.. the amleghany times $1.09 FEB YEAR— CAJW IN ADVANCE UtllOII | •a ALLEGHANY Buy Now! HELP THE NBA DRIVE FOR NATIONAL RECOVERY DEVOTED TO THE CMC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES [jjj (I1MIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIII UllniitMttiiin,nut, VOL 9. ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1933. No. 2S. CITIZENS PETITION BOARD FOR NEW CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS A number of citizens of Cranberry Township appeared before the Board of Education Monday and requested the Board to consider the advisibility of establishing a consolidated elemen tary school in Cranberry Township. A similar request was made by citizens of Glade Creek. The Board of Educa tion held a joint session with the Board of County Commissioners to consider these requests, and the boards decided to defer the matter till their next meeting in December in order to get further information in regard to the projects. The County Superintendent was requested to se cure some desired information with regardto funds for school building 9! from State Superintendent A. T. Allen and from Dr. H. G. Baity, State Engineer, representing the Federal Government. The Board of Education decided to offer the Zion school house and lot for sale at the court house in Sparta the first Monday in December. Othei matters of routine business were transacted at the meeting. An interesting session of the coun ty teachers’ organization was held Saturday with a general topic of! health education for discussion. Mrs. Juanita McDougal, of the State De partment of Education, and Miss Smith, of the National Association for the Prevention of Blindness, ad dressed the group. A number of in-1 teresting papers were read before the j group. DR. BVRGISS HONORED At a recent meeting of the North Carolina Rexall Druggists Associa tion in Charlotte, Dr. T. R. Burgiss, of Sparta, was elected secretary- j treasurer of the organization. There: are a great many independent owned j Rexall stores in N. C., and the elec- ! tion to this office is quite an honor for the local druggist. THE TIMES’ HONOR ROLL Recent subscribers to The Times are as follows: Lloyd Pugh, Galax; J. M. Weaver, Peden; Mrs. W. H. Roup, Cloverland, Wash.; Edna Gentry, Cherry Lane; : E. L. Williams, Sparta; Dr. F. G. Woodruff, High Point; Glenn Crouse, Glade Valley; J. N. Atwood, Peden; Odus Mabe, Wilkesboro; Mrs. C. A. Duncan, Sparta; W. F. DougMon, Laurel Springs; Mrs. G. C. Edwards, Forest Hill, Md.; H. G. Black, Strat ford; B. S. Evans, Ennice; J. Elmore Maines, Sparta; Chloe Taylor, Strat ford; G. V. Wagoner, Sparta; E. W. Halsey, Stratford; D. G. Myers, Spar ta; C. B. Choate, Furches; C. G. Pol lard, Sparta; M. H. Shaw, Cherry Lane; Mrs. Laura Choate, Sparta; S. O. Edwards, Stratford; Mrs. Ollie Edwards, Sparta; Mrs. H. L. Halsey, Piney Creek; M. F. Dickinson, Union Mills, Route one; John Cathron, Lo max, N. C.; Mrs. Mattie Andrews. Sparta; Homer A. Smith, Stratford; Lou Reid Landreth, Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. E. L. Mokley, Darlington, Md. SPECTRES ON PARADE 'One reosn why there is less appre ciation than there should be of the horror of our annual automobile death toll is that the accidents hap pen far apart geographically, and at intervals throughout the entire year so that the total of a single day in a single locality does not particularly uiaturu us. o-Lii, icw comparatively speaking, see an acci dent in which someone is killed or seriously injured. It would be well for the public to put its imagination to work on this situation. Here’s one way to do it. Suppose that you, and all the mil lions of other car-owners, could be seated in a tremendous reviewing stand. Marching by slowly in front of you are the 35,000 shrouded spec tres of persons who were killed b; automobiles last year. To each shroud ed figure is slinging one or more be reaved relatives. The parade would take many hours to pass—a silent, marching line of lives that had been destroyed because some one was care less or reckless or incompetent. The very unpleasantness of that il lustration is what makes it valua ble. The fact that only an infinitesi mal proportion of the 35,000 victims are killed in your community doesn't make any difference. Nor does the fact that only a comparatively few deaths occur on a given day. Remem ber that each year sees