j1.. .—ir >imiiTnni B . . . "the realization of our pro gram cannot be attained in six | months. From week to week | there will be ups and downs but > | the net result is a consistent gain.”—President Roosevelt. S. •a ALLEGHANY TIM \ • . . “It is the people of the ! UnitedStates who have got to = put it across raid make it stick : and they are doing it.” | —General Johnson. DEVOTED TO THE CIVIC, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEGHANY AND BORDERING COUNTIES VOL. 9. ALLEGHANY COUNTY, SPARTA, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 No.30 NORTH CAROLINIANS TO RECEIVE MORE THAN MILLION DOLLARS A WEEK ON CWA PRO JECTS DURING THE WINi'ER (By John Sikes) Raleigh, N. C. Dec. 13.—The Civil Works Administration, which is near ing its goal of putting 73,000 unem ployed men and women in Noth Caro lina to work, is an important arc in the economical circle necessary for any degree of properoity. The fact jhat the CWA payroll in North Carolina will exceed $1,000,000 per week between December 15 and February 15 will have a reviving ef- j feet on all types of industry, retail stores, and agriculture. The story reads like the one about the House that Jack Built. Here it is: “This is the CWA thaj. makes the job, that pays the money, that buys , at the store, that restocks at the | factory, that employs more men, who ; buy at *.he store, that restock at the i factory, that employ more men . It is a beautiful method for turning over stocks in retail stores, for ab sorbing the surplus products of agri culture, for using up the out-put of countless factories, and for putting men back to work in the factories, stores and the farm. In the first place, the CWA is reaching out into the 100 counties in North Carolina and financing pro jects that are giving men and women jobs—-7S.000 men and women will be at work on j.hese projects in iNcrtn Carolina uy uecemuer lo, it is estimated by Mrs. 'iiiomas O Bei 1 y, Administrator of the Nortn Carolina Emergency Helen Aammistration. In most cases none or uiese men has had a job in montns and years. In deed, 50 per cent of the jobs are be ing given to men who have been re ceiving direct releif tor jlie past sev eral months—men who nad to de pend on the necessarily small pitt ances doled out in the form of cloth ing, food, prescriptions, and the lit tle cash to care for themselves, their wives, and their children. „ Now, along comes j.he CWA to provide jobs wholesome, necessary jobs on which. these men can do an honest day’s work and receive an honest day’s wage. No longer do they have to huddle in the ante rooms of the 100 releif offices of the State and hold out their hands for the doles and “doles” is a discourag ing word in a country that boasts of plenty, but that’s precisely what the direct releif funds were. Some folks might even call them “hand outs”. But the “New Deal”, as it works out through the CWA, is providing jobs for men who haven,t worked 4ua. months and years, providing a new bSUyMig power foi men and lanniies Whjo’ve had nothing to spend for three years, providing a new and large sales volume for stores whose cash registers have become pretty cob webby these past three years, pro viding a strong foundation upon which North Carolina industry can run once more. The CWA provides link in the economic cnam that was broken at the beging of the depres sino era iand wich has dragged dis hearteningly evfeV since. That link is Buying P&ver. Ahd that Buying Po wer is placed in the hands of these who must’spend now because they’ve had nothing to spend in the pas^ three years). Economists beleive that Mr. Rooseyelt could,.have found no card in the New Deal that is more potent trurfip than the CWA. The CWA payroll goes to men who have been unemployed, some of j.hem for months! some of them for years. These men'and their families have completely used up the necessities of 'life which they bought three and 'four years ago when they had jobs They must buy shoes, socks, shirts, underwear, overcoats, and suits 01 clothes. They must buy new furni ture. They must buy lumber and hardwear to repair homes that have become a bit shambly. They can be gin once again to consume footft^uffs they’Ve had to eschew from their diets. It’s even possible they,11 have money enough to trade in the ok car--sta j.istVCS show that a very large percentageof the automobiles now op erated are more than seven years nld Why ? Because their ownerr just haven’t had the money to trade Ihem in. v i FOUR FACE TRIAL IN PRICE KILLING Waynesville, Dec. 10.