iimiiiiniimMr'XMMtMuuuuuiuiiuiiiMimiKniiiM the realization of our pro I'ram cannot be attained in six | nnths. From week to week ] ere will be ups and downs but { fe net result is a consistent | i.”*—President Roosevelt. i MNiuuiiiiiiiiiniinndj a VOL 9. THE ALLEGHANY ■3" illlltf If IIHftlftMlSIf = . . . “It is- the people of the . = UnitedState3 who have got tOv = put it across and make it stick E and they are doing it.1’ = . -- —General Johnson. DEVOTED TO THE CMC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 1933 No. 28; LOCAL SIDE - GLANCES Office forced in the Releif and Employment offices have been delug ed with work for the past few hays. Hour after hour and day after day they answer the questions wanting to work or to get projects started in their respective communities. Many of those registering for work are doomed to disappointment unless the Federal Government increases the number of men allotted to work in the county. The present allotment is 178 men and many of these will be re cruited from the releif rolls. Of the more than 600 who have registered only a small percentage will obtain work now. * * * * * To releive the employment situation officials expect to use local men in each community to work on the pro jects. This will rotate the work among those registered and give a more equ itable distribution of jobs. ***** No accurate estimate of the number of turkeys sold in Alleghany last week is at hand, but judging from the buying and selling activities, several freight car loads must have left the county Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The attention of farmers is called to the news dispatched from Raleigh stating that farmers who butcher their hogs and market them locally are violating the regulations of the Agricultural act unless they pay the processing tax on the products. ***** The National Red Cross roll call ends Thanksgiving, but owing to the late start in the county the drive will continue here till Christmas or untill the quota is reached. People dn var ous communities are being appointed is community chairman to direct the Irive for membership. If you wish to join the Red Cross, jee your community workers or send he dollar direct to Miss Marie Wag mer, Sparta, and you will be enrolled n the Alleghany chapter. ***** A boy who has been confined to >ed for five years needs a rolling hair. The Red Cross would like to ieip this case. Join now and send rqur dollar on an errand of mercy. ***** Another case is a woman who needs go to the hospital. The expences 111 be one dollar and fifty cents a iy. Her people can pay one dollar a ay if we can raise the other fifty ents. Our local chapter of the Red Iross would like to help in this case. of all membership fees are re amed for local use. * * * * • 'the special open season on phea its and grouse closes today. A nber of local hunters have reported bags of these fine birds. If all iters will strictly observe the open id closed seasons on game birds and "finals, wild game will become mpre antiful. ■ ***** ■ Since the summer The Times has the riames of a small number Cribers who wanted the paper omised to pay in the fall. A of these subscribers have giv itason to be especially thankful by paying these accounts. s a faw others who can make stmas brighter by paying December. * * «r * * i Times is getting quite a collec homets’ nests. Mr. Odell An brought in one Wednesday as large, if not larger, than sent in by Mr. Edwards some go. Seems to be quite a lot of as to who has the biggest hor est in the county. Bring them be sure the hornets are all out i you get here. a; x W ¥ kiddies are beginning to look J with great expectation to the . of a certain genial old charac &ta Claus. One of our exchange idy carried a number of let ected to the old gentleman, boys and girls, we’ll put ’•fetters to old Santa in a special an and ask him to give them 1.1 -attention before Christmas. would you like to live in Fro W. Va., or Comfort, N. C. or SVVVU, N. Y., or Devile Slide, Utah, gCoo’. Cal., or Birdsnest, Va., or ler,t. Md. of Allnut, Va. ? Santa Sse will visit all these places by -iin the next thirty days. ***** )urir,. the past month we have tempted several times to add airing equipment to our shop ‘■vitT weather began in earnest p aple have visited us for shot ja«.iur than have customers foi Probably they think the In _i a glorified shoe stichinp UECLA1MEKS CONTEST TC BE HELD AT MARS HIU Mars Hill, November 23 (Special) Invitations to the eighth annua Western North Carolina Declaimers and Readers’ contest to be held al Mars Hill college December 8-9 havt been set to approximately 100 higk schools R. M. Lee, chairman in charge of the event, announced yesterday. The event, which has been held foi the past seven years under the aus pices of Mars Hill college, is open tc the high schools of twenty counties Pi Western North Carolina. Each school is entitled to enter one declaimer and one reader, who, with a teacher or chaperon, are guests of the college while on the campus. To the school winning each contese a silver loving cup is