Good Food Always Found At— 5-10-25 Cent Lunch Tap Beer ..... ..5 and 10c. Barbecue Sandwiches 10c. Special Dinner, 25c. All Kinds of Sandwiches and Beverages. 114 Main St., GALAX, VA. DR. M. A. ROYALL,’ Elkin, N. C. SPECIALIST in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat GLASSES FITTED Let Us Prepare Your CHEVROLET Now For Winter Driving OUR FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS KNOW YOUR CAR ! A Few Hours In Our Shop Will Make Your Chevro rolet Car Ri n Like New I If you a prescription to be filled . . . you wouldn’t take it to a blacksmith shop . . would you? Or, if you had a horse to be shod, you wouldn’t take him to a drug store. Then . . . when your CHEVROLET needs fixing, why not bring It to our place . . . where it can be fixed by specialists? Men who know how to do this work correctly. Only Factory-Trained Mechanics will work on your CHEVRO LET at our place. Men who actually know your car from start to finish. Consequently, when your car is fixed here, it is given a thor oughgo ing over by men that ab-solutely know where and how to look for all kinds of trouble. Furthermore, we have special tools and'Other equipment. We use only Genuine CHEVROLET FARTS and all of our Prices are now based on the CHEVROLET FACTORY’S NEW FLAT RATE SERVICE PRICES. You know in advance EXACTLY WHAT youare to pay. Our FactoryTrained Shop Men know , Engine Work—Chassis Work—and Fisher Body work. All work is GUARANTEED. We would be mighty glad for you to drive your Chevrolet Car into our place and let us give you an estimate on a complete Over haul Job. We Can give you a Flat Rate for a complete going over for your car. Making it just like new. We are making a specil of this Complete Overhaul Job Now It will pay you to get our prices GasteVens Motor Go. SPARTA, : : : North Carolina CAREFULLY supervised business requires careful guarding against imperfect —untrustworthy and fraudulent goods of every description . . . Fair goods, fair prices and good faith with everybody is the rock foundation' this business was built upon PURETEST PRODUCTS are Reliable Guardians for your Family’s Health—They are all high-grade Medicines . . . PRETEST ASPIRIN TABLETS PURETEST COD LIVER OIL PURETEST MINERAL OIL PURETEST CASTOR OIL —FOR SALE BY— B. & T. Drug Company Sparta . North Carolina Ce 0 THE SPARTA GARAGE If ever a man had CONFIDENCE in himself that man was Columbus. Hedream ed of a new world beyond the horizon. And his fortitude plus self-confidence soon led to America's discovery. CONFIDENCE! What a wonderful word? It’s a quality this Gar age seeks to merit from everybody in the Comity. —GILLETTE AND ATLAS TIRES— GENERAL REPAIRS POPULAR PRICES F. M. JOINES, Manager. SPARTA, NORTH CAROLINA “ITlSTVlORE FUN TO KNOW! iVe EXPERIMENTED A LOT w"*' TfJC “ . *nMUUS BRANDS OF CIGA RETTES. I FIND THAT CAMELS ARE DEFINITELY MILDER .YOU DONY TIRE OF THEIR FLAVOR— THEY ALWAYS TASTE GOOD ! C^cuncis costlier lobtuovi never ycrur Tier ire*../Heifertire ijeurTaste Walter Do ugh ton and Tam Bledsoe visited H. G. Greene Sunday. The students and faculty of Glade Valley School gave a Hallowe'en par ty Saturdays night. J. L. Williams, of South Carolin: spent the week-end in town. Misses Reba Doughton and Ma. garet Cheek motored through t< Richmond last Saturday. Miss Dough ton went on to Washington, where ! she will spend the winter and Miss Cheek is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. H. Courtney, in Richmond. Mrs. Chas. D. Moore, of Statesville, was the week-end guest of Mrs. J. M. Cheek. ]yfr." and Mrs. T. J. Carson visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boyer in Char lotte last week. They were accom panied by their son, Mr. T. D. Car son, of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardin and Mrs. R. H. Hackler spent Sunday at Mouth of Wison, Va., visiting Mr. and Mrs< Fred Hardin. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn” Phipps emu Miss Doscar Martin, of Galax, Va., were guests of Mr/ and Mrs. J. R. Hawthorne Sunday. Mrs. Purvis Lee of Pinehurst, who has been spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Lester Irwin, re turned to her home Monday. Misses Margaret Cheek and Reba Doughton are visiting in Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Richardson, of Bel Air, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Irwin and other relatives here. They were accompanied by Miss May Douglas, who has been visiting in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Warren and family and Messrs. Ed Williams and Whitaker attended the air exposition at Greensboro airport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bain oughton, Mrs. Charlie Doughton, Mrs. Cleve Reeves, and Julian Reeves attended the fun eral of Mr. Houston Bevins at Bay wood, Va., Sunday. of Greenville, S. C., spent the wek-end in town. Others attending the funeral of Mr. Blevins from Alleghany County were: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Higgins, of Ennice, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Mac Reeves, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spurlin, of Ennice. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McNeer, of Elkin, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. Cecil Bumgarner is spending a few days in Waynesville this week. Mr. R. E. Scroggs spent the week end with his family in North Wilkes boro. Misses Gladys and Virginia Win gate, of Independence, Va., visited their sister, Mrs. Dewey Sturdivant, last week. Mrs. R. H. Hackler and Miss Doris Hackler spent Tuesday in Elkin. SOCIETY NEWS Shower For Recent Bride Ata miscellaneous shower Satur day afternoon from 3:30 until 5:00, the immediate neighbors entertained, honoringMrs. Purvis Lee, a recent bride, at the home of her mother, Mrs.Lester Irwin. The lovely home was made attrac tive by decorations carrying out the Hallowe’en motive. The sun parlor contained, among elaborate symbols of the season, a witches’ pot which wasused to receive the presents as the guests arrived. At the beginning of the afternoon grape juice was served to the guests in the dining room which was de corated in the black and orange. A ghostly figure presided over the overflowing pot and handed the gifts to the honoree, who opened them and passed them to the guests for inspec tion. The bride was the recipient of many useful and lovely articles. Later a book was passed and each guest requested to write in it her favorite recipe. At the conclusion of the afternoon the guests were again invited to the dining room where cocoa and cakes artistically decorated as pumpkins and Jack o’ Lanterns, were served. Taffy was then pulled, adding much enjoyment to the occasion. TWIN OAKS I. B. Richardson and wife of Bel Air, Md., are visiting relatives here. They were accompanied by Elzie Rey nolds and Mrs. Carl Douglas, who had been visiting relatives in Maryland i Attorney Sidney Gambill and wife visited relatives at Grassy Creel Sunday. Little Billie Reeve° r'~ — vjamoiil ii apending a few days with her grand parents at Grassy Creek. Lester Fender left Friday night fo Annapolis, Md., to resume his worl transporting mail from Annapolis to Solomon Island, Md., after a fev days with relatives here. We were pleased to see Mr. Ste phens and his family in our village Monday afternoon. He was calling ij the interest of The Alleghany Times Mrs. G. L. Fender made a busines trip to Independence Tuesday. Mrs. Ruth Funk and two smal children arrived from Philadelphii Saturday night for a few days’ visi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Crouse. See Castevens Motor Co. for radii batteries, tubes, and service.—adv. RU-BALM for yours and baby’! colds.—adv. Bek s Den t. Stor l'\\ WEST GRAYSON STREET GALAX, VIRGINIA ii BELR’S t FRIDAY, NOV. 3rd y $ SHOP. .NOW! WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF WANTED FALL Merchandise IN EVERYTHING WORN BY MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN-ALL QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT REA SONABLE PRICES — — — — NOTICE REALIZING THE CONDITION OF FARM PRODUCTS, WE ARE 0F- j| FERING TO THE BUYING PUBLIC |f THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY YOUR '• FALL SUPPLY OF MERCHANDISE ! * -COME—BRING YOUR FAMILY EVERYBODY WELCOME! B E L K’ S QUALITY ^nd STYLE MERCHANDISE —AT— REASONABLE PRICES I BELK’S NOVEMBER HARVEST DAYS START FRIDAY, NOV. 3rd. — SEE — LARGE CIRCULAR I MAILED | YOU TO-DAY \ COME! ' FURCHES NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Taylor spent several days last week at Mr. Ray Rose’s. _ Mr. Ollen Mabe spent the’week-end at Miss Sessie Mabe’s. Those visiting at S. M. Caudill’s Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and children, Misses Kathe line, Alice, and Ruth Caudill, and James and Johnny Caudill, all of Fries, Va. Mr. Randy Sheets and Calvin Jones visited at Laura Mabe’s Saturday night. Mrs. Floyd Roupe, who has been seriously ill for the past week, is reported some better. Mr. Everett FranTt Caudill, of Fries, Va., spent Sunday with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. *S. M. Caudill. Mr. Charlie Mabe visited at F. G. i Brackens Saturday night I Mr ..... Taylor spent several * days last week with his sister, Mrs. ' Albert Irwin, near Stratford. Mr. Bruce Finney visited his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finney Sun [ day. ’ Mr. S. S. Landreth made a business r trip in this community Thursday. Mr. Odell Jones spent last week ‘ with his sister, Mrs. Charles Richard - son. 1 Mr. Brantley Fender was in this • community on business Monday. 