hundreds of tragedies as horrible as those of the Titanic or the Akron—and they are all unnecessary. Th|nk of that long, horrible parade! And then decide what kind of a dri veryou will strive to be in the fu ture. “The spirit of the Colonials was the spirit of cooperation. Understanding of the spirit of co operation was against classes made Washington’s name rever ed.” r —President Roosevelt. Dr. it Censures Repeal Argur it it In Address Here f ii'. -1. i one way to deal with the kquc. > and tlxat is abso lute v..,' said Dr. John R. Jester, .. sur or the First Babtist Church ~i vVm,ton-Salem in an ad dress m thecou. t house at Sparta Sat urday a .'torn u. Dr. Jester’s address Wag spcn brded bj the Dry Forces of Alleghru., County. Dalton Warren pre sided over the meeting and Rev. J. L. Underwupa offered an invocation. Mrs A. O. Joines, dry candidate for the co unty, spoke briefiy in favor of the 18Hi Amendment. With a few timely remarks Rev. J. L. Underwood intro duced tiie speaker, who turned loose a barrage of statements against the ar guments of the Repealists and bom barded their logic from every angle. “There are three ways of dealing with liquor,” he said. “Sell it as free as water. But that is out of the ques tion. ’I hen let mine it-but that has been a failure in the past. Then the only aitaaiauve lea is absolute pro hibition. “What the liquor crowd wants is not State right:;, but liquor-liquor without : i u. ) accept the chal lange of , cr ■ r .Reynolds-vote as you a .nk a.: . .. Carolina will go dry xs c i*- -t \ - » “The \.c-i .it following logic but sophistry. Prohibition doesn’t prohibit, if liquor is more plentiful now t;;un e. :■ Prohibition then every V, v . be its greatest friend, i'er \v mi they want is more liquor. “I’ll walk with the President as far as any man to i ip,- ove the condition of oar ccun rj economically, but I’ll not walk w; n him or any other man to violate . .. .science and vote for repeal. “When 2: c you known politicians as a whole to favor prohibition and temperance ? Of course, there are a few good statesmen who stand for what is right in this matter. You no tice that Senator Dailey has taken a stand for repeal. That’s not surpris ing. He’s only .running true tc form. He fought prohibition in other days. I’m thankful to God for one thing-I never voted for Josiah Bailey. “This country is in the grip of pea nut inlinitesmal politicians. Let re peal come, and in a few years people will get so disgusted with conditions that they will rise up and vote for prohibition again and sweep these wet politicians out of oil ice and put in good men who stand Tor the right in this matter. v "One crowd wants liquor decently without violating tHe law. Another crowd wants liquor because they have money mv . - a it. Another crowd, the mul'ti-m f maires; want liquor so that th y een . niff, taxes off their own shoul d , r the masses Of the people. I-'omign . omitries want liquor back he .:. - any lost a lot of revenue r n u of liquor to the United .“tat. .V :i the I8th Amend ment was pa; rad. “Prohibi . : ;worst is better that log' in: . ir with all the re strictions yo c n place around it. Politician- tell r we can drink our selves back to p; osperity. Liquor has never yet paid ii.s way to the govern ment. Take out the cost of jails, courts, and pern entiaries and liquor costs more than ;t pays in taxes.” • From time to time in his address Dr. Jester challenged any wet to dis prove any of his statements. And in a final appeal-h asked the men and women to go to iho pulls Tuesday and vote to keep Not th Carolina dry. Quite a large crowd attended the speaking a ,rl Yen. time to time ap plauded statements ox the speaker, wit:, : lakes its SO ■ 1 . t :■ 4 months we And there ings NBA can do in :: ' • i . r and the rural merch; -ii ■•.. . ncie shows that the f-i;i . i ,. . loyment and wage in in ii .nu nts em pluvi.. , i.t.i: j persons in towns - t i ..00 population it not one.;, ■ ::t the hardship onl: ilea , ‘.one is asking the ;o wt ■ . to continue un der tiic u u! .. i y all others the Blue hug j - erapLion chev ron may 1; . ( iy d. This should relieve Ur- • i n- of retail mark-ups due to inc :>;p ;e. Our experi ence also - rui ‘information about ti. : . •>: wholesale and retail price for/ that most of the gre: in, it will be much easier th n cv :r before not only to invest... te but actually