—Four moun tain men are to go on trial here to morrow charged with murdering Thomas Price, philanthropist and re tired New York railroad executive who was shot to death near his moun j.ain estate while horseback-riding iast September. The defendants are Dewey Potter, 34; his son, Wayne, 14; Dewey’s brother Clarence, 29, and their cousin, Eric Ledford, 22. Price, 62-year-old former secretary of the Union Pacific Railway, was slain as he rode near his estate on a Sunday afternoon with two employes. There were conflicting statements regarding the shooting. Aj a preliminary hearing a few days after the shooting, Doyle Alley, attorney for the quartet, said Dewey Potter shot Price in Self-defense after they had met on a trail on the Wayne3ville watershed near a mica mine for which Potter was care taker. Alley said Poster was alone. Charges Premeditation. State attorneys argued it was pre meditated murder and presented one witness, Geoige Buchanan, a con stable, who said Potter left home with the announced intension of killing Price. Price's companions on the ride, Charlie Buchanan and Virge Wil liams, who will be among the State's witnesses in the trial, said Potter stepped into the trail and shot Price and that a hail of shoj. followed in they saw no other men with Potter, which they were wounded. They said but Williams said he recognized ClarencePotter’s voice. W. E. Potter, Dewey’s 61-year-old father said his sen told him he shot in self-defense. “Dewey fired in self-refense,” he said. "He had to shoot when Mr. Price reached into his pccltej. and pulled out a revolver. He fired at Dewey at the same time that Dewey fired at him.” Price’s companions, however, de nied that Price had done any shoot ing. TRAIN IS WRECKED NEAR HOT SPRINGS -^SliCYlliC, JLfeC. 1 Were 1'6~ ceiveu acre tonight that the Caro lina Special, eiacK Soutnern railway naiH was wrecked three miles, be yond Hot Springs, N. C. about 9 o’ clock tonight with injury to an un determined number of persons. The telephone operator at Hot Springs reported that a call came in at 9:S0 o’clock for all doctors and She said that the nurces that could be located. .iiieonfi. : J reports were engme and all cars of the ttain, with the exception of Pullmans, were de railed. Southern railway officials here reported that the only information they had was that the tral 1 had been wrecked, All wires were torn down. An engine and wrecker were rushed to the scene from the Asht ville yards. Hot Springs is 41 mile^ northwest of Asheville. The 73,000 men in Nortjh Carolina who have hitherto been ori the releif rolls, or otherwise classified as un employed, but who will be! at work on CWA jobs by December 15, ac cording to the estimation! of Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, Administrator of the North Carohna Emergency Re leif, are the potent wielderljs of this new Buying Power. ! They will spend in excess of $1, 000,000 per week in North Carolina from December 15 until February 15 when, ij. is estimated, the present CWA appropriations will have been expanded. They will buy new shoes, shirts, suits, overcoats, and other arearing apparel. They’ll buy new automobiles. They’ll repair their houses. They’ll buy more tobacco and cotton products, more peanuts and peanut products. They’ll spend $1, 000,000 per week because they need and must have the dozens and doz ens of commodities they’ve had to do without these past three years. Those 68,000 men will start the cash registers in the dry goods stores, the grocery store, the drug store—in fact,all the scores—to clanging out a merry tune again. These 68,000 men will buy the present stocks of these stores, and these stores will have to send in new orders to the factories. The factories will have to employ the workers who have been idle be cause jhe factories have had no mar ket for their products. Giving these factory workers their jobs back will create more and more Buying Power and take up all, or most, of the re maining unemployment slack. And he farmer—the man whose industry iuat be the foundation for a sound n’onperity and woh must be given 'irst consideration in any plan de mised to restore prosperity-will pro fit because this new Buying Power will absorb many of his surplus pro ducts. - IffVII MOUNTAIN PARK COLLEGE CLOSED; INSUFFICIENT FUNDS Unable to raise funds to continue operations, the trustees of Mountain jPark Junior College announced last 'week the discontinuation of the col lege, and as a result all clases clos ed last Wednesday afternoon. As the resulj. of this action the eighth and tenth grades of Bryan school have been transferred to the Mountain Park plant by the county board of education, the 10th and 11th grades having been housed in the plant prior to the closing of fhe junior college. Quaters at Bryan school were said to be too crowded for transfer of the 10th and 11th grades to that plant, it was learned, thus throwing an additional burden upon the school board in the shape of an additional plant. The arrange ment is not permanent. Announcement of the closing of the junior college department was made to the faculty and students lasj. Wednesday afternoon by Presi dent L. S. Weaver. Faculty and students left for their respective homes immediately, it was said. It is said that financial