one of the "•hurdles each week, on Wednesday evening at 7:30 P. M. The service was held at Sparta Methodist church his week. It will be held at the Mis :ionary Baptist church next Wednes lay evening. The services will not be engthy. Come and receive spiritual ood for your souls as we pray and mditate together. Winston-Salem Presbytery Meets At Glade Valley The Winston-Salem Presbytery met at Glade Valley Tuesday morning, 3eptemberl2th at 11 o’clock. The opening sermon was delivered by Rev. G VV. Robinson, retiring modera _or. The sermon was followed by Communionservice. Rev. D. H. Helm of Jefferson, was elected moderator and W. I. Howell, Jr., of Mocksville, was elected temporary clerk. Dinner was served in regular picnic jtyle by the Ladies Auxiliary and -he women of the community. On the church grounds and near -he tables the Glade Valley school had an exhibit of farm products, con sisting of 22 varieties of vegetables and six regular farm crops, which were grown by the boys on the school farm. There were nineteen ministers and ten elders in attendance. The afternoon session was taken ap with reports and a special meet ing on Religious Education, directed by Rev. W. T. Baker, of Winston-Sa lem. Miss Bowman, of Richmond, Va., made a very interesting talk on the training of children. The night session proved a popular meeting on Home Missions. Talks were made by Revs.J. R. McGregor, J. W\ Luke, and R. L. Berry. Mr. Ernest Milton showed moving pictures of Barium Springs Orphan age at the school auditorium that was enjoyed by all those that were present. Rev. R. H. Stone of West Jefferson, acted as Stated Clerk dur ing the sessions. WH1TEHEAD~NEWS Mrs. T. A. Edwards is right sick at this writing. Misses Alice and Boyde Cleary spent the week-end at J. S. Wago ner’s at Laurel Springs. Mrs. Floyd Billings, who has been right sick, is improving. Mrs. Salile Joines, who has been sick, is better at this writing. A large crowd attended Commun ion service at Pleasant Grove Sun day. The school here is going along nicely. BIRDS OF ALLEGHANY CO. THE NIGHTHAWK (By Claude J. Smith.) During eleven months of the year, I do not see the nighthawk, or “bull bat” except a few in May and June, but as Augst and meadowing roll around, I begin to look for this pe culiar bird. First sen about August 10, he is seen in numbers until mid September; a few are seen as late as October. This bird is usually seen after four o'clock in the afternoon, but sometimes is noticed in the mor ning. These birds are seen in count less numbers, flying to and fro, up ward, downward, or in circles— in fact, in every conceivable direction. The white patches under the wings tail, and on the throat may be plain ly sen as these birds fly overhead. This year they have not been as nu merous as they were in 1932; how F R E A GIFT FOR EVERY ($2.00) AND ($5.00) CUSTOMER • Dalton Warren Hardware Co. ALLEGHANY COUNTY’S BIGGEST STORE Weha ve a Full Line of HOSIERY for Men, Women, and Children Purchase your FALL APPAREL from us and be assured of Style, Quality and Comfort! A New Line of SUIT CASES, HAT BOXES, and WEEK-END BAGS, $1.25 to $3.50 A New Line of Ladies Dresses 98c. To $4.98 We Have A New Line of Ladies’ and Men’s HATS! / See us for SCHOOL SUPPLIES—and GROCERIES! BRING US YOUR PRODO^-" —WE PAY TOP PRICES! SPECIAL NOTICE ! With Each ($2.00) Purchase from This Store We Will Give a Useful Household Article With Each ($5.00) Purchase a More Useful Article Will be Given. There will be a Great Variety of These Articles so that you can choose to suit your taste. There is No Limit to the Number of Gifts Offered! These Gifts will be Offered Each SATURDAY! THESE GIFTS ARE OFFER ED WITH ALL PURCHASES EXCEPT GROCERIES! A Gift for every $2 and $5 purchase! V-. - - < Dalton Warren Hardware Company Sparta, - - North Carolina WE DO STORE 7:00 a.m. to 7: DAILY 7:00 a.m. to SATURDAY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has warned that prices and buy ing power must not become too widely separated if the nation is to continue on its march to recovery. WE ARE DOING OUR PART TO KEEP PRICES AT A REA SONABLE LEVEL ! SMITHEY’S STORE "THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS” We Are Working; To Save The Farmers Money On What They Buy. SPARTA GARAGE General Repairing Tires Tubes Accessories SPARTA SUPPLY — Dealers In — Feedstuff, Fertilizer, All Kinds of Hardware. Get Our Prices Before Buying. Irwin Bros. Barber Shop Shower Baths Pool Tables Sparta, N. C. CASTEVENS MOTOR CO. “Service that Satisfies” Sparta, N. C. D E E V E C 1V VARIETY STORE ° Complete Line of School * Supplies. DALTON WARREN HARDWARE CO. Alleghany County’s Biggest Store’ “A store where you can get everything under one roof.” ALLEGHANY MOTOR SALES QUAKER STATE STANDARD MOTOR OILS Sparta, N. C. JAY HARDIN General Merchandise And STAR BRAND Solid Leather SHOES. SPARTA DRY CLEANING “ITS WISE TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES NEAT” Why not let us do your Dry Cleaning For You? SPARTA CAFE Ulus Irwin, Prop. SANDWICHES COLD DRINKS ICE CREAM SPARTA, N. C. CASH fee CARRY STORE FULL LINE GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS, FEEDS FERTILIZER SPARTA, N. C. I BUY AT HOME! HELP NATIONAL RECOVERY I PATRONIZE NRA MERCHANTSLISTED ABOVE f ever, I saw 4678 (estimated) on Sep tember. They have also flown higher this year than previously. On Au gust 20, 1932, I estimated 14000 of these birds; they were flying unus ually low, a considerable part being less than 6 feet from the ground. This bird’s breeding range is from Florida to Labrador, but they do not nest in the county. This bird is ten niches long, but because of the long wings appears much larger. The fe male does not have the white patch on throat or tail. It is marvelous liowthis bird, laying as it does, but two eggs, can be so numerous. I truly nope it will'continue to be more nu merous each year. SPECIAL NOTICE Therewi II be a meting of the Dry Forces of Alleghany County in the Court House at 2:00 P. M. Thursday, September 28, for the purpose of se lecting a candidate for delegate to the State Convention. DALTON WAKKEN, Chm. I LIKE THIS BETTER FLAVOR! I didn't smoke camels at first. LATER, I DISCOVERED THAT I LIKE0 CAMELS BETTER.THEY HAVE A MILD, RICH FLAVOR THAT IS DELIGHTFUL. AND THEY OONY GET ON MY NERVES. M CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS Metier yetouyour Tlervet../Metier 1Zre yourTaite

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