i } IS THE AJ-LEGHAXY TIMES $1.00 PER YEAR— CA S)i IN ADVANCE TK ALLEGHANY Q VOL 9. DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES Buy Now! HELP THE NRA DRIVE FOR NATIONAL RECOVERY ‘ TMTXRHIHHH^ ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933. No. 24. •T MHNMM Wm. Doak, Former Sec. Of Labor Dies Stricken by a severe heart attack recently, Wiliam N. Doak, who suc ceeded James J. Davis as Secretary of Labor in President ollover’s cabi net, died at hi3 Virginia home near Washington on October 23. at the age of fifty-one. Mr. Doak. a native of Rural Re treat, Wythe County, Va., was the first American-born Secretary of La bor. Both his predecessors, William B. Wilson and James J. Davis, of Pennsylvania, were born in the Brit ish Isles. T?ir>; hinp- the public schools and a business college In Bristol, Va., the tiacvv+ui-y o: Labor started life as a trainman, in which service he became interested in labor problems. At the age of twer.ty-szx, in 1908, he became general chairman of the Bro therhood of Railroad Trainmen on the Norfolk and Western System, which position lie held until ji.916. Beginning In 1916 he was the legislative repre sentative of the Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen, which post he held until he became Secretary of'Labor— about three years ago. Among the noted acts in Mr. Doak’s cabinet record was his fight to res trict immigration and his position In behalf of a snorter work day and wek for labor. Re reached the phi losophical con\dctlcn that a continu ation of industry's mechanization mast go parallel with “a well balan ced humanitarian ana economic pro gram to prevent us from reaching a state of social dancer." Studious and zeaicus in all he un dertook, Mr. Doak’s twenty-live years of activity in trie councils'of the Bro* therhood o f Railroad Trainmen brought him into every form of med iation, conference and arbitration proceedings connect'd with that or der. He worked inc e&aantly with little time for recreation. Most of his re laxing periods were aevoted to work in the gardens of his Lome overlook ing the Potoau o. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Emma Marie Cricher. of Ironton, Ohio. A member of P!e:isant Lodge No. C3, P.A.A.M., at i.oancke, Va., he be-, came a Scotisfc Rite Mason April 25, j 10It*. Elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Hr.aour October 20, 1931, he was elected to receive the Thirty-third Dcgicc October 17, 1933,! but died before it was conferred. He received the eagres of Doctor of Humanity fiom i-inooln Memorial University at Harrogate, Tenn., in November, 193 Masonic funeral services were held at his residence Vv oaay, October 251 h. Pnd his • w? -v II le torn- ‘ STATE TO WiDEN HIGHWAY FROM TV/IN OAKS TO ROARING GAP It seems that at last the State has recognized the necessity for widening the 12-fcot road from Twin Oaks to Roaring Gap. Gov. R. A. Doughton, who was in Ra leigh last week, says ,that plans for the improvement of this road have been sent to Washington for approval, with the request that enough money be allocated to do the work. The road from Roaring Gap south is of the stan dard width as are also the roads north and west of Twin Oakj. The section from Twin Oaks to Roaring Gap is only 12 feet wide and rapidly wearing off under the heavy traffic. Citi_eri3 of the County will be glad to see this work started soon. It is likely that portions of the road will be relocated in order that many dan gerous cgrves may be eliminated. Local Enmployment Office To Open Soon Tiia employment office here will* bo open about Nov. 10. This office will bo operated undo’.- the super vision of the local relief office. The most needy of tho unemployed will be registered here for work on Highway 2G from Twin Oaks to Roaring Gap. TOWN CAR LICENSES Automobile license plates for the town of Smarts have been ordered and' should be on sale here within the next 15 days. 4tli Quarterly Conference To Be Held Here November 10 Qa iiovember io, 10:30 A. M., at vnthedi'-t church Rev. Sey more Taylor will hold what we some _ v i- .a Sunday Quarterly Conierence, but it is cnly a. continua tion cf the Fourth. We hope to' see all officials present for the meeting The public is invited to hear Bro. Taylor preach at 10:30 A. M. I hope to see all members of the Sparta church, as well as members from the other ch-ioUcs on the charge. This Conference will be held just four day's before the pastor leaves for the annual Conference at Char lotto. C. W. RUSSELL, Pastor. porarily interred in Abbey Mauscleun near Arlington National Cemetery Later they will rest at a ecmeter, in his cld