laaaaaaaaaimii B 1 MiiimainaiMiHi jaaaaiaaaiiiiiiiiiinii.nitwaii I THE AJXK2HANT TIMES $1.00 FEB TEAK— CASK tS ADVANCE THE ALLEGHANY ME 0” niHNIIHIIIIIKmiM' DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES Buy Now! HELP THE NBA DRIVE FOR NATIONAL RECOVERY 3 iiililltHiliHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimtiiiiiuniHTOIfai >afil VOL 9. ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1933. No. 26. Secretary Ickes Stresses Need For Universal Education In Address To Educational Association How many of us have stopped to consider what would be the result if all the schools of America were to be closed tomorrow and kept closed for one full generation. One could not undertake to describe the conditions that would exist at the end of that comparatively short period, but there can be no doubt that the effect would be startling. We would have a coun try made up almost entirely of illit erates. Culture would have disap peared. Science would be merely a word of Latin origin. In the course of a generation we would have gone back literally hundreds of years as to all the essentialls that distinguish this period from that of the dark ages. It goes without saying that the higher the civilization of a country andthe more complex its life, the broader and the higher and the more universal must be the education of the havepeople in order-to maintain that civilization. In a low stage of civili zation education as we have develop ed it today was not necessary. All that the youth just emerging from savagery into barbarism needed to know to prepare him to be a good member of his tribe was a knowledge of how to hunt and fish. Later, in a higher state of civilization, it was essential for him to be trained to till the soil and to take care of his flocks. Thence, on up through advancing stages more and more education war needed to fit him for the life that he was called upon to live. You all remember the boast of proud Douglas in one of Sir Walter Scott’s poems that none of his sons save the _ one who had entered the priesthood “could pen a line.” There was here described a period post dating by hundreds of years the emer gence of man from the savage state. And if our anthropologists are to be believed, hundreds of thousands of years had elapseed before the distinc tive form of man had developed in the animal kingdom. Scott was writing of the days of chivalry when men had acquired many of the arts and graces of living. Yet aside from the church men, the statesmen and those few who were gradually bulding up the other learned professions, men wer° still, generally speaking, illiterate Every book was a closed book. Knights in armor who could not write their names rode full tilt at each oth er in tournaments to win the favor of a lady’s smile, little caring that that same lady did not know her alpha bet. The generaity of the peoplle lived dull and sodden lives, tending their flocks or eking a scanty harvest of the soil with the aid of crude and clumsy instruments. Gradually more and more people began to acquire tre rudiments of learning but they were indeed rudi ments. The United States of America is a comparatively young country, and even as late as our pioneer days the peopple got along with little for mal schooling. When finally the value of an education came to be realized by the people, schools were establish ed to teach boys and girls to read and write. What scattered schools there were were kept open for only three or four months a year and few indeed were the children who studied more than the three R's. It was still considered that the most valuable part of the education of the youth of the land was to be gained tnrougb experienceon the farm, in the apren tice shop, or on board ship, because we were a nation of farmers and ar tisans and sailors. The three R’s were considred merely as finishing touches to the practical education received outside of the school. The masses of the people had to be content with this smattering of an education although thre was a college here and there to educate the few for the learned pro fession. It is probably safe to say that the college education of those early times was not the equal in depth and extent to the education that the mo dern child can receive in an up-to date high school. But life never stands still. It either goes backward or forward, and the course was an upward one following these early pioneer days. Life became more complex as commerce and in dustry developed rapidly and contest ed with agriculture for supremacy. As a result of our industrial and commercial development, social, poli tical and economic problems became more numerous and difficult of solu tion, so that in course of time it be came manifest that all the children of all the people should receive at least a common school education. Our well being as a people and the rela tive position of our country in the family of nations required us to turn our attention more and more to edu cation. So a noncompulsory school system