3 Mrs. S. M. Caudill spent Tuesday with her father, Mr. A. B. Taylor. 1 _ i PINNACLE, SIDE-CAMP PICK-UPS Several men from camp visited over the week-end. Among them were Ralph Russell, from near Taylors > ville, C. T. Justice, of Edneyville, and G. M. Harliss, of Sparta. I .... .. i See Castevens Motor Co. for radio batteries, tubes, and service.—adv. The following men attended Sun day School at Union Mills Round Hill Baptist church: F. W. Blevins, Lon nie Hatley, J. H. Hiatt, Bosco Jones, Joe Love, Shorty Goode, Lee Elliott, and M. F. Dickerson. The new steel for the Look-out tower on Mt. Pinnacle arrived last week. Lonnie Hatley, Boss Jones, and Joe Hiatt are doing some great work with dynamite on the road to Pinna cle Mountain. The carpenter crew is busy build ing walls for the tents in preparation for cold weather. TURKEY KNOB NEWS The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Billings is right sick with; Spinal Meningitis. Mr. and Mr" — t». H. Chesshire and son, Alvin, and Miss Gladys Hanes, of Mockeville, Mr. and Mrs. Clent Landreth and children, of Northfork W. Va., were dinner guests of J. S. Landreth last Sunday. Mr. H. M. Delp and sons, Carl, and Charlie, made a business trip to Win ston-Salem, N. C., Wednesday. W. E. Landreth and Page Brown spent a few days last week in Mocksville. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Delp are spend ing a week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Charlie Simmons, of Winston. Mrs. Aron Gambill and son, Claude, attended the funeral of Mrs. Gam bill’s nephew, Coy Murray, at Plea sant Grove, Va., last Monday. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Grover Warden. The bereaved have our sympathy. Mrs. Rose Gambill and daughter spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Aron Gambill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delp and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Delp at Piney Creek. (H y R(H ES METHODIST CHURCH C. VV. Russell, Pastor Sundaywill be the last service at the Sparta church, before Annual Conference. I hope to see the entire membership present for this service. There will be a baptizing near StratfordSun day afternoon, at 2:30. The service will be held somewhere near Mr. Homer Smith’s home. Remember the service next week at Sparta Church, Nov. 10th,at 10:30 A. M. Hope to see a good crowd from Sparta church, as well as from the other five churches. Rev. Taylor will preach at 10:30 ar>^ - ^ — mu nold the __* following the sermon. All officials are expected to be present for the service. . Brush Creek Dam Des troyed By Washou' The dam recently built by Mr. G. P. Crutchfield on Brush Creek was completely demolished on Monday of last week when water forced its way under a pilaster and caused a wash out. The dam had recentLy been com pleted and the water had been im pounded for only a few days. The big over-shot wheel was on the location and preparations for installing it were under way. Mr. Crutchfield hod hoped to have the mill grinding within an other 20 or 30 days. The loss has not been estimated, neither have plans been made for re building the dam. See Castevens Motor Co. for radio batteries, tubes, and service.—adv. RU-BALM for yours and baby’s :olds.—adv. INDEPENDENCE THEATRE Independence : : Virginia FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOV. 3-4 “Mr. Robinson Crusoe” With DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS and COMEDY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7-8 ZANE GREY’S tn Man Of The Forest” BURNS & ALLEN in ..miiisr My Baby” »»i»iiiii»miii»iiui||,|,,llllllllll||1|II1||1I1||I|1I|1|||||||||i||||||1|ll I M. H. Shaw l Representative for \ *EW YORK LIFE INSURANCE \ j COMPANY 1 (Best Old Line Company) \ Organized 1845 \ ALL KINDS ON LIFE AND | ENDOWMENT POLICIES. = Cherry Lane, North Carolina iiiiiriiiiiiiiitiiiiHi ittitctmitiitijinitiiitiiiiiimitmiiiiit'iii -1 ^ ^ Blue Ridge Cafe Good Food—“Courteous Service” —S A N D W I C II E S— HOT COFFEE HOT SOUPS ULUS IRWIN, Proprietor. iihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIi