More About State Dry Laws 3. Repeal cf the Eighteenth Amend ment does not in the slightest respect repeal the present prohibition laws in effet in more than twenty States in the Union. These State laws, made before the Eighteenth Amendment was put in the Federal Constitution, j remain in full fcrc-3 and c'lect in each State as before the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment. No power on earth can modify or repeal them ex cept by action of the people them selves in each of the States. 4. Repeal of the Eighteenth Amend ment is expressly conditioned upon the adoption of the Twenty-frst Amendment, which provides for pro tection of North Carolina and all oth er dry States against importation of Intoxicating- liquors into the State in violation of its laws. 5. Repeal of the Eighteenth Amend ment simply says to New Yorl: and other like States: “You can iegally license the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors in your State by any plan you choose.’ It says to North Carolina and other like States: “You can refuse, as heretofore, to permit the sale or manufacture of intoxieat ing liquors in your Commonwealth.” It simply restores full State rights in the matter of manufacture or sale of intqxicating liquors. That and noth ir» O' rrmro Therefore, t$ie speaker, opposing Repeal, was as incorrect so far as the legal effect of the repeal of the Eigh teenth ’Amendment is concerned, as was the pro-saiccn advocate, who boasted that the pro-saloon crowd would stampede the Governor and the Legislature into action for the re turn to the days of • the saloon and the still. Of course, it is true, with the re peal of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution, the pro-sa loon forces will claim that it fore shadows the repeal of State prohibi tion laws, which would thereby se cure another reign of the ills which caused the people to ratify the Eigh teenth Amendment and vote State Prohibition in a majority of the states prior to 1920. It may be fairly argued that if the popular vote in North Car olina should largely favor repeal of the Eighteenth- Amendment, the pro saloon forces would be encourage*1 in their desire to return to the open and demoralizing salocn—the center of vice and Crime as well as the dis penser of liquor. It is because of the fear of such aid to the saloon that many opponents of the saloon in North Carolina will re * gister their votes againat Repeal. They already realize that such vote in this State would not stay repeal, but they say to themselves: “If the liquor traffic is to have a return, it shall not be aided by my vote, direct ly or indirectly. I tkke my stand against any threatened return of the barroom. I protest by my vote against giving aid and comfort to those who think more of the liberty to drink and to get drunk than to the protec tion of the home.” Undoubtedly there are 'voters in North Carolina who never did believe in the policy or efficacy of National Prohibition, whose States Rights con victions have caused them to oppose the Eighteenth Amendment and who, when it was submitted, feared put t's .ting "prohibition into' the National Constitution would weaken State laws and State enforcement. These men will, therefore, consistently vote to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment, without in any way opposing State prohibition or wishing to see the Open Saloon debauching a new cro]5 of citizens. These sincere States Rights men will continue to uphold the right of North Carolina to protect i O If your tires slip, skiti new, think how da they’ll be tii^o c: -'"■v roads months o. a..,. more darkness! When \ . can buy safe, new Goodyears at today’s io.v prices, why risk it? Oa cool reads now rubber wears very slowly — new