lUMItlMiMIIIIMtlUUIINUHIIIIHIMIMIIIIIHIIMUIMII gj THE ALLEGHANY TIMES N *1.00 PER YEAR— ! CASH IN ADVANCE THE ALLEGHANY TIMES Qaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|p ADVERTISE IN THE ALLEGHANY TIMES —YOUR HOME PAPER— DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES § «n»unMiinnuimmmmmtninnnminmuiiuinini«nnfo} VOL 9. ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1933. No. 20. United Dry Forces Of State Expect Victory November 7 Director Burgess States That N. C. Citizens Do Not Want Repeal. RALEIGH, SEPT. 26—Announce ment has ben made here by Cale K. Burgess, campaign director of the United Dry Forces, that the tide sweeping toward victory for the dry cause is mounting higher and higher with every report from the field. “Nearly all of the counties,” said Mr. Burgess, “are now well organized —some of them having set to work on their own iniative and are now going full speed ahead under their own steam. Fifteen counties complet ed organization during the week end ing September 14. Every precinct has a committee with a chairman. In many counties, every church has a special committee at work. In one of the large counties of the State, more than sixty churches have such com mittees. “The fighting spirit of our people,” continued Mr. Burgess, “is aroused to a high pitch. As the thoughtful men and women of North Carolina con template what the repeal of our pro hibition laws would mean in our State they are redoubling their efforts to carry the election November 7th. A Little Money Goes A Long Way “It is astonishing," declared Mr. Burgess, “how so much has been ac complished with so little money. There is but one explanation: The people of North Carolina do not want the curse of the liquor traffic to come back, and they need only to be arous ed to the voting point in order to prevent its return. We have no pat ronage to dispense and are making no levies; we have no way of raising campaign funds except through vol untary contributions from our own people. “From an eastern county comes a contribution with a message like this: “I am doing all I can to line up our people against this curse. Please use enclosed check as you see fit in order to keep leglaized liquor out of North Carolina.” “From the western part of the state comes a contribution from a good woman: “I enclose a small sum campaign against repeal, or of the state is at ter comes this volun contribution: “When a dollar to your hands, I that it will go for what I in tend it to, and I am enclosing my check for $25. It would give me joy if the Old North State would roll up a good majority for prohibition, what ever the other forty-seven may do. My prayers and contribution are with you.’ “The Junior Phalanx of Wake County hit upon the plan of having stamp showers in various localities, sending the postage stamps to State Headquqarters for use in mailing out letters and literature. This is a great help.” “From many quarters come expres sions of great satisfaction that the people at last have an oportunity to express themselves on this prohibi tion question separate and apart from other issues. Many of our people Id positions by virtue of govern ent or party appointment and are v glad of an opportunity to vote their ibnscientious convictions in straight fashion From another man holding a pub office, this expression came: ‘There nine voters in my family. There re nine Democratic votes cast by family in the election last fall and there will be nine prohibition cast against repeal the 7th of vember.’ ging to Reach Every Precinct "A number of counties have alrea dy selected their candidates to be voted for November 7, and petitions are now being circulated in order to nominate them. In one county more than 2,000 names above the number of signers required have been placed upon the petitions and they were still signing the last I heard from them. “The Speakers’ Bureau has now on file around 200 men and women, laymen and preachers, who have of fered to speak. Through the county organizations speaking engagements are now being arranged. Before elec tion day, we hope, every community will have had the Dry cause present ed not once but several times by able speakers.’’ TROUBLES A crowd of troubles passed him by As he with courage waited; He said, "Where do your troubles fly When you are thus belated?” "We go,” they said, “to those who mope, Who look on life dejected; Who weakly say good-bye to hope— jf We go where we’re expected.” —Author unknown to us. CONGRESSMAN DOUGHTON SILENT ON STATE JOB Shows Little Concern To What Local Backers Are Prompting. Congressman R. L. Doughton has filled numerous speaking en gamements in this section of the State recently. Last Saturday he spoke at the annual Grassy Creek Community Fair. On Thursday of this week he speaks at Morgan ton on the National Recovery Act. He speaks again on Saturday, September 29, at the Farmers’ Field Day at Clif ton, N. C. When queried as to the possi bility of his becoming a candidate for Governor in 1936, Congress man Doughton said that the time was too far away to be making plans, and that if a person had too many plans he wouldn’t do well at any one of them. Mr. Doughton will be a candidate for member of Congress from this District again. Many of his friends feel that the governorship of the State would not be suffici entinducemqpt for him to leave the high place he has attained in national affairs at Washing ton. RELIEF EXPENDITURES FOR N.C. SHOW DECREASE RALEIGH, SEPT. 22—Total relief expenditures in North Carolina dur ing the month of August were $502, 624.84, Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, relief administrator, said today. This repre sents a decrease of 14 per cent below the $585,665 spent during July. Only $49,325 of this sum, or 9.8 per cent, was provided from local public funds, the remaining $453,250 being Federal money. The expenditures for August repre sent a decrease of approximately 62 per cent as compared with the ex penditures for March which was the high month of last winter. The total outlay for March was $1,323,346. The per family, expenditure in North Carolina during August was $9.05 as compared with $8.87 during July. The total amount of relief expendi tures for August, for Alleghany coun ty was $1,323. GLADE VALLEY NEWS Miss Thelma Smith, Mt. Airy, N. C., and Elbert Lewellyn, Winston Salm, N. C., entered high school here Tuesday of this wek. The Young People of the Glade Valley church presented an interest ing program last Sunday night on the subject of “Music in Worship.” Spe cial features of the meeting were reports from the Davidson conference which was held in June. Following the program Rev. O. W. Marshall delivered an interesting sermon. The Arthur Walker Literary So ciety gave the regular program last Saturday night and following the pro gram Miss Margaret Dowdie gave a lecture on her trip to the “Cen tury of Progress” in Chicago. The lecture was very instructive and im pressive. E. B. Eldridge attended the meet ing of Orange Presbytery which con vened in Greensboro, N. C., Sept. 26. A report of the Glade Valley high school was given by Supt. Eldridge. The school is owned and controlled by Orange and Winston-Salem Pres byteries. WHITEHEAD NEWS (By Boyd Cleary.) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Richardson are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. J. R. Rector is slowly im proving from a recent operation. Misses Hazel and Zora Joines and Boyde Cleary spent aSturday night at Lester Waddell’s. Mrs. Gwynn Truitt, of Vox, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reeves and family and Rev. Monroe Dillard, oi North Wilkesboro, took dinner at W M. Cleary’s Sunday. Mrs. Syatha Brinegar is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs Daniel Cleary. SPECIAL NOTICE! There will be a meeting of the Dr) Forces of Alleghany County in the Court House at 1:00 P. M. Friday Sept. 29, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for delegate to the State Convention. DALTON WARREN, Chinn NO “PORK BARREL” IN | WORKS PROJECT Sec. Ickes Points to Elaborate ' Safeguards Thrown Around Spending Plan. New York, Sept. 19—There’s to be no pork barrel money in the $3,300, , 000,000 public works expenditures de ! dares Secretary of the Interior Har old L. Ickes in a signed statement published in the American Magazine. There’s going to be a “check and double check” system that’s going to squeeze out all the old-fashioned grab-bag boysy, and even the admin istrative expenses are going to be kept down to a “fraction of one per cent.” Here are a few of Secretary Ickes observations on the subject: “Every citizen has the right to ask whether these $3,300,000,000 consti tute a pork barrel. Are powerful lo cal politicians to be allowed to build palatial post offices in crossroads vil lages ? Are Democrats to be preferred to Republicans? Are contracts to be shot through with graft and profit eering ? “I can answer simply by saying that if the President had intended to use this money for partisan pur poses he would have permitted Con gress to apportion it in the public works bill according to the old sys tem. And he would not have appoint ed any Republican on the state ad visory boards. Nor would he have