to prevent undue .. holt. ; tie price in creases. The Pi dent has directed that this be done at once. "But most of the complaints re ceived now are of retail profitering. A complete plan has been worked out for iair hearings by complaint boards. By tlr-se means we - believe we can protect tue public, including the. farmer, against price increases which do not come as a direct result of the cost of reemployment.” “The NRA is a three-sided partnership between the Govern- • ment, the employer, and the con sumers of Am rica. If all part ners pull together there can be no doubt oi success.” —General Johnson. NORTH CAROLINA VOTES AGAINST REPEAL WITH LARGE MAJORITY Alleghany County One of 8 Counties Favoring Repeal Cranberry Voted 4 to 1 Against Repeal. With only 50 per cent or less of the voters voting in the election Tues day Alleghany went for repeal of the 18th Amendment by 189 majority. | 1538 votaes were cast for delegates and 1523 voted for convention or no convention. Gap Civil polled the lar gest majority for repeal, the vote be ing over three to one. Cranberry vot ed against repeal about four to one. Whitehead went about three to one; against repeal and Glade Creek about two to one against repeal. The official vote by townships is as follows: Prathers Creek Convention 99—No Convention 87. Delegate 94—Delegate 93. Cherry Lane Convention 126—No Convention 105 Delegate 119—Delegate 115. Whitehead Convention 40—No Convention 137. Delegate 40—Delegate 137. Glade Creek. Convention 71—No Convention 37. Delegate 76—Delegate 37. Gap Civil Convention 419—No Convention 128. Delegate 420—Delegate 127. Cranberry Convention 25—No Convention 101. Delegate 28—Delegate 99. Plney Creek Convention 76—No Convention 72. Delegate 76—Delegate 75. Incomplete returns from neighbor ing counties show Surry to be 4 to 1 against repeal, Watauga, 5 to 1 against repeal, Wilkes 3 to 1 against repeal, Yadkin 10 to 1 against, Ashe, no report available. Lumber Code Sets Maximum Of Forty Hours Week New Orleans, La., Nov. 7—In order to secure 100 percent compliance with the lumber code in the Southern Pine Division and to cooperate to the full est extent with President Roosevelt and the Administration in their ef forts to increase employment and purchasing power under the National Recovery program, H. C. Berckes, secretary-manager of the Southern Pine association, administrative agen cy of the code in the division, today issued the following statement to the press concerning the code’s require ments as to minimum wages and maximum hours of labor in the South ern Pine industry: “Under the lumber code, which now is federal law, all Southern pine manufacturers must pay not less than the minimum wage of 24 cents per hour to any employee, and must not work any employee in such operations more than 40 hours in any one week, excepting watchmen, firemen and re pair crews, who shall be paid time and one-half for every hour they work more than 40 hours in any one week. Executive, supervisory and tra velings ales forces and camp cooks are exempt from the maximum work- i ing hours provisions of the code. “These requirements of the code as to minimum wages and maximum hours apply equally to all producet? of Southern Pine logs, poles and pil ing, sawn lumber and products of planing mills operating in conjunction with sawmills, shingles, lath, boxes and crates. No local or state board or committee of the NR A or Presi dent’s Re-employment Agreement, or any other person or organization, has authority to grant exceptions to or exemptions from any requirement of the Lumber Code.” “FARMER BOB” DOUGHTON 70 YEARS OLD TUESDAY Hard Work Made Him Chairman of Powerful Congress Com. - <1 By Whitney Tharln Associated Press Staff Writer. Washington, Nov. 4.