gradually gave way to a com pulsory one, until now school atten dance for a certain number of years is required in every State in the Un ion. The mere statement of this fact , is all that is necessary to demon strate the universal belief in this . country that we must educate our youths broadly and generally in order to assure the best possible citizen ship and the well being and security of the State itself. There never was a time in the his tory of America when education was so vital to us as a nation-and so es sential to us as citizens. Yet strangely enough the friends of education are finding it necessary to go through the land in order to educate the peo ple on the importance of education. Perhaps we have taken our education too much for granted.. Like air and light and water, we have come to assume that it is a natural element; that it will always be with us; that it was ours when we were children for the taking, and that, it will be theirs for our children in their turn for their taking. It is unhappily true that friends of education and believers in democracy must be on the alert as they have never had to be in the past in order to preserve Unimpaired- this essential tool of democracy. There is an enemy within the gate. Apparently there are those in the land who are taking advantage of the economic strain and stress under which we have "been suf fering to dim the light that has guid ed our course jsince pioneer days. It is being urged that we have spent too much money on education; that we are over-educated; that the schools are full of frills and fads and fancies that do our youth :more harm than ?ood, that all the education that is necessary for our children is a ground ing in the three R’s. Those who thus counsel us woudl turn back the clock for more than a hundred years. They do not seem to realize that civilization and education go hand in hand; that in fact educa tion is the foundation rock upon which our civilization has been built. Weaken or destroy the foundation and the building erected thereon will tot ter or fall. It stands to reason that if the universal education that supports and justifies our civilization is under mined Our civilization itsgjf will suf fer to a corresponding degree. In moments of reverie we may idealize the simple pastoral state in which our ancestors lived. With the edges of our imagination we may play with the idea of reverting to a condition of society of a hundred or two hundred or three hundred years ago. We may longingly wonder how it would seem to substitute the kerosene lamp for the electric bulb or even the tallow dip or the rush light for the kerosene lamp. We may romanticize about dressing again in homespun, raising all our own food and producing all our own clothing on our own little farm. To give up the automobile for the plodding cart, to discard the tractor for the horse drawn plow, to throw away our ice making machines, our bath tubs, and all our modern comforts and conven iences may be an idea to play with in an idle moment, but I am certain that no man, woman or child would in reality want to revert to the dull, drudging, unimaginative existence of our great-grandfathers. Yet some such retrogression will follow if we allow our educational system to slip back to what some peo ple apparently are willing it. should revert to. Such a highly complex civilization as we have built up re quires highly trained intelligences for its maintenance and further develop ment. No one would thrust an intri cate and highly sensitized machine into the hands of a man just' emerg ing from the jungle and expect hir to operate it. If anyone thinks that I am drawing a strained and out-of focus picture, let him try this experi ment: Take any finely built, well developed and strong youth from the jungle. Put him into a factory con taining complicated and delicate ma chinery, turn on the power, lock the doors, and leave him free to run that machinery. Can anyone doubt that the result in a short time would be the utter ruin of that machinery because the savage hand with all the willing ness in the world lacked a trained and educated mind to direct it as to which levers to pull, and which wheels to turn ? So intimately is the general educa tion of the people related not onyl to their own happiness and well being but to the prosperity and security of the country that the importance of maintaining and developing our edu cational system ought not to require argument. It is by means of an edu cated people that material wealth is increased. The natural resources of our country are no greater today than they were a hundred years ago. As a matter of fact, they are much less. Quantities of the gold, silver, coal and iron have been mined, and to a considerable extent our oil has been exploited and our forests cut down. Probably our native ability as a peo ple is little, if any, greater than it was a hundred years ago. Yet none (Continued To Page Three) State Officials Discuss Relief Plans l\i^i^i<>^^- — -- - - . _ _ __ >% Congressman