Dr. and Mr*. T. R. Burgiss and vnua Jean Rmvw spent Tuesday In Winston-Salem. Mr. Oscar Wagoner of Staunton, Va. is visiting homefolka. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Join**, of East Bend, were visitors! in town Satur day. " • • • • • Miss -Sally Bledsoe spent4 Thurs day in Jefferson where sb# gave per manents. • • * • • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spaug:h oi Winston-Salem spent the week-end in town. They were acoompained home by Mrs. Ellen Parks, who will be their guest for the winter. Miss Grace Crouse, a member of the Sparta high school faculty, is ill wi^h Scarlet Tever. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will meet with Mrs. Vance Choate, Saturday after noon, December, 18. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bumgarner, spent Tuesday in Elkin. « « * 4 • Mrs. R. M. Osborne and daughters spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hoppers. Mr. Charlie Reeves, son of Gaatqp Reeves, from Nebraska is visiting homefolks for a short time. Messrs Emery Jdthea,* Wayne Spi cer, and Alex RSevba left Tuesday for Morgan ion to attend a meeting of the C. W. A. e • • • ♦ Mrs. Jennie Warden was the guest /Of Mrs. Fred Richardson Monday night. * * # • • Misses Thelma Osborne and Eva Rector spent Monday in Galax, Va. | Mr. and Mrs. Troy Irwin visited Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Fender Sun day. Mrs. T. C. Hamilton was the week end guest of her mother Mrs. W. Ft. Blackburn of West Jefferson. Miss Betty Fowler, Messrs Claude Miles, Walter Irwin, Sidney Gambill, and Edwin Duncan made a business trip to Raleigh Monday. Messrs A. L. Rector and T. K. Ir win were business visitors in Wins ton-Salem last week. Mesdames R. S, Berry and T. K. Irwin spent Thursday in Galax shop ping. Mrs, C. A. Miles is very much tm proved, but is not able to be up yet. Mrs. Rush Thompson of Glade Val ley is somewhat improved after a serious illness. * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Spaugh and family and Mr. 4lasper Darris and Miss Cleo Hemotellar, of High Point spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Richardson’s near Laurel Springs. ***** Miss Sarah Martin, of Meredith College spent'the week-end with her parents Dr. and Mrs. Martin. ***** Miss Irene Reeves is expected home Tuesday from N. C. C. W. *.o ipend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. Leonard Roup, of Harrison ville was a visitor in town over the j .veek-end. Mrs. Jay Hardin, Mrs. R. H. Hac tler, Misses Mae Doughton and Ruby Perry, spent Thursday in Winston Jalem. BIRTHDAY PARTY •‘little Maybelllne Richardson en ertaineda number of her little fri nds at a party cn her fifth birth-! .iy. The little hostess assisted by her iother, Mrs. Fred Richardson, enter ahted the little friends with numer als games. Mhybelline received many beauti- j ful and useful gifts. , Those invited were: Jacqueline j .'ompkins, Harold Irwin, D. C. Jr. and i *ane Bledsoe, Rosamond Doughfon, 3uddy Andrews and Jean Senter j Stephens. Delicious ice cream, cake, candy, and pop com was served by the little hostess and her mother. Missionary Society Meets The regular monthly meeting of die Ladies Missionary Society was held with Mrs. T. J. Carson with a good attendance. Mrs. J. M. Cheek had charge of the program and one of the most inter esting programs of the year was : given.Mesdames C. W. Higgins and Sidney Gambill gave especially inter esting sketches of the lives of “Noble Joe” and Miss Bennett, who have done so much for churches and schools. The same s^aff of officers were elected for the coming year. Five new members were added to the roll. After the business a social hour was enjoyed during which the hostess j served delicious refreshments. The December meeting will be held I with Mrs. A. V. Choate on Saturday December, 16. See Castevens Motor Co., for radio batteries, tubes, and service.—adv. TURKEY KNOB NEWS Mrs. J. S. Landreth who has been very sick fcr the pasj week is slow ly improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves and Chas. Reeves of Nebraska are visit ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reeves en tertained several of their freinds at their home near here Saturday night every-one reported a good time. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Landreth Sunday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carpenter, Hel-bert Sanders, Winfred Osborne, John Reeves and Miss Edna Trent. Miss Eula Burchette, of Piney Creek is spending a few days wij.li Mrs. J. S. Landreth. Greek Hill of Piney Creek and Mrs. Ella Mae Taylor of Independence were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mr3. Wester Hoppers of this community have moved near Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Young and two children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Osborne. Mrs. David Osborne spent Satur day with Mrs. Glenn Delp. I ; Piney Creek Route 1 News (By Wilma Crouse) Mr. and Mrs. Preston Phipps and family of Independence, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Carlis Lee Mitch ell. Miss Charity Moxley visited Mrs. j Ella Ward last Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Wiley Combs of i Whitehead spent Sunday at Mrs. Dora Musgroves’. Mrs. J. C. Hill is quite sick at this writing. Rcberj. Crouse spent the week-end with Kyle Ward. Mrs. Loy Phipps of Independence, was a visitor here last Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mitchell spent' . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. A., Mitchell. !, Robert Crouse and Wint Ward 1 made a business trip to Jefferson and North Wilkesboro Monday. Mrs. S. M. Mitchell spentMonday at Mrs. Ella Ward’s. Little Barbarba Phipps is recover ing from a serious illness. ! - Mrs. L. P. Vanhoy is recovering from a recent illness. ■, A LETTER FROM LAKE LURE Messre Cleave Reeves, Shelley Mox- 1. ley and Oscar Andrews have been j transfered from Fort Bragg, N. C. to Lake Lure. Shelley Moxley has been promoted ] to cook. Oscar Andrews is working i in the infirmary and Cleave Reeves ; has had jhe distinguished honor con fered upon him as Captain of the 1 Bear hunters squad. !.: The work here is progressing nicely ] which consist of road grading at 1 present. The wooden barracks have i been completed for winter quarters, i | We have lot of good clothes and are getting plenty to eat. Yours very truly, Oscar B. Andrews METHODIST CHURCH NEWS (C. W. Russell, Pastor) The first Quartely Conference for the charge will be held at Sparta church next Sunday at il:00 A. IV . Our newly appointed Presiding Elder, for the district will be present for his firsj. time on the charge. We hope to have all churches represented for this conference. All visitors have a cor dial welcome to attend the service. The Ladies cf the Sparta church will be expected to bring a lunch. There will be no service at Walnut Branch Sunday afternoon a3 I will give an extra service fer Christmas. The following services will be held during the Christmas holidays. Walnut Branch, Dec. 22 at 2:30 P. ML (Friday). Shiloh Dec. 23 aj. 11:00 A. M. (Sat urday), Pmey Creek December 23 at 2:30' P. M. (Saturday), Cox’s Chapel Doc. 24 at 11:00 A. LI. (Sunday). Potato Creek Dec. 24 at 2:30 P. M. (Sunday) Please remember our gifts which we have promised to bring to these. Christmas services for The Children’s Home. SLOGAN “THREE WAS HO ROOM FCT JURIST IN THE INN; HAVE YOT‘ ROOM FOR HIM IN YOUR HEART?” BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Regular time and place of preach ing by Rev. C. H. McKnight, Pastor. Mount Carmel— — First Sunday at 11:00 A. M., Saturday before at 2:00 P. M. Chestnut Grove-- — First Sunday , at 2:30 P. M., Saturday before at 11:00 A. M. Belview— — Second Sunday aj. ! 11:00 A. M.r Saturday before at 7:Gu; P. M. Pine Fork— — Second Sunday at! 2:30 P. M., Saturday before at 2:00 P. M. { iberty - — Third Sunday at 11:00 A. M., Saturday before at 2:00 P. M. | 'U? 051 UP WORTH LEAGUE We. the members of the Shiloh Epworth League regret very much tacit Miss Moliy Hampton, one of our faithful members had j.o enter Long's Hospital at Statesville about two weeks ago, for a serious opperation. It lias been reported that she is im proving as we are glad to say. We trust that she will continue improv- j ing and be back with us soon for j there is a chair jliat can never be j filled with another member more faithful than she. By, The members of the Shiloh Epworth League DEATH Little Arlice Edwards Farmer, son of Arlice and Alva Farmer was bur ied November 24, at Bethany Meth odist Church in Grayson County. The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. W. Russell. Mrs. C. W. Edwards, Passes rihe remains of Mrs. C. W. Ed wards was laid to resj. last Friday at 11 o’clock at Zion. The services were conducted by Elder Williams, and Rev. C. B. Kilby. Mrs. Edwards ha3 been a faithful member of the Primitive Baptist Church at Zion for a number of years. yhe is survived by her husband.1 Mr. C. W. Edwards, and two chil- j then, Mr. Connie Edwards, of Sparta ! anti Mrs. Ruth Parks, of Elkin. j The pallbearers were: Gwyn Cox, Click Choate, Luther Edwards, Dr.! Leif Choate, Lath Choate and Wil- [ ham W. Catron. The flow gills were grand chil dren of Mrs. Edwards. DELP—OSBORNE Mr. Lloyd Delp and Miss Pauline Oso..