presented with the name of the representative en graved thereon. The cup is held one year or until won by some other school. If any school wins the cup two years in succession it becomes the pro perty of the school permanetly. Miss Norie Lowe last year won the readers cup permanently for Waynesvill high school, Miss Evelyn Morgan of Fayne sville having won it the year before. The declaimers’ cup was won last year by Graham Ponder of Flat Creek high school. Last year 32 high schools partici pated in the contest at Mars Hill, some of them havin won in local pre liminary contests. The following rules governing the contests have been announced: 1. No contestant may be under thirteen nor over twenty one years of age. 2. Each speaker shall have at his or her dis posal not more than ten minutes. 3. Preliminaries for the contest will be held Friday, December 8, between 2 P. M. and 5 P. M. when the five best declaimers and the five best readers will be selected for the final contest. 4. The final contest will be held in the college auditorium Saturday morn ing at 9:30, December 9. 5. Each high school is entitled to send one boy and one girl to compete in the prelimin aries. 6. The name of each contestant, the subject of the declamation or of the reading, and a certificate from the principal of the school stating the agep and that the contestants are bona fide students shall be filed with the commitee by noon of December 6. 7. Free entertainment will be pro vided for the two contestants repre senting each school and for one tea cher or chaperon. 8. All cantestants will be expected to reach Mars Hill by 12 o’clock December 8. 9. No student who has won in. the final contest in any previous year shall be eligible to participate m this contest. HIGHWAYMEN ROB VA. MAN NEAR ROARING GAP About 11 o’clock Tuesday night a man from near Saltville, Va., driviny a Ford touring car, was held up by four men on Roaring Gap mountain near the spring and robbed of $50 and his car. On his way toward Sparta the man passed a. Ford roadster, which in turn passed him, stopped and two men got out and stopped the Saltville man with guns. Two of the men drove the touring car back to Elkin and the other two drove the roadster away to ward Sparta. A passer-by picked the Saltville man up and brought himto the Cherry tree at the Wolf Branch road near Sparta. Walking on to Sparta, the man notified the sheriff of the rob bery and then obtained a ride to the Mouth of Wilson. He stated that one of the robbers wore the uniform of a highway patrolman. The Times was not able to get the name of the man robbed, from local citizens. CAROLINA-Va. CLASSIC AT CHAPEL HILL TODAY ChapelHill, N. C. Nov.29.,-Carolina and Virginia football teams will clash in Kenan Stadium here at 2 o’clock Thanksgiving Day in the 38th renewal of the South’s oldest con tinuous and most colorful Turkey Day classic. The two teams stack up on vir tually even terms on paper, and all indications point to a close, hard fought, and interesting contest which will rival the best of the many bril liant games played by these two ri vals in the past. The sale of reserved tickets has been the heaviest of any game this season, and athletic authorities are making extensive preparations to ac commodate a crowd of 20,000 or more. Reserved seats are $2.50 and gen eral admission $1.10, including state and federal taxes. Although the last I three games with Virginia have drawn crowds varing between 20.00C and 28,000, Kenan Stadium has a ca pacity of 24,000, and there will be good seats for all. While the rest of you are looking ai football games and eating turkey we 11 be trying to get this set into typi ! and printed. Part of our force left un ■ expectedly Monday, but to make i all come out right Uncle Sam give • his mail carriers a day off Thanks giving, and so we get a day extra b get into the mail with the paper. PLANS COMPLETE FOR LICENSE SALE Plans for distribution of 1934 auto mobile license tags to appriximately 450,000 North Carolinians were com pleted yesterday by the Motor Ve hicle Bureau of the State, Sales of the tags starts December 1. Notification has been mailed to I some 450,000 automobile owners by j the bureau, at a cost of one cent per letter. In previous years, the state has paid one and one-half cents per letter but this year the letters were sorted and dispatched by bureau employees, resulting in a gross saving of appro j ximately $2,500 to the state for mail ! ing charges alone. The plates ■ are manufactured at I State’s Prison and are ready for sale. Prices of the tags are based on the weight of the automobile and are sold at 55 cents per 100 pounds weight of the car. OFFICIAL APPEALS TO RURAL LETTER CARRIERS To the Rural Letter Carriers of Alleghany County: This is the season of the annual drive of the Red Cross for funds to support the work for the coming year. Nothing can be plainer than the fact that it is the duty of those among us who are employed, those of us who still have incomes, to share what we have with our fellow countrymen who from no fault of their own are