difficul ties of the school since opening in the fall has prevented the payment of salaries to any of j.he teachers, al though some of the students had paid their tuition fees in advance. It is understood that President Weav er is making efforts to arrange for the junior college students to con tinue their courses in a junior col lege in Weaverville, near Asheville. One of the permamount questions concering the closing of the school is what is to become of the $100,000 endowment fund the college was left by the late R. L. Haymore ? Ac cording to the terms of the endow ment the money was j.o go to the college after it had operated for a period of 10 years along the lines and terms as set forth in the char ter of the school. It has been ap proximately nine years since Mr. Haymore’s death, the school said to be lacking about one year of com plying with j.he terms of the will. What will come of the endowment is not known. Elkin Tribune BOY DIES ON THANKS GIVING FROM LIQUOR Paul Orsbome, young man of ..he Trade community, died Thanksgiving night as the result of liquor poison ing, and Wade and Alonzo Vanover, of the same community are being held in Jefferson on a charge of giv ing the boy poison liquor. A mag istrate’s trial Tuesday afternoon bound j.he two men, cousins, over to court on such a charge. Young Orsborne attended church Wednesday night and was seen to leave the church soberly and quietly, according to report. Later he was seen drinking with some companions and Thursday morning, he was found unconscious in the road, alone. He was carried into a nearby house and Dr. Robinson called in. The boy died late in the afternoon. A comorer’s inquest was held Thursday night. Skyland Post COMMITTEE TO SUBMIT TO CONGRESS A PLAN FOR TAXING LIOUOR Washington. Dec. 8.—A loquor pro gram to increase federal revenue and expand two-day foreign^ trade, and foster a national beer and light wine appetite while discourageing j.he bootlegger, was proposed to Congress today by the President’s inter-depart mental committee. The report submitted to the Houst ways and means committee by Act ing Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr., of the Treasury, proposed t $2.60 a gallon tax on distilled spir its and estimated its program to be capable of raising $500,000,000 in revenue annually, including $156, 000,000 from beer. The beer tax would remain at $5 a barrel, the present evy for the 3.2 beverage. At the same lime, the committee suggested to the lawmakers that the} grant the President power to negoti ate with liquor countries for recip rocal j.rade agreements under which the United States would seek to ex pand the market for its surplus products in exshange for liquor ex port privileges. Piney Creek Faculty to Give Play i'uiey Creek faculty' presents “LIGHTHOUSE NAN” in the audi torium at 7:00 Thursday evening. December 21, 1933. The three act comody keeps you: interest with the bright dialogue anc juiek action, the situations are nat lral and work jhemselves to a happy mding in a logical, concise way. Come and enjoy yourself for the evening. Admissino: Children 15c., Adults 25c- , __UlJLiiW LARGE ATTENDANCE AT SCENIC HIGHWAY MEET ING in HIILSVILIE FRIDAY Gov. Dough&on Addresses Group And Urgos Cooperation The Court House at Hillsville could provide room for only about half those who gathered there Fri day, Dec. 8th to discuss ways and means of securing the location of the Skyline Drive thru this area. Hon. W. D. Tompkins called the meeting to order and spoke briefly on the highway work of the pas*, and the prospects for the magnificent Skylin Drive now planned by the Fed eral government. He then called up on W. E. Woodruff of MT. Airy who stated the object of the meeting to! be an urge to get busy and secure free righj.s-of-way over the proposed route. It was thought wise to bring pressure to bear upon the Federal Roads Commissioner as soon as pos sible, to secure location of the Drive along the BlueRidge and the early assurance of free rights-of-way would have considerable weight. Mr. Woodruff called upon repre sentatives of different towns, coun ties, and cities to stand, and good representation from every locality wasapparent. Hon. R. A. Doughton of Sparta wa3 introduced and spoke of the first Parks-to-Parks Highway road meeting and of the possibility of a contest bej.ween the advocates of the route agreed upon at that time, and the desired route along the crest cf the Blue Ridge. He spoke of its scenic wonders and of the cooperation a - mong the people of this section. He called attention to the marriage of Virginia and North Carolina on the opening of the Fancy Gap Highway, and added that no divorce had been applied for. The people were all one group fighting shoulder to shoulder for mutual benefit. Following Mr. Doughton, Senator Taylor G. Vaughan of Galax, Hon. W. L. Joyce, of Stuart, Hon. Kyle Weeks, of Floyd, Dr. H. T. Smith, of