—{AP)—Big, broad-shouldered, bald-headed, "Bob” Doughton, who will be 70 years old Tuesday, eased his husky frame back in his leather-bound swivel chair in the House Office building and allowed after considerable questioning-that he got into politics quite by accident but has remained there by hard work. That hard work has made him the Honorable Robert L. Doughton, North Carolina’s Democratic chairman of the powerful ways and means commi ttee, but at heart he’s the same “Far mer Bob” who used to drive cattle to pasture in Alleghany county. That was before he went to the North Carolina Senate back in 1908 and two years later won the Democra tic Congressional nomination in a four-candidate convention fight. Com ing from the smallest county in the district, Doughton said he had no idea of winning his first nomination. Since then, he has had that nomi nation without opposition except on one occasion, when he had to fight it out in a primary. Carring the Democratic banner in Doughton’s district bacb in 1910 was a pretty tough job because until “Far mer Bob” won out, the district had been Republican 12 of the previous 20 years. In fact, in Doughton’s first general eiecuon ne neat Kepresentative Char les H. Cowles, the Republican nomi* nee, by only 759 votes. That was the begin ing of a Congressional career that has run uninterruptedly ofr more than 22 years. ; The slim 1900 margin was boosted to 3,262 majority the next election but I Doughton modestly explains this by recalling that Wilkes county, Repub* lican stronghold, had been taken out of his Ninth district. Since then, Doughton has had "cios calls” in four years when his major | ity dropped below 2,000 votes. The first two close races came on, the heels of each other In 1914 and 1916. In 1920, the Harding landslide cut Doughton’n majority to 1,088 and in 1928 the Hoover deluge left “Farmer Bob” with only 1,384 majority. Just as Republican landslides work ed against him, huge Democratic majorities worked for him. In 1930, the year the Democrats won the House under the Hoover administra tion, Doughton rang up a majority of 15,000 votes. In 1932, riding the crest of the Roosevelt tidal wave, Doughton [attained his greatest majority-21,724 I votes. So long as a job is not being sought 1 all residents of Doughton’s district look alike politically to him. But when it comes to a matter of patron age, his support, of course, goes to the Democrats. It is his policy, coupled with the fact that he knows the needs of far mers and live stock raisers and has supported good roads, better mail service and similar legislation, that, in Doughton’s opinion, has enabled him to stay in Congress all these years. When Doughton gets back in his district, he visits the farms, mills and shops for personal talks with hund reds of his constituents. Thit, he frankly admits is “good politics,” but, he argues, it also gives him a person al insight into the needs and wishes of the people he represents. Doughton has large farming and live stock interests of his own. He is also a banker and merchant. By keep ing track of his personal activities he can virtually take care of the citizens in the district as their interest are his interests. Like all Congressmen, Doughton has a secretary at his beck and call to take action and answer his mail but there's one person to whom “Farmer Bob” writes himself and he picks these letters out on a type-writer be cause her sight is fading. She is his 95-year-old mother, Mrs. Rebecca Doughton, who lives at the old family home place-Laurel Springs, N. C.-where Doughton was born Nov ember 7, 1863. since ner son nas Been in public life she has seen him ri3e from vir tual obscurity to a key position in the nation’s law-making body. She has numerous mementoes of this rise but cheif among her souvenirs is a letter from President Roosevelt con gratulating her on her 95th birthday. In that letter the President touched an old lady’s heartstrings when he told her how much he think’s of “Your Son Bob.” MRS. MOXLEY WRITES In sending in her subscription to The Times Mrs. E. L. Moxley, of Dar lington, Md-, writes that she likes to keep in touch with relatives and friends in Alleghany by reading the j county paper. Mrs. Moxley has been living in Maryland for eleven years. Mrs. Moxley is a neice of Dr. Duncan and D. C. Duncan, of Sparta. 5 VETERANS IN C.C.C.CAMP Only 200 ex-soldiers were allotted to North Carolina for enlistment in the C.C.C. Camps. This allotment would allow only two from each county, but C. A. Miles, director of relief for Alleghany, called headquar ters and was successful in obtaining an allotment of five for this County. These men have already been enlisted and are now in camp. To Land Owners of Alleghany County ... (We have asked the good cooper ation of the landowners in this coun ty to please not let outsiders move in without first getting full informa tion from the family as to what their future plans are for moving in the county. Some of the land onwers have been