■rank Sanders, of QMlhowie, it week./. 1 A 4-' H i' ' resaptyauvwd Mrs,. RL. JDOugb Edna Edwards, of ^VVihkton apeutibie week-end here with H| H. K. Bojjer sSid sor*r Kh»gh, ■lotte, were^jplhed hn of -his 'atld4erii(5e>WitliV^ most interesting ,illustration of coop^. eration, by using as an example the habits of wild geese in their migra tions. No speaker, this school year,1 has -been more successful in gaining tile attentive 'Cooperation of his -audi ejtice? 'Mr. -Stephens said he’"believed the principal lack of cooperation from pupils was due to failure to under stand the reason for the assigned tasks. He spoke of each lesson as be ing only a small but necessary piece of the large jig-saw puasle picture of life. He stressed the necessity1 Of learning to like whatever work able may find to be his, of learning to adapt one’s self to his environment, and finally of cooperating diligently with his ambitions, whatever the am bition may be. m » If 1 , SCOTTVBJLE rt Miss Elizabeth Allen is ill at this writing. Mrs. Foster Hackler has been vi siting her mother, Mrs. Jones Wad *<#• the past week. T " Mr. A. T. Allen, of North Wilkes boro, Spent last week end with home' folks -here. “* : Mr. Osborne worked Ton the road from Scottville to Piney Creek a few iajjrs last week. The Prathers Creek foffl which has been almost impassa ble" for some time, was improved con siderably. a. On account; of the leaders of the organization . being away for the schbol year, the 6U C. W.’s have dis continued; their programs, Mr.. Wttl Smith does not improve very fast,., "Miss Moselle Blevins was brought from the North Wilkesboro hospital last week, where she recently under went an operation for appendicitis. i|r. Jphn Maine* has been having trouble, with a: carbuncle on his arm, „ ffrs. Floyd Perry and Miss Leona Church .visited Miss Elizabeth Allen ruesday afternoon, .-.t ■ -52; .u :; ' iw—1 $nS TWIN OAKS ■ ua Yoric and Elmer Crouse re ;uihied Friday., from a three weeks’ notjorqycle trip thru North Carolina and Eastern Va. They were accom panied b^r Dr. Qhas. York, and Elsie York,of "Green Bay and Richmond, who spept a few days with relatives tiere. Mr. and-'Mrs. Harvey Irwin and son, Howard, spent Monday with re latives here. " !' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Irwin spent Sat urday night in the village. Andy Petty and family of Galax, spent .Saturday -here. Mrs. Grady Irwin and little daugh ter, Mary Lee, are visiting in Galax this week- - ' i Mrs. Mi E. Wilson is visiting rela tives at Entiles and Glade Valley. J. R.; Crouse and Muncey Osborne returped Monday night from a busi ness trip to Leesburg! Va., and Pitts burg,- Pa. 3?iey report plenty of ice And snow around Pittsburg: Mrj and Mrs! John Me. Carpenter and ^ahgh ter, Viola, 'visited at J. T. Carpenters Sunday. - ^ Mrj and Mrs. Kilby Atwood spent Saturday .night here. 0 :"r Rj, A:r Reed and family have moved tt> Danville, Va., where he has a posi tion aselectrician. 3 -Ilf tu ,0.3 l,'.rui‘ .iiiyr 1 ! .: V ' f ,!.! JjJ1 ‘ si'fci c> iw-ijolte' Km* «wli i&te . i-wp* HE American Red Cross is ■ 5 pofphatflyvth* most^ practical «¥» MJdfi- 4 comes to the rescue .quickly and efficiently ffl'tfrnfes or flood; flam* ine, earthquake or knjr cither dis a»tejr.* *uimportant iword in that last sentence Is “efficient ly:w' It’s easy t§ be quick and willing, but it's’'* iftighty hard thinS elMtentl - it- ?