jobless and destitute. We must see to it that until they are in position to earn for themselves,they are provided with the necessary food, clothing, and shelter for themselves and their families. In years past postal workers have contributed liberally to aid the unfor tunate. I take this means of asking for your continued, whole-hearted sifp port of the Red Cross roll call. Let us join 100 per cent. Thanks in advance for your liber al support W. Carl Irwin President Alleghany County Rural Letter Carriers Association. _______' Eight Per Cent Of State Population On Emergency i Releif During October Raleigh Nov. 25-According to statis tics released today by the office of Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, State Emer gency Releif Administration, 8.1 per cent of North Carolina's population was on the emergency releif rolls ol the various counties in the State dur ing the month of October. This is a slight increase over corresponding fig ures for September. When considered from a State-wide viewpoint, this increase would appear insignificant. However, when taken county by county, the conditions of unemployment and destitution among our people takes on a more serious aspect. We find that Stanley, the county which has almost always stood at the head list of counties, still holds first rank with only 1.5 per cent of its citiens being supported by public releif funds, and Tyrell again ranks lowest with 53.2 per cent, or more than half its people unable to I provide the bare necessities of life for themselves. Many counties have made notice able changes in their position of rank when considered on the percentage basis, some showing considerable im provement and others, losing much of the ground gained during the summer months. Currituck, which held first place in September, dropped to fifty-fifty place in October. Caswell, twenty i second from the bottom of the list in September, slipped down to sixth pos ition from the bottom in October. Jones County climbs from ninety first position in September to sixty second place in October, while Ire ddell was slipping from the forty fourth to the eighty-seventh place. Pender climbs twenty-three rungs up the ladder while Hertford and Bruns wick are climbing down through thirty-six andforty-four spaces respe ctively, the latter landing on the nine teenth rung. The percentage of population in Alleghany given aid from public funds during September was 10.9 and 11.2 during October. Three Work Projects Get Under Way Monday Work was started Monday morning on the road from Glade Valley to the I Surry County line. A number of ,! teams, trucks, and men began the work of improving and surfacing this Important county thoroughfare. A similar project was started on the . road from Piney Creek to Walter Hal , sey’s. On Tuesday morning a third crew of workers started on the road t from Ed. Hawthorne's down the New , River valley to the Virginia line. It is . expected that other projects will get } under way at an early date. “HERE AND THERE” General Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff of U. S. Army, wants 200 million dollars to spend for aircraft, mondernization and motorization of the field artillery, mechanization, anti-aircraft equipment, and general motorization of the army. ***** The body of Brooke L. Hart, kid napped and slain 22-year-old son of A. J. Hart, wealthy San Jose department store onwer, was found in San Fran cisco bay, near Haywood, Sunday. The youth was slain by kidnappers, who then demanded $40,000 ransom. Thebody was found by two duck hun ters. ♦ * * * * While she was busy preparing her Sunday dinner in her bungalow home in Charlotte, Annie Bradshaw Priv ette was stabbed to feath by her husband, Edward F. Privette, 42. Privette then killed himself with a •lO}sid * * * * * A fishing trawler from Gloucester, Mass, ran aground during a fog a mile south of Bodie Island Coast Guard station near Manteo, N. C. Sunday, and Capt. Philip Feletto and his crew of eight were taken off Coast Guardsmen. * * * * * Senator Borah, well-known Idaho Repbulican, jumped into the free-for all battle over President Roosevelt’s monetary policy Saturday, with a di rect challenge to critics of the price raising plan to offer something in its place other than “the policy under which we arrived at our prestnt dis astrous condition.” ***** Saturday night President Roosevelt ordered William C. Bullitt, newly ap pointed ambassador to Soviet Russia, to proceed to Moscow on Nov. 29, to present his credentials, and then re turn to report on the problem of or ganising a permanent embassy, con sulate and staffs. Mr. Bullitt will em bark on the steamship President Hard ing on Nov. 29 and will proceed direct to Moscow. ***** Mrs Thomas O’Berry, N. C. director of the Civil Works Administration, expects to have 34,000 men at work on minor public projects by the last of this week. This number will be doubled by Dec. 15. * * * * * The Duke University football team continued its march toward the Rose Bowl in California by defeating State College 7-0 in a game at the Duke