THE ALLEGHANY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.00 Per Year Published Every Thursday Entered as Second-class matter at the Post-office in Sparta, N. C. ERWIN D. STEPHENS, . . .. Editor THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1933. UNCLE SAM HAS— —aided the industrial workers. —put the unemployed to work, —aided the cotton farmer, —befriended the tobacco farmer, —helped the wheat farmer, —relieved the burdened home own er. —assisted the hog producers. BUT— —what we want to know is: When is Uncle Sam going to help the cattle raisers? Cattle prices are extremely low, the lowest they have been in years, and there seems to be no immediate prospect of better prices. It is said that the big cattle producers of the West refused to co operate with the government in a processing tax. That may be true, but the farmers of Western North Caro lina should not be penalized on that account. In many instances our far mers are being offered less for prime beef cattle than they paid for the calves. One man was offered $35 for a calf two years ago, but he kept the animal and fed it till now it weighs 1000 pounds, and he can get only $30 for it. We do not like to be a calamity howler, but with commodity prices advancing sharply and cattle, accord ing to government reports, at the lowest price level in 25 years, pros pects are discouraging to our cattle farmerk Something should be done NOW. THE DOCTOR'S STAND Mt. Airy Times. The recent action of the medical society of Harnett County, Georgia, by which it was agreed among ^ the doctors there that patients who owe back accounts and do not pay them, will have to make settlement or pay cash in advance before any additional calls are made, is receiving wide edi torial treatment on the part of the national press. The reaction of the press is sympathetic toward the doc tors. The predicament of the doctors with their sorry collections is fami liar enough. It is a known fact that a great many people, particularly among the working class, treat the charges of a physician with the at titude that it is the last obligation to be paid. Like the old saying, the pa tients owe the doctors a lifetime rath er than beat them out of it—the debts are frequently settled by death. The doctor has bills to meet, ex penses to be paid, just the same as anyone else. In the first place, he has the expense of his years of training. Few people realize that it takes eight to twelve years after leaving high school before a doctor begins earning Medical training is by no means in expensive either. And it seems a little too unjust to expect that great tribe of mercy ministers to ride day and night, keep vigil over the sick for hours, rack their brains to determine the best method of approach to cur ing a disease, live respectably in the community where they practice—and then see thousands of uncollectable dollars on their books while they are literally swamped with debts they owe for supplies and services to aid them in their practice. Some four or five months ago The Times editorially took notice of this situation of the doctors. It is the small town doctor, the rural physi cian, who suffers hardest. Unlike the city specialist, he does not have the good fortune to have a large group of patients who are ready and able to pay large fees. The country doc tor is fortunate to have a few good paying patients and has to depend upon the fairness and consideration of a large group of people who are seldom able to pay promptly. WHAT A GLORIOUS IDEAL The late Washington Gladden ex pressed his gTeat aim in the follow ing remarkable statement: “One thing I am resolved upon: I will not be a sponge or a parasite: I will give an honest equivalent for what I get. I want no man’s money for which I haven’t rendered a full return. I want no wages that I have n’t earned. If I work for any man or any company or any institution, I will render a full, ample, generous service. If I work for the city or the state or the nation, it will have my best thought, my best effort, my most conscientious and efficient endeavor. No man, no body of men shall ever be made poorer by their dealings with me. If I can give a little more than I get everytime, in that shall be my happiness. The great commonwealth of human society shall not be loser through me. I will take good care to put into the common fund more than I take out.” Who is able for these things when the supreme desire of multitudes is not to give but to get; when men who work for city, state or nation keep an eye first, last and all the time, not on service, but salary; when the short cut to easy money is the consuming desire of so many. Why be a sponge or parasite, when every man and woman should ‘give an honest equi FOR GOVERNOR. (From The Statesville Record.) That Hon. R. L. Doughton will be a candidate for Governor, next term, is not only a possibility but a proba bility. Not