Doughton In Conference Today About Scenic Park-to-Park Highway The people of this community and the entire county are watching with great interest the outcome of the conference to be held in Washington Thursday between Congressman Doughton, Senator Reynolds, and j Senator Byrd, of Virginia, and Se cretary Ickes, of the Interior, in be half of the Park-to-Park Highway. This conects the Shenandoah Park of Virginia with the Great Smoky Mtn. Park of Western N. C., which if con structed will pass through Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, and several other Western N. C. counties. It will mean an expenditure of from $16,000,000 to $20,000,000. We should all be sincere ly grateful to Mr. Doughton, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Byrd for their un tiring efforts in seeing this project through. ROBBERS MAKE BIG HAUL FROM CASH AND CARRY Sometime last Thursday night rob bers entered Cash and Carry Store here and carried away six thousand pounds of sugar, 24 cartons of cig arettes and the cash register. The theft was discovered about seven o'clock Friday morning and local offi cers notified. The thieves bent the bars on one of the windows in the basement at the back of the store, tore out a window sash, and then clipped the bolts on the lock of the back door. It is thought that a truck and pos sibly cars were used in hauling off the materials stolen. No clues as to the identity of the robbers were dis covered. It is thought by some that bootleggers wanted the sugar to be used for making whiskey. Farmers Repay Loans To Them by Government Cleveland Makes Fine Record, Repre sentative Here Says. “Cleveland County farmers certainly believe in paying their debts,” says F. T. Wagoner, rep resentative here of the federal crop production loan office. In the spring farmers of the county borrowed $100,005 from the government office with which to pur chase seed, fertilizer, etc., with which to make this year’s crop. They have already paid back around $90,000 of that amount, according to Mr. Wago ner. Tne loans were not due until Octo t)er 31, but around $85,000 had alrea Jy been paid back before due, he said. A total of 886 loans were made Cleveland farmers and the amount mid back so far was voluntary and pvithout “solicitation from me,” Mr. Wagoner stated. “Last year the county set an en viable record in paying back crop loans, paying up almost 100 per cent” the field representative added, “and that record spoke well for Cleveland farmers throughout the nation. Now It appears as if the loans this year ire to be paid in the same admirable manner.” RELIEF OFFICE BOOKS AUDITED Government auditors were here Monday auditing the books of the Alleghany Relief office. Mr. Miles stated that the auditors were well pleased to find the books and ac counts of the office in excellent con dition. AMERICAN LEGION OBSERVES ARMISTICE Armistice Day, 1933, the Legion’s own holiday and that of every former service man—was celebrated in prac tically every county where a Legion Post was located, with the possible exception of those communities where the Legionnaires of such communities joined in with and participated in mamoth district Armistice Day cele brations under the direction of the va rious district commanders. Department Headquarters of the Legion sent Armistice Day greetings to all the commanders, adjutants and finance officers of the various Legion Posts in N. C., and also to many of the former post, district and depart ment officials of the Legion during the four past years, wishing the va rious Posts the most truly enjoyable and successful Armistice Day since that original Armistice Day back in 1918 when the entire world celebrated thatgreat event. On Armistice Day the hearts of all former soldiers, whether former buck privates or major generals, are just naturally more mellow than perhaps any other time of year with the pos sible exceptions of Christmas. Every veteran recalls vividly just where he was on that original Armistice Day and likewise recalls those comrades with whom he served and those who paid the supreme sacrifice. They re call the joys and the sorrows which were theirs back in ’17 and ’18. Ar mistice Day means more to these men than any of them can ever say. Each succeeding Armistice Day brings all Legionnaires closer together, for Le gionnaires realize that those friend ships made in the Legion like those made in camp and on the battlefield, endure. Commander Daniels called upon ev ery Legion Post in the State to fit tingly and properly observe Armistice Day this year, either in their own community or by participating in their particular district celebrations. He was and is very much pleased with the manner in which the various posts responded to that call. The Le gionnaires of N. C. can always be depended upon to celebrate this day which means so much to them, and to carry out the various other worth while activities of the Legion when called upon by their post, district or department officials. Many of the posts mustered their entire strength on Armistice Day. COUNTY-WIDE TEACHERS MEETING TO BE HELD HERE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd The Fourth County-wide Teachers’ meeting will be held in the Court House at Sparta on Saturdayy, Dec. 2nd, at 10 A. M. A full attendance of county^ teachers is urgently requested. TThere will be a number of discus sions of the topic, “Methods In Health Training and Instruction.” The pro gram is as follows: 1. The principles to be applied in health training—C. H. Landreth. 