Independence, Dr. Moir Martin, of Mt. Airy, Hon. S. F. Landreth, of Galax, Hon. Glenn Edwards, of Hills ville, Dr. J. K. Caldwell and Mike Crabill of Galax all made short j.alks. All of the speakers were agreed that Nature had done her utmost in gathering together along the crest of the Blue Ridge an array of won ders whose scenic values were unsur passed. All felt, too, that the Scenic Drive should j.raverse this area. The only question involved was the pos sibility of presenting its claims strongly enough to secure approval of the Federal authorities. The Federal plan does not include payment for rights-of-way. These must be given free and the width of the grant mus^ be 200 feet. While the government has appropriated mil lions of dollars for construction of the highway, not only the route but actual construction depends upon this condition. On motion of j.he Chairman of the meeting at the expiration of the hour alloted to the purpose by Judge Sut herland, a committee was appointed to formulate plans for obtaining the rights-of-way, and for j.he transaction of any further business connected with securing the location of the Skyline Drive along the crest of the Blue Ridge. Those selected were: T. E. Bran nock, of Independence, W. D. Tom pkins, Hillsville, W. E. Woodruff, Mt. Airy, Taylor G. Vaughan, Galax, R A. Doughton, Sparta, Kyle M. Weeks, Floyd, Jno. R. Bernard, Meadows of Dan, D. C. Duncan, Alleghany Coun ty, J. M. Hooker, Patrick, Will Joyce, Sturat, J. H. Poff, Floyd county, James S. Smith, Carroll, H. T. Smith, Grayson, Archie Carter, Surry Coun ty, W. B. Austin, Jefferson, Ashe County, Roby Greear, Blowing Rock, Watagua county, St. Clair Brown, Sa lem, Roanoke county, Harry Lawson and Ben Moomaw, Roanoke City, Mike Crabill was secretary of com mittee as well as at the general meeting. Committee members retired to Grand Jury room where they first raised a small fund to pay cdsts of postage and publicity, and proceeded to plan campaign. It was deckled to get all possible publicity from the local papers in the area affected. The organization wa. named Blue Ridge Division of Sky ine Drive. The point was brought that the Drive is already surveyed as far a: die Peaks of Otter in Bedford County ind that the fight must be carried in to keep it on the Blue Ridge Compej.ition is expected from the ad vocates of the Walker Mountain Route, and it was decided that the first step should be to get petition blanks approved by the State and Federal Road Boards, and then pro ceed immediately to secure signa tures to free rights-of-way. Mr. Weeks agreed to get forms for the purpose, turn them over to the sec retary who will have them in the nands of the committee members at PUBLIC WARNED TO GET AUTO TAGS BEFORE JAN 1 Ij. looks like that state auto license plates officials mean what they say when it is stated that no extension of time will be ollowed for the purchase of said plates this year. The new tags, somewhat smaller l than the present 1933 j.ags, and col | ored black and gold in perhaps a little better grade of ink, went on sale throughout the state December 1st. And—according to the powers that be—jhey’re going off sale Dec ember 31 and woe, woe to the motor ist who doesn’t have one. To make this clear in no uncer tain way, a circular containing among other things a few gentle hints on how to drive, is contained with 1934 registration cards mail 1 ed to all owners of automobiles. It says in part: ! "Eevery motor vehicle user is en ; titled to know exactly what the ad ministrative policy will be, and ex actly what he is expected j.o do to observe the law. Consistent policy, that avoids discrimination and treats every motorist alike, requires a fixed time beyond which the use of old license plates on the high ways will not be permi|.ted. The law fixes this time as the first day of January. It has been agreed by all administrative agencies, there fore, that this provision of the law will be strictly enforced after sun rise on January 1st. All police of ficers of counties and cijies will be requested to join the enforcement officers of the state to see that this provision is strictly enforced on and after the date with no favoritism to any one.” Which must mean that maybe motorists had better get their tags by January first, come sunrise, or something. Elkin Tribune Program For Fifth Teachers Meeting January Fifth Fifth Ttacher’s meeting to be held at Courthouse Saturday, January 5, 1934,at 10:00 A. M. General Topic: School Health Administration and Measuring Health mprovement. I, Howcan a health program be ad ministered in Alleghany County?. Herbert Estep. What special training do teachers iced for carrying out a school health program ? . . . ..Mrs. D. C. Bledsoe 3. What opportunities do j.he schools now offer for children to practice lesirable health habits?..... j. G. Nichols. 