*ne, of Mouth of Wilson, Va., j ./ere named December 9 at Sparta y it. G. Warden, J. P. 1 A Possibility A tabloid newspaper offering $1 ! c.wh lor • embarrassing moment” let-1 terj received the following epistle: ”1 work on an early night shift in a steel plant. I got home an hour eaiiy last night and there I found an other man with my wife. I v/as very j much embarrassed. Please send me 32 as my wife was also embarrassed.” The editor, so we are told, sent a check for $3, admitting the possibility that the stranger, too, might have been embarrassed.—Bindery Talk. “Keep Us Alive—” In these days of national and world readjustment every reserve of hope, faith and courage are required | to enable each of us to swim against the sti-ong tides of life’s demands. We j cannot afford to cringe or retreat as j we, individually and collectively, i wage war on human selfishness and ' greed—the two. evil influences that j have brought this great nation of • curs to its prayerful knees. With, now determination, let us join the old j Scotch clergyman who, in a day of, great need, asked: “Please, Lord, j keep me alive as long as I live.” j Birmingham (Mich.) Eccentric. [ See Castevens Motor Co., for radio J batteries, tubes, and service.—adv. j Not so long ago practically all cigarettes were made by hand Now, Chesterfields are made by high-speed machines that tarn out 750 cigarettes a minute, and the cigarettes are practically not touched by hand. BY the use of long steel ovens —drying machines of the most modern type—and by age ing the leaf tobacco for 30 months—like wine is aged— Chesterfield tobacco is milder and tastes better. Only pure cigarette paper— * the best made—is used fbr ‘ Chesterfield. And to make sure that every thing that goes into Chesterfield is just right, expert chemists test all materials that are used in any way in the manufacture. Chesterfields are made and packed in clean, up-to-date fac tories, where the air is changed every Wz minutes. The mois ture-proof package, wrapped in Du Pont’s No. 300 Cellophane -rthe best made—reaches you just as if you went by the fac tory door. In a letter to us, an emi nent scientist says: "Chesterfield Cigarettes are just as pure as the water you drink. ” © IMS, UMmfttfmiHMBAPfc Notice—We find that we will be un able to continue to carry notes and accounts, and must have paym mt on or before Dec. 15. After this date don’t be sore with us if you find your accountor note put out for collection It. 12-14 Sanders & Company. Notice—The Edwards Transportation will, leave West Jefferson Dec. 22 at 7 u.m. Sparta 8 :t 0 a.ra. for Dei Air. Md. For reservations write W. B J Edvvafds, Darlington,- Maryland. jFor Sale—Two—2 and 3-;;oar-c!c? ! ■ colts. Well -matched marc and horse 1 See John Choate, Sparta, N. C. INoLcc—I will make round trips to I Winston-Salem every Thursday. Leave your order for hauling at Al leghany Motor' Sales. Wayne Hepers. NOTICE 33.00 Reward for information lend j *ng-to arrest and conviction o* party • or parties who. caieretb nay house Nov. i tlc.ii orl2th or any ot.V t no and robbed me cl coats, b :: eh.-.,, shoes j blankets, pillows, etc. and a ten*.. Chauncy Kills j it—d 2-28 i ‘ ' MASONIC "NOTICE Regular meeting of Sparta Lodge No. 423 A. F. and A. M. Saturday December 16th at 2:00. The annual election of Officers will be held or. | this date. All Masons are requested to attend. R. C. Gentry, YV. M. "NOTICE ~ Bring your shoe repairing to the Sparta Shoe Shop. Good work at reasonable prices. All work guar anteed. FOR’SALE" ~ A few choice young turkey hens and gobblers, for sale. Prices right. R. E. Hawthorne INDEPENDENCE, THEATRE Fri. & Sat.—Dec. ISMS WILL . ROGERS in “DOCTOR BULL” With Marian Nixon COMEDY SPARTA DRY CLEANING CO Expert Cleaning and Pressing Work Done On Weds. Fridays & Saturdays Satisfactory' Work Guaranteed We Solicit Your Business Sparta, N. C. See Castevens Motor Co., for radio batteries, tubes, and service.--adv. BATTERIES i| 12 MONTHS WRITTEN GUA RANTEE $4.50 to 5.90 Alleghany Motor Sales, Sparta, N. C. Rifins - Sturdivant funeral Home Ambulance Se-vlce Day or Ni* bt. —Licensed ^'mbalmors— SPARTA, N. C. 22-- TELETHON E-ti GOOD FOOD PROMPT SERVICE 5-10-25 Cent Lunch TAP BEER, BIG GLASS.So, ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES DINNERS—SHORT ORDERS 114 Main St. GALAX, VA. ** SPECIAL ** OYSTERS Every Friday & Saturday Cash and Carry Sparta, <j North Carolina DR. M. A. ROYALL, Elkin, N. C. * s - 4 SPECIALIST in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nom and Throat GLASSES FITTED OLD STAMPS WANTED Old Confederate and U. S. Stamps and Envelopes from 1844 lo 1870 Wanted. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Send What You Hava 'or My Best Offer. Paul Ashburn 224 South Main St. Winston Salem North Carolina ! • • j ' THE HOME OF PRACTICAL GIFTS AND QUALITY merchandise AT REASONABLE PRICES GALAX, VIRGINIA

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