stadium Saturday. * * * * * The North Carolina Folklore Socie ty will meet in Raleigh on Dec. 8. For 20 years this society has been collect ing folk songs, ballads, and folk tales in the State, and as result of its work many folk songs and folk tales, which otherwise might have soon been for gotten, will be preserved for posterity. In many of the mountain coves of North Carolina one can still hear the ballads sung by natives. ***** A controversy is raging in Raleigh among the higher-ups as to whether a bean shooter is a bean shooter or a sling shot. Well, that will probably mean as much to some of us as a lot of other problems argued about down there. THE WAY OUT The NRA should suceed. The only thing in the way is the maladjust ment of wealth, with 10 men owing $90 out of every hundred and 90 men owing $10 out of every hundred. If the favored 10 men will try as hard to get on the road to prosperity as the 90 men are trying, we will succeed. D. P. Taylor GET DISTILLERY, ALSO SOME UNUSUAL “FIXINS” Oxford, Nov. 26.—Two deputies rubbed their fat stomachs today and said they hope it happens again. The officers, W. B. Ellington and C. L. Hutson, members of the sheriff’s force, went into the northern part of the county Friday afternoon on a raid As they approached the site of a steam-operated distlliery.six men ran away, leaving behind a box of fried chicken and accessories. The officers forthwith sat down before the roaring furnace, appeased their appetite and then set about the task of destroying the liquor plant. In the seizure were an upright boil er of 10 horsepower, a 300-gallon dis- i tillery, an automobile loaded with 84 gallons of liquor and several dozen fruit jars, and 6,000 gallons of beer. It was necessary to send to town for a truck to bring in the seizure. Investigation at the State Motor Vehicle Bureau shows the car was re gistered in the name of Edgar A. She pard, of Morrisville, Route 2. Buy—rent—or sell—anything that you don’t need—with a Times Want Ad. 1 cent a word per insertion THANKSGIVING BIRDS ARE SPILLED IN WRECK Elkin Nov. 28.-Turkeys took a sud den drop here when a truck of J. T. Miles, of Cherrylane,Alleghany coun ty, merchant, postmaster and exten sive produce deoler, loaded with 2,000 pounds of Turkeys and headed to ward this city turned over on High way 26 on the mountain and spilled the prospective Thanksgiving birds in every direction. Turkeys escaping from many coops scattered their plumage on all sides as they made a strong bid for longer life. The truck was extensively damaged the driver escaping injury of any con sequence. The major portion of the load was placed in another truck and conveyed to a Southern shipping point. AND SO IT’S A SLING SHOT Late news dispatches say that at last the sling shot-bean shooter ar gument has been settled by no less an authority than General MacAr thur, Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army Still we are not convinced. .. Years ago we used to have fair pro ficiency in the use of both instru ments or weapons. Then the forked stick with rubber bands attached was called a “Juvember”. Following the war and the national desire to be ul tra-modern the lowly juvember be came termed a “bean-shooter”. We don’t recall ever having seen any beans used as ammunition in these weapons, but the name probaly came from the custom of the possessors taking cracks at the “beans” of any living thing that came within shoot ing distance. The old sling shot was an entirely different affair, similar to the pictur ed one David used incracking Goliath “bean” and, by the way, we wonder how many of you ever used a sling shot made out of a corn stalk. MAN TRIES TO TRADE BOGUS COINS HERE A re headed man accompained by two girls driving a new Chevrolet Coupe stop:ped at Twin Oaks Cafe Tuesday about four o’clock, and paid for some small purchases with seven ty five cents in silver, fifty cents of which was later discovered to be "Counterfeit”. Appears to be molded from babbit, lead or some soft metal. Dated 1893, and is exact duplication of the U. S. Half-dollar, except it has a dull lead color, the lower half on each side is plainly readable while the upper halves are hardly readable. A coin of the same description was presented at B. and T. Drug Store a bout two o’clock the same day, but was detected by the sharp eye of the clerk Willie Halsey. When refused to accept the counterfeit coin, the young man paid for his purchase with a nickle, and left the store without mak ing any remark. FANS TO FOLLOW DUKE TEAM TO ATLANTA FOR LAST SCHEDULED GAME Durham, N. C., Nov.