4. How may health acheivements be neasured? .Garnett Edwards 5. Do our students come up to the tandards recommended? .... Mrs. Carrye Fender. 6. What are the next steps ^o im prove health training?.... J. Earle Wagoner. 7. Shall we hold a county commence ment? For:..G. M. Vanhoy. Against: .. .M. F. Parsons. 8. The School Master’s Club. . vVillie Reeves. 9. A library for a small school..... Mrs. Katie Lee Richardson. 10. Township consolidation foi chools ...Bryan Taylor 1. Supplementary Reading books for schools. .... Blanche Pugh. NOTES: 1. No paper to occupy more than ive minutes. 2. All teacher’s are earnestly request - d to attend this last teachers meet ng. 3. Please see that all reports are I made promptly and on time. 4. Teachers are requested to observe only Christmas week for the Annual Holidays. 5. All schools must maintain 160 teaching days unless closed earlier by order of the Board of Education. No holidays can be counted in meet ng this requirement. Jno. M. Cheek County Supj.. of Schools. the earliest possible date. In the meantime everyone should be active in influencing every land wner along the crest to make the /ork easy by offering this land. The building of this road will bring hun creds of thousands of dollars, and months of employment olong the way and when completed it will be a per nanent attraction jhat will call hun Ireds of thousands of tourists every year. Speaking for Patrick county A'bll Joyce guaranteed free rights-of way thru this county,and Mr. Dun can did practically the same for his county of Alleghany, N. C. The commitj.ee appeals to all the citizens to use their influence in helping this committee to secure the rights-of-way along the top-of-the mountain in their own localities. No time can be lost. Ij must be done at once. Misses Verna~ BillingsT and Mattie Hudson spent the weekend with Mrs. Jarrie Brooks. MENTS REACH 115 MILLION TOTAL Washington, Dec. 10.—actual cash payments of $115,032,938 have be 1 made to farmers during the first seven months’ operation of the Agri cultural Adjustment Act. This total, brought down to the closing of books today, was pay ment direct to wheat, cotton and to bacco farmers in return for con tracts to reduce acreage planted to those crops during 1934. In addition indirect cash returns to farmers have, resulted from the drawing up and placing in effect of 24 marketing agreements, 13 of wich concerned milk in that many cities of the country. Secretary Wallace estimated this week thaj. the milk agreements have brought an aver age increase of 40 cents per hundred j pounds in the price paid to farmers for ray milk. No figures are available on the amount of loans made to cotton and corn-hog farmers on the crops which i they have sealed in warehouses as secrity for loans. Under the Agricul tural Adjustment Act the secretary' Was authorized to make hundreds of millions available in this way. However, the government has been called on to advance only about one third of the total funds paid out in these loans. Private agencies and local banks, when they found that the governmenj. considered the crops sealed in warehouses as good secur ity, stepped in and began lending freely on such collateral. The same situation is prevailing now in the granting of corn loans. Funds are available to lend to all midwestern farmers who agree tc seal their cribs or store their corn in government warehouses but banks are loosening the credit strings to hte corn farmer who has a surplus. ANOTHER WORRY Auotner wrinkle is creasing its vay across me already funotvei. ;row, collectively speaking;, of offi cials in tne State Jtiigiiway auu Pun ic Works prison department. Added to their other cares, which included keeping; tab on some 7,500 prisoners, is one Mamie Popo, black, 26 and re puted to be a first class domestic servant. Mamie stuck a knife into hei ioy friend, and in Nash Super or Court Judge M. V. Barnhii sentenced her to the roads fc nine months. Now it so happen hat there are iiq acconioda ions for women in the State’: road camps. So there is Manii with a sentence and no plaee tc serve it. Prison camp officials thinl the solution, since she can’t b' put in the penitentiary, is tr parole her out in the custody o' somebody. Already Mrs. W. B. Batchelor of Nashville, where Mamie is in jail, has asked tr be custodian. Raleigh News and Observe Suarta Feels ’TV^v''h of Wb'*r' Old iVxU.ll Lu.1a10 ICHl'lii^ UOVvxl A-xulxi LxlU llOlLUWeot u^uxat iAignc aiiu gripped cut: mountuxiio i. his icy hand. JrTeceeded by a perux ux mild, pleasant weather, ^he xirs. touciiot real winter brougut ou. neavy clothing and caused many t> wonder if the winter’s fuel supply was ample. Strong winds blew tine ugh Sunday night. So far little dam age has been reported. The top p a huge oak crashed in the roof of D Doughton’s office here and did cor. iderable damage. Workmen vvei busy Monday and Tuesday repairing the damage. Tuesday j.he sky became overcas and many prophesied