JlimiMUIIIHHMIlHIimmilllKIUIIIItMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIHII Q THE ALLEGHANY TIMES ¥1.00 JFfcR YEAR— SH IN ADVANCE •|£| THE ALLEGHANY TIMES DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES E).. ADVERTISE IN THE ALLEGHANY TIMES —YOUR HOME PAPER S’ .mnuCT VOL 9. ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19,1933. No. 23.. READY 10 LAUNCH PLAN TO RELEASE FROZEN DEPOSITS Federal Agency To Make 50 Per Cent Loans on Bank Assets. Washington, Oct. 1.5—President Roosevelt announced tonight the cre ation of a deposit liquidation board to bring immediate relief to deposi tors in closed national and state banks by lending approximately $1, 000,000 on the assets of those institu tions. Funds will be furnished by the Re construction Corporation, in which a special division will be established, headed by C. B. Merttam, a corpora tion director, to make the advances So that this division may work in close cooperation with the Treasury, the Comptroler of the Currency and the Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Deposit Liquidation Board will oversee its work. Merriam also will head the liqui dation board. Other members are to be Jesse Jones, chairman of the Re construction Corporation; Dean G. Acheson, Undersecretary of the Treasury; Lewis W. Douglas, direc ' tor of the Budget; J. F. O’Conner, Comptrollerofthe Currency, and Wal ter J. Cummings, chairman of the Deposit Insurance Corporation. Objectives. A formal statement by the Presi dent said the “object of establishing this deposit liquidation division and trying to stimulate the distribution of frozen bank assets is: First, to place money in the hands of deposi tors, with the least possible delay, and second, to bring about more or derly liquidation of the assets of closed banks. “This wil prevent dump ing of assets at sacrifice prices.” “I am particularly anxious,” said Mr. Roosevelt, “that this matter be handled with dispatch, and to that end solicit the cooperation of all who may have official or other authority in connection with any closed bank.” The President pointed out that .the United States government had au thority only over national banks and could speed up distribution in those banks, “if those directly interested wil cooperate,” adding the govern ment was without authority over clos ed banks. “If delays occur in the case of state banks,” he said, “they wall be due tc reasons beyond the control of the National government.” Fifty Per Cent. Under the plan, the special divi sion will make loans on the assets of closed banks up to a maximum of 50 per cent of their deposits, includ ing distributions heretofore made. “This does not, of course, mean that in a bank whose remaining as sets are worth less, the depositors will get 50 per cent,” the President said. “They will get in such case only their share in the remaining assets.” SURRY COUNTY COW GOES WITH BYRD TO THE ANTARCTIC Member of Herd On Klondike Farm. Milk and cream, served fresh from the udder of a purebred Klondike Guernsey cow in the frozen wastes of the Anartic will grett members of the South Pole expedition of Admiral Richard E. Byrd during their forth-1 coming two-year sojourn at the bott tom of the world. The cow, Klondike Gay Carteret will be loaded at Norfolk Saturday or Sunday aboard the Jacob Ruppert, supply ship for the south pole expe dition, and will sail shortly for “down under.” Auons Jr'yron, manager oi tne iarm, was notified Monday by H. C. Bates, southern representative of the Ameri can Guernsey Cattle Club that Klon dike Gay Carteret was one of five cows selected to supply the expedi tion with cream, butter and butter milk. It will be the first cow that has been taken to the vicinity of either pole, and will be in the nature of an experiment as well as for the pur pose of supplying the expedition with fresh dairy products. The other four cows to be aboard the ship were se lected from distant parts of the coun * try. A daughter of Klondiqe’s famous sire, Foremost’s Gay Lad, Klondike Gay Carteret is an expectant mother, her calf due to Arrive about Christ mas. Blankets for her protection while in the Antarctic have been pro vided. Although it is not known what ar rangements are to be made for the cows in Little America, it is possible the local cow and her four compan ions will spend the next two years aboard ship.