ap proved the elaborate system of safe guards which we have thrown around our spending plan to minimize waste, graft and political influence. “These safeguards already have proved invaluable in withstanding the deluge of pleas for funds which have descended upon us from individuals and communities ever since I took office as administrator. Huge as the appropriation is, if we were to act without investigation upon all the suggestions and requests that have been made to us, we could allot it all in one month. The pressure from lo cal communities is tremendous. Dele gations of politicians, business men, contractors and leading citizens have laid seige to our offices in person, by mail, by telephone and telegraph. Among the plea:; for special favors which we have received, one of the most curious has been the attempt cf certain private businesses to snug gle under the wing of the public works benefits on the pretext that theirs is a municipal project; It us ually takes this form: “A delegation comes in and says: ‘We represent the city of Soandso. Our city wants to build a tobacco (or cheese, or lumber, or candy) fac tory. It will give work to our unem ployed and be a fine thing for the city.’ “We ask: ‘Does the city, itself, in tend to operate this factory?’ “Then there is a pause. ‘No,’ says the leader of the delegation. ‘The city intends to lease it out to some experts qualified in that business.’ “Of course, we have no authority to lend for such purposes. “In one large city the aldermen sat down one afternoon to decide what their city needed from the pub lic works fund. Each solon put for ward his pet project. When they add ed up the total they found that they must have $420,000,000 right away. This is a sample of the generous ideas which prevail among many local poli ticians. “A persistant correspondent urges us to commission 10,000 men, at $1, 000 a year each, to eliminate snakes from this country. The cost of these modern St. Patricks would be a mod est $10,000,000 a year. “Of all the ideas for spending mo ney, the most original came from a prominent mathematician, who sug gested that we set aside $100,000,000 to finance a round-trip passenger carrying rocket to the moon. “But it is in awarding funds to the various states, as well as in appor (MORE ON PAGE FOUR) CLAUDE MILES AP POINTED ATTENDANCE OFFICER FOR COUNTY - I Board To Receive Bids For School Fuel. Provision has been made by the County Board of Education for re ceiving bids for the supply of fuel for the various elementary schools of the County for the tight months term and the money has been allotted for this purpose. The cost of fuel for the one-room schools must not exceed $12 for the whole term, and the cost of fuel for the two teacher schools must not exceed $20 for the same term. The allotments for Sparta and Piney Creek are same amounts as allotted last year. Mr. Claude Miles has been appoint ed by the Board of Education to act as assistant Attendance officer for the schools of Alleghany, and the Board of Education has directed the County Superintendent of Schools to require all principals to supply week ly attendance reports as the law di rects. The State law requires all children between the ages of 7 and 14 to attend school continuously the whole eight months term unless they have previously finished the 7th grade or have a legal excuse for non-atten dance. It is expected that a delegation from Alleghany County will visit Ra leigh this week in the interest of working out a transportation pro gram for the schools of the county. ALLEGHANY RELIEF AIDS 216 FAMILIES IN AUGUST RALEIGH, SEPT. 20—A decrease of 14 per cent in the number of North Carolina families receiving relief dur ing August as compared with July was revealed today by Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, relief administrator. The number aided during August was 56, 680 as compared with 66,025 during July. The number aided was the smallest of any month since Federal relief funds first became available in Octo ber, 1932. During that month 56,928 families were aided and the number has been higher ever since until in August. The relief load for August represents a decrease of 60 per cent as compared with the peak load of 164,000 during last March. Approximately one-third of these families, or 21,395, were given aid by means of payment for work done on work relief projects. Direct relief was given 41,909 families. It was ex plained that the discrepancy between these two sums and the total number of families aided was due to the fact that in some instances families must be given direct relief in addition to such