home at Rural Retreat, REPRESEN lATiVE OOUGHTON PRESENTS PARK-TO PARK PROJECT TO SECRETARY ICKES SATURDAY WASHINGTON. NOV. 1—On , Saturday, Renreseatative Dougli ton, who was appelated by Gov ernor Ehring mus ao a meniber of the Committee from North Carolina, to present the proposed Park-to-Park Highway Project to the proper authorities, visited the office of eJecretary of the In terior Ickes, anu presented the merits of the proposition in the most convincing manner possible. Mr. Doughtcn thinks that building this road will fit ui splendidly with the Public Works Program of the National Recovery Administration, accomplishing the double purpose of giving relief to the unemployed and carrying out -the purpose of the es tablishment of the Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountain National l arks. This would be the finest re creational highway in eastern Ameri ca, if it should be bunt as proposed near the crest of the. Blue Ridge, a section of the country which for sce nic beauty and gran ;ur is unsur passed in any part of the United States, if .not in the world. Mr. Doughton maintains that it is 1UUV.U UVVbVl w f; i. ¥ *3 <»v/ tuc UllCIU* ployed work rather than to give them deles and allow them to remain in idleness; -a condition which if per mitted to continue will grow progres sively worse. Representative Doughton, Senator Byrd and others will see the Secre tary again about the matter and If necessary will carry it to the Presi dent, as they are determined to leave no proper means unemployed in bringing about the much desired con summation of this major project. Teachers To Get Pay Promptly Thi'i W*?k. The second month for the County Schools closed Tuesday, and the vouchers for teachers* salaries will be paid promptly this week. Jtfigg Juanita McBougal, of the fJtgte Pepartp}b’]t of Education, will be in the county Saturday and W?J} gddress the teachers at their regular monthly meeting at 10 CO A. M, Contracts have been let for supply* ing the fuel to most of the schools in the county, In a few Instances no contracts acceptable to the Board of Education were submitted. The av erage price for wood delivered to the schools is 52.00 per cord. Whitehead Honor Pupils Visit Sparta Monday A delegation cf ten children from the Fourth Grade in the Whiteheac.' Academy won a free trip to Spart. *by 100 per cent attendance for tk past two months. None of them were tardy or absent during this period. Accompanied by Mr. Will Fender they visited the- various offices in the court house Monday as guests of the county officials. B. and T. Drug Co. served refreshments to the group. Later they visited The Times’ office and were shown a type-setting ma chine in operation. Other grades in the Whiteliea; school will be given a similar trip i they make lOp per cent attendant. Mrs. Carrie V. Fender is principal of the school. Members in the party were: Bertha Brooks, Tavia Combs, Evelyn Ed wards, Lola Hard, nu^ex i .. Blanche Wagoner, Janie Wood, Ciu. Combs, Clate Edwards, and Lei. Moxley. U.D.C. To Serve Confederate Veterans The United Daughters of the Con federacy held its regular meeting at •he home of Mrs. R. L. Doughton, with Mrs. Doughton presiding. Nine members were present. After the business meeting delicious refresh ments were served. The officers of the U. D. C. are as follows: President, Mrs. R„A. Dough ton; 1st. Vice Pres., Mrs. C. A.Reves; 2nd. Vice Pres., Mrs. C. W. Higgins; Sec., Mjss Pgarl Fields; Correspond ing tiea., Airs. J. M- Cheek; Treas/, Mrs. W. B. Reeves; Chaplain, Mrs. Bettie Miller; historian, Mrs. T. J. Carson. At the meeting it was decided tc serve dinner to the Confederate Vet erans at the Four Oaks Tavern on Nov. 8. All veterans who can are re quested to attend the dinner. WAR VETERANS to C’.C.cTcamp; Five World War veterans fror Alleghany County have gone to Ash ville for examination for enrollment in the CC C. camps. Those leaving this week were Cleve Reeves, Oscar Andrews, Shelley Moxley, Lonnie | Hendrix, and M. Thompkins. State Dry Laws Not Ef fected By Election Tuesday Liquor Will N>i Bo Legalized In Nor>Ji Carolina By Repeal of Tiie 18f^Amendment—Goveiiior Eh inghaus Opposes .Any Efitat-: To Change Siale Prohibition Laws Without A Vote of The People. As the election cn Nov. 7 approach-es it becomes more apparent that many people have no clear conception of the issues involved. Many voters. Lc.h repealiats and non-repealists, see n to think that immediately upon the repeal of the 18th Amendment th it liquor will become legalized in North Carolina. But such is not the case. The repeal of the 18th Amend ment does not affect the status of N ,rth Carolina as a dry State in any way except that it will place the bur an of enforcing the Stave- a dry l a s upon State officers instead of upon ic Federal Government. After Nov. 7 liquor will still be illegal in North Carolina and will remain illegal till t he General Assembly meets in 1935. 