-.Football fans from allsections of this state will fol- : low the undefeated, untied Blue Dev- 1 ils of Duke to Atlanta, Ga., where on 1 Saturday they will attempt to make sure their claim for a share in Nation al grid honors in their final game of the schedule with Georgia Tech. 1 Tech will no doubt the toughest foe J the Blue Devils have faced this season ‘ but the game should bring from the J Wademen the best they have offered this year as they come up to their final test with a chance to finish the season with an unmarred record. The Blue Devils were not up ti 1 standard against N. C. State, being 1 sadly lacking in blocking but this * week they are going back to that de partment in order to get brushed up for the game with the Yellow Jackets. Duke must have hocking if their their ground attack is to function. The game will bring together two pals form childhood days in the role of opponents. Freddie Crawford of Duke and Jack Phillips of Tech, both hailing from the little town of Way nesville, played together throughout 1 high and prep school, and for the i first time Saturday they will be foes, i respective teams. i They are the two big stars of their Tech has been the “hard luck” team of the south this season. Statis tically they have outplayed every team they have met this season but due to many breaks of the game have suffered defeat several times. In this, their final game of the season, they should be at top strength. The Blue Devils will invade Atlanta wearing the crown of both the South ern conference and the North Caro lina Big Five. They clinched those honors with the victory over State, with a record of four wins and no los ses in each championship campaign. MEET To STUDY PROGRAM OF INSTITUTE OF GOV. Chapel Hill, Nov. 29,—All city, co unty state and federal officers and employees, all groups of private citi zens, and all high school and college students are asked to assemble at designated meeting places in their respective communities on Tuesday, December 12, from 1:30 to 2:30 o’ clock, when complete details of the program being launched by the Insti tute of Government mill be present ed for consideration, according to a statement issued here by a group of representatives of the public officers of North Carolina. The statement, which said the meetings would "consider a govern mental program of far reaching im portance to the people of North Car olina”, was signed by'45 officers of 22 groups of public officials. Public officials were a3ked to as semble informally in the city halls and county courthouses of their re spestive governmental units. Private citizens were asked to assemble in their respective meeting places, dnd high school and college students were requested to meet in their re spective assembly halls. ^ Addressed to “the public officers and private citizens 6f North Car olina” through the press, the state ment pointed out that the results of the united efforts of the groups that* have called these meetings “have thus far brought a guarantee of $50, 000 to the officers, citizens, and stu dents of North Carolina to cany on for a period of three years the gov ernmental program they have inaug urated through The Institute of This guarantee, it was ' explained, is made on the condition (1) “that the official leaders of all groups of officers and citizens show their faith in their own program by agreeing to contribute Annually to its support any amount of their own choosing from $1 a year up and (2) that they join together in asking' the rank gnd file of officers and citizens to dt the same thing, (3) if contributions of officers and citizens are sufficietn to support this program, then at the end of three years' the $50,000 guar antee instead of going back into the pockets of the guarantors, becomes a $50,000 gift toward a permanent endowment to the enabled officers, citizens, and students of North Car olina to perpetutate the work of the Institute of Government. “We have complied with the first condition of the guarantee" by agree ing to contribute annually to the sup port of this great governmental' pro gram,” the statement said. “We are now complying with' the second condi tion of the guarantee by inviting the officers and citizens of North Car olina to join with us in this under taking.” FARMERS MUST PAY PROCESSING TAX ON Farmers Take Note . Comissioner... of Internal... Revenue 3uy T. Helvering- stated today that t has been brought to the attention >f the Bureau of Internal Revenue ;hat in many instances farmers anc )thers are slaughtering hogs and sell ng the products to consumers with >ut payment of the processing' tax rhis is a violation of the Agriculture. Adjustment Act and regulations .pro nulgated thereunder,' which provide ■hat any person who slaughters hog or market must file appropriate re urns and pay the processing ta: hereon The tax applies even in the case oi he producer who slaughters his-own logs and sells or otherwise disposer >f all or any part of the products, leavy penalties are provided for viol ition of the law or evasion of the ta: md any person who slaughters "hogs ind sells all ’or any part thereof hould confer with the collector of nternal revenue for his district who vill assist him in preparing and filing he required returns. i METHODIST CHURCH NEWS C. W. Russell, Pastor The Paster is happy to be back on he Sparta Charge again. Let us nake this the best year in many, in serving the Lord. Each of 'us has a jreat responsibility as we try to' live ap to the vows taken in coming'into Jie Church. Let us, as a Charge ii. this part of God’s