2. Factors of Good Health—A. B. Richardson. 3. Realtion of Home and School in Health Program—T. R. Franklin. 4. Relation of Community and School—Mabel Crowe. 5. The Teacher the Most Important Factor—S. R. Nichols. 6. Should Knowledge Precede Rea son in Conduct?—Clyde Higgins. 7. Discuss Course of Study, pp. 261 3—Alma Crouse. 8. List Incentives Applicable to Our Grades—Gladys Robbins. 9. List Most Successful Incentives —Rachel Halsey. 10. Relate Growth to Health Be havior—Mrs. Leila Wagoner. 11. Physical Achivement Tests and Health Program—Emmett Evans. 12. How Should Course of Study in Health Be Developed?—Maude Par sons. Each paper and discussion should not exceed five minutes. See hand book for elementary school, pp. 61 64; pp. 44-50; pp. 29-31. Read Ele mentary Course of study, pp. 257-395. Read Andrews: "Health Education in Rural Schools.” 1 JNO. M. CHEEK, County Supt. of Schools. 600 MEN TO FILL VACANCIES IN REFORESTATION CAMPS Raleigh, Nov. 15—More than six hundred young men will be recruited for the Civilian Conservation Corps within the next few days to complete the State’s quota, Mrs. Thomas O’Ber ry, State Relief Administrator, an nounced today. To fill vacancies in the thirty camps located in the State, a total of 2,797 will be recruited, most of these having been already selected. Charlotte and Wilmington will be recruiting points for the re mainder of the applicants, who will report for physical examination and enrollment. COW SHOWS AFFECTION FOR “TERRIOR PUP” i Miss Sally Bledsoe has a fox terrior pup that shows a great deal of affection for a certain cow on the premises. Old Bossy seem ingly returns the affection with a great deal of emphasis. When the pup was younger he slept in the barn near the cow stall, and from this contact the mutual affection developed. During the summer the dog went with the cow to pasture and stayed near her each day. At night he slept with the cow in the stall. If another dog tried to pick a fight with the terrior at any time, the cow was quick to intervene. On one of the cold nights last week the dog Was placed in a warmer building to sleep, and “Old Bossy” balled and mooed all night. Needless to say the terrier slept in his accustom ed place the next night and there after. WINTER HITS NORTH WITH HOWLING GALE Snow Covers Large Sections And Temperatures Drop to and Below Zero. CRIPPLES LAKE BOATS (By The Associated Press.) A howling onslaught of winter ! weather with 40-mile-an-hour winds in abundance put a half dozen boats ni distress on the Great Lakes, piled up snowdrifts on highways, and sent temperatures tumbling toward zero j Tuesday. A frigid gale swooped down on the midwest from the Canadian Arctic. Snow reached a depth of six inches | in several midwest and eastern states, j andit was 14 *4 inches deep at Am herst, Nova Scotia. > Several inches of snow covered ! Pennsylvania, and the total at Kane, Pa., reached 27 inches for six days. West Virginia Panhandle likewise was under snow. Snowfall in western New York approached six inches with high winds causing a near blizzard. New York City had snow flurries with temperatures at freezing. Other reports from the “winter zone”: Michigan—two to eight inches of snow, temperatures dropping sharp ly with prospects of 10 above at De troit and zero at the Soo; Ohio—snow to a depth of six inches, 40 mile wind off Lake Erie, air traffic restricted and snow plows working in one dis trict; Wisconsin—snow general with temperatures falling toward zero; Minnesota and the Dakotas—light snow with temperatures ranging from four below to 15 above zero; Illinois —temperature dropping toward zero and a new November record, light snow. Snow At Sparta Spaxla and vicinity experienced a touch of winter’s grip Monday and Tuesday this week with temperatures reported as low as 22 above. Snow flurries were observed on both days. TEMPORARY PRISON 1 CAMP NEARS COMPLETION Work at the prison camp near the ball park is moving along rapidly. All cages are in place and men are working on the walks and grounds. A picket fence extending along the walk in front of the cages has re cently been completed. About 50 prisoners are now in the camp. Most of these men were sent here from the Catawba camp, near Newton. The camp now has accom modations for 75 prisoners and the personnel of the camp. A number of men are engaged in building a road from the highway to the campsite. Thirty men are working on the county roads. It is expected that work on the water system will be completed