that “Farmer Bob” is pes tering himself about it, because there is nothing to indicate that he is seek ing the honor. Occupying one of the highest places in the United States Congress, (chairman of the important ways and means committee) and placed there because of his ability and long service in that body, Con gressman Doughton would, in a mea- { sure, be stepping down and not up in offering for the governorship. But whether he wishes it or not, there is definite current of sentiment in the state to draft him for the place, and if the demand is insistent, it is our notion that Mr. Doughton will accept the nomination. And what a governor he would make! Mr. Doughton’s more than twenty years of service in the national con gress have not been spectacular, he it I not the spectacular kind, but they have been filled with an untiring ef fort to meet the needs of the people of his district, not forgetting the needs of the nation. It is not claimed for him that he is a silver-tongued orator, of which, heaven knows, there are already toe many in public life today, but when he addresses the speaker of the house his colleagues know that he has some thing to say that will bear listening to, and they have no trouble under standing his language. He is neither a pussy-footer nor an opportunist. He arrives at his conclusions only after hard study and diligent consideration of all factors involved, but when he charts his course, he knows jolly well where he is headed and the people of his district, while not always agreeing with him at first, have found him a safe and sane leader to follow. Bob Doughton is a statesman of the old school who is not unacquainted with mid-night oil. His record in Con gress has been made possible only by long hours of brain toil and physical energy. What citizen in his district can point to a single letter unan swered by return mail? Mr. Dough ton instills into his clerical help the same urge to give full service, that saturates his own soul. It is not too much to say that North Carolina neds that kind of man in the governor’s chair: a man who by his own initiative and energy will inject these qualities into others who are supposed to be serving the people of the state. It is hoped here that the demand for this candidacy for governor will be so pronounced that “Farmer Bob’’ will not turn it down. The American home shortage con tinues to grow, according to govern ment and other statistics of a relia able nature. In the decade between 1920 and 1930 the country added a total of 5, 600,000 families to its population. The need for new housing during that decade was approximately equal to the number of families added. In ad dition, a certain number of homes were destroyed by fire, obsolescence and so forth—a number which is pla ced at the conservative figure of 250 GOO for the decade. Normal building, therefore, should have provided for about 5,850,000 families during the ten-year period. The total number of families pro vided with new housing in 257 cities surveyedduringt he decade, was 3, 616,000 . These 257 cities accounted for 70.8 per cent of all residential building. On that basis, the gross of new homes built in the entire coun try was 5,180,000, leaving us with a shortage of 698,000 homes when we entered the year 1931. And now it is reliably estimated that the shortage has reached 1,350,000. What all this leads to is that we are on the eve of tremendous expan sion in residential building. As recov ery gets under way, and men go back to work, hundreds of thousands of American families are going to re place old homes with new ones, or move from rented quarters into homes of their own. Construction prices of all kinds are going to soar —and we will look back on 1933 as ■ the year when almost inconceivable building bargains were offered to us. It’s time to build! During recent weeks there has been observable a slight let-down in gener al business. It’s nothing to get excit ed about, however, and is much less intense than the customary seasonal drop. Best late progress has been made in promoting employment, due both to increased industrial activity and the N. R. A. drive. Secretary of Labor Perkins announced that 1,100 000 industrial workers obtained jobs between March 1 and the middle o': August. Four-hundred-thousand new factory jobs appeared in July. Du> - ing May and June the number of families rec ng public 'rity ^ 1 per fron. 4,222,000 to 3 7 '". ,;uU EwrJ ploymenl is about 21 pci cent great, r i now thai — st year at t'.ie timer IrJ- j major in ! .roup to show de crease is tobacco manufacturers! The last. JUTvvy of current busi ness issued by the Department of Commerce, which details conditions into the first three weeks of July, is very encouraging. Prices have con tinued to move upward. Foreign trades howed a substantial increase. Freight car loadings, on the whole, expanded steadily. Automobile produc tion continued its contraseasonal rise. ■ • ” . . 