very good to co-operate with us in this respect, while others have ont We have offered and will still investi | gate the case thoroughly before let J tignthem be moved in the county, if hte land owner will only ask us. We have spent $150.00 moving people from this county back to their native counties. If the land owner had only asked us to investigate the case, or either not have let them moved in, this expense could have been saved and the money used for hard-surfac ing the highway. We now have some families who have moved in this co unty in the last ten days from adjoin ing counties and they have already been in the Releif office asking for clothes and food. We can not possibly do anything other than turn them down, and the land owner that lets them move in will certainly have to look after them and take care of them, becouse we already have more in our county than we are able to take care of. C. A. Miles, Acting Director Releif | Starting Life With a Handicap j Oneof the tragedies of this earth is j a malnourshed, diseased, or handicap I ped child. We have many of this type ' of children in our State. They start life, at a disadvantage from the begin ing. During the past twenty years much has been done for these chil dren, but much more remains to be done. With the exeeptino of inherited mental incompetence, nearly all the handicaps are preventable and remov able. We have an immense amount of malnutrition in North Carolina. Wc have always had it. A few counties report an increase, but the average for the State as a whole is about the same for the past ten years. Most of it is due to the total ignorance of parents concerning food values. Good, wholesome food is frequently ruined in preparation. There is a deficiency in milk. Parents and children indulge the whims of appetite, and a deficien cydiet results. It is unthinkable that any child in North Carolina should go without essential food. Climate and soil are perfect for the production of food crops. But children are helpless and the must depend upon the efforts of their parents and the social-minded leaders of the State for protection from preventable diseases and for the provision of adequate food. N. C. Health Bulletin SUMMARY OF 1933 LEGISLATION AFFECTING ALLEGHANY COUNTY MADE AVAILABLE BY INSTITUTE OF STATE GOVERNMENT By Henry Brandis, Jr. Associate Director Institute Govern-1 ment. The summary of legislation affect ing Alleghany County printed immedi ately following this introduction re prestnts the inauguartion of the legis lative sehvice sponsored by the Legis lators’ Division of The Institute of Government in which The Institute is undertaking to report local legislative measures to local citizens and local ! officer s affected. This summary, which includes bills which failed as well as those which passed, is to be supplemented by an analysis of laws affecting the entire State, which will shortly be ready for publication. The summary has been submitted for ap proval to the county’s representatives in the General Assembly. The adoption of this -program by the Legislators’ Division of The In stitute marks the first time in the history of the State that members of the General Assembly have preserved an organization after adjournment for the purpose of interpreting to their constituents thelegislation en acted by them. These summaries, one of which has been written for each county, and the forthcoming analysis of general legislation, constitute one phase of the broader legislative pro gram of The Institute which also in cludes continuous study, revision and codification of the laws and a study and revisino of legislative practice and procedure. The work of preparing the summaries and analysis this year was handicapped by shortage of per sonnel, but it is expected that begin ning in 1935, a service will be estab lished to report bills to officers and Citizens affected immediately after the bills are introduced, to pdepare and publish the local summaries im mediately upon adjournment of the legislature, and to publish the analy sis of general legislation shortly there after. For Alleghany a total of eleven co unty bills were passed, four Senate bills and seven House bills. Six House bills failed to pass. From the House one personal bill passed and one failed to pass. The statues mentioned in this sum mary are only those which specifical ly apply to Alleghany