with in a week and the system put into operation. Prisoners from Alleghany, Surry, and Yadkin counties will be detailed to the Sparta camp. Two live deer have been given to the camp and are now roaming about on the grounds. MRS. ROOSEVELT ASKS FAIR DEAL FOR YOUTH Sound Investment to Provide For Future Citizens, She Asserts. Richmond, Va., Nov. 11—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, in an address before 5,000 school children and their parents here Friday afternoon, plead for a square deal for youth in edu cation and environment. Sheurged the continued support of those agencies which build character and sound bodies, declaring “No one will pass by the cry of the children. We are going to do the best we can for them.” The first lady, although admitting times are hard, reminded her hear ers that society’s most sound invest ment is the provision of proper school facilities, food and recreation for its future citizens. “The demand for these is greater now than ever before,” she said. Mrs. Roosevelt flew to Richmond this afternoon alone, unaccompanied either by a maid or secret service agent. As she alighted from the plane she was welcomed by Mayor J. Ful mer Bright and a throng of Rich monders who had waited at Byrd airport for hours to greet her. Speaking at Mosque Auditorium at the invitation of Parent-Teacher As sociation of Albert H. Hill Experi mental school, she was introduced by Governor John Garland Pollard,, who referred to her as “the power behind the throne at Washington, but a power that rules through the beauty of character.” The first lady was the guest of the Governor and Mrs. Pollard while in ' the city. She flew back to Washing ton late today. POSSIBILITY OF UNDER WORLD GANGS COMING TO N. C. Washington Nov. 14--The big shots of the underworld, the Alky dealers, in the big city parlance, and the rum runners, may shortly settle in North and South Carolina, along with their bodyguards who are handy with “pineapples” and machine guns. This is one of the disquieting possi bilities, since the Carolinas have elec ted to remain dry in a wet world, in the opinion of Major Walter Murphy, who called upon a number of his friends at the capitol today, said he had received a number of letters from friends in the large cities of the north and west who considered it only nat ural if the bootleggers, who have built up one of the major American industries under prohibition, would now move into all that is left of the dry territory, there to ply their ne farious, but hitherto highly profitable trade. Invasion of Bootleggers Feared Mr. Murphy fears the bootleggers of other sections will construe the result of the election in the Carolinas as an invitation to move in: albeit he thinks the bootleg carpetbaggers will find the field already crowded. He hears that some of the Carolina coast counties are already doing a thriving business in making whiskey, and that the distillers have distribu ting agents in all parts of the states. He sees a possible sinister significance in the number of light trucks that have been licensed in the state, and he hears of freighters that draw up to the eastern shore laden with sugar, barrels and fruit jars. Mjor Murphy also foresees trouble for the Democratic party, now that the party, with plenty of Republican assistance, finds itself out of harmony with the national administration, and no longer with a place on the national platform. Factionalism is certain to spring up all over, he says, for when ever a dry announces for even the local office, some man who supported the Roosevelt administration will feel that he is entitled to the first call, as the party standard bearer. It is one of those situations, he says, cer tain to be found productive of inter necine strife. And what, he inquires, of the majority of Democrats who did not vote at all, where do they stand ? Drys Look To Morrison For Leadership In Senate Raleigh, Nov. 14—United Drys are looking for a leader to take the mea sure of United States Senator Josiah William Bailey and friends of former Governor Cam Morrison, who have talked to him during these past sev eral weeks believe that he will assist in the double ceremony of exchanging the senatorial situation in Washing ton. The joy of victory and the desire to do some punishing are so fresh that picking candidates to beat Sena tors Bailey and Reynolds may be a little premature. Dr. William L. Po teat, of Wake Forest, chairman of the dry forces, had a good time after the vote. But it is very doubtful if Dr. Poteat is interested in torturing Senator Bailey. The Wake Forest pre sident emeritus always dreamed of Mr. Bailey in the senate. There was nobody happier when the college boy of the Poteat teaching days went up. The dry leader knows that Mr. Bailey isn’t a liquor man. There has been none of the Barton bathos and blue fire. Dr. Barton thinks the two sena tors in the light of the recent poll should resign. TWIN OAKS S. S. Jennings, of North Wilkes boro, spent Tuesday night here. Andy Wilson