Goodyears will protect you all winter and still be almost new next cprin;’. So buy now, La sr.f ': and save me., eyi 55.55 6,00 0.30 G/;o 7* no 7.45 8.10 its people against the saloon and to look to State and local authorities to enforce State laws. Nobody can deny that in many communities, the local authorities have abdicated their duty to enforce prohibition laws ahd have leaned c.i the broken staff of National enforcement. Vhe government at Washington, except during the first two years of National Prohibition, never attempted a consistent and vi gorous enforcement of National Pro hibition. Leaning upon the strong arm of the republic to do the ■enforcing of a Na tional law, the State and local agen cies of government have not generally been cither diligent or vigilant.Therc fore, National Prohibition has never had a chance to determine its worth. On the other hand, in numerous States and localities, Prohibition, whether National, State or local, has demonstrated itssuperiori ty in every way over the licensed Saloon. ' On November 7th, the pro-saloon forec-s in North Carolina will seek to secure a favorable vote for Repeal a3 an entering wedge for the re-op ening of the saloon, with all its cor ruption and debauchery. This element is even now thinking more about re pealing North Carolina laws than anything else. They see Repeal as a .step towards satisfaction of appetite. The strict States Rights people, who have always opposed National Prohibition because they regard regu lation of the liquor traffic is strictly a local matter, will also vote for Re peal. But those of that class who ;.re really sincerely against the saloon do not relish the bad company in in which they find themselves. To those saloonites and States Rights advocates of Repeal will be added, particularly among the young voters, those who, knowing personal ly nothing of the evils of the old time saloon, feel that Prohibition has not been a success. They are ready to fiy to the ills they know not of rather than to endure the violations of Prohibition. On November 7th, the opponents of Repeal likewise embrace several classes. A large number, believing in the principle of National Prohibition. Will vote their conviction that the principle should not be repudiated, even if there have been violations of the law and it has not had a fair chance. Another element embraces those who fear that if North. Carolina votes for repeal of the Eighteenth Amend ment, the action may or will lead to repeal of State Prohibition laws. The activity of the pro-saloon advocates of Repeal gives ground for the fear they entertain. Nobody who wants temperance and opposes the saloon can trust to their utterances or poli cy. A few years ago the very vocal pro-saloon advocates were telling us: “Under no circumstances will we ever favor a return of the saloon. All we want is the sale of light wine and beer because we believe these bever ages v/ill promote temperance.” There ar good people who made that state ment and who were and arc sincere. But they are not the vocal leaders in the Repeal fight. These prate of “temperance” and conveniently forget that when Prohibition was stronger they pledged themselves as against a return of the saloon to debauch people and again to be the stronghold of liquor politicians. Their past record and present protestation of adherence to temperance should fool nobody. It is a cloak for their soon-to-be-seen advocacy of the disreputable saloon. Perhaps the largest vote against Repeal will come from those who, having lived in the days of saloons and having observed their debauchery and demoralizing influence, wish to record their solemn protest against any act which might encourage pro saloon advocates in their desire for a return