'hen the question of prohibition or U galized liquor wil be put before the v tors of the State, for a decision Ai editorial in the Raleigh Nev/s and Obs irver gives a clear exposition n* *’ real and false issues involved in the election Nov. 7. We reprint it here with the hope that it will bring to voters a clear understanding of the only real issue involved. ISSUES RAISED WHICH HA E NO EXISTENCE Wc may repeal National Prohibi m, bat vve cannot repeal tho li quor problem.—Raymond Fossick, cad c-f the Rockefeller Commission. On the 7th day of November the vo -j of North Carolina will go to the pcll3 to record their vote on a single, simple proposition, to wit: Will North Carolina hold a Constitutional Convention to decide upon its attitude as to whether the Eighteenth Amendment (National Prohibition) will remain in the Constitution ? Nothing else is involved in the election that will be held on the 7th da; of November. And yet during the rather dull cam ,aign in North Carolina cn this mat ter the voter who has read some of th speeches and statements of well known advocates of Repeal and of op onents of Repeal would never drear that only one issue is to be passed up n. to-wit: Whether North Cnrolin. will vote to keep the Eighteenth Amendment in tho Constitution or U consent to its being taken out. In view of the fact that, independent oi how Nortn Carolina votes on the question, enough States have already acted to make it certain that, before the New Year, the Eighteenth A mend will be repealed, the vote in No o.-oliaa is more in the nature cl registering an acquiescence or a protest than anything else. Since ever; State in which the question has been submitted has voted for Repeal, r.c body now believes that National Prohibition will survive the year, inde pendent of the result in North Carol! .a.. oome weeks ago an advocate of Re cal, thinking to solidify and get out the vote of those who long for the re .urn of., the saloon, made this declare tion: If in North Carolina we can roll up 75,000 majority for the repeal of National Probiticn we can compel ^he Governor to call a special session of the Legislature which v. e can force to repeal all the prohibi tion laws on the statute books in this State. Soon that braggadocio, a pro-saloon beast, was withdrav/n from circula tion, but tho.ee who gave it currency have used it quietly in an effort to arouse tne interest of those v.ho wc. t saloons back. They hope to attract that vote without losing the vote of hose who declare that, while they arc opposed to National Prohibition, they do not favor a return of the saloons In- the first place, those desiring to v ipe off all the prohibition laws from the statute books of North Carolina, most of them put there by a vote v. the people are evidently ignorant of t ie pledge made by Governor Eliring haus when he was asking to be elected Chief Executive. They forgot al:r that he is not the type of man who can be driven. Their memories an shore. If they vvdi refresh their recoil elion, they wil recall that Governor Ehringhaus made this declaration, in he summer of 1932 after both the State and National Convention had adopted their platforms: I wish to emphasize my oppositio j to and detomination to fight the return of the saloons to North Caro na. I shall also vigorously.ouq.ose any effort to change the law prohib nng the manufacture and sale of bquor in the State of North Caroli without a vote of tho people. In the light of this declaration nob >dy need be surprised that those ad vocates of restoring saloons and their accompanying evils to North Care lina nave soft-pedaled IN PUBLIC o: their boast that they “would com pel the Governor’’ to aid in overthro . ing’the expressed decree of the per pie. Governor Ehringhaus’ declaratio i, quoted above, shows two things: 1. That, so far as North Carolina p ohibiticn is concerned, he is ready U make a determined fight in his opposition to “the return of the saloon ir North Carolina.’’ This is a crusading declaration and when the Governo; puts on his gloves to fight the return of the saloons, he will find by hi side much of the militant spirit that dominated when State Prohibition w. s voted. 