and family of Glade Valley, were visiting here Friday. G. L. Fender, of Annapolis, Md., is spending a few days with home folks. Mrs. Ruth Funk and two children returned to their home in Philadel phia Friday after spending a few days with relatives here. They were ac companied by Gwynn Crouse. Otis Wilson and Elmer Bedsaul, of Glade Valley, were here Monday buy-' ing pigs. Another rare bird has been captui - ed near Twin Oaks and is still in captivity here for any one to see who desires. So far no one has given it a name. The birds in a cage at Twin Oaks Cafe—stop and see it. Carl Irwin, the owner of the bird, has em ployed Claude Smith to look up its history and give it a name. Since the bird is of a bluish color and witlioul | a name, Mr. Irwin has decided he will call it the “Blue Eagle” of tht NRA. i I State Officials and Relief Workers Will Meet President Roosevelt Today. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14— (AP)— Nearly 500 officials and relief work ers tomorrow will hear from Presi dent Roosevelt and Harry L. Hopkins, the civil works administrator, details of the plan by which the administra tion hopes to put 4,000,000 men to work 30 hours a week. Summoned to Washington to hear at first hand the administration’s plan, which goes into effect Thurs day, twenty governors, 150 mayors, 250 engineers and other state officials and 80 relief workers today had sig nified that they would attend. Special projects that will come in the plan will include swamp drainage to curb mosquitoes and other pests and work having to do with sanita tion in cities, along with highway and street improvement. A civil works administration will be set up in each city and county and these will be expected to pass upon and approve the projects. Pew of them will come to Washington. Four Million. Under the first move in the ar rangement, the administration hopes to remove 2,000,000 heads of families from work relief and page them on 30 hours a week at the full pay for such work in their immediate com munities. President Roosevelt said this will be done Thursday, and that another 2,000,000 unemployed not now on relief rolls would be hired by December 16. Plans for spreading relief work for women and for aditional efforts to relieve farmers and to supply food for the 1,000,000 families that will remain on relief rolls were also dis closed today. The women’s and the educational divisions of the relief administration have authorized local communities to establish centers at which unemploy ed single women may live and re ceive instruction in Work that would be established only where asked for and where the community furnished housing and equipment. Unemployed teachers and other ex perts would teach the girls and they would be allowed to remain only un til jobs could be found for them. Relief For Women. Under the plan, every state will have a director of women’s work. Thirteen of these have already been appointed. Plans for including women in the civil works administration are to be taken up at a special conference Thursday. . ... The Federal Surplus Relief Cor poration, which is handling the buy ing and processing of farm surpluses for the needy, was said today to be preparing to buy a large number of "Texas, range cattle. Just how many and when they would be bought none of the administration officials would say. Recently, when the corporation ask ed for bids from packers for 15,000, 000 pounds of canned beef for relief purposes, bids were received for only 6,500,000 pounds and most of the packers did not state the specific price they would pay the catle raiser. Only one contract for 400,000 pounds has been awarded. ALLEGHANY BOYS SENT TO FT. OGLETHORPE, GA. c. A. Miles, director of Relief, car ried a group of boys from the county to Charlotte Friday for an examina tion preliminary to enrolling them in the government conservation corps. These boys were sent to Fort Ogle thorpe, Ga., for a period of condition ing before attached to permanent camps. It is thought that they will soon be sent to camps in eastern North Carolina. The following boys werein the group: E. L. Wagoner, Jr., Ivan Evans, Bays Parsons, Ter ry Stone, Bruce Perry, Glenn Busic, Curtis Carico, and Parley Truitt. DR. HILLMAN EMPHASIZES DEBT WE OWE TO GOD Or. J. N. Hillman, President cf Emory and Henry College, preacht! at the Methodist church in Sparta last Sunday at 11 A. M. Dr. Hillman spoke about the debt each person owes his fellow man and God, and for forty minutes held the undivided attention of his audience. Briefly he summarized important events of past history and showed how we are in debted to people of the past for con tributions to our present civilization. Finally he emphasized the fact that we own nothing outright; that God is the owner and merely allows us to act as guardians of his creations. Rev. C. Wi Russell introduced the speaker with a few well chosen re marks, regarding the work he is do ng in the Holston Conference.

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