to the Red Lights and drunk enness which disgraced the State be fore State Prohibition was put upon the statute books. No reference is made here to the element which looks to securing rev enue from saloons and stills in the hope that they will thereby secure a reduction of their taxes. Let that pass. We always have with us the tax dodgers who would put the dollar above temperance and the protection of the home. The real light in North Carolina on the liquor problem, therefore, will not come on Novomber 7th. Independent ‘“"it in this State on repeal more of the of the Eighteenth Amt.. than enough States to bring about repeal are assured. The vote on No vember 7th may influence further State policies. A big majority for Re peal would be hailed by the pro-sa loon forces as presaging a repeal of State Prohibition laws. Those among them who are enamored of saloons and saloon politics, which disgraced the State in the last generation, will attempt to secure action by a special or general session of the Legislature, without submission to the people. All others will agree that no attempt to change the present Prohibition laws will be made, or should be made, until the regular session of the Legislature in 1935 can submit the question to the electorate. Let every citizen bear in mind this truth: No action taken on November 7th, or by the convention, if called, on the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment of the Federal Constitu tion can legally change even by so See Castevens Motor Co. for radio ^e$TERF;ao_ *B« A «*£g«Jg. 2ssggE SSsS a&sss* X keep coming back to that word "balanced” on the back of the OU often hear the word balance-— -a- something is out of balance — top heavy, not on an "even keel.” What you read, "Chesterfield Cigarettes are a balanced blend,” iheans that the right amounts of the right kinds of tobacco are welded together; that is, home-grown to baccos, the right kind, the right quantity— are blended and cross-blended with tobac cos from Turkey and Greece. When these tobaccos are balanced one against the other, then you have a mild cigarette. When they are in balance, then you have a better-lasting cigarette. May we ask you to read again the statement on the back of the Chesterfield package? May we ask you to try Chesterfield? | Chesterfield 1 Balanced Blend A © 193J. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. BRIDEGROOM OF ONE DAY MEETS DEATH AT HAND OF JEALOUS FdVAL IN LOVE Don Wallace, resident of North Fork Township who on last Saturday took to himself a bride, Tuesday left a widow .when he expired in an Eli zabethton Hospital from the effects of a bullet fired point blank into the adbomen, allegedly by Ferd Wilson, 25, neighbor. The shooting which occurred on Sunday evening in the neighborhood in which both young men lived, is believed by officers to have been a result of jealousies existing between the two on account of the young lady, who twenty-four hours previous the dead man had promised to love, hon or and cherish. The tragedy took place, it i3 said, near the Tennessee line, and from reports The Democrat is able to gather, no word was spoken ' as a prelude to the shooting. Wallace is said to have been con versing with a man named ’Poller when Wilson is alleged lo have wail ed up, silent and deliberate, ana lire 1 the fatal builet into the abdomen o, deceased. The missile passed taro: gh the liver and death cecum d two day; afterwards. Officers from Boone scare! e.l the countryside for the fi.gadv, but• uj until Wednesday noon, i;< h ' no: been apprehended and there were no clues as to his whereabouts. Wilson is about twenty-five years old and the son of Roby \/i! n. Dull he and Wallace come from Watangt families and are well known in tb* western