snow. Late i the afternoon a slow rain began t fall and freeze and continued inte: mittently till late in the night. Wee nesday continued overcast but th air was warmer and all the ice dir appeared. A. S. T. C. News Items Mr. Oder Joines, who is a senio' at Appalachain State Teachers Coi liege was recently elected presiden ! of Appalachain Literary Society | This is a very high honor withii the college, and he is to be congra I tulated upon his achievement. M: Joines is one of the best leaders tha Alleghany county has ever sent j this college. He is also Assistant | Secretary to the college Y. Mv C. A | Mr. Dalton Warren attended tlr meeting of the North Carolina Coin. I cil of the Emergency in Education in 1 Greensboro last week. He reported : splendid meeting with a number ol ine addresses. I FOUR MILLION DOLLARS ALLOTED FOR PARK HIGHWAY Washington, Dec. 7.—The first allotment—$4,000,000—toward build ing a National parkway drive bet* ween Shenandoah and Great Smoky national parks was made to-day by the Public Works Administration. The drive will be in the state of Virginia, North Carolina and Ten nessee over a route to be chosen by • he Public Roads Bureau. Assurance that the Public Works Administration would provide funds necessary for the project was given governors of the three states last month by Secertary Ickes arter the State executives told him ihey would provide the necessary rights-ofway, Announcement of the allotment was made as Public Roads Bureau engineers made a paper study of the mountainous region that lies between the two parks. They expect to choose |.he approxi mate routing on maps and then gend survey parties into the field to lay down the lines. U. S. To Locate The agreement with Governor Pollard of Virginia, Ehringhaug of North Carolina and McAlister of Tennessee was that the federal agency should be given the full power |.o locate the parkway over the route beleived by its engineers to be most advantageous from the view* point of the general public. The parkway will be between 350 and 450 moles long down the south* ern Appalachain mountain range, and will connect with the 100-mile long skyline drive in Shenandoah park. The right-of-way is to be 200 feet wide. An early estimate of the cost of the project prepared by Colonel Tames A. Anderson, Virginia public voiles engineer, and Henry G. Shir ey, Virginia highway commissioner, was $16,000,000. When the $4000,000 made avail able today is exhausted, it is expect 2d that an additional fund will be provided for carring ilong. ICKes said the government’s p s to acquire large areas along >arkway to provide persons of s ncomes with suitable vacation spo In this way, it is hoped to b:' great benefit to residents of easte metropolitan areas. The parkway will be administered by the interior department as a reg ular national park. Represen|ative Doughton one of he chief backers of the project, said he was “wonderfully pleased” with he announcement that the park-to iark highway would be built. The location of the highway, he 'aid, would be determined entirely y engineers of the states working .n conjunction with park service en gineers. the work “Everyone will get a chance ta'be heard,” Doughton said, "and I am of the opinion that we can present a 3trong case for a large part of the highway to run through North Caro lina. However, the location will be letermined by the engineers and I hink we all should agree j.o abide )y their decisions.” Doughton said he hoped the several jtate highway commissions would ‘realize, the importance” of the high way and make every effort to exped te its construction. High School Notes Sparta High School basket ball teams have recently added two more Victories to their laurels. Sparta girls won over Glade Valley girls with a score of 25 to 16. On Thurs lay afternoon the second teams won an easy victory over the teams of Delhart, Va. The score for the girls game was 26 to 6; for the boys game 26 to 6. Wednesday morning, December 6, epresentatives of Miss Lambert's ausoc class entertained with the fol owing compositions which were very well rendered. ‘Fairy Wedding March”—Josephine nskeap. “Moonlight on the Lagoon”—Mary Cecile Higgins. Coufette”—Susie Osborne. The eighth grade coached by Mrs. toe, gave a very colorful and enter taining program on Tuesday morn ig, December, 12. The class, Tepre Sinting a troupe of Minstrel folk, gave a good rendition of melodies and spicy jokes. The chief comedians were: Middle Man—Pearl Bedsoul JOKERS Vode Choate, Lewis Jarvis, Ray Uevms, and Julian Reeves. These song3 were used: Oh, Dem Golden Slippers!”—Class 'Polly-VVolly-Doodle” - Class Swing Low Sweet Chariot”—Class “Noah’s Ark” __-_-—-Class Examinations for the first terh will be given December 20, 21, and 22. School will be dismissed Friday, Dec ember 22, unjil Wednesday, January S for Christmas Holidays.

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