2. Governor Ehringhaus served no' ce, too, that he will “virgorously cp pose ANY EFFORT to change th law prohibiting the manufacture nr: sals of liquors in the State of North Carolina without a vote of the pec pie.” Here vve have it straight: The Governor cannot be driven to cal-a sec sion of the Legislature to repeal the forth Carolina prohibition lrvvs,- h will oppose any effort to change the 1 .ws by any legislature and lie serve notice that if anybody wishes to secur • the re-opening of saloons and th re-operation of stills in North Carolina, they must wait until the majorit; of the people of North Carolina by a 'irect vote of the, people cf Nortl Carolina cast their ballots to repeal t 3 laws. No election can be orderee unul the Legislature meets iii Janua /, 1935, without a special session So that no matter what happens to t i Eighteenth Amendment, nothing can change the North Carolina laws prior to 1935. Therefore, those who think a vote to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment in the election of Nov ember 7th means a return of the sa-ioon will line! they cannot buy a drill! in a North Carolina legalized saloon before the summer of 1935, and not ' hen unless by a direct vote of the eople of North Carolina a majorit; votes affirmatively to start the stills nd to re-open the saloons to returr to their debauchery of the people. Not only did Governor Ehringhaus, .he chosen head of the State Govern rnent and leader of the dominant political party in the State, pledge him self against any effort for a return of he saloon, but also in the same campaign, Senator Reynolds, the leader and pioneer in North Carolina for the repeal oi the Eighteenth Amendment, made this declaartion and pledge as to North Carolina prohibition: I emphatically oppose the return of the saloon and shall similarly oppose any change in the law which is not first ratified by a constitu tional vote of the people. opiivcs uie gun or me pro-saloon advocates of forcing the Governor to call a special session of the Legislature or moving in any way tu ;.ec... a return of the saloon in North Carol na—no matter what course is foilovs §d elsewhere—without a majority of the people casting a Hal lot for ■> r turn to the terrible days which were so had that the people of the State rose up in righteous wrath and outlawed the saloon and the still. Not long aitter the pro-saloon ad’ pcates sought to get votes for the re peal of the Eighteenth Amendment by holding out to thirsty citizens the such a vote would soon open saloons in North Carolina, a prominent op ponent of repeal, made a declaration quite as wide of the mark. He appeal ed for vetes by this prediction of evil to come: Ii tire voters of North Carolina in November cast a majority of votes in favor of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitu tion, they will be casting a vote that will result in the rejreal of the Turlington act and all of the prohibition laws and a re-opening of the saloon in every part of North Carolina. That method of appealing for votes against Repeal will not bear the light. It ought not to have been made. It is calculated to mislead the vot ers. Such an appeal for votes against repeal raises an issue that does not -xist in this campaign, for the following reasons: 1. Repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment would do nothing whateve: except put an end to Constitutional National Prohibition. That and nothin; more. 2. Repeal of the Eighteenth Amen 'ment doe3 not modify or repeal the Webb-Kenyon law protecting dry States. PLEASE TURN TO PAGE FOUR. -C.C.C. Is Modern j Giant QS Wood Chopping, Digging anti Building Fo I | Six Months In Western Forests. I (By Rennie Taylor, Associated Pres; | Staff Writer. San Francisco, (AP)—A modern giant who has been chopping, dig ging and building for six mcntSe in j the forests and deserts of the West hanturn ed in a record of mighty accomplishments—one that vies with tlio doings of Paul Bunyan. Paul Bunyan is the legendary Co lossus of the north woods. He was the fellow, lumberjacks my, who dug the Great Lakes. Ho used them as water holes for hi; due ox, which measured 42 ax-handk lengths between the eyes and left racks so far apart nobody could trace him when he ran away. With the prodigiouaness of this iengendary set-up there is, at las. something in the way of actual ac cornplishments that can be compared It is the work of the new giant—the Civilian Conservation Corps—in the ninth array corps area, comprising the states of California, Oregon Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Monta na, Utah and Wyoming. It embrace: the first six months’ “hitch” of th: men recruited from city streets. The 93,000 men of the corps in the area did approximately 1G0,000 000 