part of the county. No do tails as to the funcial of the d; man were available. Watauga Dem ocrat, of Oct. 26. much as the crossing of a "t” or the I dotting of an “i” the State Prchibi-' tion laws of North Carolina. Until the State acts, nothing intoxicating can legally be sold in North Carolina ex cept that by the act of the 1933 Leg islature the sale of 3.2 beer is per mitted to be made under regulations issued under the act of the last Leg islature. When you vote on November 7tli, you vote on one proposition only: Will North Carolina ratify or reject the proposal to take the Eigh>eenth Amendment out of the Federal Con stitution ? Simply that and nothing more. Mr. Fosdick and the Rockefel ler Commission truly say that “wo may repeal National Prohibition, but we cannot repeal the liquqor prob lem.”—Raleigh News and Observer. Coxs Chapel News Mrs. Carrie Phipps and son, Hor ton Mack, of Bridle Creek, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horton Phipps Saturday and Sunday. Mr. E. P. Osborn made a business trip to Winston-Salem Saturday. Miss Rheba Phipps spent Saturday night with Marilen Osborne. Mrs. E. P. Osborne and Mr. Munsey Cox, who are teaching at Whitetop Gap, Va,, Spent the week-end at home. ~~A Mrs. Burton OrtLorne, Mr. «nn. Paul, Mr. , and Mrs. E. P. Osborne i and Mr. Munsey Cox were callers at T. C. Black’s Saturday night. Mrs. Preston Osborne is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Forest Cox, at Baywood, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Cox are the proud parents of a new daughter. Several from this community at tended the chool fair held at Piney Creek last Saturday. Miss Ethel Ward was a guest of Miss Marilen Osborne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walls were j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Phipps Sunday. Vacancies In Maxine Corps Open To High School Grads. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 27—Examina tion of applicants for entrance in the U. S. Marine Corps from Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida and Eastern Georgia will be held at the Marine Corps Headquarters, Post mg the month of November, it it-, announced by Lieut. Col. A. B. Drum. Vacancies for November are allot ed as follows: Va., 10; N. C. 10; S.C. 10; Fla., 15, and Eastern Ga., 5. Applicants accepted are transferred to the Marine Base, Parris Island, S. C. After preliminary training for several weeks some will be assigne '. to duty aboard battleships or > raise: Notice—The Edwards Transportation will leave West Jefferson Nov. Sal 7 a.m. Sparta 8:30 a an. -for Be! Air. Md. For reservations write W . ' B Edwards, Darlington, Maryland. Notice—1 \i ill make rou:: I i -i, t< Winston-Salem every The rdlay. Leave your order for haul nig at Ai leghany Motor Sales, Way a i , See Castev.ens Motor Co. for radio batteries, tubes, and service ndv.' For Sale—Two—1 and ’Von matched nuu. CC»AC.->* . \l -ojUi ~ ^ if. See John Choate, bp: r.L , -—-w-~ Notice—We are operating :: in, ; eir Vat on every Saturday o: eat • week until further npii>: 1 -u. it • • <' Lon Southers. Charged >0 ccols mu head for cattle. Higgins A Co. it-; d. . Wanted—Any quantity of s«nu a Hr nut Hulls. Mu t be absolutely dry Smithey’s Store, Sparta, N. C. Reins - Sturdivant Funeral Homo Ambulance Service Day or Night. j —Licensed Kmbalimus— • • Sl’AIvTA, N. < . E L E 5* II O N E ismssHarasi bile «;',h rn >Viii be assigned to' for* g.i * i vice aim siaAtioa.i ,n tke Uni" ml BUtes. ‘he I\le bar Corps accepts only young me:: who are graduates of • gli u'r.i:, O' :.:p ;C\ • ' standing. he euu' -uLuvuel, c'h.praetev ; :.•; phy ■ ;1 i'w_oiv-em' rr.e 'rigid. The .va • h da. cf Ida vines;, at foreign star •..