vineyard,' strive t/ be light bearers. Each one can make.' the year a pleasatn one for the pastoi by putting God first and being pre sent for all the services of the Church. There will be services at Sparta Church Sunday at 11 A. M. A make up service will be held at Walnut Branch Sunday afternoon at 2:30 P. M. The doors of the church will be opened at this service. I will give a make up service Sun day night at Potato Creek at 7 P. M ALREADY 20 THOUSAND :: AT WORK IN CWA New Program Provides Jobs For 650 Teachers Approximately 20,000 North Car olinians are now at work on Civil ' Works Administration projects, lira. Thomas O’Berry, State Administrator estimated Monday announcing the ap-. proval of.. 153 additional projects, over the weekend.The new projects will give employment to 4,978 men an were estimated, to cost $833,176.58 Of the total cost, $585,726.95 will go for salaries, which is in line with the CWA plan of sending the, major part of the .cost into labor and not materials. .The projects covered a wide field, ranging from .school bus painting to mosquito control work and construction of golf courses, swim ming pools and. tennis. courts. . . . Educational Program Under the emergency releif educa tion program mapped out yesterday by Dr. A. T. Allen,.State Superinten dent of Public Inctruction, and ^ Mrs. O’Berry, it is hoped to have between *. 650 and 700 unemployed teachers on the payroll by January 1., . . Dr. Allen said that there probably were not more than a thousand quail fipd teachers dependent upon teach-... ihg now unemployed in .the State. The State has been alloted $30,000 a month for -the program and the ,, money is available as soon as pjro-, jects can be started. .. .. .... ..... The releif teachers will receive 40. cents an hour for a 30-hour week, .Of $12.00 a week. The average pay for all teachers in the state scjhool. sys tem- is about $70 a month on the .; eight-month basis. ...... Six Projects. .. ... There are six projects in the. edu cation program, but North .Carolina, will not participate heavily in the individual vocation, rghabitation dir > vision, and not at all in the .rural .. education bracket. The rural educa*. ., ' Lion bracket is- open, only in cases where rural schools were closed for... lack of funds, and application for a' releif teacher was made last August, No - teachers- will be supplied rega-'- • iar schools for releiving overcrowd- - ing or to exploy teachers of special . subjects dropped because of budget » limitations. The government feels this would be encroaching the field . of local support:- ■ : Dr. Allen said -that probably. 150., teachers would be- employed for lit eracy classes. These classes would acr cept over 16 who desire to learn .to read and write. The last census-, showed 236,000 adult illiterates in the State. . ADout oO teachers are expected to oe placed in vooational rehabilitation Work for the unemployed only, apd «. plans*call for taking care iof about* 50" persons in vocational rehubilita~-r lion employment, but the main strea&y is to be laid upon the general adult-; education classes, which..are nnt tim-. iced to unemployed persons, and •. which cover virtually the whole flfrld-i cf education. More than 250 teaehatt* ;re expected to organize classes of :his nature, and already 46 have conv oluted a two-weeks 'preparatory, course in this work at N. C. G. W.> and are how organizing classes -’in: home-making for women. They went ;n the pay- roll -when they started training. ' • * . . . -2 Nursery Sshools. ' > 5.-, Another- important -project, -Dr. Al len said would- be nusery education’ schools. He expects 200 teachers-to be placed in this field. These classed will be limited to children ffom---2 -o ® years of age, whose parents are on relcif rolls or -in straitened clr camstances. Teachers of" these classes probably will require a month df specian training. Miss Hattie Parrot, oi the State Department was called to Washington last' night for a con ference in connection with the proj 5ct* o. .: ^ All thachers must be- approved"by the State Education Department, hut approval -of teachers holding State certificates will bi automatic. ; ....;! All the $S0,000 a month must . gp for salaries, none for materials- or supervisions. The staff of the State Department of Education and,lq.c*l superintendents will have charge, af supervision without additional .com pensation. • ' To Spend Million Weekly Mrs. O'Berry estim ated - Monday that the- GW A program,-; whenjt lS in tul1 swinf> represent a .pay roil m North Carolina qf .more than $1,000,000 weekly, This.' money will go to persons who have, had.no aonoy for sometime and who. ..rpust P- nd it at once, which- means that Xorth Carolina businesses, will, have chat amount of money poured, into them-weekly in-short order. - . ." The program will give employ ment to 68,000 persons, holf of whom will be taken form di^epjt.re lcil rolls and the other. ■ half of Whom will be supplied from ’.rolls ot unemployed^ persons .listed, with the Federal Reemployment - Service of this State. Raleigh News.and Qh^ecvsr