County or some part of the County. Many general laws were passed which also affect Alleghany, but these general laws are treated under the general analysis. Two tax laws were passed with particular refrence to Alleghany: (1) The Tax Sales Certificate Refunding Act (Chapter 181, Public Laws) ex pressly provides that adoption of its provisions is not mandatory in Alleg hany and its municipalities, but with in the discretion of the various govern ing bodies. The Act is discussed in de tail in the general analysis. Its prin cipal provisions permit paymet of 1931 and prior taxes on real estate on a 5-year installmetn plan, with 6% interest from April 1, 1933, and with all prior interest and penalties waived redemption of realty already sold for taxes on a similar installment plan; discounts for cash payment ofl931 and prior taxes ranging from 10% i for payment before December 1, 1933 to 2 %% for payment during Febru ary, 1934; extension of time for fore closure of tax sales certificates for 1927-31 taxes to October 1, 1934, It also bars from collection 1926 and prior taxes on which no foreclosure had been begun at the time of the Act’S ratification on March 27. There are 23 counties, including Alleghany, in which the application of the Act is optional with the governing bodies, and 5 other counties are exempted completely. (2) Chapter 405, Public-Local Laws allows the Alleghany Board of Com missioners to make an additional tax levy, not exceeding lOcents on the $100.00valuation, to meet the expense of holding court and of maintaining the jail and jail prisorers. Numerous counties found it expedient to author ize such special levies forsimilar pur poses at the recent Legislature, and in 1931 as well, thus emphasizing the cost of criminal law enforcement. In deed, this same Chapter authorized the making of such a levy in eight counties. Introduced as a bill applying only to Jackson County, it was amend ed by the House to apply to seven others, including Alleghany. The levy is subject to the approval of the Dir ector of Local Government (now the State Treasurer.) Miscellaneous Acts passed for Alleg hany were: (1) Chapter 274, Public-Local Laws is designed to expedite the sale of bonds to finance the rebuilding of the fire-destroyed county courthouse. The act allows the County Commissioners to sell either the bonds themselves or bond anticipation notes to the amount of $20,000, without the usual notice nad hearing after final passage of the bond order, and authorized the sale to be public or private. At the time of the passage of this bill on March 30 it was anticipated that speedy receipt, of the sale proceeds would enable the county to advantage itself of cheap construction costs then prevailing. (2) Chapter 127, Public-Local Laws affects the salaries of certain of the county officers and employees. Appar ently effective after the Chapter’s ratification on March 8, compensa tion of registrars, judges of election and other election officiais was fixed at $1.50 per day: and effective in December, the Board of Commission ers is directed to fix the Sheriff’s salary or commissions. Maximum com pensation which may be allowed him is 3l/2% of total taxes levied for 1032 plus process fees, fees and expense of transporting prisoners as directed, by the Court and patients to eleemos ynary institutions, and fees for hold ing courts. The Sheriff and County Treasurer are required to furnish bond without expense to the county. Also effective in December, 1934,! members of the Boards of Commis sioners and Education are to receive $2.00 per day actually spent on offi cial business and 5 cents per mile for necessary traveling. (3) Alleghany was one of 24 coun ties exempted by House amendments, from the provisions of Chapter 95, Public Laws, which is designed to ex tend the application of the State Bar- j ber’s license law t-o include many ru ral sections and all towns, and to in crease the powers of the State Board ’ of Barber Examiners. (4) Chapter 219, Public-Local Laws, provides that, in Alleghany, when a dog kills a sheep or other domestic animal, and the owner fails to lull the dog within three days after no- j tice of a finding by a justice of the Peace that his dog did the killing, he is guilty of a misdmeanor, and he is also liable civilly for domestic ani- i mals and fowls killed by his dog. The maxium criminal penalty i3 $50.00 j fine or 30 da\^ Any person may kill CONTINUED TO PAGE FOUR Overwhelming Dry Vote In State Iter suits in Election of 104 Dry Dele gates Out of Total of 120. OVERWHELMING VICTORY SUR PRISES EVEN MOST ARDENT DRY WORKERS. Murphy Statement That Vote Show* Trend Back to Hoover Brings Quick Denials—Vote Generally Regarded as Showing State Was Never As Wet as It Had Been Supposed To Be and As Reflecting Far Superior Dry Organization—Republican Vot* and New Election Law Also Re garded as Factors—Churches Tend ed Dominant Force. North Carolina yesterday refused by an overwhelming majority to call a convention to consider repeal of tho 18th amendment, mid, to make assur ance doubly sure elected an over whelming majority to the convention which will never assemble. Only 10 repeal delegates were elected as against 116 anti-repealists. The trend was unmisteble from the earliest returns and applied to rural and urban counties, east and west. Mecklenburg, considered a battle ground, and Wake, regarded as sure for repeal, were the first two laifs counties to land safely In the dry column. Rowan, home county of Wal ter Murphy, manager of the repeal campaign, shortly joined them, al though reputed to be one of the wet test counties in the State. Some of the traditionally wet coun ties in the east remained true to their wet moorings, but other eastern coun ties which had been expected to go wet veered sharply to the dry col umn. Alleghany was the only county west of Raleigh to vote for repeal Counties with a large Republican vote went overwhelmingly dry with out exception, the ten to one margin of Yadkin being rivalled by other traditionally Republican counties. Complete returns showed that of the 14 counties which voted wet when State prohibition was adopted in 1908 nine voted dry yesterday. Of the 14 counties which were wet a quarter of a century ago, only New Hanover, Martin, Pasquotank and Onslow were definitely in the repeal column with Durham dividing its two delegates. Wake, Franklin, Orange, Wilkes, Stokes, Yadkin, Johnston, Person'and Stanley, all of which were wet in 1908, went definitely dry yesterday and the repealists carried only 18 of the 100 counties in the State, with the drys carrying 86 and Durham the only one to divide. The other eight wet counties were Alleghany, Beau fort, Craven, Currituck, Edgecombe, Halifax, Pitt, and Wilson. Complete Surprise. The overwhelming extent of yes terday’s victory was a complete sur prise to even the most ardent drys. The drys had hoped to carry the State on a convention vote and had stronger hopes of electing a majority of the delegates. On the other hand, the repealists had felt absolutely sure of a popular majority for a conven tion and had strong hopes the majori ty would be sufficient to insure a majority of the delegates. Little To Say. Managers for both sides were un* able to issue reports early Tuesday night by reason of the overwhelming nature of the returns, but neither had much to say. “It looks like we are swinging back to Hoover,” said Walter Murphy, manager of the repeal forces. “We appreciate efforts of the tem perance people. We thank God for a victory," said Cale K. Burgess, man ager of the dry forces. However, both Mr. Burgess and Senator Josiah W. Bailey, who had aspoused repeal, were quick to deny the implication of Mr. Murphys com ment. ‘ ‘I do not regard this as a - vote against Roosevelt; I feel that the people of North Carolina just voted their convictions,” said Mr. Burgess. The result was in no sense a re volt against President Roosevelt,” 3aid Senator Bailey. “I think the peo ple of this State are just as enthusi astically for the President as ever and that he would carry the State today by an even larger majority than the 310,000 given him last year. The Senator would make no other comment on the election.—Raleigh News and Observer, of Nov. Sth. EDWIN DUNCAN REPORTED SOMEWHAT IMPROVED Late reports from Edwin Duncan, who is receiving treatment in Dr. Long’s hospital in Statesville for in jui ios sustained when a cattle truck side-swiped his car and crushed his lei i arm, ate that he is slightly im proved. The bones above the elbow in his left arm were severely crushed by the impact of the truck body against the door of his car. Doctors aro waiting till the circulation in the injured tissues improves before they attempt to set the bones in place.