■■a. what-..! trey ce:ve .under siti’.a i iiroi' ■horn: tienal i:, and I o . :!• it a.' :dy to lao ! to protect Vmerb _>.:i in disturbed' foreign areas ii'ii >r.iction oi. capsule unu re i .ale ... a. V' . ng noa. in ihis vicinity who kun e / service in the 'Murine Corps ho; i.; v;,'ite the SuVcnriah' office for Apphcltlong. * MiT" '•.dot and Hattie Brov/n and ;wn si 1 1 i Gulnx, Vs... : sL Si .dry. They airu visited their i laronts' old home at t • hur r Va. COUDS Aik! allied troublesquick ly relieved by kU-BAUM, the sooth ing, healing salve for external use. Ask your druggist or grocer.- -Auy, Statement of the Gwnership, Manage ment, C Leuiaiiona Etc., Required by the Art • 1 f»i!gre>;.Toi Augr24, i 91:2 oi Voa rd ghuny Tun , published weekly at :-varta, -K. <?., ipr Grto Staie of North Carolina: County .of Akgho.ra. Before a re. a ijotury republic in and I for the IT ale and muna aft w . ;.l c r.iii.' 1,. a;/poured rawin' i >. Ste i pile,ihaving, ieon duly '.sworn ■ er.u; ct m. * i. > *:■•.., a. a ua. i. • i say.. :. :• fill is. ■ *'•.' KdUor and Owner of ah: hh y Tim.: , ; nd that the .eik. yuig if, to the best of his hnpw ige a: 1 b lief, a tme statement of ha o'/n.-t ridp,. im nag. meat of the a .oi a ,..i i pal. beat ion for the. date iption, required the bet wa August 24, 1912. . Th,.b tb ■ names, and add ••sees of b;..- publb her; edite'b managing editor viii i • '• *.!•■ v.*: ~ iisi'or . ,. .a U : . AS '' ' rtaj i. C.| ; • o , lb win U ill no, i p:,. La, N, b Th .1 the » wner i : hit win D. ,n,eda:v;. byi.a , A. C. ha, A laae iuihwn. ppiieih, Id. ra,. rnert , and ; n . , y holder; ..a •' , .r.. hpidiug: 1 |»e.r cen t . Of niorP e; tc/bihaini'iiiu. of I••«:i-i u. ■. b.a.gca. •‘ otuar ■■■..ecuritie ; a: a: '..hOii.-pe , 1 . ■ Ciooldyw N. V : i >. C. .•Unai'tu, A, (J. Aid bAU.r-A n V 1 I *• * N • \ IL; w BATTERIES 1 U 'to IN. i\ SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES By virtue of power vested in me by the laws of the State of North , Carolina, and by order of County , Commissioners of Alleghany County, T will on Monday, November 6th, 1.' ' jo, at 1 o’clock; P. M., at the Court House door of Alleghany County sell for cash the following real estate on which the taxes for the year 1932 have not been paid: Prathers Creek | Andrews, JO., 45 a., $9.80 cost $1.95 ; McMillan, Cleo, 46 W a., $14.61 ) cost, ....$1.95 Watson, R. C., 36 a., $9.59, cost $1.91 Maxwell, Mary Ann, SO acres $4.7C cost, ....$1.9 Maxwell, Cynda, 15 a., $7.98 cost, .. ....$1.9; Mo- w, Dr. J. C., 157 a.,'$60.73 cost, . $1.9! Piney Creek ✓ Collins, Coy, 40 a., $11.80, cost $1.9r cost, .*..........$1.95 Halsey, C. E., 41 a., $16.01,'cost $l.$t Handy, J.rf., 20 a., $5.83, cost $1.9f Herhpdell Power Co. 116 a., $55.61 cost, .$1.9; McMillan, Mrs. Cleo, 48 a., $9.48 cost, . ...>.$1.9f Miller, J.E.,'63 a., $13.71, cost $1,95 Smith, Odell, 26 a., $7.22, cost $1.9! Weaver, G. Y., 6% a., $4.54, cost $1.91 Weaver, W. A.,7h a., $1.98, cost $1.9 Weaver, WAV. 8 VL» a., $1.98, cost $1.95 vVyatt, Stnley 180 a. $44.47, cost $1.95 Whitehead Hutchins, W.R. 197 a., $15.38 cost, .$1.95 loines, Linvill 15 a., $13.69, cost $1.95 Glade Creek Howe, E.T. 3 a., $3.25, cost $1.95 Lundy, Franklin 9 a., $3.44, cost $1.95 Murphy, Lee heirs I8S a., $15.60 cost, .. $1.95 Norman, G. L. 26 a., $8.51, cost $1.9. Richardson, Talmadge 87 a., $15.6." cost, . $1.95 Smith, Lester 44 a., $13.73, cost $1.95 ; Wright, Carl 100 a., $17.69, cost $1.9. i Choate, J.S. 16 a., $4.79, cost $1.9; I Bryan, W.G 69 a., $10.83, cost $1.9; McMillan, Addie Land 3S a., $6.33 cost, Andrew 1 cost A clams, Brown, I cost, ' • Cheek, . Caudill, ! Coll ms, .$1.9' Wiley 63 a., $11.20, $1.95 $1.91 Jess 15 a., $4.35, cost Garnett 48 a., $11.19 $1.95 S.M. 39 a., $10.53, cost $1.95' M.C. 52 a., $11.62, cost $1.95 B. L. 352 a., $34.74. cost $1.95 r iiagi. c T. §3 a. $6.48, cost $1.95 f’-.t-ueiitcr, WAV. 9.:t * ^...