—Elkin Tribune. Willie Reeves Slightly In jured In Fall From Car Miss Willie Reeves sustained a few minor skin abrasions Monday morn ing when she was thrown from a car near Prof. Roe's residence. The car, arivenby D. C. Bledsoe, was proceed ing toward Piney Creek. Miss Reeves attempted to close the door tighter, r and on opening it, the wind caughl ' it full force and threw her from the machine. I Government Now Working To Save Cattle Men From Threatened Bankruptcy Senator Byrd of Virginia leads Fight for Cattle Growers. Washington, Oct. 14—Desperate in deed is the plight of cattleraisers, judging from communications from Southwestern Virginia beef producers to Senator Harry F. Byrd, Represen tative John W. Flannagin, and Secre tary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal lace, in connection with pleas for some form of government relief, which came to a head this week in a definite proposal that federal money be put into the cattle markets for purchase of inferior animals in the hope that this procedure will boost the price of prime steers. At this writing adoption of the plan rests with Harry L. Hopkins, administrator of federal emergency relief, but a decision is promised not later than early next week. Ten mil lion dollars of emergency relief funds is sought, the money to be expended in purchase of cattel at the rate of $1,000,000 a week for the next ten weeks. It will be noted that the case of the cattle growers is before the emer gency relief administration rather than the department of agriculture’s agricultural adjustment administra tion. But Secretary of Agriculture Wallace approves the course the mat ter has taken, and so indicated in conferences with Senator Byrd and other representatives of the cattle men. As a matter of fact, the depart ment of agriculture is greatly handi capped in dealing with the problem of cattle, owing to the fact that cattle are not included in the list of basic commodities in the adjustment act. Were cattle eligible for treatment as a basic commodity, it would be possi ble to impose a processing tax for the benefit of growers just as such a tax has been imposed in the case of wheat. It is pertinent to recall that Con gressman Flanagan, a member of the house committee on agriculture, took a leading part in a successful fight in committee to list cattle as a basic commodity. The senate committee however struck out cattle. At another place in this article Flanagan is quot ed as of today regretting the omis sion of cattle from the act as finally passed. He thinks, however, the gov ernment ought to fix a minimum price for cattle. If other measures of relief fail, it seems not improbable that the effort ot include cattle as a basic commodi ty in the adjustment act will be re newed at the session of congress meeting in January. Flanagan indi cates that he will favor that course. How truly desperate is the situa tion among Virginia cattle growers is detailed in letters to Senator Byrd and Secretary Wallace. Dr. George A. Wright, of Marion, said: “There are 'approximately 15,000 good 1,500 to 1,600-pound cattle here which, accord ing to present prices, will bring a cent less on the market today than they cost one year ago.” George C. Peery, of Tazewell, dem ocratic nominee for governor,, in a letter to Secretary Walace, wrote: “Good 1,500-pound fat cattle are sell ing on the Jersey City market around 4 1-2 cents. This means less than 4 cents net. Unless something can be done to improve prices this means bankruptcy for a great many cattle growers in this section.” Definite suggestions to eliminate undesirable grades of beef cattle from competition in marketing the better grades were made by Kenneth L. Litton, assistant extension animal husbandman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. His plan proposes: 1. That all cattle two months old showing 50 per cent or more dairy breeding be put into non-edible chan nels -fertilizers, tankage, etc. 2. That the two-months and over daily cattle be handled on the termi nal markets on given days each week, or at proper concentration points in the producing areas. 3. That a reasonable tax be applied to all dairy and beef products over a period of years, similar to the tax applied to pork, and ultimately paid by the consumer. Calling attention to the statistical fact that the number of cattle has increased since 1928—a year before the beginning of the depression—Lit-1 ton declares that it is necessary that beef tonnage be cut down. His plan, in substance at least, was formally approved by the Beef Cattle Producers of Grayson. Thomas B. Glascock, of Upperville, one of the industry’s most important men in northern Virginia, endorsed it, saying it is similar to the government’s method of handling the glutted hog situation. “If it helped that industry. I do not see why it might not help the beef industry,” he said. In response to a request for a state (Continued to Page Four.) Whitehead Township To Hold Community Meeting There A great gathering of the people of Whitehead Township is expected at the school building at Whitehead on October 28 at 1:00 P. M. It is in* the interest of a better community and a better citizenship. The meeting will be addressed by an outstanding lead er of Winston-Salem in civic and moral work. Other speakers from our county are on the program for short talks. These talks will be in terspersed by recitations. These two hours will be extremely interesting and valuable. Don’t miss it. We welcome all townships, and as many as who will come from the other townships. —(By the Committee of Ten.) LOCAL STORE BUYS QUANTITY OF PRODUCE An indication of the amount of produce being sold in Alleghany oan be derived from a report of Smithey’s Produce Department, covering a per iod of two weeks. During this time Smithey’s bought from Aleghany far mers and shipped north 6009 pounds of chickens, 12,000 pounds of fruit, 24,000 pounds of potatoes, 150 bu shels of rye, 2200 pounds of onions, 700 pounds of butter, and 2160 dozen eggs. Buyers stated that Alleghany pro duce brought top prices on the mar ket, and stated that there was a de mand for the better products. Only fat chickens should be put on the jnarket. Every farmer should make an effort to improve the quality of the products he sells. Poor quality lowers the price of a whole shipment of pro duce, and thus lowers the price to ali farmers. Sparta Tax Rate Placed At 30 Cents At the last meeting of the towr council the scrolls of the town pro perty were submitted and a tax levj of 30 cents imposed upon the proper ty for the year 1933. The council took under considers tion the matter of fire equipment am decided to put m some chemical ap paratus. It is thought that a fire en gine would not be practicable at thi! time. Grayson County Cattlemen Seek Federal Aid The Grayson County Agricultural Advisory committee, of which T. M. Calhourn is chairman, today sent a telegram to President Roosevelt ask ing him to do something to “save the day” for cattlemen. The telegram closed with: “There is not a moment to delay. We are pleading for our economic life and parity. Will we get it?” The full telegram follows: Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, President White House, Washington, D. C. The Livestock section of the new Agricultural Adjustment Administra tion, like Nero, fiddles while the na tion’s beef cattle industry is being de stroyed. The meat packing trust is standing knee-deep in their spoils, buying cattle for two or three cents a pound less than two months ago, while the price of wholesale and re tail beef and its by-products contin ues to advance. Common sence and i part of that seventy-five millions to buy surplus products, if spent in pur chasing a large number of fat cattle at a fair price, would save the day. We implore you to put a cattleman of vision in charge of our industry. There is not a moment to delay. We are pleading for our economic life and “parity”. “Will we get it?” Grayson County (Virginia) Agricultural Advisory Committee Signed: T. M. Calhourn, chairman. Salt Pork To Be Distributed To Relief Families Here The Aleghany Relief office will re ceive 1,065 pounds of salt cured pork as a first consignment of meat from a carload sent to North Wilkesboro for distribution. This pork will be distribution. This pork will be distri buted in two and four pound pac kages to widows and cripples who receive direct relief. It is expected that this meat will be available for distribution soon. Other foodstuffs will be available for distribution to relief families dur ing the winter. During September the number of families on relief in l the county was 179, the fewest in sev ■ eral months. This number dropped from 216 families in August. The i number of families will probably in crease during the winter months. EFFORT TO BOOST COMMODITY PRICE LEVELS HIT SNAG North Dakota Puts Embargo On Wheat. Washington, Oct. 16—(UP)—Price lifting efforts of the Agricultural Ad justment Administration have fallen short of what had been hoped for oth er ways of pushing their attempt to improve farm commodity quotations. One plan being studied is for an extension to wheat and possibly oth er commodities of the crop loan plan now being applied to cotton. The Reconstruction Finance Cor poration tonight allocated $250,000, 000 to finance government loans on cotton to the extent of 10 cents a pound. Wheat broke again today, dropping five cents, which is the limit under present trading restrictions. Decem ber wheat was within a cent of the low for the year and more than 60 cents off from the July high, around $1.34. Bold Move. In a bold move, to halt the decline, an embargo on wheat shipments from North Dakota was proclaimed by Governor William Langer. He said he was asking governors of South Dakota and Montana to take similar action. Despite five months’ operations of the Agricultural Adjustment Admin istration, farm prices are slumping down toward lows for the year. Since May 12, the AAA has made cash benefit payments of $119,200,000 to farmers in return for crop restric tions. But the results have not been what was hoped for. The prime ob jective of the administration, restor ation of the purchasing power of the farmer’s dollar, appears little nearer than it was a year ago. In September, 1932, the value of the farmer’s dollar in terms of what he buys stood at an index figure of 56. Last Tu'y it went up to 71. Now 1L is down to 60. This general slump, rather than the day to day fluctuations in any particular commodity, is what caus es the lines in Secretary of Agri culture Wallace’s broad brow to knit more deeply. Cotton Loans. President Roosevelt launched the cotton loan plan when the South ern States complained that the acre age reduction plan had failed to bring them a real upward spurt. He form ed the Commodity Credit