®T V Here is |e*arnpjq of its every day efficiency. Tons of ,J£ed Cross flour have been released to Welfare agencies over* the ‘-length and hyaadtitt’of; tb» land. Thousands of 1 cases of evajpflfajted mil.k.ftro hping | distributed to relief .Clients. How can these two important foods— the fcdtetiir^'&ira the • milkwe bfOWSWi; .together! in nmirishingv iujneti^mg dishes?,. The Baltimore. Keif Cross. Chapter decided tp.fp.i;* nfifi the’iiirewer to this tihOktiop, and? the tmffir Was'h obm'imct, pjrjrct J palbooklet .Crom' Whicfe We a|^jpoUj|g„U»e Xplfowing;, ! ‘-f What Is Evaporated* t?'fS*kpo<*a«foFm4k cow.'e ipiifc .vwr&th 1. half , the water taken .,opU..Tr|iod;-Tno(rhwg added,. IPsnmiSvWtiffiWrite.milt W cetHfaveU^ wlfoi* ,*ercxi* tone jUFjor drinkifl*, nil xfe tape rated cinnamon, or salt. It •ffflHrer smooth, delicE>Jfti .IrTlft'^drttike, Jfft »dd one table kr to half a cup of evaporated milk, mixed with the seme amount of water.1 For sopr ‘qream’ use one-tablespoon ol vinegar to a cup of the milk as it comes from the can, In baking use one-halt teaspoon of soda for every cup of sour milk or ‘Orearo.’ For All Cooking “Wherever milk is needed, evaporated milk gives-foods the finest flavor and texture. Use it as it pours from the can, }n coffee for adults, in soups, in custards to save eggs, in sauces to save But-" ter, and Om cereals. "Mix it with an equal amount of water to cook cereals, to cream vegetables, fifi or meat, and to •prepare; puddings and Other des ■serts, instead df w&'terv yon can often add the liquid from cooked „or canned vegetables, fruits; fish or meat. .... “And certainly fdr bafrinp. evaP oTftted milk is the right choice. ;With it, all the good old recipes, • from bread - to cake,’'are *3ore nourishing, taste better, and stay fresh fonger. The flour gives fqel to keep our bodies Warm and to make them ‘go.* The millc gives .^building material for hones, teeth an^ muscle, and vitamins : that protect our health-’* Tested Recipes ' -,5 The booklet does not stop 1 there Mh its practicality, hut goes OP Tpmve eighteen tested, low cost ; recipes for baked things, ip which evaporated milk is used; Affd' all of the recipes; wero. reguIfedHto pass rigid taste and appearance wT tests, too, before they were In cluded. These recipes are Ibr making biscuit,: griddle cake*, plain muf fins, bread, oatmeal bread, hot apple dumplings, sauce for hot apple dumplings,, crumb cake, cottage pudding, vanilla sauce, gingerbread, plain cake, pie crust, soft gipger cookies, oatmeal cookies, peanut cookies, chocolate bland 1 mange and cream filling for. pie.. We have not spacs to qpote all of these recipes', ‘ but here is a sample to show what they are like:' ' . .jij- ^ Pie Crust 4 cups floor • -2 teaspoonp salt ' , 1 cup, fat i 1/3 cup evaporated rmi!k '-and • :r' • 1/3 cup wafdr, miked All ingredients should be cold. SHt flour, then measure. Resift with salt.; Work fat quickly Into flour, The .pastry will, be flakier .. If fat ao.d flour, are not toojher oughly blellded" Add liquid aA at oncer and stir with a fork quickly but thoroughly into' the flour- mixture.' Some flours ab sorb. more, liquid than others. Add only 'striBdeit, diluted milk to make doflftb ’soft enough to rolt oift. Yield: four single crusts, or two.rflauWe crust pigs. , - A copy of thia. bookJefccan bo obtained py wriling to,the Evan-;.. orafdif Mjlk Association lftJ Chi- , cago, which: Collaborated hi tts preparation.