man-hours of work from April 15 to October 1, figures released by arm: and forest service authorities show ed. On this basis, the men receive, pay aggregating $16,800 000 and at. $6,000 000 worth of food. That’s not such a bad compariscr with the apocryphal accounts of Paul Bunyan’s bookkeeper, Johnny Ink slinger, who worked on balance sheets is nig as the side of a barn with i fountain pen supplied by a hose running from a barrel. These "tree-trooperS” spent 223.171 man-days fighting forest fires. Vii tually all of the 10,000 conservation workers in Oregon saw service o; the blazing fronts where 10,000,000 000 square feet of line lumber wu destroyed by the worst conflagration, of that kind in the history of th Suate. Many of these conservation work ers, coming from the sidewalks < New York, the streets of Chicago an. points between, never saw a re.-, forest before, much les3 a forest fire ' We put shovels into their hands ' said L. S. Garwood, veteran Oreg fire fighter, “and showed ’em whs they were for. We shewed 'em hc\ to build a fire line and how to ac in each situation. After, that the, knew how to follow orders.” Besides fire fighting, the CCC men cleared about 680 000 acres e rodent and insect pests, climbini trees with loads of poison and mixing tons of grain into lethal banquets fo. rats and mice. They built 1200 bridge. constructed5938 miles of trails ant roads, and 3170 miles of telephone lines; removed fire hazards from 73,370 acres of land and cleared 2,0Cl miles of roadside. They constructed small building: by the hundred. Such are the things that have giver reality to a giant more formidablt hail Paul Bunyan: and Paul was bon .n a lying contest. Sportsmen May Gc; Open Season On Gl ous. County Game Warden R. D. Gentry wrote the state game warden, C. H. England, recently in regard to the State giving Western N. C. a 10-day open season on grouse. In reply Mr. England stated that to open the sea son on any species of game required action by the State Board as a whole, but that he would submit a request for such open season to the State Board at its next meeting. The Board is expected to meet in the near future and Mr. England will recommend ar open season on grouse from Nov. 2C to Nov. 30, inclusive. The open season for game animals and game birds, excepting o’possum, raccoon, bear, buffalo, elk, equirrel, and deer is from Nov. 10 to Jan. 1 in the western zone, of which Alleghany and Ashe are a part. The open season on other game is as folows: Deer—Oct. 15 to Dec. 15. O'possum and raccoon Nov. 1 to Jan. 31. Bear Oct. 1 lto Jan. 15. Quail and rabbits Nov. 35 to Jan 1 There is no open season- on the fol lowing game animals and birds: Bea vers, Buffalo, Elk, Doe (dee*), Phea sants and Ruffed Grouse. Bag numbers for game are as fol lows: deer, two in one day and four in one season; quail, 3 0 in one day; wild turkeys, two in one day and live in one season. BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Rev. J. L. Underwood, Pastor Rev. J. L. Underwood will be at New Hope next Sunday, Nov. 5 for the regular service at 11:00 o’clock, and at Jefferson for the evening ser vice at 7:30. The pastor would re 1 joice to meet loyal Christians at these services. j I Grover Warden Buried At Elk Creek Thursday Funeral services for Grover War den, who died in a Statesville hospi tal last week as a result of injuries ■ received in a fall from a ladder, were conducted at Elk Creek church last Thursday morning- at 11 o’clock, by i Revs. McKnight, Hampton and Un- j derwcod. The largo crowd cf sorrow-! ing relatives and friends and the many beautiful flora 1 tributes be spoke the esteem and love of the community for the deceased. , He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Donnie Warden; four ch.lciion, George B. V., Ralpl^and Rondon; three sis ters, Mrs. Nora Wagoner, of Scctt ville; Mrs. Ellen Lloxley, Tndeoen-; fence, and Mrs. Myra Semens, of j Gordon, Neb.; cue brother, Gianni Warden, of Stratford; and his mother, j Hrs. Katie Warden cf Snr.rti. The pallbearers were; Lonnie Sou .n; j, jJOl't ... Ashev.lia Nov. ...her 1st for ox nation for enrollment in the (:. C. C. camps. i URKEY KNOB MAN GOES ON RAMPAGE SUNDAY Kyle Osborn i3 iii jail here awaiting a preliminary hearing on char yea of shooting at and threatening people at Stratford Sunday. According to re ports from officers, lCyle Osborne, of the Turkey Knob community, went nto Stratford Sunday morning and started an argument with John Rceve3. Ke drew a 38-calibre revolver and shot at Reeves, who narrowly es caped injury. lie also made threats to a group of people nearby. Rater a sen of Mr. Dave