Corporation and authorized it to lend up to 10 cents a pound on cotton in return for reduction of next year’s acreage. This figure is slightly more than the price of cotton and the operation is in re ality a price-pegging maneuver. Simi lar action may be applied to other commodities as the credit corporation capitalized at $3,000,000, is empower ed to extend credit on all agricultur al commodities. Seeking to raise prices by paying farmers for reducing their output the AAA has paid cotton farmers $87,000,000 in cash benefits since May 12. In return, acreage was cut 25 per cent. But the total yield was almost as great as last year. Good weather and the fact that the boll weevil went on NRA reduced hours thwarted the effort to cut the crop materially. The result has been to help cotton prices only fractionally. In September last year, cotton farmers were receiving 7.2 cents a pound. In September this year they averaged 8.8 cents. New York quotations are about 9 1-2 cents as against a high for the year of 11 3-4 cents in July. The hog situation is equally dis turbing. Hog raisers have received $32,000,000 in cash from the govern ment for turning in 6,000,000 pigs to be slaughtered. Hog prices in Sep tember a year ago averaged $3.78 a hundred. In September this year, the farmers received an average of $3.73, according to government fig ures. When President Roosevelt submit ted his AAA plan to Congress, he said it was an experiment and that if it failed, he would frankly say so. The administration is not yet ready to acknowledge failure, but it is bringing in first aid to stimulate the patient. HAWTHORNE NAMED SUPERINTENDENT OF LOCAL PRISON CAMP Mr. J. R. Hawthorne received his commission as superintendent of the new prison camp here and entered upon his new duties Monday. Mr. D. C. Shores has received a commission as steward of the camp. Temporary cages have already been placed and prisoners are expected here this week. The cages will house the convicts while they work on the construction of the permanent camp. The permanent camp has been alrea dy staked out and building supplies are being placed on the location. When it is completed, the camp will | house 75 or 100 convicts and 12 or 14 guards will be employed. Food and supplies for the prisoners will be pur chased in the county. It fs expected that the camp will be completed within 60 or 90 days. Mack Joines Instantly Killed In Auto Wreck Last Friday Funeral Held Sunday at Mt. View Church. — Mack Joines was instantly killed in an automobile wreck Friday night near Elmer Mitchell’s on Highway 18 when the Chysler coupe he was driv ing left the road in rounding a stiff curve. Joines was thrown from the car against some logs. His brother, Robert Joines, who was riding with him was not seriously hurt. Mr. Joines has been living in West Virginia for several years and was coming here to visit relatives, and for the purpose of taking his invalid wife back with him. His wife had ben spending some time here trying to build up her health. Mr. Joines is a son of M. L. V. Joines of Whitehead, was born and reared in this county, but for the past few years had been living in Mary land and West Virginia. He was mar ried to Ida Franklin several years ago and have two living children and one that had preceded him in death. I He was kind, clever and enjoyed doing something for his friends in all the ways that he could. He was what might be called a big hearted man. He leaves a wife, father, two. children, several brothers and sisters besides a large number of other re latives and a host of friends to mourn his untimely passing. The funeral was conducted at Mountain View church by Revs. Mc Knight, Brooks and Miles in the pre sence of an unusually large crowd. The crowd was so large that the ser vices were held in the yard. The in valid wife sat in a car near the cas ket while the services were being held. The remains were placed beside that of his small boy who had been accidently killed a few years ago, in the church cemetery. FARM AGENTS NEEDED TO SECURE BENEFITS County Organizations Can Best Be Handled by Direct Representa tive, Says Schaub. It is extremely doubtful that farm ers in those counties where the coun ty commissioners refuse to provide funds for county agent work will re ceive as much benefit from future operations of the Agriucultural Ad justment Administration as do far mers living in counties where the of ficials are more farsighted. This is an opinion expressed by of ficials of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture at a meeting of extension directors held at Washing ton recently. Such an opinion is of extreme sig nificance to North Carolina in that crops like cotton, tobacco, wheat, anu probably peanuts, dairy products and hogs will be handled by the A.a.A. in the coming few years. Dean I. O. Schaub said it would be possible for farmers themselves to form groups and work with the A.A.A. through the State College Extension Service but the benefits will not be so thor ough and as general as where the College has its farm