* ha i j i BY VI* B. CGLIANS, County Agent. If a Calf goes thru the winter in good condition it must get started right. One of the first things to be done is to drench all the calves for stomach worms to prevent scours. To do, this, dissolve one'ounce of blue stone iij. three, quarts of water, and give each calf six ounces of the soiu ticip. Use glass or. earthern ware ves sels for blufestbhe, containers. jiVhilbdrenehifig fof stomach Worms examine eV'flry calf for lice. A lousy calf canntit "tliriVe and grow ‘ during the White# months" If ‘the ’naive's'are lousy, wash them on a bright warm day, using1 stock dip ..one part to fifty parts’ of water. If nbt convenient to USe stock dip uSd some 'other reliable louse remedy. I understand that'the pipping vtft at the farm of Mr.Lon hjrSouthera, Amelia, will be available. Y6r dipping pn each* "Saturday, fivery farmer who lives Within reasonable instance o# this Vat should have their -..cattla- dipped; J Then “ a calf should have 'the right kindoffeed. Winter ryd for grazing is a fine supplement in Wintering calVesV. Bright clbver :'hay" iir Soybean * Hay should be fed in' liberal amounts. A good grain ration tot Calves is as fol lows; -i shelled Corn '4'' parts," wheat bran2 -parttr, Httif cotto’ri seed Jmeaf 2 parts. Keep the calves well' salted during'the Winter months, v a I have yet bo -See the bunch' of calves which did not • winter good when they were pfoperly • fed- and caredfor, and L never did hee a bunch of calves, that-;weze poorly- fed arid cared for but what part of them died With the; scours .or other--disease dur ing the.Winter.^, at r ;> l k Remember that you; cannot starve a. proflt .OKl even «l three cent beef steer.- _r .t-. •.b ^ GIANT TURNIP Mr., Oscar Caudill.pf Whitehead, hasbeen exhibiting ,•$> turnip which weighs 4 V* pounds and measures 22 inches in circumference^ The., turnip is now on exhibit , in The Times'.of i flee. Mr. Caudill produced a crop- of toe turnips _9n ,hia farm., _ MOUNT ZION NEWS H. Clay Smith, and family visited-' at Emmet Evans, flear Irwin Gro cery, Sunday of lgst wek. atiii cii : George F. Smith visited at 8.. E. Smith’s and W. F. Pugh’s Monday. The ladies of ,th£ community.;: met at Mt. .Zipn ceojetery last:; Tuesday afternoon apd dug the dahlia bulbs. Claude Smith and H. Clay Smith visited at \V\ F. Pugh’s last week. Mrs. Troy -Pugh visited Mrs. W.F: Pugh Tuesday. ... Grace,Hoppers, of near .. Walnut Branch, spent Tuesday with. Edna Raer Smith. Mrs.,S. E. §mith visited Mrs.Mary Co*; Monday. Paul Fields was a yjsitqr .at Clay Smith’s recently. ,. ... J^ra. O. E. MdPdey visited her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Black, Thurs day. , • Mly. ,r ,Mr. and Mrs> Homer A- Smith, and family, .pf Stratford, yisited at S_E. Smith’s last .Sunday.. , . ,.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry, of Pen den, , were, at S. B- Smith’s recently, j Page Smith and Woodrow: Penning ton, of Nathaps Creek, yisited in the community recently. .... . Mattie and Carrie Smith visited Mrs. Frank Shepherd Friday. A blackberry briar on the Ifarrn :of S. E. Smith’s was observed to be in full bfconi N.oy. ,5th... - CSitfuqa .Sn|ith vipited 'W. R. Jones Saturday. . Estus Black, .of Furches, visited hiir parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Black, .Saturday.: ... ..i Rev. and .Mrs. Benfield, of Nathans Creek, took,.dinner at. W- F. :Pugb!s Sunday. t>.: Carl and lAfayne- Williams, of: On tario, Cal, are. visiting in the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Hf Clay, Smith visited at S. E. Smith's Monday. ^ Ml'S. J. F. Shepherd visited her mother,- Mrs, Mary CpxK Mondays bin :• ■ Mr. and Mrs. .Trpy Pugh and son. Fred David, and. Miss; Ethel Pugh; ■ made a business trip to West Jeff Of1? son; Monday. __ —— ffyi 1'tr ■u RATE PER WORD, 1. cent; minimum charge per insertion, 25 cents. Notice—I will make round trips U ~: Winston-Salem every Thursday Leave youi* order for hahilrlg" at Al leghany Motor Sales. Wayne Hopers. Notice—The Edwards, transportation will leave West Jefferson Nov.'9 at 7 a.m. Sparta ,8:901 a.m. for Bgl, Air, Md. Forreservations white W. R Edwards, Darlington, Maryland *. tvs Wanted—Any quantity of Black Ws nut Hulls. Must be absolutely di Smitbey’s store, Sparta, N,. C Strayed—One Black Male pig, yveighs about. 