&l.b J cost, . Franklin, B.A. 152 a., $25.76 cost $1.95 Fortener,. 49 a,, $8.05, cost $1.95 Isgiac, John 80 a., $14.06, cost $1-95 Gap Civil Wagoner, W.D. 30 a.. $9.21, cost $1.95 Watson, Jettie, 56 a., $8.67, cost 51.95 Crouse, T.E. 120 a., $26.32. cost $1.95 | nl | Edwards, Ben 21 a.. $6.67, cost $1.95 Wagoner, Glenn 3 a., $6.34, cost $1.95 ’ Reeve.;, Benia, heirs 8 a., $2.39 I cost, .$1.95 I Holcomb. F n m a., $5.77, cost $1.95 | Iloilo way, Wheeler. 38 a., $5 94 cost .j $1.95 i Little River farms, 415 a., $143.13 cost, $1.95 i'M’u i-ay, R. L. 49 a., $8.86, cost $1.95 I Poole, J. W. 2W a., $1.28, costs $1.95 i Poole, D.H. 5 a., $5.12, cost $1.95 Richardson, T.G. 141 a., $62.79 cost, .... $1.95 Reeves, Kilby 24 a., $7.89, cost $1.95 GLADE -VALLEY NEWS (Received too late for last week.) Mr. R. H. Bolling and family visit ed Sunday their daughter, Louise, who i3 in school here. Their daughter, Jean, is spending a few days at the school. Mrs. L. M. Smith and her sister, Mr3. S. J. Wilson, of Danville, Va., visited on Sunday Mrs. Smith’s daughter. Mary, a student in the high school. l Miss Margaret McNeil, music tea cher in the Stuari-Robinson school, 31ackey, Ky., is spending the week with her friend, Miss Margaret Dow dle, teacher at Giade Valley high johool. Rev. O. W. Marshall made a busi ness trip to Winston-Salem Monday. The High School Honor Roll for .September is as follows, with an av erage of 95 or above: Evon Eldridge, luth Richardson, Rutn Sheets, Ruby Wyatt . Honorable mention with av erage of 90 or above: Josie Roten, tebecca Darnell, Georgia Wingler, Jupid Ledwell, Cleo Neeley, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Tedd Wyatt, Ruth Ham, Leo la Robinson, Annie Blair, seniors: Maye Warden, Virginia 'Pay* lor, Luciie Blevins, Nina Shoaf, and Roger Woodie. Willie Halsey and Graham Myer^ attended the airplane festival nea$ Greensboro Sunday. r ) Reed, R.A. 2 a., $3.33, cost $1.95 'exton, G. P. 3 Vi a., $4.27, cost $1.95 landers, Dessa 32 a., $8.82, cost $1.95 Woodruff, Lee 3a., $10.69, cost $195 Vndrews, Lonzo 9 a., $4.29, cost $1.95 mdrews, L.M. a., $8.18, cost $1.95 Brooks, Dr.H.M. 222 a., $35.03 cost, _...$1.95 Brinegar, Moses 17 a., $4.98 cost $1.95 Brinegar, Robt 9 Vi a. $3.48, cost $1.95 3rooks, Mrs. Jane 20 Vi a., $2.82 cost.._.$1.95 Chambers, J. A. 26 a., $7.22 cost $1.95 3d wards, Quincy 39 a. $6.96 cost $1.95 Edwards, D.M. 81 Vi a., $27.43 cost....$1.95 Edwards, j. Meriman 175 a., $11.77 ‘ cost, ._.$1.95 Ortmbury Bowsers, 3.H. 17 a., $5.03, cost $1.96 Bowers, G. A. 18 a., $6.92, cost $1.95 Harris, R.N. 43 a., $9.71, cost $1.95 Key, George 30 a., $4.29, cost $1.95 Moxley, T.S. 45 a., $15.13, cost $1.95 Harris, T. E. 50 a., $13.36, cost $1.95 Taylor, G. W. 150 a., $26.34, cost $1.95 Taylor, dhas. A. 92 a., $22.89 cost, . $1.95 Cherry fan** Stroks, j. N, 230 a.. $8,87, east $193 - i3 „ $493 Bennett- v - - . . .....$1.95 Crouse, HughF. 50 a., $4.80, cost $1.9®*' (Crouse, J.f»L sp 50 a., $4.80 CQBt $1,95 Crouse J. Marras 96 a., $4.42 cost...—.|l.fBI Click, A. G. & Hubbard, R. L-, 196 h* $19.79 cost, ...11-95 Cooper, Y. L. 136 a., $28.63, cost $1-95 Gentry, W. E. 58 a., $10.25, cost $1.95 Harris, G. H. 61 a., $15.90, cost $1.93 Holbrook, L. A. 30 a., $4.68, cost $1.93 Jordan, L. R. 135 a,, $34.40, cost $1.95 Shaw', Tom, 25 a,, $5,30, cost $1.93 Shaw, Martha 107 a., $16.17, cost, .$1.95 Shaw, K. F. 174 a., $37.69, cost $1.95 Shaw, F H. 20 a., $7.95, cost $1.95 Vannay, J. N. 21 a., $1.58, cost $1.95 This the 3rd day of October, 1933. R. B. McMILLAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector.

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