sums as the head of the family earns from work projects. The total number of families aided in Alleghany county during August was 216. ANTIOCH CHURCH REUNION The fifth annual reunion and picnic will be held at Antioch church, near Roaring Gap, from 10 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. the second Sunday in October, At 10 A. M. there will be a song service, after which Rev. G.W. Miles will preach. Dinner will be spread on the grounds at 12 o’clock. The service will continue at 1 P. M. with short talks by the committee: C. W. Smith, A. M. Gentry, T. S. Byan, W. M. Roberts, and others, ex plaining the objects of the meeting. At 2 P. M. Prof. Z. H. Dixon, of El kin, will address the congregation. The public is invited to attend, bringing well-filled baskets for the dinner. Little boy calling father at office): “Hello, who is this?” Father (recognizing son’s voice): "The smartest man in the world.” Little boy: “Pardon me, I got the wrong number.” JUDGE CLEMENT OPENS SUPERIOR COURT HERE MONDAY Stresses Need For Obedience Of Laws on Statute Books. Judge J. H. Clement, of Winston Salem, opened court here at 10:00 o’clock Monday morning. In clear and forceful language he stated the pur pose of all laws and defined the pur pose of a court. “A law is a rule by which people govern themselves. New conditions bring about the necessity 1 for new laws,” stated the Judge. In his charge to the grand jury Judge Clement used clear and simple illustrations to drive home the points he wished to make. “When a law is placed on the statute books, it is the duty of every citizen to abide by that law,” he stated. “If the laws were not on the statute books, good citizens would conduct themselves according to the best rules of conduct. You positively cannot have a government without law.” He asked the grand jury to investi gate the cases and find if laws had been broken. He also asked them to ascertain the condition of County property and report their findings to the court. Judge Clement has made a fine impression on our people by his fair and impartial manner in summariz ing the evidence of cases and his busi ness-like dispatch of court work. AMERICAN LEGION PUNS RE-ENROLLMENT DRIVE Plans for the statewide Early Re enrollment Campaign have been mail ed to all the incomingand outgoing Post Commanders, adjutants, finance officers, district commanders, district vice commanders and department officials of the Legion. The 1934 membership supplies have been sent to all the incoming post adjutants. The purpose of the statewide Ear ly Re-enrollment Campaign is to honor all outgoing and incoming Post, District and Department Offi cials; to give proper recognition to all Legion Posts successfully coopera ting in this campaign of campaigns; and to present to that grand ole fighting and hard-working Legion naire, Department Commander-elect Tom C. Daniels, a paid-up re-enroll ment of at least fifty per cent for 1934, at the time of his public instal lation in New Bern, N. C., October 23, 1933. The plans call for the immediate installation of all the incoming Post officials in the Legion Posts which have not already installed their newly elected officials for the coming year. The newly elected Post Adjutant ha.^ been urged to personally see that one of those new statements or notices to all Legionnaires that Legion dues for 1934 are due on Oct. 20, 1933, is placed into the hands of every former member at his earliest possible con venience. These new “Dues Slips” (as they are often called) contain verba tim the “Ten Reasons for Joining the American Legion” exactly as those reasons appeared on one page of the endar of Activities for 1932-333 which Legion’s Program of Progress or Cal was last year sent out to all the Post officials of the Legion in North Caro lina, immediately following the in stallation of Department Comman der Bryce P. Beard. More than a mil lion of these new “Dues Slips” have been printed and distributed by the National organization for member ship work this fall in all departments (states) of the Legion, the outgoing Post Commander of Under those plans mentioned above each Legion Poot in the State is ex pected to personally see that all of the Post officials who served with him renew their membership for 1931 between now and October 1, 1923. The incoming Post Commander, un der those plans, is likewise responsi ble to personally see that all the in coming Post officials who are to serve with him this coming year re new their membership between now and October 1, 1933. The above is for the first lap of the Early Re-enroll ment Campaign. Record of Superior Court Proceedings As The Times goes to press this week only a part of the cases reached and disposed of are available at this time. Approximately twenty criminal cases have been tried up until Wed nesday, however sentence had not been imposed in these cases. A com plete record of these cases and the verdict will be published in next week’s paper. The following is a part of the criminal docket that has been tried and sentences passed: State vs W. G. Hester and R. V. Burgess, nol pros with leave. State vs Frank Hodge; the jury failing to agree. Juror withdrawn 1 and mistrial ordered. State vs Herbert Galespie and Dwaine Ward, prayer for judgment continued for period of two years, both defendants in this case to pay a fine of $25 and the costs. State vs Robert McCoin, assault and larceny of a turkeyH»P days for assault, and 60 days foc—larceny, on the county roads. State vs Troy Fortner, non-sup port, manufacturing liquor, and lar ceny, two years and eight months on the county roads. State vs Roy Poole, larceny of chickens, sentence suspended for two years, defendant to pay court costs. State vs Lee Royl, assault, defen dant to pay costs or go to the roads for 60 days, capias to issue in 60 days. I State vs Otis Mabe, assault on a female, 12 months on the roads. State vs Bill Todd, larceny, 18 months on roads. State vs Folgier Wagoner, assault and carrying' concealed weapon. W hen this case reached the jury Tuesday afternoon a mistrial was ordered, owing to a member of the jury trying the case being one of Wagoner’s bondsmen. The criminal docket, however un usually heavy since this is the first I court for this county in twelve months, will probably be cleaned up by today (Thursday) and the civil docket will occupy the remainder of the week. Tentative Program of Fair Officially Announced MT. AIRY BAND TO FEATURE AT ALLEGHANY AGRICULTURAL FAIR Ball Game And Other Events Arranged For Saturday Friday, October 6th Start taking in Entries at 8:00 A. M., Friday. Products will be judged at 2:00 P. M. High School Play, “Two Days To Marry,”—8:00 . P. M. Saturday, October 7th Parade led by Mt. Airy Band, 9:30 A. M. Athletic Contests between Schools start at 10:00 A. M., at Ball Park. Baseball Game at 1:00 o’clock. Ladies and Gentlemen Riding Contest at 3:00 P. M. Horse and Mule Races at 4:00 P. M. Fair officials were very much pleased when they learned they were able to secure the Mt. Airy High School Band, consisting of 33 pieces picked out of 65. The band will lead the parade Saturday morning at 9:30 and will play for the Athletic Con tests at the ball park Saturday morning, and at the ball game and races Saturday afternoon. The band comes highly recom mended, as it has just complet ed a week at the Great Wilkes Fair. COUNTY TEACHERS TO MEET ON DAY OF FAIR There will be a county-wide meet ing of teachers in the Office of the County Superintendent in Sparta on Saturday, October 7th, at 9:00 A. M. All teachers are requested to be there at the appointed hour. The program of the meeting follows: 1. Roll cal at 9 A. M. sharp. 2. Distribution of blank contracts and forms for all teachers. 3. Distribution of certain instruc tional supplies—not granted to any teacher unless present to receive same in person. 4. Bring weekly and monthly re ports. 5. Schools participate in athletic contests. 6. Mr. G. N. Evans, member of the Board of Education, will have at Sparta window glass and stove pipe for various schoolhouses. Please note that the rol call will be promptly at 9 A. M. Be on time. Principals are required by law tr make weekly reports. This will U enforced by order of the Board o Education. Please give this request your attention and make your re ports promptly at the end of each week after the first month. JOHN M. OHEEK, Co. Supt. SPARTA FOLKS IN ATTEN ANCE AT GALAX, VA., FAIR Those attending the Galax Fail from Sparta last week were: Dr. am. Mrs. T. R. Burgiss, Mr. and Mrs Bryan Collins, Dr. and Mrs. C. A Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gam bill, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bledsoe, Mr. am Mrs. T. K. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Waltei Irwin and family, Mr. and Mrs. R.S Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Winkler, Mr. am Mrs. Walter Osborne and family, Mr and Mrs. Claude Miles, Mr. and Mrs Rex Mitchell and family, Mr. am Mrs. Glenn Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. A P. Edwards and family, Mrs. Oscai Wagoner and son, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Choate and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Evans and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rector, Misses Maxine and Rose Ri chardson, Mary Ennis, Maggie, Thel ma, and Virginia Osborne, Doris Hac kler, Mary Cecil Higgins, Susie Os borne, Rose Fender, Eva Rector, Ma rie Perry, Mildred Taylor, Hazel Bur chette, Imogene Miles, Alma Caudill ar.d Marie Edwards, Messrs. Graham Myers, Julius Womble, Willie Halsey, Burton McCann, Ray Choate, James Doughton, Preston Reeves, O. Fowler, Joe Doughton, Ben Reeves, Sam Ri chardson, Bower Hoppers, Ulus Ir win, Page Higgins, Talmadge Ed wards and Herman Hudson JUST A SMILE OR TWO— The Sunday School lesson was from 2 Kings 22 and read: “Joshua was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty and one years in Jerusalem.” On telling about the lesson to his mother, Paul, aged six, said: “The lesson was about a rood rain, and there was a little boy named Josiah, and it began to rain when he was eight and when he was 1 thirty-one it was still drizzling. SIXTY MILLIONS TO BE ASKED OF CON GRESS FOR SCHOOLS State superintendents and commis sioners of public schools who met in Washington, D. C., on September 15 and 16, on call of U. S. Commissioner of Education George F. Zook, and Dr. Charles A. Lee, State Superintendent of Missouri and president of the Na tional Council of Superintendents and Commissioners of Education, are alarmed over what they call “educa tion’s worst crisis.” Based on their deliberations, they are preparing to ask Congress for a special emergency appropriation of upwards of $60,000, 000. At the conclusion of the session four committees which had been nam ed by the council began immediately to prepare data bearing on the situa tion. The most important is the com mittee on Federal Relations which is headed by Superintendent Sidney B. Hall, of Virginia. Dr. Lee, selected to head the State Superintendents and Commissioners during the ensuing year, said, in part: "The opinion is pretty general that the Government must extend aid to free education in its crisis. My own opinion is that this appropriation need not exceed $50,000,000 to $60, 000,000. ‘‘The crisis faced by the public schools this winter is the worst in the history. While the NRA has released from day labor an estimated 100,000 boys and girls of school age, the schools have been pinched to such an extent that there will be 80,000 fewer teachers at their desks this winter than last. The 1,000,000 teachers on the job will be forced to take an av erage of 20 per cent reduction in pay, and as high as 60 per cent in some communities.” Continuing, Superintendent Lee stated that the schools in New Eng land and the Far West have not been so badly hit, but the conditions in the South are terrible. There, he said, whole counties have shortened their terms to three, four and five months. Unpaid warrants of teachers total $40,000,000. In some communities of the Middle West high schools have been put on a tuition basis and public school -eachers will receive less than $400 >er year during the ensuing year. In communities of the South teach ers will draw $35 per month this year, which is less than the day la- 1 borer gets under the NRA, Dr. Lee declared. ! JOHNSON TO URGE HUGE BUYING CAMPAIGN UNDER BLUE EAGLE WASHINGTON, SEPT. 24— New stimili to keep the NRA linked close *y with President Roosevelt's credit expansion plans were being studied tonight by Hugh S. Johnson, the re covery administrator. Confined to his apartment for three days with an infection, Johnson was reported to have canvassed thorough ly every phase of the campaign for industrial stability. He expects to return to his desk tomorrow, and, as one of the early moves, to call for a gigantic buying campaign under the Blue Eagle to - support employers in their efforts to raise wages and increase employment. This appeal to the country to buy to the limit of prudent needs” has been promised industry by the ad ministrator, but it has been delayed until he believed the time opportune. Officials indicated the plea for greater consumption would go out about October 1, and by that time Johnson hopes to have the important retail code promulgated. DOUGHTON APPOINTED TO NATIONALTAX BODY ('ov- FI- A. Dough ton has been ap pointed by Governor Ehringhaus as one of the five delegates to represent North Carolina at the 26th conference of the National Tax Association at Phoenix, Ariz., October 16 to 20. At the present time Gov. Doughton does not know whether he shall be able to attend the meeting. The other delegates are: Revenue Commissioner A. J. Maxwell, Harry McMullan of the revenue department, Senator Grady Rankin, of Gastonia, and Willis Smith, former legislator of Raleigh.