representative in a county. "I am of the opinion that farmers themselves should take the iniative at once and see that their county offi cers begin to give this important matter consideration,” said Dean I. O. Schaub. “We have an administra tion at Washington extremely sym pathetic towards farmers, and agri culture in general, and if this sym pathy is to be translated into dollars for the farmer he must begin to make the necessary contacts. The county farm agent is the greatest aid he can have in this. It may not be possible for us to continue much longer the emergency workers paid entirely out of State and National funds.” The dean pointed out that voca tionalteachers had aided greatly in past campaigns, but these men must t>e busy with their classes in a short while and will 11 >t be available to the extent they have been during the sum mer vacation period. TURKEY KNOB NEWS The tent meeting is going nicely, with a large attendance. Miss Bessie Shores spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Delp. Mr. J. B. Osborne and daughter, Nora, visited at Lansing, N. C., Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Delp and sons, John and Cam, spent a few days last week with their son, Mr. Brady Delp at King, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Delp spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delp. Mr.and Mrs. Paul Delp spent Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Delp. The two small children of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Southers are right sick with scarlet fever. Mr. J. B. Osborne and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. A. M. Osborne were shopping in Sparta Saturday. Several from around here attended the baptizing at Stratford Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Young was visiting relatives here Sunday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coy Collins Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Osborne and family, Mrs. Ed Wiliams and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delp and two children, Mr. Charlie and Bert Delp, and Mr. Claud Brackins. Mrs. David Osborne went to the hospital at Winston-Salem, N. C., last week for treatment. Mr. Clement Osborne spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Osborne. —While trying to turn around on Bald Hill Sunday night, Gwyn Vaughn, of Independence, backed off an embankment and sustained minor injuries in the fall. His car was bad ly damaged, according to reports here. GORDON WOOLEN MILL HAS LONG RECORD Water Power Mill Operated 46 Years by Pioneer , Citizen. One of the first pioneers in this section of the country was W. M. Gor don, who settled on the banks of Mea dow Creek about three miles west of the present town of Galax. At that time the nearest railroad was at Ches nut Yards, located between the pre sent site of Galax and Pulaski. There were no good roads at that time, and whatever farm products were sold were laborously freighted out on cov ered wagons drawn by horses or ox en. Much wool was produced, but marketing facilities were so pood that most of it was processed and woven into cloth at home. In 1881 Mr. Gordon built a woolen mill on Meadow Creek, just above its confluence with New River, and op erated it continuously until his death 46 years later. A dam was built acros this small stream and a race dug to the mill site. A long wooden building was erected and carders, spinners, and looms were installed. Power was obtained from a water turbine. When the mill was operating at fullvapacity, five men were employed and about 100 pounds of raw yarn was used daily. The present city of Galax did not exist at the time and there was no near markets, but the business prospered. Farmers brought in their wool and carried home man ufactured products. Almost the en tire output of the mill was used in the immediate territory. Colored goods, blankets, and pant goods were woven. One of the most popular products was pant goods or old fashioned “Jeans”. The nearest woolen mill was at Wytheville, be yond a range of mountains, and the next nearest was at Elkin, below the the Blue Ridge. The old mill is still in operation under the management of Mr. H. E? Gordon. Its cheif output now is blan ket cloth of a very susperior quality. The raw wool is bought, secured carded, spun, and woven. Most of the work is done by members of the fam ily. At present a small grist mill is operated in one part of the building. Coming down the Black Bear Trail from Galax, one sweeps around a graceful curve and comes suddendly into view of Mead6w Creek and the old mill, a present day reminder of the staunch and dependable pioneers who builded a nation out of a wilder ness. Baptist W. M. S. ( Studies Missions The W. M. S. of the Biptist church held the October meeting and State Mission Study at the home of Mrs. Eugene Transou October 12. Ten members and five visitors were pre sent. The president, Mrs. J. L. Under wood, called the society to order and extended greetings to the hostess. Mrs. W. E. Woxwill, leader for the afternoon, conducted the devotional exercises, using as her theme the 55th chapter of Isaiah. During the regular monthly pro gram the president gave an interest ing talk on Baptist Missions in South America. The State Mission work was discussed under the topics as follows: "Lights and Shadows,’’ Mrs. Baine Dough ton. “Our Colleges,” Mrs. C. A. Reeves. “Our Light Plant,” Mrs. Lula Choate. "Our Indians,” Mrs, Guy R. Dun can. “TheTorch of Evangelism,” Mrs. Amos Wagoner. The program was greatly enjoyed by the society as it is very much in terested in the mission work of our state and gifts for furthering this cause were taken at the end. Alter a brief business session a so cial hour was enjoyed. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Ellen Parks, served i delicious refreshments. COUNTY TEACHERS TO HOLD MEETING HERE IN NOVEMBER School Attendance Shows Im provement A county-wide teachers meeting will be held in the auditorium of the court house in Sparta on Saturday November 4, at 10:00 A. M. A repre sentative of the State Department of Education is expected to be present to direct the program. The program committee will have a program ready for publication next week. The schools of Alleghany County are making satisfactory progress. The attendance shows marked im provement, and there is at the pre sent time little complaint by reason of non-attendance. Mr. Claude A. Miles is acting as assistant atten dance officer and is carefully check ing up on all cases of non-attendance that have ben reported to him by the teachers. Monthly report cards have been received by the County Superinten dantand are now available for dis tribution to all teachers of the coun ty. It is desired that all bids of persons desiring to furnish fuel for the schools shall be submitted to the County Su perintendent not later than Saturday, Oct. 21, at which time it is proposed to award contracts for furnishing i fuel for the school year. Mail or send the bids to Supt. John M. Cheek, at Sparta. FARM NEWS BY W. B. COLLINS, County Agent Our county fair, as a whole, was a success this year. All the exhibits j were exceptionally good. There was not as much livestock on exhibit as should have been. It is very gratify ing to know that the people of the county have such fine products to show, and we appreciate their coop eration in Winging these products to the Fair. The com show was by far the best we have ever had. This has been a good corn year, but the exhibits show ed that there has been a decided im provement in the varieties of com grown in the county in the last two years. Did you see Mr. Will Reeves’ pa tented apple picker. It looked like a great improvement over climbing the tree for the apples. Did you see Mrs. G. A. Reeves’ dressed-up display of garden pro ducts? This display showed that a lot of time and thought had gone into making an attractive exhibit. Did you see Mr. Spark’s deodorized skunks. They are all right to have around the house when they are like that. In variety, some of the displays of canned goods almost beat Heinz’s 57 variety of pickles. The women folks, as usual, did bet ter than the men, and we could hard ly find room for the fancy work, cooking, and arts and flower exhibits. Our apple exhibit was the best I have seen at any fair this year. The officials of hte fair appreciate the fine spirit of cooperation the peo ple of the county have given in mak ing the fair a success this year. Rye. It is still time to sow rye on com land. Late rye is better than leaving your land barren for the ravages of wind and rain this winter. Some spring grazing can be had from rye sown at this time of the year, and rye is an excellent crop to turn under for beans, cabbage, and buckwheat. Rams. A few farmers have been making it a practice of waiting until Novem ber 1st to turn- their rams with the ewes. The best-average time to turn the ram with the breeding flock is Oct. 5th. All rams which have not been turned with the ewes, should be turned with them at once. When lambs come to late in the spring, there is always a lot of little lambs which never get large enough for market. Relief Agency Feeds Un dernourished Children Beginning Monday the Relief office 3tarted feeding the undernourished children at the Piney Creek and Spar ta schools, according to instructions and specifications from Raleigh. This work applies to the undernourished children of relief families only, and will not be undertaken in any of the ather schools. STRATFORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cheek and chil dren of Winston-Salem, and Rev. E. A. Long spent the wek-end at White head. Mack Joines was killed in an auto wre' t Friday night between Sparta and Whitehead. His half brother, Robert Joines, sustained cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Joines and chil dren of East Bend spent the week-end at Stratford. Mrs. Wiley Irwin is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wilie Hines, who is ill. Mr. John Irwin is quite ill at his home near New Hope,

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