Osborne drove by in a car, and Kyle halted him and fired two shots at* the car. It is stated also that he fired two shots ata noth or passing car. Also he snap ped guh three times at Wylie War den, but no cartridges were in the gv.n. | Then ho went to Mr. Sturgill’s homo and broke the window lights out ox one side of the house. After wards ho lay down in the forks of the ioad and held the gun in a threatening position. Officers ware culled, and Sheriff McMillan and R. 0 Gentry arrived oa the scene aftout 4:30 and arrested Os borne and brought hi mto the County jail. It is thought that bond will b« fined at. $1,000. Wednesday Osborne stated to &n officer that he was drunk and knew nothing about what he had done Sun day. It was stated to The 'fanes that Osborne is under $500 bond for ap pearance in Ashe County. Ruhs For Tuesday Election 1. All registered voters are allowed to cast their ballots. Z. There will be two ballots— {.-) “For Convention.” (b) “Against Convention.” 3. millets for Delegates to Conven tion. 4. Those who desire a repeal of the 18ill Amendment to the Consti t.it on will vote “For Convention” •>. Those who oppose a repeal of the Kith Amendment to the Consti tution will vote a ballot “Against Convention.” o. There will bo no official markers or assistants, but any voter will have the right to eall on the Re gistrar o>- one of the Judges to marl: his ballot. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Nichols, M. F. e- Mrs, JT. J. Poole spent the week-end in ThomasviUe with Mr. Alfred Joines. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Choate and Mr. Lo.ihio jl.Uv/u. as are visiting relatives in Maryandi WINSTON PREACHER TO ADDRESS ALLEGHANY CITIES ON QUESTION OF REPEAL SATURDAY Dr. John R. Je ter, pastor of the First Baptist Church -in Winston-Sa-: lain, will address a dry rally in Sparta at 2:30 P. M. Saturday, at the Court House. Dr. Jester has teen pastor in Winston over a lone: period of years j and is growing' in favrr each ye w He has been interested in the civic as well as the religious life of hU city daring his residence there and has afcvnys championed the right aids of an moral issue. He deserves a large ho-.-r ny here : a this great i of repeal or no repeal. fd UN, HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION, AND RE?. B'ORCH, VA., HOLD CONFERENCE WITH DOUGHTON AT WASHINGTON MONDAY L3.a£e ic kiiky iieans From AilegLany CiiL&nj Gov. R. A. Dc. "hU.ii and D. C.1 Duncan wore in Raleigh last v/o:;h | and had a conference with officials j cf the Department of Conservation j and Development regarding- the pur chase of beans from Alleghany coun ty farmers by the Department. All persons in the County who have beans for sale should report the num- i her of bushels and variety to County | Agent W. B. Colima, at cr.ec. There J beans will be sold to prison authori ties in Raleigh. All beans should be well cleaned. As soon as the informa- , tion as to quantity for sale and varie ties is compiled, the price for beam will be named. ( ONGKESSM A N DO (JGMTON WILL VOTE FOR REPEAL Washington, Oct. 2H—Declaring that he proposed to vote for repeal of j the 18th Amendment at the North j Carolina election November' 7th, Rep resentative It. L. Douglito.n, who came to Washington Tuesday, said thathe would issue a statement on the prohibition issue soon. “I will vote for repeal, but do not want to be put in the attitude of trying to influence anyone oh the question, it should j be understood ihat this is not a ref - erendum on repeal, but sinij i\ leav ing tire’ matter so that bit ate pna; decide what »{ v.a.nis 4 > dc- on tin' 1 u.ior oil* slioi:.” Mr. IHu,! him y: fcui.v attending , •:t • r.; ' of a subl■; nimille of th Way;; and Mean a. Committee of which! ho i.;'chairman, preparing lho revenue j bill for consideration of Congress which .jiieels in January. Mrs. ijori : . , ’ • purpose of aiding the cattle ;n Justly and in carrying out the pur poses of the Relief Agency. Mr. Doughton has had this matter up with the Secretary of Agriculture numerous times in recent months and feels now. that the turning point in the curve of the cattle industry has been reached and from this on the trend in price will be upward instead of downward. He thinks, however, that tie.' increase in price will neces sarily oe slow owing to the large surplus of cattle and the number of people yet, unemployed. Mr. Mollin rear'senLing; the Department of Agri culture, expressed a very deep inter est in the matter, and assured those present that every reasonable effort would bo made to place the cattle in dustry upon a profitable, instead at a losing basis.