2d TbS1. bjptify. Garfield Joines Stlktford, N. C. ? iiU. Lost—Elgin Watch somewhere lx tween John A. Osborne’s store an Richardson'S AhopV FinderJTetiirn' 1 Times office or to Joseph ^titlin',’aii receive rewhfid. ** -; • Rtr-BAt-M- for'1' yoiirs'-find" ^fc^y’l colds.—adv. Most Sensational One Week Sale! $25,000.00 GLOBMAN WEEK is the Sale EventoftheYear—-No Ifs and Buts About it. Merchandise for this Event was Bought in the Lowest Market on Record! ItWiD Be Sold at the Lo west Prices on . . • ■■■■' • : : ■ i . i ■ Record! ; BOY NOW! WITH PRICES ADVANCING !! MAY BE MANY YEARS BEFORE YOU’LL SEE SUCH VALUES AGAIN! Commodity Price* are shooting Upward! In Fact a great proportion.of the items 13. 2£10 • - . . • • • • . . ■ #. . . ... ■ i ; • offered in this event cannot be bought byus today lor what wo paid for them . ., •*-w •- - - ' ,1 ■ .a rf' i * 1 •• 1^-1 ... _ • . ..I- . . -■••'* — .-.»>***<* ■'■ - & ■ ■■■ ' ”* " NOW IS THE TIME TO BOY! EXTRA SPECIAL LIMIT 10 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER 10 Yards, 69c ngpiBi extra special •"J *./■ VfO Brocaded Rayofis — Novelty Cottons Big Double Bed Sises-*~ail new colors le this Sals Price! trt • SHADES Good quality 36-in Win dow Shades, "greCn and 44c LADIES’ HOSE GoodLaualttyi Cotton Rib bed Hose in choice 6f ,sev J; . . - .1 1.. . . • • . * eral good Fall and winter shades 4c pr. ; LUMBERJACKETS “Mens good quality Sue dene Lumberjacks. Elas tic web bottoms...... Talon Zipper. Navy, browpi* tan All sizes, .$2.34 - „BLEACH Extjra soft cjualiity 7i2x80 count1 no starch. 36 inches wide 12c. Yd. OUTING Good heavy quality 27-in Outings. White & colors, 8c Yd. GINGHAMS Pretty quality 27-' inch Ginghams in nice assort ment of neat checks and plaids. Special at., 6c yd. BLOOMERS Good ouality Ravon Blqomers. Good choice of new shades. Well made. All' sizes,...23c OVERALLS Men’s Red Axe Overalls, Full cut. Strongly made. Why pay more than our low sale price of 97c pr. UNION SUITS Good heavy quality chil-J cllen’s - Ribbed Union Suits. All sizes.,.47c. OXFORDS Womens and Misses’ " good ouallty Sfitch~do\vn ' soles. All sizes.99c pr. Oxfords. Composition EXTRA SPEGMLt Part Woo! Blankets Factory Damaged—iS’in / ,.:;exiM:Mcial! Genuine .Men’s Gilt-edge - Overalls, .J....77c ;J TOP SHOES | Men s Fndicoti-Johnsoii ! Field Shoes with double 1 | soles and iron heel plates !■ Advizes,$2.34; | SHIRTS Men?s heavy Quality Blue i Chambray and CoveVt ‘ ^ Shirts, Full Gut. | ;;;s^°^y;made. ReinforG ■ cede All-sizes,-.. ..57c':: ' SHIRTS •Men s goodnuality Broad 3 cloih ohirto. Full; cut. niecly tailored. Choice of ( solid colors mnd fancies. .64c . Ail AiVtt: g 'if ** NOTIf’K! In Tfie Superior Court—Before The a £* ‘ '•'rK ; : ‘ KOttTli CAJtOL^S’A,ft U' . AUUXJH ANi:, COUNTY. 1- V :,fv1 ■ Veixjie Pruitt, -giftyatiff, jrt :=F ... •- vjOOOWI V .a M. A, Pruitt, Defendant. The defendant, M. A. Pruitt, in the above-entitled ACtfdn, Vdn take notice that the action as above entitled. Tie’s, been commenced in the Superior coufV of Alleghany County for support," ale. mofijr and divorce; the defenifaht will 1 further take notice that a ‘warrant oF; aid attachment1’hah been issued in s; Action, and that his property in said county has been attached, and that he is required to appear at the office t'iCj'll' s ?*•0w"* \ ’U'.ira ^XUVkAVi-’' '-'Ail « >.<■* Crf... . < «»** •* • » 1 p9s&w*m}.« -I* :» r..! cfi)npKiyi{ action on ctp Ke^'-■<■'•■ ^ j u^hiriUbjCi"r«»■' Nnv^m», : . £*''$• 9*U fhe relief demanded in ^Je** srr“'? 7'"* e°my^u|; **»*» This Oct. 16, 1933. A. F. REEVES, C lerk of Superior Court.