'ft in ui- ci, co, Of all the ways in which tobacco is used the cigarette is the mildest form YOU know, ever since the Indians found out the pleasure of smoking to bacco, there have been many ways of enjoying it. But of all the ways in which tobacco is used, the cigarette is the mildest form. Another thing—cigarettes are about the most conve nient smoke. All, you have to do is strike a match. Everything that money can buy and everything that science knows about is used to make Chesterfields. The right home-grown tobaccos—seasoned with just enough aromatic Turkish — are blended and cross blended the Chesterfield way. Then the cigarettes are made right —firm, well filled. Chesterfield uses the right kind of pure cigarette paper. There are other good ciga rettes, of course, but Chest erfield is the cigarette that’s milder, the cigarette that tastes better. Chesterfields satisfy— we ask you to try them. © 1933. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (Chesterfield the cigarette that’s MILDER the cigarette that TASTES BETTER BIRDS OF ALLEGHANY CO. SPARROW HAWK HABITS (By Claude J. Smith.) It is a balmy March day. The warm south breeze is boliwng and migrants are just beginning to arrive from their winter home. The sky is cloud less. As I wander aimlessly thru the wood and pastures I hear the red eyed vireo, brown thrasher, fox spar rows, and another or two of the ad vance guard of migrants. I am watch ing a flock of fox sparrows, when I hear a rapidly repeated call noted overhead. Looking up I see that the sparrow hawk has also arrived from the southern states to be with us until November. I believe that this is the best known and most beautiful of our hawks; it is only 10 1—2 inches in length. Their flight is distinctive being a few wing beats and a short sail, alternately. This is a beneficial hawk, feeding on grasshoppers and mice, with only rarely a small bird or chicken. Deserted flicker and other holes are used for nesting cavities. The eggs are laid on the bare wood; they are cream colored, finely sprin kled with brown. I have never found but about 3 or 4 of their nests, but have not yet seen the eggs. One day in July, 1932, I saw ten of these in teresting little hawks together, flying eastward. I have, on different occa sions, seen these hawks attack and drive off the larger hawks from their porch, pursuing them for some dis tance. As autumn draws near these hawks become less frequently seen, until only a few are seen after the last of September. In 1932, this bird arrived in March 26, but this year I saw one on March 5. As the cool No vember days comeon, the sparrow hawk deserts his summer range, and goes to a warmer clime. It is with sorrow that I see him go, but I think of the day next spring when he will again be seen, and the pangs of sor row vanish. Hare Birds Recorded In County OnSeptemberl9, near Piney Creek, the writer observed a white-tailed k^e, a species-of hawk whose range -extends fr. Texas to California, and east oi -he Mississippi river to South •Ana,. Trie hiad, underparts, and xl, are white, with the i'-.y. A fa a, as I can V t, record Gf this Also. op. September 20 I observed 3 < M ' Adi Jays, iwo of these birds wer- dp een on the 25th. The rang. t&NP bird Is fr. m f this J.oit. learn, this blr3 loi tli Northern United :ta,t^i\1lmi Canada les on These birds were seen' M range of about 100 ft. The coft > birds is gray, with a few wl, te wings and tail. Thej are <.,bou size of the blue jay. This b-u d is sa to nes whlfS zero, in norUu rjjgeai .the ,»*. V FIRST IN DEFAULTS North Carolina has a habit of turn ing up first. Tsis time it was a first of which we are not proud. She leads all the States of the Union both in number of counties and in number of cities and towns in default on their bond issues. The June 1933 issue of the National Municipal Review carries a table giv ing a summary of state and munici pal defaults, as of May 1933, as re ported to the Bond Buyer. The table reports forty-three North Carolina counties as being in default. Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Texas are the only other states with any con siderable number of counties in de fault. For all the states a total of 193 counties are reported as being in default. This means that more than one-fifth of all defaulting counties in the United States are in North Caro lina. This table reports exactly one hun dred North Carolina, cities and towns in default, which is considerably the largest number in any state. Other states, that, rank high in defaulting cities and towns are Florida, Ohio, Texas, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Michi gan. More than one-fourth of all the cities and towns reported in default on their bond issues are located in North Carolina. In addition there are six school dis tricts and two drainage districts re ported in default. This gives a grand total of 151 taxing districts in North Carolina reported in default. the largest total number in any state. Florida comes next with 139. No oth er state is near these two in this respect. The total of all taxing districts in the United States reported in default is 1,005. Thus more than one-seventh of all defaulting districts in the Uni ted States are in North Carolina. We do not profess to know the seriousness of the North Carolina de faults. It may be that most of them are temporary, resulting from current tax difficulties, and that in time the bond holders will be paid in full. We know from offerings that local bonds are being offered at bargain prices, which may mean that present holders are skeptical. It is reasonable to be lieve that our entire indbtedness in time will b'e paid in full. But whether the situation is real or apparent, it is a fact that North Carolina counties, cities, and towns head the parade of defaulters. This may have much to do with the' high interest rates our state government !s now having to pay for borrowed funds although the sate is meeting itr debt obligations. .1 lv„' difficulty lies largely in the faili ^ jgf a large per cent of those Sjfc-t&ves have been as uuv.-;-.. The recent SONGS OF LONG AGO The old song below has many va riations. The most familiar words in Piedmont Carolina are given, but there is another version, very simi lar, known as the “Red River Val ley,” which is often heard. Before the jazz age, this song was very popular in rural sections. Often groups of young people on their way home from mid-week prayer service or churchrevivals would make the wel king ring with this plaintive old tune. Bright Sherman Valley From this valley they tell me you’re leaving; I shall miss your bright eyes and sweet smiles; Forthey take with you all the sun shine That has brightened my life for a while. Just consider the home you are leav ing, Do not hasten to bid me adieu. But remember the Bright Sherman Valley And the girl that has loved you so true. I’ve been waiting a long time, my darling, For the words that you never would say; Andat last my poor heart is breaking For they tell me you are going away. .Just consider the home you are leav ing, Do not hasten to bid me adieu. But remember the Bright Sherman Valley And the girl that has loved you so true. leniency on the part of the legisla ture towards those who have not paid their taxes is not calculated to en courage prompt payment in the fu ture, although the measure may have been, practically, a wise one. Why pay promptly if there is a chance of a discount in case one becomes delin quent, or why pay at all if one can hold on long enough and finally have his back taxes wiped off the books ? The voluminous discussion in North Carolina, in spite of the fact that the property tax in this state averages the lowest of any state in the Union, plus the generosity of the Legislature towards delinquents, and complete forgiveness to those who have refus ed to pay over a period of years, are not conducive to the payment of tax es. If taxes are not paid current oper ations must be curtailed and debt ob ligations will go unpaid. It might be pertinent to ask if so-called Tax payers Leagues are composed of tax payers or non-taxpayers. Favors have ?one to the latter. We appreciate the fact that there the."'7' whe ■’"o’.'.ld 1 iiscuss uu ’:ei’uuh, We ste no non . • in trying to hide the facts. North Carolinians may not be aware of the situation that exists, and good may result from knowing the facts. Those who hold the bonds and the financial purse strings already know the facts. That is why the interest rate tp North Carolina is so high.—U. N. C. News Letter. Mrs. Clete Choate, Mrs. D.J. White ner and son, Jack Choate, of Boone, visited Mrs. S. A. Choate last week. Card of Thanks I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks to my numerous friends foi their many kindness, sympathy, ex pressed in so many ways during the recent illness and death of my deal wife. We shall never forget them, and pray that the God of love will reward you for these kind deeds. I W. P. Cox. i BUY AT HOME! .Cascade Linen Stationery 24 Sheets Paper.10c. 24 Envelopes,...10c. B. & T. Drug Co. Smithey’s Th< Wat Store For Bargains W E Are constantly working to SAVE the FARMERS money on all their purchases. We have added FERTILIZER to our line. 200 lbs. of I 6 Per Cent for... $1.50 (With a refund to each purchaser at the end of the fertilizer season) YELLOW FEED MEAL PILLSBURY DAISY MIDDLINGS, YELLOW CRACKED CORN, . $1.50 ...$1.96 . $1.55 Groceries HEAVY FATBACK 4 POUNDS LARD 8 POUNDS LARD, .6V2C. tb. .. 29c. 57c. (If Mrs. Jno. C. Halsey of Piney Creek, will present a clipping Of this ad at our store, she will receive 1 lb. Maxwell House Coffee free.) S M 1THE Y’S STORE SPARTA, North Carolina

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